--- File: DEP-11 Version: '1.0' Origin: ubuntu-xenial-updates-universe MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/xenial-updates Priority: 10 Time: 20250321T171150 --- Type: desktop-application ID: gambas3.desktop Package: gambas3-ide Name: C: Gambas3 Summary: C: IDE for the Gambas development environment Description: C: >-
Gambas is a free development environment and a full powerful development platform based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, as easy as Visual Basic. This application provides a graphical IDE, with a database manager, an image editor, and a report designer, to assist in the creation of programs with Gambas.
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Development Keywords: C: - Gambas3 Url: homepage: http://gambas.sourceforge.net/ Icon: cached: - name: gambas3-ide_gambas3.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gambas3-ide_gambas3.png width: 48 height: 48 Launchable: desktop-id: - gambas3.desktop Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: g/ga/gambas3.desktop/51EFFEB48C64707461FB8A9674FB7412/screenshots/image-1_1248x679.png width: 1248 height: 679 - url: g/ga/gambas3.desktop/51EFFEB48C64707461FB8A9674FB7412/screenshots/image-1_752x409.png width: 752 height: 409 - url: g/ga/gambas3.desktop/51EFFEB48C64707461FB8A9674FB7412/screenshots/image-1_624x339.png width: 624 height: 339 - url: g/ga/gambas3.desktop/51EFFEB48C64707461FB8A9674FB7412/screenshots/image-1_224x122.png width: 224 height: 122 source-image: url: g/ga/gambas3.desktop/51EFFEB48C64707461FB8A9674FB7412/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1920 height: 1046 --- Type: addon ID: evolution-ews Package: evolution-ews Extends: - evolution.desktop Name: or: ଏକ୍ସଚେଞ୍ଜ ୱେବ ସର୍ଭିସଗୁଡ଼ିକ ja: Exchange Web Services zh_CN: Exchange 网络服务 sk: Služby Exchange cez web hi: वेब सेवा विनिमय करें sl: Spletna storitev Exchange C: Exchange Web Services fr: Exchange Web Services sr: Веб услуге размене bn_IN: Exchange ওয়েব পরিষেবাদি hu: Exchange webszolgáltatások lt: Exchange Web Services ta: Exchange வலை சேவைகள் lv: Exchange Web Services as: ৱেব সেৱাসমূহ অদল বদল কৰক el: Υπηρεσίες ιστού Exchange te: వినిమయ వెబ్ సేవలు cs: Webové služby Exchange id: Layanan Web Exchange gl: Servizos web Exchange pt: Serviços web do Exchange es: Servicios web Exchange eu: Exchange web-zerbitzuak pl: Exchange Web Services tr: Exchange Web Servisleri gu: ઍક્સચેન્જ વેબ સેવાઓ kn: ಎಕ್ಸ್ಚೇಂಜ್ ವೆಬ್ ಸರ್ವಿಸಸ್ da: Exchange Web-tjenester de: Exchange-Webdienste pt_BR: Web services do Exchange en_GB: Exchange Web Services mr: एक्सचेंज वेब सर्व्हिसेस् sr@latin: Veb usluge razmene bs: Exchange Web usluge Summary: or: ୱେବ ସର୍ଭିସଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରି ଏକ୍ସଚେଞ୍ଜ ସର୍ଭରଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଅଭିଗମ୍ୟ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ja: Web サービスを使用して Exchange サーバーにアクセスする hi: वेब सेवा के उपयोग से विनिमय सर्वर की पहुँच के लिए sl: Za dostop do strežnikov Exchange preko spletnih storitev C: For accessing Exchange servers using Web Services fr: Pour accéder aux serveurs Exchange en utilisant Web Services sr: За приступање серверима размене употребоом веб услуга bn_IN: ওয়েব পরিষেবাদির সাহায্যে Exchange সার্ভার অ্যাক্সেস করার ক্ষেত্রে hu: Exchange kiszolgálók eléréséhez webszolgáltatások használatával lt: Exchange serverių pasiekimui naudojant internetines tarnybas ta: வலை சேவைகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி Exchange சேவையகங்களை அணுகுவதற்கு lv: Lai piekļūtu Exchange serveriem, izmantojot Web Services as: ৱেব সেৱাসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি অদল বদল চাৰ্ভাৰসমূহ অভিগম কৰিবলে el: Για πρόσβαση διακομιστών Exchange χρησιμοποιώντας υπηρεσίες ιστού te: ఇచ్చిపుచ్చుకొనే సేవికలను వెబ్ సేవలను వుపయోగించి వాడుకొనుటకు cs: Pro přístup k serverům Exchange pomocí webových služeb id: Untuk mengakses server Exchange memakai Layanan Web gl: Para acceder a servidor Exchange usando servizos web pt: Para aceder a servidores Exchange usando serviços web es: Para acceder a servidores Exchange usando servicios web eu: Exchange zerbitzarietara atzitzea, web-zerbitzuak erabiliz pl: Dostęp do serwerów Exchange używając Web Services tr: Web Servisleri kullanarak Exchange sunucularına ulaşmak için gu: વેબ સેવાઓની મદદથી ઍક્સચેન્જ સર્વરોને વાપરવા માટે kn: ವೆಬ್ ಸರ್ವಿಸಸ್ ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಎಕ್ಸ್ಚೇಂಜ್ ಪೂರೈಕೆಗಣಕಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಲುಕಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು da: For adgang til Exchangeservere der bruger internettjenester de: Für den Zugriff auf Exchange-Server über Webdienste pt_BR: Para acessar servidores Exchange usando Web services en_GB: For accessing Exchange servers using Web Services mr: वेब सर्व्हिसेसचा वापर करून एक्सचेंज सर्व्हर्सकरीता प्रवेश प्राप्त करण्यासाठी sr@latin: Za pristupanje serverima razmene upotreboom veb usluga bs: Za pristup Exchange serverima koristeći Web usluge ProjectLicense: LGPL Url: homepage: https://live.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution --- Type: desktop-application ID: fontforge.desktop Package: fontforge Name: ru: FontForge C: FontForge fr: FontForge uk: FontForge zh_TW: 字型鍛造廠 Summary: ru: Редактор шрифтов C: An outline font editor pl_PL: Edytor fontów fr: Un constructeur des polices uk: Редактор шрифтів zh_TW: FontForge 描邊字型編輯器 Description: C: >-Besides being a font editor, FontForge is also a font format converter, and can convert among PostScript (ASCII & binary Type 1, some Type 3s, some Type 0s), TrueType, and OpenType (Type2), CID-keyed, SVG, CFF and multiple-master fonts.
This package also provides these programs and utilities: fontimage - produce a font thumbnail image; fontlint - checks the font for certain common errors; sfddiff - compare two font files.
en: >-Besides being a font editor, FontForge is also a font format converter, and can convert among PostScript (ASCII & binary Type 1, some Type 3s, some Type 0s), TrueType, and OpenType (Type2), CID-keyed, SVG, CFF and multiple-master fonts.
This package also provides these programs and utilities: fontimage - produce a font thumbnail image; fontlint - checks the font for certain common errors; sfddiff - compare two font files.
Categories: - Graphics Icon: cached: - name: fontforge_fontforge.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: fontforge_fontforge.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: fontforge_fontforge.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: fontforge remote: - url: f/fo/fontforge.desktop/CE73FB9AB95569035D96A8D3E08DB980/icons/128x128/fontforge_fontforge.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - fontforge.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/vnd.font-fontforge-sfd - application/x-font-ttf - application/x-font-otf - application/x-font-type1 - application/x-font-bdf - application/x-font-pcf - application/x-font-tex --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.PartitionManager.desktop Package: partitionmanager Name: sk: KDE Správca partícií sl: Upravljalnik razdelkov za KDE sr-ijekavian: КДЕ‑ов менаџер партиција C: KDE Partition Manager fr: Gestionnaire de partitions de KDE sr: КДЕ‑ов менаџер партиција uk: Редактор розділів для KDE pt-BR: Gerenciador de Partições do KDE ca: Gestor de particions del KDE sv: KDE:s partitionshanterare en-GB: KDE Partition Manager pa: KDE ਪਾਰਟੀਸ਼ਨ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ hu: KDE partíciókezelő nl: KDE Partitiebeheerder zh-CN: KDE 分区管理器 lt: KDE Skaidinių tvarkyklė ar: مدير أقسام كدي pl: Zarządzanie partycjami KDE sr-ijekavianlatin: KDE‑ov menadžer particija el: Διαχειριστής κατατμήσεων του KDE cs: Správce diskových oddílů pro KDE id: Manajer Partisi KDE ro: Gestionarul de partiții KDE pt: Gestor de Partições do KDE es: Gestor de particiones de KDE et: KDE partitsioonide haldur tr: KDE Disk Bölüm Yöneticisi sr-Latn: KDE‑ov menadžer particija it: Gestore delle partizioni di KDE da: KDE Partitionshåndtering de: KDE-Partitionsverwaltung fi: KDE:n osionhallinta Summary: sk: Editor partícií sl: Urejevalnik razdelkov sr-ijekavian: Уређивач партиција C: Partition Editor fr: Éditeur de partitions sr: Уређивач партиција uk: Редактор розділів диска pt-BR: Editor de Partições ca: Editor de particions sv: Partitionseditor en-GB: Partition Editor pa: ਪਾਰਟੀਸ਼ਨ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ hu: Partíciószerkesztő nl: Partitiebewerker zh-CN: 分区编辑器 lt: Skaidinių tvarkyklė ar: محرّر أقسام pl: Zarządzanie partycjami sr-ijekavianlatin: Uređivač particija el: Διαχειριστής κατατμήσεων cs: Editor diskových oddílů id: Penyunting Partisi ro: Redactor de partiții pt: Editor de Partições es: Editor de particiones et: Partitsiooniredaktor tr: Disk Bölümü Düzenleyici sr-Latn: Uređivač particija it: Editor delle partizioni da: Partitioneringsprogram de: Partition-Editor fi: Osionhallinta Description: sk: >-KDE správca partícií je nástroj, ktorý vám má pomôcť spravovať diskové zariadenia, partície a súborové systémy na vašom počítači. Umožňuje vám jednoducho vytvoriť, kopírovať, presúvať, mazať a meniť veľkosť bez straty dám, zálohovať a obnovovať partície.
Upravljalnik razdelkov za KDE je pripomoček, ki vam omogoča upravljanje z diski, razdelki in datotečnimi sistemi na vašem računalniku. Z njim lahko enostavno ustvarite, kopirate, premaknete, izbrišete, varnostno kopirate in obnovite ter spreminjate velikost razdelkov brez izgube podatkov.
КДЕ‑ов менаџер партиција је алатка за управљање дисковима, партицијама и фајл системима на рачунару. Омогућава лако стварање, копирање, премештање и брисање партиција, промену величине без губитка података, прављење и враћање резерва партиција.
KDE Partition Manager is a utility program to help you manage the disk devices, partitions and file systems on your computer. It allows you to easily create, copy, move, delete, resize without losing data, backup and restore partitions.
Редактор розділів KDE — допоміжна програма, яку призначено для полегшення керування дисковими пристроями, розділами та файловими системами на комп’ютері. За її допомогою ви зможете без проблем створювати, копіювати, пересувати, вилучати та змінювати розміри розділів без втрати даних, створювати резервні копії розділів та відновлювати дані з цих резервних копій.
КДЕ‑ов менаџер партиција је алатка за управљање дисковима, партицијама и фајл системима на рачунару. Омогућава лако стварање, копирање, премештање и брисање партиција, промену величине без губитка података, прављење и враћање резерва партиција.
Le gestionnaire de partitions de KDE est un utilitaire qui vous aide à gérer les disques, partitions et systèmes de fichiers de votre ordinateur. Il vous permet de créer, copier, déplacer, supprimer, redimensionner sans perte, sauvegarder et rétablir des partitions facilement.
Fonctionnalités :
O Gerenciador de Partições do KDE é um utilitário que o ajuda a gerenciar os dispositivos de disco, suas partições e sistemas de arquivos no seu computador. Permite-lhe facilmente criar, copiar, mover, excluir, redimensionar sem perder dados, criar backup e restaurar partições.
KDE Partition Manager är ett verktyg för att hjälpa till att hantera diskenheter, partitioner och filsystem på datorn. Det låter dig enkelt skapa, kopiera, flytta, ta bort, ändra storlek utan dataförlust, säkerhetskopiera och återställa partitioner.
El gestor de particions del KDE és un programa d'utilitats que us ajuda a gestionar els dispositius de disc, les particions i els sistemes de fitxers de l'ordinador. Us permet crear, moure, eliminar, redimensionar sense perdre dades, fer còpies de seguretat i restaurar particions fàcilment.
KDE Partition Manager is a utility program to help you manage the disk devices, partitions and file systems on your computer. It allows you to easily create, copy, move, delete, resize without losing data, backup and restore partitions.
A KDE partíciókezelő egy segédprogram, mely segít Önnek lemezek, partíciók és fájlrendszerek kezelésében. Lehetővé teszi partíciók létrehozását, másolását, mozgatását, törlését, adatvesztés nélküli átméretezését, biztonsági mentését és visszaállítását.
KDE Partitiebeheerder is een hulpprogramma om u helpen bij het beheer van de schijven, partities en bestandssystemen op uw computer. Het stelt u in staat gemakkelijk partities te maken, te kopiëren, te verplaatsen, te verwijderen, hun grootte te wijzigen zonder verlies van gegevens en hiervan een reservekopie te maken of hier vanaf te herstellen.
KDE 分区管理器是一个帮助您管理就计算机上的磁盘设备,分区,文件系统的工具程序。它可以帮助您简单地创建,复制,移动,删除,无损调整大小,备份和恢复分区。
KDE Skaidinių tvarkyklė yra programa padedanti tvarkyti jūsų kompiuterio diskų įrenginius, skaidinius ir failų sistemas. Ji leidžia lengvai kurti, kopijuoti, perkelti, trinti ir keisti dydį neprarandant duomenų, kurti atsargines skaidinių kopijas.
إن مدير أقسام كدي برنامج يساعدك على إدارة أجهزة الأقراص، والأقسام وأنظمة الملفات في نظامك. ويسمح لك أن تُنشئ، وتنسخ، وتنقل، وتحذف، وتُحَجِّم دون فقدات البيانات، وتنسخ احتياطياً، وتستعيد من النسخ الاحتياطية بسهولة.
Zarządzanie partycjami KDE jest programem użytkowym mającym na celu pomoc przy zarządzaniu urządzeniami dyskowymi, partycjami i systemami plików na twoim komputerze. Umożliwia łatwe tworzenie, kopiowanie, przenoszenie, usuwanie i zamianę rozmiaru bez utraty danych, a także tworzenie i przywracanie kopii zapasowych partycji.
KDE‑ov menadžer particija je alatka za upravljanje diskovima, particijama i fajl sistemima na računaru. Omogućava lako stvaranje, kopiranje, premeštanje i brisanje particija, promenu veličine bez gubitka podataka, pravljenje i vraćanje rezerva particija.
Ο διαχειριστής κατατμήσεων του KDE είναι ένα εργαλείο που σας βοηθά να διαχειριστείτε τους δίσκους, τις κατατμήσεις και τα συστήματα αρχείων του υπολογιστή σας. Σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργείτε,αντιγράφετε, μετακινείτε, διαγράφετε, να αλλάζετε το μέγεθος χωρίς να χάνετε δεδομένα, να κρατάτε αντίγραφα ασφαλείας και να επαναφέρετε κατατμήσεις εύκολα.
Manajer Partisi KDE adalah sebuah program utilitas untuk membantu anda mengelola perangkat disk, partisi dan sistem berkas di komputer anda. Hal ini memungkinkan anda untuk mudah membuat, menyalin, memindahkan, menghapus, mengubah ukuran tanpa kehilangan data, mencadangkan dan memulihkan partisi.
O Gestor de Partições do KDE é um utilitário que o ajuda a gerir os dispositivos dos discos, as suas partições e sistemas de ficheiros no seu computador. Permite-lhe facilmente criar, copiar, mover, apagar, dimensionar sem perder dados, salvaguardar e repor partições.
El gestor de particiones de KDE es una utilidad que le ayuda a gestionar los dispositivos de disco duro, las particiones y el sistema de archivos de su equipo. Le permite crear, copiar, mover, borrar, cambiar el tamaño sin perder datos, hacer copia de seguridad y restaurar particiones.
KDE partitsioonide haldur on tööriist, mis aitab hallata kettaseadmeid, partitsioone ja failisüsteeme sinu arvutis. See võimaldab vähese vaevaga partitsioone luua, kopeerida, liigutada, kustutada, muuta suurust andmeid kaotamata, varundada ja taastada.
KDE Disk Bölümü Düzenleyici; bilgisayarınızdaki disk aygıtlarını, bölümlerinizi ve dosya sistemlerinizi yönetmenize yardımcı olan bir programdır. Kolaylıkla disk bölümü oluşturmanızı, kopyalamanızı, taşımanızı, silmenizi, veri kaybetmeden yeniden boyutlandırmanızı, yedeklemenizi ve yedekten geri yüklemenizi sağlar.
KDE‑ov menadžer particija je alatka za upravljanje diskovima, particijama i fajl sistemima na računaru. Omogućava lako stvaranje, kopiranje, premeštanje i brisanje particija, promenu veličine bez gubitka podataka, pravljenje i vraćanje rezerva particija.
Il gestore delle partizioni di KDE è un programma che ti aiuta a gestire i dischi, le partizioni e i filesystem sul tuo computer. Ti consente di creare, copiare, spostare, eliminare, ridimensionare senza perdere dati, effettuare copie di sicurezza e ripristinare partizioni con grande semplicità.
KDE Partition Manager er et værktøj til at hjælpe dig med at håndtere dine diskenheder og filsystemerne på din computer. Den lader dig nemt oprette, kopiere, flytte, slette, ændre størrelse uden at miste data, tage backup og gendanne partitioner.
KDE-Partitionsverwaltung ist ein Dienstprogramm zur Verwaltung der Festplattengeräte, Partitionen und Dateisystemen auf Ihrem Rechner. Damit können Sie Partitionen einfach erstellen, kopieren, verschieben, deren Größe ohne Datenverlust verändern und Partitionen sichern und wieder herstellen.
KDE:n osionhallinta on apuohjelma, joka auttaa hallitsemaan tietokoneen levyjä, osioita ja tiedostojärjestelmiä. Sillä voi luoda, kopioida, siirtää, poistaa, muuttaa kokoa menettämättä tietoja, varmuuskopioida ja palauttaa osioita.
Firewall Configuration provides a graphical tool for administering firewall.
Allows to inspect and set:
It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.
NOTE: the GUI is still considered experimental.
en: >-It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.
NOTE: the GUI is still considered experimental.
Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: virt-manager_virt-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: virt-manager_virt-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: engrampa.desktop Package: engrampa Name: ja: Engrampa 書庫マネージャ zh_CN: Engrampa 归档管理器 sk: Správca archívov Engrampa sl: Upravljalnik arhivov Engrampa C: Engrampa Archive Manager fr: Gestionnaire d'archives Engrampa sr: Управљач архивама Енгрампа uk: Менеджер архівів Engrampa hr: Engrampa upravitelj arhivama sv: Arkivhanteraren Engrampa hu: Engrampa archívumkezelő am: ኤንግራምፓ የ ማህደር አስተዳዳሪ nl: Engrampa Archiefbeheer zh_TW: Engrampa 壓縮檔管理員 lt: Archyvų tvarkymo programa „Engrampa“ ar: مدير اﻷرشيفات أنغرمبا pl: Menadżer Archiwów Engrampa el: Διαχειριστής συμπιεσμένων αρχείων Engrampa cs: Engrampa správce archivů eo: Engrampa Arkivo Manaĝisto ro: Administrator de arhive Engrampa pt: Gestor de ficheiros Engrampa es: Gestor de archivadores Engrampa gl: Xestor de arquivos Engrampa et: Arhiivihaldur Engrampa ru: Менеджер архивов Engrampa id: Engrampa Archive Manager tr: Engrampa Arşiv Yöneticisi be: Кіраўнік архіваў Engrampa da: Engrampa - arkivhåndtering ko: 잉그람파 압축 관리자 it: Gestore di archivi Engrampa de: Engrampa-Archivverwaltung pt_BR: Gerenciador de pacotes Engrampa en_GB: Engrampa Archive Manager mr: एनग्राम्पा आर्काइव्ह व्यवस्थापक ms: Pengurus Arkib Engrampa bg: Работа с архиви Engrampa en_AU: Engrampa Archive Manager Summary: tk: Bir arşiwi bejerip üýtget lv: Izveidot arhīvus un mainīt to saturu xh: Yakha uze ulungise uvimba af: Skep en wysig 'n argief ps: ارشيو جوړول او بدلول pt: Criar e modificar um arquivo tr: Bir arşiv yarat ve değiştir ast: Crie y modifique un archivador am: ማህደር መፍጠሪያ እና ማሻሻያ id: Membuat dan memodifikasi arsip pt_BR: Crie e modifique um pacote el: Δημιουργία και τροποποίηση ενός συμπιεσμένου αρχείου ca@valencia: Crea i modifica un arxiu ar: أنشئ و عدّل أرشيفًا as: আৰ্কাইভ নিৰ্মাণ ও পৰিবৰ্তন কৰক eo: Krei kaj modifi arkivon mg: Mamorona sy manova arsiva en@shaw: "\U00010452\U0001046E\U00010466\U00010471\U00010451 \U0001046F \U00010465\U0001046A\U0001045B\U00010466\U00010453\U00010472 \U00010469\U0001046F \U00010478\U00010452\U00010472\U0001045D" es: Cree y modifique un archivador et: Arhiivi loomine ja muutmine mk: Креирај и измени архива az: Arxiv yaradın və açın ml: ഒരു പുതിയ ശേഖരം നിര്മ്മിക്കുകയോ മാറ്റം വരുത്തുകയോ ചെയ്യുക mn: Архив үүсгэх ба өөрчилөх it: Crea e modifica un archivio eu: Sortu eta aldatu artxibo bat mr: आर्काइव्ह निर्माण व संपादीत करा ms: Cipta dan ubahsuai arkib mai: अभिलेख बनाबू आओर परिवर्धित करू uk: Проґрама створення та зміни архівів be: Стварыць ці змяніць архіў fa: ایجاد و تغییر آرشیو bg: Създаване и промяна на архив sr@latin: Napravite nove i raspakujte postojeće arhive ug: ئارخىپ قۇرۇپ ئۆزگەرت ur: محفوظہ بنائیں اور اس میں ترمیم کریں ja: 書庫を作成したり修正します zh_CN: 创建并修改归档文件 bn: নতুন আর্কাইভ তৈরি ও পরিবর্ধন করা হবে fi: Luo arkisto tai muokkaa arkistoa nb: Opprett og endre arkiv br: Krouiñ ha daskemmañ un diell bs: Napravi i promijeni arhiv ne: एउटा सङ्ग्रह सिर्जना गर्नुहोस् र परिमार्जन गर्नुहोस् zh_TW: 建立及更改壓縮檔 fr: Créer et modifier des archives fur: Cree e modifiche un archivi nl: Archieven maken en wijzigen nn: Lag og endra arkiv fy: Foarmje in triemûnthâld en_AU: Create and modify an archive ca: Crea i modifica un arxiu ro: Creează și modifică o arhivă vi: Tạo và sửa đổi kho ga: Cruthaigh agus athraigh cartlann ur_PK: محفوظہ بنائیں اور تبدیل کریں ru: Создать или изменить архив ka: არქივის შექმნა და რედაქტირება zh_HK: 建立及更改壓縮檔 cmn: 建立及更改壓縮檔 bn_IN: আর্কাইভ নির্মাণ ও পরিবর্তন করুন gl: Crear e modificar un arquivo cs: Vytvářet a upravovat archivy kk: Архивті жасау және түзету kn: ಒಂದು ಆರ್ಕೈವನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಮಿಸು ಹಾಗು ಮಾರ್ಪಡಿಸು cy: Creu a newid archif gu: પેટી બનાવો અને સુધારો ko: 압축 파일을 만들고 수정합니다 si: සංරක්ෂණයක් නිර්මාණය කරන්න සහ වෙනස් කරන්න sr@ije: Направите и измјените архиву ku: Arşîvekê çêbike an jî biguherîne C: Create and modify an archive be@latin: Stvaraj i madyfikuj archivy da: Opret og ændr et arkiv ky: Архивди жаратуу же өзгөртүү or: ଗୋଟିଏ ଅଭିଲେଖକୁ ସ୍ରୁଷ୍ଟି ଏବଂ ରୂପାନ୍ତରିତ କରନ୍ତୁ sk: Vytvoriť a upraviť archív de: Archive anlegen und verändern oc: Crear e modificar un archiu sq: Krijo dhe ndrysho një arkiv sr: Направите нове и распакујте постојеће архиве sl: Ustvari in spremeni arhiv he: יצירה ועדכון של ארכיונים en_CA: Create and modify an archive hi: अभिलेख बनाएँ तथा परिवर्धित करें sv: Skapa och ändra ett arkiv pa: ਇੱਕ ਅਕਾਇਵ ਬਣਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਸੋਧੋ en_GB: Create and modify an archive ta: காப்பு உருவாக்குதல் அல்லது திருத்துதல் hr: Stvori i izmijeni arhivu te: సంగ్రహమును సృష్టించు మరియు మార్చు dz: ཡིག་མཛོད་གསར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་ནི་དང་ ལེགས་བཅོས་འབད་ནི། hu: Archívum létrehozása és módosítása pl: Tworzenie i modyfikowanie archiwów th: สร้างและแก้ไขแฟ้มจัดเก็บ hy: Կերտել և մոդիֆիկացնել արխիվը lt: Kurti ir modifikuoti archyvą Description: C: >-Engrampa is an archive manager for the MATE environment. It allows you to:
* Create and modify archives. * View the content of an archive. * View a file contained in an archive. * Extract files from the archive.
Engrampa supports the following formats: * Tar (.tar) archives, including those compressed with gzip (.tar.gz, .tgz), bzip (.tar.bz, .tbz), bzip2 (.tar.bz2, .tbz2), compress (.tar.Z, .taz), lzip (.tar.lz, .tlz), lzop (.tar.lzo, .tzo), lzma (.tar.lzma) and xz (.tar.xz) * Zip archives (.zip) * Jar archives (.jar, .ear, .war) * 7z archives (.7z) * iso9660 CD images (.iso) * Lha archives (.lzh) * Single files compressed with gzip (.gz), bzip (.bz), bzip2 (.bz2), compress (.Z), lzip (.lz), lzop (.lzo), lzma (.lzma) and xz (.xz)
Engrampa doesn't perform archive operations by itself, but relies on standard tools for this.
en: >-Engrampa is an archive manager for the MATE environment. It allows you to:
* Create and modify archives. * View the content of an archive. * View a file contained in an archive. * Extract files from the archive.
Engrampa supports the following formats: * Tar (.tar) archives, including those compressed with gzip (.tar.gz, .tgz), bzip (.tar.bz, .tbz), bzip2 (.tar.bz2, .tbz2), compress (.tar.Z, .taz), lzip (.tar.lz, .tlz), lzop (.tar.lzo, .tzo), lzma (.tar.lzma) and xz (.tar.xz) * Zip archives (.zip) * Jar archives (.jar, .ear, .war) * 7z archives (.7z) * iso9660 CD images (.iso) * Lha archives (.lzh) * Single files compressed with gzip (.gz), bzip (.bz), bzip2 (.bz2), compress (.Z), lzip (.lz), lzop (.lzo), lzma (.lzma) and xz (.xz)
Engrampa doesn't perform archive operations by itself, but relies on standard tools for this.
Categories: - Utility - Archiving - Compression Keywords: C: - MATE - archive - manager - compression Icon: cached: - name: engrampa_engrampa.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: engrampa_engrampa.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: engrampa Launchable: desktop-id: - engrampa.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-7z-compressed - application/x-7z-compressed-tar - application/x-ace - application/x-alz - application/x-ar - application/x-arj - application/x-bzip - application/x-bzip-compressed-tar - application/x-bzip1 - application/x-bzip1-compressed-tar - application/x-cabinet - application/x-cbr - application/x-cbz - application/x-cd-image - application/x-compress - application/x-compressed-tar - application/x-cpio - application/x-deb - application/x-ear - application/x-ms-dos-executable - application/x-gtar - application/x-gzip - application/x-gzpostscript - application/x-java-archive - application/x-lha - application/x-lhz - application/x-lrzip - application/x-lrzip-compressed-tar - application/x-lzip - application/x-lzip-compressed-tar - application/x-lzma - application/x-lzma-compressed-tar - application/x-lzop - application/x-lzop-compressed-tar - application/x-ms-wim - application/x-rar - application/x-rar-compressed - application/x-rpm - application/x-rzip - application/x-tar - application/x-tarz - application/x-stuffit - application/x-war - application/x-xz - application/x-xz-compressed-tar - application/x-zip - application/x-zip-compressed - application/x-zoo - application/zip - application/x-archive - application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed --- Type: desktop-application ID: pterm.desktop Package: pterm Name: C: PuTTY Terminal Emulator Summary: C: Start a PuTTY terminal session Description: de: >-Dies ist ein X-Terminalemulator, der auf dem populären Windows-SSH-Client PuTTY basiert. Er unterstützt xterm-Escape-Sequenzen, außerdem einige Steuersequenzen der Linux-Konsole zur Farbkonfiguration und einige DECterm-Steuersequenzen für die Titelzeile; mit einer passenden Schriftart unterstützt er die UTF-8-Kodierung von Unicode. Er hat auch einige hübsche Eigenschaften wie rechteckige Auswahl und NetHack-Modus für die numerische Tastatur.
pt_BR: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
sl: >-To je posnemovalnik terminala X, ki je osnovan na priljubljenem SSH odjemalcu za Windows, PuTTY. Podpira ubežna zaporedja xterm in nekatera zaporedja konzole Linux za nastavitev barvne palete in nekaj zaporedij DECterm za nadzor nazivne vrstice. S primerno pisavo podpira kodiranje UFF-8. Ima tudi nekaj lepih zmožnosti kot sta pravokotna izbira in način številčne tipkovnice NetHack.
pt: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
C: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
uk: >-У цьому пакунку міститься емулятор терміналу заснований на популярному у Windows ssh-клієнті PuTTY. Він підтримує escape-послідовності, також деякі послідовності Linux-консолі для налаштування кольорів, послідовності DECterm — для керування заголовком вікна, а також відповідний шрифт з підтримкою юнікод-кодування UTF-8. Він також має деякі функції, такі як прямокутне виділення та NetHack-режим для клавіатури.
en: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
ru: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
gl: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
es: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
fr: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
ja: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
en_CA: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
en_GB: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
it: >-Questo è un emulatore di terminale per X basato sul popolare client SSH per Windows PuTTY. Supporta le sequenze di escape di xterm, più alcune sequenze Linux per la configurazione della tavolozza di colori e alcune sequenze DECterm per il controllo della barra del titolo e con il tipo di carattere appropriato supporta la codifica UTF-8 Unicode. Ha anche alcune belle funzionalità come selezione rettangolare e modalità per tastierino numerico NetHack.
da: >-Dette er en X-terminalemulator baseret på den populære Windows SSH-klient, PuTTY. Programmet understøtter xterm undvigesekvenser, plus nogle konsolsekvenser for Linux for konfiguration af farvepaletten og nogle DECterm-sekvenser for titelbjælkekontrol, og med en passende skrifttype understøtter den UTF-8-kodning af Unicode. Programmet har også nogle smarte funktioner som rektangulær markering og tilstand for NetHacks numeriske tastatur.
en_AU: >-This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode.
Categories: - System - Utility - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - terminal - session Icon: cached: - name: pterm_pterm.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: pterm_pterm.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: sigil.desktop Package: sigil Name: C: Sigil Summary: C: ePUB file editor Description: C: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
en: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
Categories: - Office - FileTools - Viewer - TextTools - TextEditor - Utility Keywords: C: - epub - Book Icon: cached: - name: sigil_sigil.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: sigil Launchable: desktop-id: - sigil.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/epub+zip --- Type: desktop-application ID: quassel.desktop Package: quassel Name: de: Quassel IRC pl: Quassel IRC pt_BR: Quassel IRC zh_CN: Quassel IRC fi: Quassel IRC C: Quassel IRC ast: Quassel IRC sq: Quassel IRC uk: Quassel IRC gl: IRC Quassel ru: Quassel IRC tr: Quassel IRC es: IRC Quassel et: Quassel IRC fr: Quassel IRC sv: Quassel IRC nb: Quassel IRC oc: Quassel IRC en_GB: Quassel IRC hu: Quassel IRC ca: Xat IRC Quassel it: Quassel IRC ko: Quassel IRC nl: Quassel IRC Summary: de: Dezentralisierter IRC-Client mit einem zentralen Kern pt_BR: Cliente IRC distribuido com o compotente central core zh_CN: 带有中央核心组件的分布式 IRC 客户端 fi: Hajautettu IRC-asiakas, jolla keskitetty ydinkomponentti C: Distributed IRC client with central core component ast: Veceru IRC distribuyíu con un componente central sq: Klient i shpërndarë IRC me përbërës qendror uk: Клієнт IRC з центральним ядром gl: Cliente de IRC distribuído cun compoñente principal central ru: Распределённый клиент IRC с центральным ядром es: Cliente IRC distribuido con un componente central et: Hajus IRC klient koos keskse tuumkomponendiga fr: Client IRC distribué avec composant essentiel centralisé sv: Distribuerad IRC-klient med central kärnkomponent oc: Client IRC distribuit amb component essencial centralizat en_GB: Distributed IRC client with central core component hu: Elosztott IRC-kliens központi alapkomponenssel ca: Client d'IRC distribuït amb un component de nucli central it: Client IRC distribuito con componente centrale nl: IRC-client met centraal kerncomponent Description: fr: >-This is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client. One (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but graphical.
Ce paquet fournit un client IRC traditionnel complet (client et cœur) dans un seul paquet.
tr: >-This is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client. One (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but graphical.
Bu paket, geleneksel IRC istemcisinin tamamını (istemci ve çekirdek) tek bütünleştirilmiş bir pakette sağlar
C: >-Quassel is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat or irssi, but graphical.
This package provides the monolithic client. It contains both core and client and can be used like a traditional IRC client, without requiring an external core.
en: >-Quassel is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat or irssi, but graphical.
This package provides the monolithic client. It contains both core and client and can be used like a traditional IRC client, without requiring an external core.
de: >-This is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client. One (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but graphical.
Dieses Software-Paketen stellt eine komplette, traditionelle IRC-Anwendung (Client und Kern) in einem einzelnen, integrierten Software-Paket bereit.
Categories: - Network - Chat - IRCClient Icon: cached: - name: quassel_quassel.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quassel_quassel.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quassel --- Type: desktop-application ID: ccsm.desktop Package: compizconfig-settings-manager Name: C: CompizConfig Settings Manager Summary: C: Configure Compiz with CompizConfig Description: de: >-Das OpenCompositing-Projekt erweitert das X-Window-System um visuelle 3D- Effekte. Diese sind hübsch anzusehen, verbessern die Nutzbarkeit und erhöhen so die Produktivität.
Dieses Paket enthält die CompizConfig-Einstellungsverwaltung.
sl: >-Projekt OpenCompositing zagotavlja 3D vidne učinke namizja, ki izboljšajo uporabnost okenskega sistema X in zagotavljajo izboljšano produktivnost.
Ta paket vsebuje urejevalnik nastavitev compizconfig.
C: >-The OpenCompositing Project brings 3D desktop visual effects that improve usability of the X Window System and provide increased productivity.
This package contains the compizconfig settings manager.
en: >-The OpenCompositing Project brings 3D desktop visual effects that improve usability of the X Window System and provide increased productivity.
This package contains the compizconfig settings manager.
gl: >-The OpenCompositing Project brings 3D desktop visual effects that improve usability of the X Window System and provide increased productivity.
Este paquete contén o xestor de configuración compizconfig.
ru: >-Проект OpenCompositing предоставляет трёхмерные визуальные эффекты для рабочего стола, которые повышают удобство и продуктивность работы в графической среде.
Пакет содержит менеджер настройки CompizConfig
es: >-El proyecto OpenCompositing brinda efectos visuales de escritorio en 3D que mejoran la usabilidad del entorno de ventanas X y proporciona un incremento en la productividad del usuario.
This package contains the compizconfig settings manager.
fr: >-Le Projet OpenCompositing ajoute des effets en 3D à votre bureau ce qui améliore l'ergonomie du système X Window et augmente votre productivité.
Ce paquet contient le gestionnaire de préférences compizconfig.
it: >-The OpenCompositing Project brings 3D desktop visual effects that improve usability of the X Window System and provide increased productivity.
Questo pacchetto contiene il gestore delle impostazioni compizconfig.
nl: >-Het OpenCompositing-project brengt 3D visuele desktopeffecten die de bruikbaarheid van het X Window Systeem verhogen en zorgen voor een verhoogde productiviteit.
Dit pakket bevat compizconfig instellingenbeheer.
Categories: - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: compizconfig-settings-manager_ccsm.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: compizconfig-settings-manager_ccsm.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: emacs24-lucid.desktop Package: emacs24-lucid Name: C: GNU Emacs 24 (GUI) Summary: C: GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor - and more Description: C: >-GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with support for a graphical user interface based on the Lucid toolkit (instead of the GTK+ interface provided by the emacs24 package). Until some known GTK+ problems are fixed, this version may help avoid crashing Emacs during an emacsclient disconnect. See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 for more information.
en: >-GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with support for a graphical user interface based on the Lucid toolkit (instead of the GTK+ interface provided by the emacs24 package). Until some known GTK+ problems are fixed, this version may help avoid crashing Emacs during an emacsclient disconnect. See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 for more information.
Categories: - Utility - Development - TextEditor Keywords: C: - Text - Editor Icon: cached: - name: emacs24-lucid_emacs24.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: emacs24-lucid_emacs24.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: emacs24 Provides: mimetypes: - text/x-c++src - text/x-java - text/x-pascal - text/x-tex - text/x-c++hdr - text/x-makefile - text/x-moc - text/english - text/x-csrc - text/x-c - text/x-chdr - text/x-tcl - application/x-shellscript - text/x-c++ - text/plain --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.winehq.wine.development Package: wine-development Name: C: Wine (development version) Summary: C: Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X Description: C: >-Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, Mac OSX, & BSD. Instead of simulating internal Windows logic like a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on-the-fly, eliminating the performance and memory penalties of other methods and allowing you to cleanly integrate Windows applications into your desktop.
ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1+ Categories: - Utility - System - Emulator Url: homepage: https://www.winehq.org/ bugtracker: https://bugs.winehq.org/ faq: https://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ help: https://wiki.winehq.org/ donation: https://www.winehq.org/donate translate: https://wiki.winehq.org/Translating Icon: cached: - name: wine-development_wine-development.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wine-development_wine-development.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-ms-dos-executable - application/x-msi - application/x-ms-shortcut --- Type: desktop-application ID: scribus.desktop Package: scribus Name: C: Scribus Summary: he: הוצאה לאור שולחנית ja: デスクトップパブリッシング zh_CN: 桌面出版 zu: Ukushicilelwa kwe-Desktop sl: Namizno založništvo C: Page Layout and Publication fr: Publication assistée par ordinateur (PAO) sr: Стоно издаваштво ss: Kushicelela ku desktop nb: Datatrykkeprogram hr: Stolno izdavaštvo ca: Publicació d'escriptori af: Werkskerm Publisering hu: Kiadványszerkesztés sv: Desktop Publishing uk: Видавнича система lo: ເດດທອບພັລບບີດຊິງ zh_TW: 桌面出版 uz: Кичик нашриёт nn: Datatrykk lt: Darbastalio leidykla ar: سكريبس pl: Program do składu tekstu ta: ஸ்கிரிபஸ் nso: Kwalakwatso ya Desktop cs: Publikační systém (DTP) eo: DTP-programo th: เดสก์ทอปพับลิชชิง pt: Publicação no Ecrã es: Publicación de escritorio et: Küljendusrakendus cy: Cyhoeddi Penbwrdd ru: Настольное издательство tr: Masaüstü Yayıncılık xh: Upapasho lwe Desktop ven: U andadza Desikithopo da: Dtp it: Pubblicazioni bg: Издателска програма pt_BR: Publicação do Ambiente de Trabalho fa: اسکریباس fi: Julkaisuohjelma bs: Stono izdavaštvo (DTP) Description: C: >-Scribus is a desktop publishing application that allows you to create posters, magazines and books ready to send off to a printing house. It supports professional publishing features, such color separations, CMYK and spot colors, ICC color management, and versatile PDF creation.
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Graphics - Publishing Url: homepage: http://scribus.net/ Icon: cached: - name: scribus_scribus.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: scribus_scribus.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: scribus Provides: mimetypes: - application/vnd.scribus Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: s/sc/scribus.desktop/481992E4EF19C7CBFC2FB2815844CF0A/screenshots/image-1_1248x780.png width: 1248 height: 780 - url: s/sc/scribus.desktop/481992E4EF19C7CBFC2FB2815844CF0A/screenshots/image-1_752x469.png width: 752 height: 469 - url: s/sc/scribus.desktop/481992E4EF19C7CBFC2FB2815844CF0A/screenshots/image-1_624x390.png width: 624 height: 390 - url: s/sc/scribus.desktop/481992E4EF19C7CBFC2FB2815844CF0A/screenshots/image-1_224x140.png width: 224 height: 140 source-image: url: s/sc/scribus.desktop/481992E4EF19C7CBFC2FB2815844CF0A/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1280 height: 800 --- Type: desktop-application ID: wireshark.desktop Package: wireshark-qt Name: C: Wireshark vi: Wireshark Summary: ja: ネットワークトラフィックアナライザー sk: Analyzátor sieťovej premávky sl: Preučevalnik omrežnega prometa C: Network traffic analyzer sq: Analizues i trafikut të rrjetit fr: Analyseur de trafic réseau nb: Nettverkstrafikk-analysator sv: Nätverkstrafikanalysator af: Netwerkverkeer analiseerder hu: Hálózatiforgalom-elemző uk: Аналізатор мережевого трафіку nl: Netwerkverkeer analyseren lt: Tinklo duomenų srauto analizatorius pl: Analizator ruchu sieciowego el: Ανάλυση κίνησης δικτύου ast: Analizador de tráficu de rede cs: Analyzátor síťového přenosu pt: Analisador de tráfego da rede ro: Analizator trafic de rețea es: Analizador de tráfico de red gl: Analizador do tráfico de rede et: Võrguliikluse analüüsija vi: Trình phân tích giao thông mạng ru: Анализ сетевого трафика tr: Ağ trafiği çözümleyicisi oc: Analisador de tramas de ret da: Netværkstrafikanalyse it: Analizzatore del traffico di rete bg: Анализатор на мрежовия трафик de: Netzwerkverkehr-Analyseprogramm pt_BR: Analisador de tráfego de rede ko: 네트워크 트래픽 분석기 bn: নেটওয়ার্ক ট্রাফিক বিশ্লেষক ms: Penganalisa trafik rangkaian ky: Тармактык трафикти анализдөө fi: Verkkoliikenne analysaattori bs: Analizator mrežnoga prometa Description: pl: >-Wireshark jest narzędziem typu sniffer, służącym do przechwytywania i analizowania pakietów sieciowych. Wireshark potrafi dekodować zbyt wiele protokołów, aby je tutaj wymieniać.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
de: >-Wireshark ist ein Netzwerk-»Sniffer« - ein Werkzeug, das Pakete auf der Leitung erfasst und analysiert. Wireshark kann so viele Protokolle dekodieren, dass sie hier nicht aufgelistet werden können.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
zh_CN: >-Wireshark 是一个网络嗅探器 - 一个用于抓取和分析网络数据包的工具。 Wireshark 可以解码的协议数量巨大,不胜枚举。
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
sk: >-Wireshark je analyzátor premávky na sieti alebo „sniffer“ pre unixové systémy. Wireshark dokáže dekódovať množstvo protokolov (príliš mnoho aby sa dal uviesť zoznam).
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
sl: >-Wireshark je program za "vohunjenje" na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici. Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
pt_BR: >-Wireshark é um "sniffer" de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
pt: >-Wireshark é um "sniffer" de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
C: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
uk: >-Wireshark — аналізатор мережевого трафіку, т.зв. „сніфер“, — це утиліта для захоплення пакетів, які проходять мережевим каналом. Wireshark підтримує формати декількох протоколів (дуже великий перелік).
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
en: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
ru: >-Wireshark — это анализатор сетевого трафика («снифер») для захвата пакетов, которые передаются по сетевому каналу. Wireshark поддерживает так много протоколов, что их невозможно перечислить в данном описании.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
ja: >-Wireshark は、回線上を流れるパケットをキャプチャし、解析するツールであ るネットワーク「スニファ」です。 Wireshark はここで一覧を示すことがで きない程多くのプロトコルを解析することができます。
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
en_CA: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
fr: >-Wireshark est un analyseur de trafic réseau ou «⋅sniffer⋅», utilisé pour capturer et examiner les paquets transitant sur un réseau. Wireshark décode de nombreux protocoles (trop nombreux pour être listés).
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
en_GB: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
hu: >-A Wireshark egy hálózatfigyelő eszköz, amely elkapja és elemzi a hálózati csomagokat. A Wireshark rengeteg protokollt támogat.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
it: >-Wireshark è uno "sniffer" della rete, uno strumento che cattura e analizza pacchetti dal cavo. Wireshark può decodificare troppi protocolli per elencarli qui.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
nl: >-Wireshark is een netwerk-"sniffer" - een hulpmiddel dat pakketten van de draad kan opvangen en analyseren. Wireshark kan te veel protocols decoderen om hier op te noemen.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
da: >-Wireshark er en »netværkssniffer« - et værktøj som fanger og analyserer pakker fra nettet. Wireshark kan afkode en masse protokoller; for mange til at nævne her.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
en_AU: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
Categories: - Network - Monitor Icon: cached: - name: wireshark-qt_wireshark.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wireshark-qt_wireshark.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: wireshark Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-tektronix-rf5 - application/x-micropross-mplog - application/x-iptrace - application/x-ixia-vwr - application/x-etherpeek - application/x-lanalyzer - application/x-radcom - application/x-netinstobserver - application/x-5view - application/x-nettl - application/x-snoop - application/x-endace-erf - application/ipfix - application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap - application/x-pcapng - application/x-visualnetworks - application/x-apple-packetlogger --- Type: desktop-application ID: nut-monitor.desktop Package: nut-monitor Name: fr: Moniteur NUT C: NUT Monitor Summary: fr: Client graphique pour NUT (Network UPS Tools) C: Network UPS Tools GUI client it: Client grafico per NUT (Network UPS Tools) Description: de: >-Network UPS Tools (NUT) ist ein Client/Server-Überwachungssystem. Es ermöglicht Rechnern die gemeinsame Nutzung von Hardware für unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung (USV) und Energieverteilung (Power Distribution Unit, PDU). Clients greifen über den Server auf die Hardware zu und werden bei Änderungen des Energiestatus benachrichtigt.
This package provides nut-monitor, a GUI application to monitor UPS status.
C: >-Network UPS Tools (NUT) is a client/server monitoring system that allows computers to share uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and power distribution unit (PDU) hardware. Clients access the hardware through the server, and are notified whenever the power status changes.
This package provides nut-monitor, a GUI application to monitor UPS status.
en: >-Network UPS Tools (NUT) is a client/server monitoring system that allows computers to share uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and power distribution unit (PDU) hardware. Clients access the hardware through the server, and are notified whenever the power status changes.
This package provides nut-monitor, a GUI application to monitor UPS status.
en_CA: >-Network UPS Tools (NUT) is a client/server monitoring system that allows computers to share uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and power distribution unit (PDU) hardware. Clients access the hardware through the server, and are notified whenever the power status changes.
This package provides nut-monitor, a GUI application to monitor UPS status.
ru: >-Network UPS Tools (NUT) is a client/server monitoring system that allows computers to share uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and power distribution unit (PDU) hardware. Clients access the hardware through the server, and are notified whenever the power status changes.
Этот пакет содержит nut-monitor, графическое приложение для отслеживания состояния UPS.
es: >-Network UPS Tools (NUT) es un sistema de monitorización cliente/servidor que permite a equipos compartir ininterrumpidamente una fuente de alimentación (UPS) y una unidad de distribución de energía (PDU). El cliente tiene acceso a través del servidor y éste le notifica cualquier cambio en el estado de la energía.
This package provides nut-monitor, a GUI application to monitor UPS status.
fr: >-Network UPS Tools (NUT) est un système de suivi client/serveur qui permet aux ordinateurs de partager l'alimentation sans interruption (UPS) et l'unité de distribution d'alimentation (PDU). Les clients accèdent au matériel via le serveur et sont notifiés à chaque changement d'état de l'alimentation.
Ce paquet fournit nut-monitor, une application graphique pour surveiller l'état de l'onduleur.
en_GB: >-Network UPS Tools (NUT) is a client/server monitoring system that allows computers to share uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and power distribution unit (PDU) hardware. Clients access the hardware through the server, and are notified whenever the power status changes.
This package provides nut-monitor, a GUI application to monitor UPS status.
it: >-NUT (Network UPS Tools) è un sistema client/server di monitoraggio che permette ai computer di condividere hardware UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) e PDU (Power Distribution Unit). I client accedono all'hardware attraverso il server e vengono notificati ogni volta che cambia lo stato dell'alimentazione.
Questo pacchetto fornisce nut-monitor, un'applicazione con interfaccia utente grafica per monitorare lo stato di UPS.
en_AU: >-Network UPS Tools (NUT) is a client/server monitoring system that allows computers to share uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and power distribution unit (PDU) hardware. Clients access the hardware through the server, and are notified whenever the power status changes.
This package provides nut-monitor, a GUI application to monitor UPS status.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: nut-monitor_nut-monitor.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: nut-monitor_nut-monitor.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: gufw.desktop Package: gufw Name: C: Firewall Configuration Summary: C: An easy way to configure your firewall Description: pl: >-gufw zapewnia łatwy i intuicyjny sposób zarządzania zaporą sieciową (firewall) w systemie Linux. Obsługuje typowe zadania, takie jak wstępnie skonfigurowane blokowanie lub zezwalanie, wspólne p2p, czy indywidualne porty oraz wiele innych!
de: >-Mit gufw können Sie Ihre Linux-Firewall einfach und intuitiv verwalten. Es unterstützt gängige Aufgaben wie z.B. das Zulassen oder Blockieren von vordefinierten, üblichen P2P- oder individuell festgelegten Ports sowie viele andere!
zh_CN: >-Gufw 为您提供了一种简单直观的方式来管理 Linux 防火墙。 它支持常见的任务,例如允许和拦截预先配置的、常用的 p2p 端口或单独的端口,以及许多别的规则。
sk: >-gufw je jednoduchý a intuitívny spôsob ako spravovať váš linuxový firewall. Podporuje bežné úlohy ako povolenie alebo zakázanie prednastavených, bežných peer-to-peer alebo vymenovaných portov a mnoho ďalšieho.
sl: >-gufw je enostaven in intuitiven način za upravljanje vašega požarnega zidu Linux. Podpira pogoste naloge kot so omogočanje ali blokiranje predhodno nastavljenih, pogostih p2p ali posameznih in veliko drugih vrat.
fi: >-gufw on helppo ja intuitiivinen tapa hallita Linuxin palomuuria. Se tukee yleisimpiä palomuurin toimintoja, kuten etukäteen määritettyjen p2p- yhteyksien sallimista ja kieltämistä, yksittäisten porttien rajoittamista ja monia muita toimintoja!
C: >-gufw is an easy and intuitive way to manage your Linux firewall. It supports common tasks such as allowing or blocking pre-configured, common p2p, or individual port(s), and many others!
uk: >-gufw — простий та інтуїтивно зрозумілий інструмент управління міжмережевим екраном в Linux. Підтримується виконання таких найбільш частих дій, як дозвіл чи блокування трафіку через заздалегідь сконфігурованих поширених p2p-портів, введених вручну портів та багато іншого!
en: >-gufw is an easy and intuitive way to manage your Linux firewall. It supports common tasks such as allowing or blocking pre-configured, common p2p, or individual port(s), and many others!
ru: >-gufw — это простой и интуитивно понятный инструмент управления межсетевым экраном в Linux. Поддерживается выполнение таких наиболее частых действий, как разрешение или блокирование трафика через предварительно сконфигурированные распространенные p2p-порты, введенные вручную порты и многое другое!
ja: >-gufw で簡単に、直感的に Linux のファイアウォールを管理できます。事前設定済 みのポートや p2p で一般的なポート、個別のポートの許可・拒否など、一般的なタ スクをサポートしています。
tr: >-gufw is an easy and intuitive way to manage your Linux firewall. It supports common tasks such as allowing or blocking pre-configured, common p2p, or individual port(s), and many others!
en_CA: >-gufw is an easy and intuitive way to manage your Linux firewall. It supports common tasks such as allowing or blocking pre-configured, common p2p, or individual port(s), and many others!
fr: >-gufw est un moyen simple et intuitif de gérer votre pare-feu Linux. Il prends en charge les tâches les plus courantes comme celles d'autoriser ou de bloquer les ports p2p génériques, les ports individuels et pleins d'autres fonctionnalités !
en_GB: >-gufw is an easy and intuitive way to manage your Linux firewall. It supports common tasks such as allowing or blocking pre-configured, common p2p, or individual port(s), and many others!
it: >-gufw è un modo facile e intuitivo per gestire firewall Linux. Supporta compiti comuni come abilitare o bloccare porte pre-configurate o particolari, (abituale il p2p) e molto altro!
nl: >-Een gemakkelijke en intuïtieve manier om uw firewall te beheren. Het ondersteunt veelvoorkomende taken zoals het toestaan of blokkeren van vooraf ingestelde poorten, P2P, individuele poorten en meer!
da: >-gufw er en nem og intuitiv måde at håndtere din brandmur for Linux. Programmet understøtter opgaver såsom tilladelse eller blokering af porte for gængs p2p eller individuelle porte og meget andet!
en_AU: >-gufw is an easy and intuitive way to manage your Linux firewall. It supports common tasks such as allowing or blocking pre-configured, common p2p, or individual port(s), and many others!
Categories: - Settings - Security Icon: cached: - name: gufw_gufw.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gufw_gufw.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: comix.desktop Package: comix Name: C: Comix it: Comix Summary: fr: Visionneur d'images spécialisé dans la lecture des bandes dessinées C: A viewer for comic book archives pl: Przeglądarka komiksów it: Un visualizzatore di fumetti es: Un visor de comics sv: En serieboksläsare Description: pl: >-Comix jest przeglądarką komiksów. Czyta archiwa zip, rar, tar, tar.gz i tar.bz2 (często nazywane .cbz .cbr i .cbt), tak dobrze jak zwykłe pliki graficzne. Jest napisana w Pythonie i ma prosty interfejs użytkownika używającego PyGTK.
Główne cechy:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
de: >-Comix ist ein Comic-Betrachter. Er kann ZIP-, RAR-, tar-, tar.gz- und tar.bz2-Archive (die oftmals auf .cbz, .cbr und .cbt enden) sowie normale Bilddateien lesen. Er wurde in Python geschrieben und hat eine einfache Benutzeroberfläche, die PyGTK verwendet.
Die wichtigsten Leistungsmerkmale sind:
* Vollbild-Modus * Doppelseiten-Modus * Auf Bildschirmgröße angepasster Modus * Skalieren und Scrollen * Drehen und Spiegeln * Vergrößerungsglas * Einstellbare Qualität beim Skalieren von Bildern * Bildverbesserung * Rechts-nach-links-Anzeige wird unterstützt, um Mangas usw. gerecht zu werden * Zwischenspeicherung für ein schnelleres Umblättern * Unterstützung für Lesezeichen * Anpassbare grafische Benutzeroberfläche * Unterstützung von Archiv-Kommentaren * Archiv-Umwandlung * Browser für Vorschaubilder * Konform zu Standards * In die Sprachen Englisch, Schwedisch, vereinfachtes Chinesisch, Spanisch, brasilianisches Portugiesisch und Deutsch übersetzt * Lesen von JPEG-, PNG-, TIFF-, GIF-, BMP-, ICO-, XPM- und XBM-Bildformaten * Eingebaute (native) Unterstützung für das Lesen von ZIP- und tar-Archiven, RAR-Archive können mithilfe des Werkzeugs »unrar« gelesen werden * Lauffähig unter Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD und praktisch jedem anderen UNIX-artigen Betriebssystem * Und mehr!
zh_CN: >-Comix 是一个漫画书籍阅览器。它可以读取 zip、rar、tar、tar.gz 和 tar.bz2 (通常称为 .cbz、.cbr、.cbt)压缩包中的漫画,当然也包括普通的图片文件。Comix 由 Python 语言编写,并且有一个基于 PyGTK 的简洁用户界面。
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
sk: >-Comix je zobrazovač komixov. Číta archívy zip, rar, tar, tar.gz a tar.bz2 (často nazývané .cbz, .cbr a .cbt), ako aj bežné súbory s obrázkami. Program je napísaný v Pythone a má jednoduché používateľské rozhranie používajúce PyGTK.
Základné vlastnosti:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
sl: >-Comix je pregledovalnik stripov. Bere arhive zip, tar, tar.gz in tar.bz2 (pogosto se imenujejo .cbz, .cbr in .cbt) kot tudi običajne slikovne datoteke. Napisan je v Pythonu in ima enostaven uporabniški vmesnik, ki uporablja PyGTK.
Glavne zmožnosti:
* celozaslonski način, * način dveh strani, * način prilagodi zaslonu, * približanje in drsenje, * vrtenje in zrcaljenje, * povečevalno steklo, * spremenljiva kakovost raztegovanja slik, * izboljšava slik, * lahko bere od desne proti levi za prileganje mangi itd, * predpomnjenje za hitrejše obračanje strani, * podpora zaznamkov, * prilagodljiv grafični uporabniški vmesnik, * podpora arhivov opomb, * pretvornik arhivov, * brskalnik sličic, * združljiv s standardi, * preveden v angleščino, švedščino, poenostavljeno kitajščino, španščino, brazilsko portugalščino in nemščino, * bere vrste slik JPEG, PNG, TIF,; GIF, BMP, ICO, XMP in XBM, * bere arhive ZIP in tar ter arhive RAR s programom unrar, * deluje na Linuxu, FreeBSD, NetBDS in kateremkoli drugemu UNIX podobnemu OS, * več!
pt_BR: >-Comix é um visualizador de gibis. Ele lê arquivos zip, rar, tar, tar.gz e tar.bz2 (às vezes chamados .cbz, .cbr e .cbt) assim como arquivos normais de imagem. Ele é escrito em Python e tem uma interface de usuário simples usando PyGTK.
Principais recursos:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
ja: >-Comix は、漫画本ビューアです。(たびたび .cbz、cbr や cbt と呼ばれる) zip、rar、tar、tar.gz および tar.bz2アーカイブに加え、通常の画像ファイルも 読み込めます。Python により書かれており、PyGTK によるシンプルなユーザ インターフェイスを有しています。
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
C: >-Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK.
Main Features:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
uk: >-Comix — це програма для перегляду коміксів. Вона вміє читати файли архівів zip, rar, tar, tar.gz та tar.bz2 (часто званих як *.cbz, *.cbr та *.cbt), а також звичайні файли зображень. Вона написана на Python і має простий інтерфейс користувача на основі PyGTK.
Основні можливості:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
en: >-Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK.
Main Features:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
ru: >-Comix -- это программа для просмотра комиксов. Она умеет читать файлы архивов zip, rar, tar, tar.gz и tar.bz2 (часто называемых как .cbz, .cbr и .cbt), а также обычные файлы изображений. Она написана на Python и имеет простой пользовательский интерфейс на основе PyGTK.
Основные возможности:
* Полноэкранный режим. * Двухстраничный режим. * Режим заполнения экрана. * Масштабирование и прокрутка. * Поворот и отражение. * Увеличительные линзы. * Переменное качество масштабирования рисунка. * Улучшение рисунка. * Возможность чтения манги справа налево. * Кеширование для более быстрой смены рисунков. * Поддержка закладок. * Настраиваемый графический интерфейс. * Поддержка комментариев архивов. * Преобразование архивов. * Браузер по закладкам. * Соответствует стандартам. * Переведено на английский, шведский, упрощённый китайский, испанский, бразильский португальский и немецкий. * Читает форматы рисунков JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM и XBM. * Читает форматы ZIP и TAR самостоятельно, и архивы RAR через программу unrar. * Работает в Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD и возможно на любых других UNIX-подобных ОС. * И больше!
gl: >-Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK.
Funcionalidades principais:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
tr: >-Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK.
Ana Özellikler:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
zh_TW: >-Comix 是一款為瀏覽漫畫而製作的程式。除了能瀏覽一般的圖檔之外,它也支援 zip、rar、tar 等格式 (通常它們的副檔名是 cbz、cbr 或 cbt)。
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
es: >-Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK.
Características principales:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
fr: >-Comix est une visionneuse de bandes dessinées. Il lit les archives zip, rar, tar, tar.gz et tar.bz2 (souvent appelées .cbz, .cbr et .cbt) ainsi que des fichiers d'image normaux. Il est écrit en Python et possède une interface utilisateur simple utilisant PyGTK.
Fonctionnalités principales :
* Mode plein écran. * Mode double page. * Mode ajusté à l'écran. * Zoom et défilement. * Rotation et miroir. * Grossissement. * Qualité de mise à l'échelle de l'image modifiable. * Amélioration de l'image. * Peut lire de droite à gauche pour s'adapter aux mangas, etc. * Mise en cache pour accélérer le changement de page. * Prise en charge des marque-pages. * Personnalisation de l'interface utilisateur graphique. * Prise en charge des commentaires de l'archive. * Convertisseur d'archive. * Navigation via des miniatures. * Conforme aux normes. * Traduit en anglais, suédois, chinois simplifié, espagnol, portugais brésilien et allemand. * Lit les formats d'image JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM et XBM. * Lit les archives ZIP et TAR nativement, et les archives RAR via le programme unrar. * Fonctionne sous Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD et pratiquement n'importe quel autre OS de type Unix. * Bien plus !
sv: >-Comix är en serietidningsvisare. Det läser zip-, rar-, tar-, tar.gz- och tar.bz2-arkiv (ofta kallade .cbz, .cbr och .cbt) liksom vanliga filer. Det är skrivet i Python och använder ett enkelt PyGTK-användargränssnitt.
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
en_GB: >-Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK.
Main Features:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
en_CA: >-Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK.
Main Features:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
it: >-Comix è un visualizzatore di fumetti. Legge archivi zip, rar, tar, tar.gz e tar.bz2 (spesso chiamati .cbz, .cbr e .cbt) così come file immagine normali. È scritto in Python e ha una semplice interfaccia utente che usa PyGTK.
Caratteristiche principali:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
nl: >-Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK.
Belangrijkste functies:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
da: >-Comix er en fremviser af tegneserier. Den læser arkiverne zip, rar, tar, tar.gz og tar.bz2 (ofte kaldt .cbz, .cbr og .cbt) samt normale billedfiler. Det er skrevet i Python og har en simpel brugergrænseflade, der bruger PyGTK.
Vigtigste funktioner:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
en_AU: >-Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK.
Main Features:
* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!
Categories: - Graphics - Viewer Icon: cached: - name: comix_comix.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: comix_comix.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - image/gif - application/x-rar - image/x-sun-raster - image/jpeg - image/vnd.adobe.svg+xml - application/x-cbr - image/x-portable-graymap - application/x-cbt - application/x-bzip2 - application/zip - application/x-tar - image/x-xbitmap - image/svg - application/x-cbz - image/svg+xml - image/png - application/x-zip - image/x-icon - application/x-gzip - image/x-portable-anymap - text/xml-svg - image/x-portable-pixmap - image/x-tga - image/svg-xml - image/tiff - image/x-xpixmap - image/x-cmu-raster - image/bmp - image/x-pcx - image/x-portable-bitmap --- Type: desktop-application ID: brasero.desktop Package: brasero Name: pa_IN: ਬਰਾਸੀਰੋ ar_EG: براسيرو C: Brasero bn_IN: ব্রাসেরো ar_LY: براسيرو sr_RS: Бразеро bn_BD: ব্রাসেরো sr_ME: Бразеро mr_IN: ब्रसेरो ar_TN: براسيرو ar_MA: براسيرو ar_IN: براسيرو my_MM: ဘရာဇို ko_KR: 브라세로 ar_IQ: براسيرو pt_PT: Brasero - Gravador ar_QA: براسيرو ar_BH: براسيرو ml_IN: ബ്രസേറോ hi_IN: ब्रैसेरो ar_SA: براسيرو ar_OM: براسيرو ar_SD: براسيرو ar_KW: براسيرو si_LK: බ්රසේරෝ am_ET: ብራሴሮ ar_LB: براسيرو pa_PK: ਬਰਾਸੀਰੋ fa_IR: برازرو ar_DZ: براسيرو ar_YE: براسيرو ar_AE: براسيرو te_IN: బ్రాసెరో ar_JO: براسيرو sr_RS@latin: Brazero ar_SY: براسيرو Summary: ar_OM: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات id_ID: Membuat dan menyalin CD/DVD pa_IN: CD ਅਤੇ DVD ਬਣਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਕਾਪੀ ਕਰੋ nl_NL: Cd's en dvd's branden en kopiëren es_ES: Cree y copie CD y DVD it_CH: Crea e copia CD e DVD ku_TR: CD û DVDyan biafirînin û ji ber bigirin el_GR: Εγγραφή και αντιγραφή CD και DVD ast_ES: Crear y copiar CD y DVD es_MX: Cree y copie CD y DVD sq_AL: Krijo dhe kopjo CD dhe DVD bg_BG: Създаване и копиране на CD и DVD дискове ar_AE: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات es_US: Cree y copie CD y DVD hi_IN: सीडी और डीवीडी बनाएँ और नक़ल लें et_EE: Loo ja kopeeri CD- ja DVD-plaate ta_IN: சிடி க்கள் மற்றும் டிவிடி க்கள் உருவாக்க மற்றும் நகல் எடுக்க fi_FI: Luo ja kopioi CD- ja DVD-levyjä hu_HU: CD-k és DVD-k írása és másolása gd_GB: Cruthaich is dèan lethbhreac dhe CDan is DVDan es_UY: Cree y copie CD y DVD es_NI: Cree y copie CD y DVD fa_IR: ایجاد و نسخه بردای از سیدیها و دیویدیها fr_BE: Créer et copier des CD ou des DVD ug_CN: CD ياكى DVD نى كۆچۈرگىلى ياكى يېڭىدىن ياسىغىلى بولىدۇ oc_FR: Crear e copiar de CD e de DVD es_VE: Cree y copie CD y DVD bs_BA: Pravi i kopira CD i DVD diskove uk_UA: Запис та копіювання CD чи DVD ar_QA: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات cs_CZ: Vytvářejte a kopírujte CD a DVD ro_RO: Creează și copiază CD-uri și DVD-uri ar_IQ: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات ar_IN: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات or_IN: CD ଏବଂ DVDଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ନିର୍ମାଣ କରି ନକଲ କରନ୍ତୁ ug_CN@latin: CD ياكى DVD نى كۆچۈرگىلى ياكى يېڭىدىن ياسىغىلى بولىدۇ de_AT: CDs/DVDs schreiben und kopieren ar_BH: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات nb_NO: Skriv og kopier CD-er og DVD-er ar_YE: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات pt_PT: Crie e copie CDs e DVDs es_GT: Cree y copie CD y DVD zh_CN: 创建及复制 CD/DVD ca_ES: Crea i copia CD i DVD bn_IN: CD ও DVD তৈরি এবং অনুলিপি করুন af_ZA: Skep en kopieer CD's en DVD's fr_CA: Créer et copier des CD ou des DVD ru_RU: Запись и копирование CD и DVD sv_SE: Skapa och kopiera cd- och dvd-skivor fr_CH: Créer et copier des CD ou des DVD de_BE: CDs/DVDs schreiben und kopieren bn_BD: CD ও DVD তৈরি এবং অনুলিপি করুন nl_AW: Cd's en dvd's branden en kopiëren ar_JO: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات kn_IN: CD ಮತ್ತು DVDಗಳನ್ನು ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಬರೆಯಿರಿ gl_ES: Grave e copie CDs e DVDs eu_ES: Sortu eta kopiatu CD eta DVDak ms_MY: Cipta dan salin CD dan DVD nn_NO: Lag og kopier CD-ar og DVD-ar my_MM: စီဒီ/ဒီဗီဒီ မိတ္တူတစ်ခုတည်ဆောက် be_BY@latin: Стварэнне і капіраванне CD- і DVD-дыскаў as_IN: নতুন CD আৰু DVD সৃষ্টি কৰক অথবা কপি কৰক es_HN: Cree y copie CD y DVD es_PA: Cree y copie CD y DVD tr_CY: CD/DVD yaz ve kopyala nl_BE: Cd's en dvd's branden en kopiëren es_PE: Cree y copie CD y DVD sk_SK: Vytvára a kopíruje disky CD a DVD he_IL: יצירה והעתקה של תקליטורי CD ו־DVD ca_FR: Crea i copia CD i DVD ia: Cree y copie CD y DVD pt_BR: Crie e copie CDs e DVDs ja_JP: CD や DVD を作成したりコピーします gu_IN: CDs અને DVDs ને બનાવો અને નકલ કરો es_PR: Cree y copie CD y DVD ar_SA: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات de_CH: CDs/DVDs schreiben und kopieren km_KH: បង្កើត និងចម្លងស៊ីឌី និងឌីវីឌី ar_SD: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات es_PY: Cree y copie CD y DVD es_AR: Cree y copie CD y DVD eu_FR: Sortu eta kopiatu CD eta DVDak eo_US: Krei kaj kopii KD-jn kaj DVD-jn ar_KW: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات ta_LK: சிடி க்கள் மற்றும் டிவிடி க்கள் உருவாக்க மற்றும் நகல் எடுக்க sr_RS: Правите и умножавајте ЦД и ДВД дискове el_CY: Εγγραφή και αντιγραφή CD και DVD fr_LU: Créer et copier des CD ou des DVD ar_LB: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات zh_TW: 建立與複製 CD 和 DVD ar_SY: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات ml_IN: സിഡികളും ഡിവിഡികളും തയ്യാറാക്കി പകര്ത്തുക sl_SI: CD/DVD ustvarjanje in kopiranje tr_TR: CD/DVD yaz ve kopyala hr_HR: Stvori i kopiraj CD-e i DVD-e de_DE: CDs/DVDs schreiben und kopieren ar_DZ: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات ru_UA: Запись и копирование CD и DVD es_BO: Cree y copie CD y DVD lt_LT: Įrašyti ir kopijuoti CD bei DVD diskus br_FR: Krouiñ hag eilañ CDoù ha DVDoù tg_TJ: Дискҳои CD ва DVD-ро эҷод ва нусхабардорӣ намоед mr_IN: CDs व DVDs बनवा व प्रतिकृत करा sv_FI: Skapa och kopiera cd- och dvd-skivor ar_LY: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات ar_TN: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات ar_EG: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات de_LI: CDs/DVDs schreiben und kopieren sq_MK: Krijo dhe kopjo CD dhe DVD ar_MA: أنشئ وانسخ الاسطوانات والديڤيديات is_IS: Búa til og afrita CD geisladiska og DVD mynddiska de_LU: CDs/DVDs schreiben und kopieren C: Create and copy CDs and DVDs ca_AD: Crea i copia CD i DVD es_CL: Cree y copie CD y DVD es_CO: Cree y copie CD y DVD es_CR: Cree y copie CD y DVD fr_FR: Créer et copier des CD ou des DVD es_CU: Cree y copie CD y DVD th_TH: สร้างและคัดลอกซีดี/ดีวีดี ko_KR: CD나 DVD를 만들고 복사합니다 ca_IT: Crea i copia CD i DVD vi_VN: Tạo và sao chép đĩa CD và DVD am_ET: ሲዲ እና ዲቪዲ ኮፒ ማድረጊያ እና መፍጠሪያ be_BY: Стварэнне і капіраванне CD- і DVD-дыскаў pl_PL: Nagrywanie i kopiowanie płyt CD/DVD te_IN: CDలు మరియు DVDలను సృష్టించుము మరియు నకలుతీయుము sr_ME: Правите и умножавајте ЦД и ДВД дискове it_IT: Crea e copia CD e DVD es_DO: Cree y copie CD y DVD es_SV: Cree y copie CD y DVD sr_RS@latin: Pravite i umnožavajte CD i DVD diskove ga_IE: Cruthaigh agus cóipeáil CDanna agus DVDanna pa_PK: CD ਅਤੇ DVD ਬਣਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਕਾਪੀ ਕਰੋ mk_MK: Креирај и копирај CD / DVD da_DK: Opret og kopiér cd/dvd'er zh_HK: 建立與複製 CD 和 DVD eo: Krei kaj kopii KD-jn kaj DVD-jn es_EC: Cree y copie CD y DVD lv_LV: Ierakstīt un kopēt CD un DVD Description: or: >-Brasero ହେଉଛିGNOME ଡେସ୍କଟପ ପାଇଁ CD/DVD ଲେଖିବା ପାଇଁ ଉଦ୍ଦିଷ୍ଟ ପ୍ରୟୋଗ। ଏହାକୁ ଯେତେ ସମ୍ଭବ ସରଳ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ରଚନା କରାଯାଇଥାଏ ଏବଂ ଏଥିରେ କିଛି ଅନନ୍ୟ ବିଶେଷ୍ୟତା ରହିଛି ଯାହାକି ବ୍ୟବହାରକାରୀଙ୍କୁ ସେମାନଙ୍କର ଡିସ୍କଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ସହଜରେ ଏବଂ ଶିଘ୍ର ନିର୍ମାଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ସକ୍ରିୟ କରାଯାଇଛି।
Brasero ତଥ୍ୟ ଏବଂ ଧ୍ୱନି CD/DVDs ନିର୍ମାଣ, ନକଲ ଏବଂ ଲିଖନ କରିପାରିବ। ଏହା ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ଭାବରେ CD-TEXT, ଏକାଧିକ ଅଧିବେଶନ ଏବଂ ଜଲିଏଟ ଅନୁଲଗ୍ନଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ସହାୟତା କରିଥାଏ। ଆପଣ ଅନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନୀୟ ପ୍ରୟୋଗଗୁଡ଼ିକରୁ କିମ୍ବା ସୁଦୂର ସହଭାଗୀ ଡ୍ରାଇଭରଗୁଡ଼ିକରୁ ସହଜରେ ଡିସ୍କରେ ଲେଖିବା ପାଇଁ ଟାଣିକରି ପକାଇ ପାରିବେ।
zh_CN: >-Brasero 是一款 GNOME 桌面下的 CD/DVD 刻录应用程序。其设计宗旨是尽可能简单,以独具特色的方式让用户以简单快捷的方式创建他们的光盘。
Brasero 可以创建、复制和刻录数据以及音频 CD/DVD。完全支持 CD-TEXT、多会话以及 Joliet 扩展。您只需将文件从其他应用程序或远程共享驱动器中拖拽进来,就可以轻松的将它们刻录成光盘。
ja: >-Brasero は CD/DVD を作成する GNOME デスクトップ向けアプリケーションです。Brasero はできる限りシンプルにデザインされ、ユニークな機能も搭載しており、素早く簡単にディスクを作成できます。
Brasero はデータや音楽の CD/DVD のコピーおよび書き込みができます。また、CD-TEXT や、マルチセッション、Joliet 拡張規格にも対応しています。他のアプリケーションやリモートの共有ドライブからファイルをドラッグ・アンド・ドロップするだけでて、簡単にディスクを作成できます。
sk: >-Brasero je aplikácia na napaľovanie CD a DVD nosičov, určená pre prostredie GNOME. Táto aplikácia sa jednoducho používa a poskytuje zopár jedinečných funkcií, ktoré vám umožnia jednoducho a rýchlo vytvárať disky.
Brasero dokáže vytvárať, kopírovať a napaľovať dátové a Audio CD a DVD nosiče. Plne podporuje rozšírenia CD-TEXT, multisession a joliet. Súbory môžeme jednoducho potiahnuť z iných miestnych aplikácií alebo pripojených vzdialených jednotiek a napáliť ich na disk.
sl: >-Brasero je program za zapisovanje nosilcev CD/DVD za namizje GNOME. Zasnovan je kot orodje, ki je enostavno za uporabo. Uporabnikom omogoča hitro in enostavno ustvarjanje in zapisovanje vsebine.
Program omogoča ustvarjanje, kopiranje in zapisovanje podatkovnih in zvočnih nosilcev CD in DVD. Omogoča polno podporo besedila CD-TEXT, zapisuje nosilce z več sledmi in z razširitvami joliet. Vsebino enostavno povlečemo in spustimo v programsko okno iz diska ali oddaljenega mesta in datoteke zapišemo..
hi: >-ब्रसेरो गनोम डेस्कटॉप के लिए CD/DVD लिखने के लिए अनुप्रयोग है. इसे सरलतम रहने के लिए डिज़ायन किया है और उपयोक्ता को सक्रिय करने के लिए कुछ अनूठी विशेषताएँ रखता है ताकि उन डिस्क को आसानी से और तेजी से बनाया जा सके.
ब्रसेरो डाटा और CD/DVD का निर्माण, नक़ल और लिख सकता है. यह पूरी तरह से CD-TEXT, मल्टीस्क्रीन और ज्वाइलेट विस्तार का समर्थन करता है. आप अन्य स्थानीय अनुप्रयोग से फ़ाइल को खींच कर ला सकते हैं या दूरस्थ साझा ड्राइव से डिस्क में लिख सकते हैं.
he: >-Brasero הוא יישום לצריבת תקליטורים עבור שולחן העבודה GNOME. הוא מעוצב להיות פשוט ככל האפשר והוא מגיע עם כמה תכונות ייחודיות כדי לאפשר למשתמש ליצור את התקליטורים שלו בקלות ובמהירות.
Brasero יכול ליצור, להעתיק ולצרוב נתונים ושמע על גבי תקליטורים. הוא תומך באופן מלא בהרחבות CD-TEXT, צריבת מידע בכמה שלבים ו־Joliet. ניתן פשוט לגרור ולשחרר קבצים מיישומים מקומיים אחרים או מכונן שיתופי מרוחק כדי לצרוב אותם בקלות לתקליטור.
C: >-Brasero is a application to burn CD/DVD for the GNOME Desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly.
Brasero can create, copy and burn Data and Audio CD/DVDs. It fully supports CD-TEXT, multisession and joliet extensions. You can simply drag and drop files from other local applications or from remote shared drives to easily burn them to a disc.
fr: >-Brasero est une application pour l'environnement GNOME qui grave des CD/DVD. Elle est conçue pour être aussi simple que possible et possède des fonctionnalités uniques pour permettre aux utilisateurs de créer leurs disques facilement et rapidement.
Brasero peut créer, copier et graver des CD/DVD de données et de fichiers audio. Il prend complètement en charge les extensions CD-TEXT, multisession et joliet. Vous pouvez simplement glisser et déposer des fichiers d'autres applications locales ou provenant de disques partagés distants pour les graver facilement sur un disque.
sr: >-Бразеро је програм за резање ЦД/ДВД-а за Гномову радну површ. Осмишљен је да буде што једноставнији и има неке јединствене функције да омогући корисницима да лако и брзо направе своје дискове.
Бразеро може да ствара, умножава и нарезује ЦД/ДВД података и звука. У потпуности подржава ЦД-ТЕКСТ, више сесија и жолиет проширења. Можете једноставно да превучете и да убаците датотеке из других месних програма или са удаљених дељених уређаја да бисте их нарезали на диск.
uk: >-Brasero — програма для записування CD/DVD у стільничному середовищі GNOME. Вона розроблена, щоб бути якнайпростішою, та має кілька особливостей для створення дисків просто й швидко.
Brasero може створювати, копіювати та записувати музичні CD/DVD або з даними. Повне підтримування CD-TEXT, кілька сеансів і розширення Joliet. Можете перетягувати файли з інших локальних програм або з віддалених ресурсів, щоб легко записувати їх на диск.
nb: >-Brasero er et program for GNOME-skrivebordet som skriver CD- og DVD-plater. Det er laget for å være så lettvint som mulig, og lar deg lage plater lett og raskt.
Brasero kan lage, kopiere og skrive data- og lyd-CDer/DVDer. Det støtter CD-TEXT-, multisesjon- og joliet-utvidelsene. Du kan dra og slippe filer fra andre lokale programmer eller fra eksterne delte stasjoner for å skrive dem til en plate på en enkel måte.
sv: >-Brasero är ett program för att bränna cd/dvd för skrivbordsmiljön GNOME. Det är designat för att vara så enkelt som möjligt och har några unika funktioner som tillåter användare att skapa sina skivor snabbt och enkelt.
Brasero kan skapa, kopiera och bränna data- samt ljud-cd/dvd. Det har fullständigt stöd för cd-text, multisessioner och joliet-tillägg. Du kan helt enkelt dra och släppa filer från andra lokala program eller från delade fjärrdiskar för att lätt bränna dem till en skiva.
ca@valencia: >-El Brasero és una aplicació per enregistrar CD/DVD per a l'escriptori GNOME. Està dissenyat per ser senzill i té característiques úniques per permetre als usuaris crear discos de forma ràpida i senzilla.
El Brasero pot crear, copiar i enregistrar CD/DVD de dades i d'àudio. És compatible amb CD-TEXT, multisessió i extensions joliet. Podeu enregistrar els discos arrossegant i deixant anar fitxers des d'altres aplicacions o dispositius remots compartits.
pa: >-ਬਰਾਸੀਰੋ ਗਨੋਮ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਲਈ ਸੀਡੀ/ਡੀਵੀਡੀ ਲਿਖਣ ਲਈ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਜਿੰਨਾ ਵੀ ਸੰਭਵ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੇ, ਸੌਖੇ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਦੇ ਕੁਝ ਵਿਲੱਖਣ ਲੱਛਣ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨੂੰ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੀਆਂ ਡਿਸਕਾਂ ਸੌਖੀ ਤੇ ਤੁਰੰਤ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਹਨ।
ਬਰਾਸੀਰੋ ਡਾਟਾ ਤੇ ਆਡੀਓ ਸੀਡੀ/ਡੀਵੀਡੀ ਬਣਾਉ, ਕਾਪੀ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਹ CD-TEXT, ਮਲਟੀਸ਼ੈਸ਼ਨ ਅਤੇ ਜੋਲਿਟ ਇਕਸੈਟੈਂਸ਼ਨ ਲਈ ਪੂਰੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਹੈ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਲੋਕਲ ਐਪਲੀਸ਼ੇਨ ਤੋਂ ਰਿਮੋਟ ਤੋਂ ਸਾਂਝੀ ਡਰਾਇਵ ਤੋਂ ਡਿਸਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਲਿਖਣ ਲਈ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਖਿੱਚ ਕੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।
bn_IN: >-Brasero হল GNOME ডেস্কটপ থেকে CD/DVD বার্ন করার একটি অ্যাপ্লিকেশন। এটিকে যতাসম্ভব সহজ ভাবে তৈরি করা হয়েছে এবং এতে এমন কিছু বিশেষ বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছৈ যার সাহায্যে ব্যবহারকারীরা সহজেই এবং দ্রুত তাদের ডিস্ক তৈরি করে নিতে পারবেন।
Brasero, ডেটা এবং অডিও CD/DVD তৈরি করতে, অনুলিপি করতে এবং বার্ন করতে পারবে। এটি সম্পূর্ণ ভাবেCD-TEXT, মাল্টিসেশন এবং জোলিয়েট এক্সটেনশন সমর্থন করে। ফাইল ডিস্কে বার্ন করতে অাপনি তাদের সহজেই অন্য স্থানীয় অ্যাপ্লিকেশন বা দূরবর্তী ভাগ করা ড্রাইভ থেকে টেনে নিয়ে এসে রাখতে পারবেন।
hu: >-A Brasero egy GNOME asztali környezethez készült CD/DVD író alkalmazás. Az alkalmazást minél egyszerűbben használhatónak tervezték, de mégis rendelkezik egyedi jellemzőkkel, amelyekkel a felhasználók egyszerűen és gyorsan hozhatnak létre lemezeket.
A Braseroval létrehozhat, másolhat és kiírhat adat és hang CD-ket vagy DVD-ket. Az alkalmazás teljesen támogatja a CD-TEXT, többmenetes és Joliet kiterjesztéseket. Más alkalmazásokból vagy megosztott távoli meghajtókról egyszerűen áthúzhat fájlokat, majd ezeket egyszerűen lemezre írhatja.
ca: >-El Brasero és una aplicació per enregistrar CD/DVD per a l'escriptori GNOME. Està dissenyat per ser senzill i té característiques úniques per permetre als usuaris crear discos de forma ràpida i senzilla.
El Brasero pot crear, copiar i enregistrar CD/DVD de dades i d'àudio. És compatible amb CD-TEXT, multisessió i extensions joliet. Podeu enregistrar els discos arrossegant i deixant anar fitxers des d'altres aplicacions o dispositius remots compartits.
zh_TW: >-Brasero 是 GNOME 桌面燒錄 CD/DVD 的應用程式。它的設計是儘可能簡單,並且具有獨特的功能讓使用者能簡單而快速的建立他們自己的光碟。
Brasero 可以建立、複製與燒錄資料和音樂 CD/DVD。它支援 CD-TEXT 、多重階段與 joliet 擴充功能。您可以從其他本地端應用程式或遠端分享的磁碟簡單的拖放檔案,並將它們燒錄到光碟。
nl: >-Brasero is een toepassing voor het branden van cd's/dvd's voor de Gnome-werkomgeving. Het is ontworpen om zo eenvoudig mogelijk te zijn en heeft een aantal unieke functies waardoor gebruikers gemakkelijk en snel schijven kunnen aanmaken.
Met Brasero kunt u data- en audiocd's/dvd's aanmaken, kopiëren en branden. CD-TEXT, multisessie en jolietextensies worden volledig ondersteund. U kunt op eenvoudige wijze bestanden van andere lokale toepassingen of van externe gedeelde stations naar een schijf branden via slepen en neerzetten.
lt: >-Brasero yra GNOME darbastalio programa CD/DVD kūrimui. Ji sukurta taip, kad būtų kuo paprastesnė, ir turi išskirtinių savybių, leidžiančių naudotojams paprastai ir greitai sukurti diskus.
Brasero gali sukurti, kopijuoti bei įrašyti duomenų ir garso CD/DVD. Jis pilnai palaiko CD-TEXT, daugeli seansų ir joliet plėtinius. Galite tiesiog atitempti failus iš kitų programų ar nutolusių viešinamų diskų jų įrašymui į diską.
ta: >-Brasero என்பது CD/DVD ஐ எழுத உதவும் GNOME பணிமேடைக்கான ஒரு பயன்பாடு. இது பயனர்கள் தங்கள் வட்டுக்களை எளிதாகவும் விரைவாகவும் உருவாக்குவதற்காக சில தனித்துவமான அம்சங்களைக் கொண்டு கூடுமான எளிமையுடன் உருவாக்கப்பட்ட பயன்பாடாகும்.
Brasero தரவு மற்றும் ஒலி CD/DVD களை உருவாக்க, நகலெடுக்க எழுத உதவும். இது CD-TEXT, பல அமர்வு மற்றும் ஜோலியட் நீட்டிப்புகளை முழுமையாக ஆதரிக்கும். உங்கள் பிற உள்ளமை பயன்பாடுகள் அல்லது தொலைநிலை பகிரப்பட்ட வட்டுகளில் இருந்து கோப்புகளை இழுத்துப் போட்டு அவற்றை வட்டில் எளிதில் எழுதலாம்.
lv: >-Brasero ir CD/DVD rakstīšanas lietotne GNOME darbvirsmai. Tā ir veidota, lai būtu pēc iespējas vienkāršāka un tai ir arī unikālas iespējas, kas ļauj lietotājam izveidot diskus ātri un vienkārši.
Brasero var izveidot, kopēt un ierakstīt datu un audio CD/DVD. Tas pilnībā atbalsta CD-TEXT, multisesiju un joliet paplašinājumus. Jūs varat vienkārši vilkt un nomest datnes no citām lietotnēm vai no attālinātiem koplietojuma diskiem, lai tos viegli ierakstītu diskā.
gd: >-'S e aplacaid an deasga GNOME a th' ann am Brasero gus CD/DVD a losgadh. Chaidh a dhealbhachadh ach am biodh e cho furasta cleachdadh 's a ghabhas agus tha feartan àraidh 'na lùib leis an urrainn dhut na diosgan agad a chruthachadh gu furasta 's gu luath.
Tha comas aig Brasero air CD/DVDan dàta no fuaime a chruthachadh, lethbhreacan dhiubh a dhèanamh 's an losgadh. Cuiridh e làn-taic ris na leudachain CD-TEXT, multisession agus joliet. Cha leig thu leas ach dàta a shlaodadh 's a leigeil às o dh'aplacaid ionadail eile no o dhraibhean cèine co-roinnte gus an losgadh air diosga.
as: >-Brasero হল GNOME ডেস্কটপৰ বাবে CD/DVD বাৰ্ণ কৰাৰ এটা এপ্লিকেচন। ইয়াক যিমান সম্ভব সহজ কৰিবলৈ ৰূপাঙ্কণ কৰা হৈছে আৰু ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীসকলে তেওলোকৰ ডিস্কবোৰ সহজতে আৰু দ্ৰুতভাৱে সৃষ্টি কৰিবলৈ কিছুমান অবিকল্প বৈশিষ্ট্য আছে।
Brasero এ তথ্য আৰু অডিঅ' CD/DVDs সৃষ্টি, কপি আৰু বাৰ্ণ কৰিব পাৰে। ই CD-TEXT, বহুঅধিবেশন আৰু joilet সম্প্ৰসাৰনসমূহ সম্পূৰ্ণভাৱে সমৰ্থন কৰে। আপুনি ফাইলসমূহক সহজতে এটা ডিস্কত বাৰ্ণ কৰিবলৈ অন্য স্থানীয় এপ্লিকেচন অথবা দূৰৱৰ্তী অংশীদাৰী কৰা ড্ৰাইভসমূহৰ পৰা ড্ৰেগ আৰু ড্ৰপ কৰিব পাৰে।
el: >-Το Brasero είναι μια εφαρμογή για εγγραφή CD/DVD για το GNOME. Είναι σχεδιασμένη ώστε να είναι όσο το δυνατό απλή και έχει μερικές μοναδικές λειτουργίες ώστε να δώσει τη δυνατότητα στους χρήστες να δημιουργήσουν τους δικούς τους δίσκους εύκολα και γρήγορα.
Με το Brasero μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε, αντιγράψετε και να εγγράψετε CD/DVD με δεδομένα και ήχο. Υποστηρίζει πλήρως τα πρόσθετα CD-TEXT, multisession και joliet. Μπορείτε απλά να σύρετε και αποθέστε αρχεία από άλλες τοπικές εφαρμογές ή από απομακρυσμένους κοινόχρηστους δίσκους και να τα εγγράψετε σε ένα δίσκο.
cs: >-Brasero je aplikace pro pracovní prostředí GNOME sloužící k vypalování CD/DVD. Je nevržena tak, aby byla co nejjednodušší a má některé jedinečné funkce, díky nimž mohou uživatelé své disky vytvářet snadno a rychle.
Brasero umí vytvářet, kopírovat a vypalovat datové a zvukové CD/DVD. Plně podporuje rozšíření CD-TEXT, multisession a joliet. Když chcete vypálit soubory, stačí je prostě přetáhnout z místní aplikace nebo vzdáleného sdíleného úložiště na disk.
tg: >-Brasero - ин барнома барои сабт кардани дискҳои CD/DVD дар Мизи кории GNOME мебошад. Он ба тавре тарроҳӣ шудааст, ки то ҳадди имкон оддӣ бошад, ва дорои баъзе хусусиятҳои беназир мебошад, ки ба корбарон эҷодкунии дискҳои онҳоро осон ва фаврӣ месозад.
Brasero метавонад дискҳои иттилоотӣ ва аудиоии CD/DVD-ро эҷод, нусхабардорӣ ва сабт намояд. Он пасвандҳои CD-TEXT, multisession ва joliet-ро пурра дастгирӣ мекунад. Шумо метавонед файлҳоро аз барномаҳои дигари маҳаллӣ ё аз дискҳои дурдасти муштарак ба таври оддӣ кашида баред, то ин ки онҳоро ба осонӣ ба диск сабт кунед.
id: >-Brasero adalah aplikasi untuk membakar CD/DVD bagi Desktop GNOME. Ini dirancang agar sesederhana mungkin dan memiliki beberapa fitur unik yang memungkinkan pengguna membuat cakram mereka dengan mudah dan cepat.
Brasero dapat membuat, menyalin, dan membakar CD/DVD Data dan Audio. Ini mendukung ekstensi joliet, multi sesi, dan CD-TEXT sepenuhnya. Anda bisa sekedar menyeret dan menjatuhkan berkas dari aplikasi lokal lain atau dari kandar bersama jarak jauh untuk membakar mereka ke cakram dengan mudah.
gl: >-Brasero é un aplicativo de gravación de CD/DVD para o escritorio GNOME. Está deseñado para ser tan simple como sexa posíbel e ten algunhas características únicas que lle permiten aos usuarios crear os seus propios discos de forma doada e rápida.
Brasero pode crear, copiar e gravar CDs ou DVDs de datos ou son. Admite perfectamente as extensións de CD-TEXT, multisesión e joliet. Pode arrastrar e soltar ficheiros desde outros aplicativos locais ou desde unidades compartidas remotas para gravalos nun disco.
es: >-Brasero es una aplicación para grabar CD/DVD para el escritorio GNOME. Está diseñada para tan sencilla como sea posible y tiene algunas características únicas para que los usuarios puedan crear sus discos fácil y rápidamente.
Brasero puede crear, copiar y grabar CD/DVD de sonido y de datos. Soporta CD-TEXT por completo, extensiones joliet y multisesión. Puede arrastrar y soltar archivos desde otras aplicaciones locales o desde unidades remotas compartidas para grabarlos fácilmente a un disco.
pt: >-O Brasero é uma aplicação do ambiente GNOME para gravar CD/DVDs. Foi desenhado para ser o mais simples possível e tem algumas características únicas que permitem aos utilizadores criar os seus discos fácil e rapidamente.
O Brasero pode criar, copiar e gravar CD ou DVDs de Dados ou Áudio. Suporta CD-TEXT na totalidade, multi-sessão e extensões joliet. Pode simplesmente arrastar e largar os ficheiros de outras aplicações locais ou de discos remotos partilhados e gravá-los para um disco.
et: >-Brasero on CD ja DVD plaatide kirjutamise rakendus GNOME töölaual. See on tehtud nii lihtsaks kui võimalik ning sisaldab mõningaid unikaalseid võimalusi, tänu millele on plaatide kirjutamine lihtne ja kiire.
Braseroga saab luua, kopeerida ja kirjutada andme- ja audio CD ja DVD plaate. See toetab CD-TEXT vormingut, multisessioone ning jolieti laiendusi. Paatide kirjutamiseks võid lohistada faile kaustadest, teistest rakendustest või kaugketastelt, et need mugavalt plaadile kirjutada.
eu: >-Brasero CDak/DVDak grabatzeko GNOME mahaigaineko aplikazio bat da. Ahalik eta xumeena izateko diseinatua izan da, eta eginbide paregabe batzuk ditu erabiltzaileek beraien diskoak modu errazean eta azkar sortzeko.
Braserok datuen eta audio formatuko CDak/DVDak sor ditzake. CD-TEXT, saio-anitzak eta Joliet luzapenak osotasunez onartzen ditu. Arrastatu eta jaregin fitxategiak lokaleko beste aplikazio batzuetatik, edo urruneko partekatutako unitateetatik haiek diskoan grabatzeko.
ro: >-Brasero este o aplicație pentru scrierea de CD-uri/DVD-uri pentru mediul desktop GNOME. Este conceput să fie cât de simplu posibil și are unele funcționlaități unice ce le permit utilizatorilor să-și creeze discuri într-un mod ușor și rapid.
Brasero poate creea, copia și scrie CD-uri/DVD-uri audio și de date. Suportă complet CD-TEXT, multisesiuni și extensii joliet. Puteți să glisați și să plasați fișiere din alte aplicații sau de pe unități partajate la distanță pentru a le inscripționa pe un disc.
pl: >-Brasero to program do nagrywania płyt CD/DVD dla środowiska GNOME. Został stworzony z myślą o jak największej prostocie, a jego unikalne funkcje umożliwiają użytkownikowi nagrywanie płyt w łatwy i szybki sposób.
Za pomocą programu Brasero można tworzyć, kopiować i nagrywać płyty CD/DVD z danymi lub dźwiękiem. Posiada on również pełną obsługę CD-Text, nagrywania wielosesyjnego oraz systemu Joliet. Aby nagrać pliki na płytę, wystarczy tylko przeciągnąć je z innych lokalnych programów lub zdalnych współdzielonych napędów i upuścić w oknie programu Brasero.
tr: >-Brasero, GNOME Masaüstü için bir CD/DVD yazma uygulamasıdır. Mümkün olduğunca sade olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır ve kullanıcıların disklerini kolayca ve hızlı bir şekilde oluşturmalarına olanak tanıyan bazı özgün özelliklere sahiptir.
Brasero Veri ve Ses CD/DVD'lerini oluşturabilir, kopyalayabilir ve diske yazabilir. CD-TEXT, çoklu oturum ve joliet uzantılarına tam destek sunar. Diğer yerel uygulamalardan ya da paylaşılan uzak sürücülerden dosyaları sürükleyip bırakarak, kolayca diske yazabilirsiniz.
gu: >-Brasero એ GNOME ડેસ્કટોપ માટે CD/DVD બર્ન કરવા માટેનો કાર્યક્રમ છે. તે શક્ય હોય તેટલું સરળ બનાવવા માટે રચાયેલ છે અને તેની ડિસ્કને સરળ અને ઝડપી બનાવવા માટે વપરાશકર્તાઓને સક્રિય કરવા માટે અમુક અનન્ય લક્ષણો છે.
Brasero એ માહિતી અને ઓડિયો CD/DVDs ને બનાવી, નકલ અને બર્ન કરી શકે છે, તે સંપૂર્ણપણે CD-TEXT, ઘણાં સત્ર અને જોલીયેટ ઍક્સટેન્શનને આધાર આપે છે. તમે ડિસ્કમાં તેઓને સરળતાથી બર્ન કરવા માટે દૂરસ્થ વહેંચાયેલ ડ્રાઇવમાંથી અથવા બીજા સ્થાનિક કાર્યક્રમોમાંથી ફાઇલોને ડ્રેગ અને ડ્રોપ કરી શકે છે.
te: >-బ్రాసెరో అనునది గ్నోమ్ డెస్కుటాప్ నందు CD/DVD బర్న్ చేయుటకు అనువర్తనం. ఇది సులువుగా ఉపయోగించుటకు వీలుగా రూపొందించబడింది మరియు వాడుకరులు వారి డిస్కులను సులువుగా త్వరితంగా సృష్టించుటకొనుటకు వీలుగా కొన్ని విశిష్ట విశేషణాలను కలిగివుంది.
బ్రాసెరో అనునది డాటా మరియు ఆడియో CD/DVDలను సృష్టించగలదు, నకలుతీయగలదు మరియు బర్న్ చేయగలదు. ఇది CD-TEXT, multisession మరియు joliet పొడిగింతలకు పూర్తిగా తోడ్పాటునిచ్చును. స్థానిక అనువర్తనాలనుండి లేదా రిమోట్ భాగస్వామ్య డ్రైవులనుండి ఫైళ్ళను తెచ్చి ఇక్కడ వదులుటద్వారా మీరు వాటిని డిస్కునకు బర్న్ చేయవచ్చు.
be: >-Brasero, праграма для асяроддзя GNOME, прызначаная для запісу CD/DVD-дыскаў. Яна адмыслова спраектаваная дзеля таго, каб быць простай у выкарыстанні, і мае колькі ўнікальных функцый для зручнага запісу дыскаў.
Brasero дазваляе ствараць, капіраваць і запісваць аўдыядыскі і дыскі з данымі на CD/DVD. Праграма поўнасцю падтрымлівае CD-TEXT, а таксама пашырэнні для шматсесійных дыскаў і Joliet. Дарэчы, вы можаце проста перацягваць файлы з іншых праграм або з аддаленых супольных дыскаў у акно гэтай праграмы, каб запісаць іх на дыску.
kn: >-Brasero ಎನ್ನುವುದು GNOME Desktop ಗಾಗಿ CD/DVD ಅನ್ನು ಬರೆಯುವ ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶವಾಗಿದೆ. ಇದನ್ನು ಎಷ್ಟು ಸರಳವಾಗಿರಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವೊ ಅಷ್ಟು ಸರಳವಾಗಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಬಳಕೆದಾರರು ತಮ್ಮ ಡಿಸ್ಕ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಮತ್ತು ಕ್ಷಿಪ್ರವಾಗಿ ರಚಿಸಲು ಕೆಲವು ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟವಾದ ಸೌಲಭ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ.
Brasero ಎನ್ನುವುದು ದತ್ತಾಂಶ ಮತ್ತು ಆಡಿಯೊ CD/DVDಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲು, ಪ್ರತಿ ಮಾಡಲು ಮತ್ತು ಬರೆಯಲು ಬಳಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಇದು ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣವಾಗಿ CD-TEXT, ಮಲ್ಟಿಸೆಶನ್ ಮತ್ತು ಜೋಲಿಯೆಟ್ ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ನೀವು ಬೇರೆ ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಅನ್ವಯಗಳಿಂದ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಎಳೆದು ಸೇರಿಸಲು ಅಥವ ದೂರದಿಂದಲೆ ಹಂಚಲಾದ ಡ್ರೈವ್ಗಳಿಂದ ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಡಿಸ್ಕಿಗೆ ಬರೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿರುತ್ತದೆ.
ko: >-브라세로는 그놈 데스크톱의 CD/DVD 굽기 프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램은 가능한 간단히 설계되었고, 쉽고 빠르고 CD/DVD를 만들 수 있는 독창적인 기능이 들어 있습니다.
브라세로에서 데이터 및 오디오 CD를 만들고, 복사하고, 구울 수 있습니다. CD-TEXT, 멀티세션, 졸리엣 확장을 완전히 지원합니다. 로컬 프로그램이나 원격 공유 드라이브에서도 파일을 끌어서 디스크로 구울 수 있습니다.
vi: >-Brasero là ứng dụng để ghi đĩa CD/DVD trên môi trường máy tính để bàn GNOME. Nó được thiết kế theo kiểu càng đơn giản càng tốt và có một số tính năng độc đáo để giúp cho người dùng có thể tạo đĩa nhanh chóng và dễ dàng.
Brasero có thể tạo, chép và ghi đĩa CD/DVD dữ liệu hay âm nhạc. Nó hỗ trợ CD-TEXT, đa phần và joliet. Bạn có thể dễ dàng kéo thả các tập tin từ các ứng dụng hay từ các ổ đĩa chia sẻ trên mạng để dễ dàng ghi chúng lên đĩa.
ml: >-ഗ്നോം പണിയിടത്തില് സിഡി/ഡിവിഡിയിലേക്ക് പകര്ത്തുന്നതിനുള്ള ഒരു പ്രയോഗമാണു് ബ്രസേറോ.ഉപയോക്താക്കള്ക്ക് എളുപ്പത്തില് ഡിസ്കുകള് തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള വിശേഷതകള് ഇതു് സജ്ജമാക്കുന്നു.
ഡേറ്റാ, ഓഡിയോ സിഡി/വിസിഡികളിലേക്ക് പകര്ത്തുന്നതിന് ബ്രസേറോ സഹായിയ്ക്കുന്നു.CD-TEXT, മള്ട്ടിസെഷന്, joliet എക്സ്റ്റന്ഷനുകള് ഇതു് പൂര്ണ്ണമായും പിന്തുണയ്ക്കുന്നു. പ്രദേശിക പ്രയോഗങ്ങളില്നിന്നോ പങ്കിട്ട വിദൂര ഡ്രൈവുകളില് നിന്നോ നിങ്ങള്ക്കു് ഫയലുകള് ഡിസ്കിലേക്ക് വലിച്ചിട്ട് ഇതിലേക്ക് പകര്ത്താം
it: >-Brasero è un'applicazione per masterizzare CD/DVD. È progettato per essere semplice da usare ed è dotato di funzionalità che facilitano e velocizzano la creazione dei dischi.
Con Brasero è possibile creare, copiare e masterizzare CD/DVD audio e musicali, supporta le estensioni CD-TEXT, multi-sessione e joliet ed è possibile trascinare i file da applicazioni locali o da unità remote per copiarli facilmente su un disco.
de: >-Brasero ist eine Anwendung für den GNOME-Arbeitsplatz, um CDs oder DVDs zu brennen. Es ist möglichst einfach gestaltet und beinhaltet einige einzigartige Funktionen, so dass Anwender ihre Datenträger einfach und schnell erstellen können.
Brasero kann Daten- und Audio-CDs/DVDs erstellen, kopieren und brennen. CD-TEXT, Multisession und Joliet werden vollständig unterstützt. Sie können Dateien durch ziehen und ablegen einfach von anderen lokalen Anwendungen oder von entfernt freigegebenen Laufwerken auf Datenträger brennen.
da: >-Brasero er et program til GNOME-skrivebordet til at brænde cd'er og dvd'er med. Det er designet til at være så simpelt som muligt og har nogle unikke funktioner, som gør brugeren i stand til at lave deres diske nemt og hurtigt.
Brasero kan oprette, kopiere og brænde data- og lyd-cd'er. Det understøtter fuldt ud udvidelserne CD-TEXT, multisession og joliet. Du kan blot trække og slippe filer fra andre programmer eller fra fjerne delte mapper for nemt at brænde dem til en disk.
pt_BR: >-O Brasero é um aplicativo para gravação de CDs/DVDs para a área de trabalho GNOME. Ele foi projetado para ser o mais simples quanto possível e possui alguns recursos únicos que permitem aos usuários criarem facilmente e com rapidez seus discos.
O Brasero pode criar, copiar e gravar CDs/DVDs de dados e áudio. Possui suporte completo a CD-TEXT, multisessão e extensões joliet. Você pode simplesmente arrastar e soltar arquivos de outros aplicativos locais ou de unidades remotas compartilhadas para facilmente gravá-los em um disco.
zh_HK: >-Brasero 是 GNOME 桌面燒錄 CD/DVD 的應用程式。它的設計是儘可能簡單,並且具有獨特的功能讓使用者能簡單而快速的建立他們自己的光碟。
Brasero 可以建立、複製與燒錄資料和音樂 CD/DVD。它支援 CD-TEXT 、多重階段與 joliet 擴充功能。你可以從其他本地端應用程式或遠端分享的磁碟簡單的拖放檔案,並將它們燒錄到光碟。
mr: >-ब्रसेरो GNOME डेस्कटॉपवरील सीडी किंवा डीवीडी बर्ण करण्यासाठी एक ॲप्लिकेशन आहे. त्याची रचना खूप सोपी असून त्यामध्ये काही डिस्क्स पटकन आणि जलद गतीने निर्माण करण्यासाठी एकमेव गुणविशेष समाविष्ट केले आहे.
ब्रसेरो डाटा आणि ऑडिओ सीडी किंवा डीवीडीचे निर्माण, प्रत बनवणे आणि बर्ण करते. ते पूर्णतया सीडी-टेक्स्ट, बहुसत्र आणि जॉलिएट एक्सटेंशन्सकरिता समर्थन पुरवते. तुम्ही इतर स्थानीय ॲप्लिकेशन्सपासून किंवा इतर दूरस्त शेअर्ड ड्राइव्हजपासून फाइल्सला डिस्कवर बर्ण करण्यासाठी, सहज ओढून टाकू शकता.
bg: >-Brasero е програма за запис на CD/DVD дискове за графичната среда GNOME. Проектирана е за лесна употреба и има някои уникални функционалности, които улесняват създаването на дискове.
Brasero може да записва и копира CD/DVD с данни или аудио. Има пълна поддръжка на CD-TEXT, много сесии и разширенията Joliet. За по-лесен запис можете просто да издърпате и пуснете файлове от твърди дискове независимо дали са на вашия или отдалечен компютър.
sr@latin: >-Brazero je program za rezanje CD/DVD-a za Gnomovu radnu površ. Osmišljen je da bude što jednostavniji i ima neke jedinstvene funkcije da omogući korisnicima da lako i brzo naprave svoje diskove.
Brazero može da stvara, umnožava i narezuje CD/DVD podataka i zvuka. U potpunosti podržava CD-TEKST, više sesija i žoliet proširenja. Možete jednostavno da prevučete i da ubacite datoteke iz drugih mesnih programa ili sa udaljenih deljenih uređaja da biste ih narezali na disk.
bs: >-Brasero je aplikacija za prženje CD/DVD za GNOME Desktop. Dizajnirana je da bude što jednostavnija moguće i ima neke specifične osobine koje omogućavaju korisnicima da kreiraju svoje diskove brzo i jednstavno.
Brasero može kreirati, kopirati i pržiti Data i Audio SD/DVD. Potpuno podržava CD-TEXT, multipristup i joilet ekstenzije. Možete brzo dovući i spustiti vaš fajl iz drugih lokalnih aplikacija ili priključenih uređaja.
fi: >-Brasero on CD- ja DVD-levyjen polttoon tarkoitettu Gnome-sovellus. Se on suunniteltu mahdollisimman yksinkertaiseksi, mutta samalla se tarjoaa ainutlaatuisia ominaisuuksia, joiden avulla levyjen luominen käy ketterästi.
Braseron avulla voi luoda, kopioida ja polttaa data- ja ääni-CD- sekä -DVD-levyjä. Tuettuja ominaisuuksia ovat muun muassa CD-TEXT, moni-istunto ja joliet-laajennukset. Tiedostojen lisääminen poltettavalle levylle käy muista sovelluksista vetämällä ja pudottamalla tiedostoja.
ru: >-Brasero — это приложение для записи CD/DVD для GNOME. Brasero имеет простой интерфейс, но в то же время предоставляет ряд уникальных возможностей для быстрой и удобной записи дисков.
Brasero позволяет создавать, копировать и записывать CD- и DVD-диски. Он полностью поддерживает CD-TEXT, мультисессии и расширения joliet. Для записи файлов на диск достаточно перетащить файлы из других локальных приложений или из подключённых носителей.
Categories: - AudioVideo - Audio - Video - DiscBurning Keywords: de_AT.UTF-8: - Disc - Medium - CD-ROM - DVD - Brennen - Audio - Video ca_ES.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - enregistra - àudio - vídeo sk_SK.UTF-8: - disc - disk - cdrom - dvd - audio - video - napaľovanie - napáliť pa_IN: - ਡਿਸਕ - ਸੀਡੀ - ਡੀਵੀਡੀ - ਲਿਖੋ - ਬਰਨ - ਆਡੀਓ - ਵਿਡੀਓ - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video fr_BE.UTF-8: - disque - cdrom - dvd - graver - audio - video de_LI.UTF-8: - Disc - Medium - CD-ROM - DVD - Brennen - Audio - Video sl_SI.UTF-8: - disk - cdrom - dvd - blueray - nosilec - avdio - zvok - video - posnetki - odtisi ga_IE.UTF-8: - diosca - cdrom - dvd - dóigh - fuaim - fís bs_BA.UTF-8: - disk - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video ar_SA.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق es_UY.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo nl_BE.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - schijf - branden ta_IN: - வட்டு - சிடிரோம் - டிவிடி - எழுது - ஒலி - விடியோ oc_FR.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - gravar - àudio - vidèo el_CY.UTF-8: - δίσκος - cdrom - dvd - εγγραφή - ήχος - βίντεο - disc - burn - audio - video es_GT.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo et_EE.UTF-8: - disk - plaat - cdrom - dvd - kirjutamine - kõrvetamine - audio - heliplaat - videoplaat de_LU.UTF-8: - Disc - Medium - CD-ROM - DVD - Brennen - Audio - Video gl_ES.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - gravar - son - vídeo tg_TJ.UTF-8: - диск - cdrom - dvd - сабткунӣ - аудио - видео es_ES.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo es_DO.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo es_SV.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo ug_CN: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - دىسكا - يېزىش - ئويۇش - ئۈن - سىن fa_IR: - دیسک - سیدی رام - دیویدی - نوشتن - صوت - ویدیو - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video es_CR.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo ar_SD.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق ar_IN: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق nl_NL.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - schijf - branden es_EC.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo tr_CY.UTF-8: - disk - cdrom - dvd - yazma - ses - görüntü - video th_TH.UTF-8: - แผ่น - ซีดีรอม - ดีวีดี - เขียน - เพลง - วีดิทัศน์ lt_LT.UTF-8: - diskas - cdrom - dvd - įrašyti - graso - vaizdo ug_CN@latin: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - دىسكا - يېزىش - ئويۇش - ئۈن - سىن ca_IT.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - enregistra - àudio - vídeo es_PA.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo ar_KW.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق ast_ES.UTF-8: - discu - cdrom - dvd - grabar - soníu - videu ar_MA.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق br_FR.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - engravañ - aodio - video bg_BG.UTF-8: - диск - видео - сиди - дивиди - видео - аудио - музика - cd - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video fr_CH.UTF-8: - disque - cdrom - dvd - graver - audio - video pt_PT.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - gravar - áudio - vídeo ar_LY.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق es_MX.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo hu_HU.UTF-8: - lemez - cdrom - dvd - írás - hang - videó fi_FI.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - levy - cd - polta - kirjoita - ääni nl_AW: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - schijf - branden ar_LB.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق fr_FR.UTF-8: - disque - cdrom - dvd - graver - audio - video kn_IN: - ಡಿಸ್ಕ್ - cdrom - dvd - ಬರೆ - ಆಡಿಯೊ - ವೀಡಿಯೊ de_BE.UTF-8: - Disc - Medium - CD-ROM - DVD - Brennen - Audio - Video sq_AL.UTF-8: - disk - cdrom - dvd - digj - audio - video be_BY@latin: - дыск - cdrom - dvd - запіс - аўдыя - гук - відэа as_IN: - ডিস্ক - cdrom - dvd - বাৰ্ণ - অডিঅ' - ভিডিঅ' ar_JO.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق ca_FR.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - enregistra - àudio - vídeo es_VE.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo id_ID.UTF-8: - cakram - cdrom - dvd - bakar - audio - video ia: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo sv_FI.UTF-8: - skiva - cdrom - dvd - bränn - ljud - video gu_IN: - ડિસ્ક - cdrom - dvd - લખો - ઓડિયો - વિડિયો ar_DZ.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق es_HN.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo ro_RO.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - scriere - inscripționare - cd - dvd ar_EG.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق ar_TN.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق it_IT.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - masterizzare - masterizzatore pl_PL.UTF-8: - płyta - disc - cdrom - dvd - nagrywanie - wypalanie - dźwięk - audio - wideo - obraz - video ta_LK: - வட்டு - சிடிரோம் - டிவிடி - எழுது - ஒலி - விடியோ pt_BR.UTF-8: - disco - cd-rom - dvd - gravar - gravação - áudio - vídeo ar_AE.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق sr_RS: - диск - цд-ром - двд - нарежи - аудио - звук - видео - снимак es_CO.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo zh_TW.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - 碟片 - 燒錄 - 音樂 - 影片 ml_IN: - ഡിസ്ക് - സീഡിറോം - ഡീവീഡി - പകർത്തുക - ശബ്ദം - ചലച്ചിത്രം es_PE.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo it_CH.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - masterizzare - masterizzatore ar_OM.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق mr_IN: - डिस्क - सिडिरॉम - डिव्हिडि - बर्ण - ऑडिओ - व्हिडिओ de_DE.UTF-8: - Disc - Medium - CD-ROM - DVD - Brennen - Audio - Video uk_UA.UTF-8: - диск - cdrom - dvd - запис - аудіо - видиво de_CH.UTF-8: - Disc - Medium - CD-ROM - DVD - Brennen - Audio - Video lv_LV.UTF-8: - disks - cdrom - dvd - ierakstīt - iededzināt - audio - video hr_HR.UTF-8: - disk - cdrom - dvd - snimi - zvuk - snimka eo.UTF-8: - disko - cdrom - dvd - registri - sono - video be_BY.UTF-8: - дыск - cdrom - dvd - запіс - аўдыя - гук - відэа el_GR.UTF-8: - δίσκος - cdrom - dvd - εγγραφή - ήχος - βίντεο - disc - burn - audio - video sq_MK: - disk - cdrom - dvd - digj - audio - video gd_GB.UTF-8: - diosga - cdrom - dvd - loisg - losgadh - fuaim - video - clàr ms_MY.UTF-8: - cakera - cdrom - dvd - rakam - audio - video ar_IQ.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق es_NI.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo C: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video ar_YE.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق ca_AD.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - enregistra - àudio - vídeo ca_ES.UTF-8@valencia: - disc - cdrom - dvd - enregistra - àudio - vídeo ar_SY.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق es_CU: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo eo_US.UTF-8: - disko - cdrom - dvd - registri - sono - video fr_CA.UTF-8: - disque - cdrom - dvd - graver - audio - video sv_SE.UTF-8: - skiva - cdrom - dvd - bränn - ljud - video nb_NO.UTF-8: - plate - cd-rom - dvd - brenn - lyd - video fr_LU.UTF-8: - disque - cdrom - dvd - graver - audio - video ar_QA.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق es_US.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo ar_BH.UTF-8: - قرص - اسطوانة - صوت - فديو - نسخ - حرق vi_VN: - disc - đĩa - dia - cdrom - cd - dvd - burn - ghi - audio - nhạc - nhac - video - phim ko_KR.UTF-8: - disc - 디스크 - cdrom - 씨디 - dvd - burn - 굽기 - audio - 오디오 - 음악 - video - 비디오 - 영상 - 영화 am_ET: - ዲስክ - ሲዲ ራም - ዲቪዲ - ማቃጠያ - ድምፅ - ቪዲዮ sr_ME: - диск - цд-ром - двд - нарежи - аудио - звук - видео - снимак ru_RU.UTF-8: - диск - cdrom - dvd - запись - аудио - видео sr_RS@latin: - disk - cd-rom - dvd - nareži - audio - zvuk - video - snimak zh_CN.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - 光盘 - 音频 - 视频 zh_HK.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - 光碟 - 燒錄 - 音樂 - 影片 he_IL.UTF-8: - תקליטור - דיסק - CD - צריבה - DVD - אודיו - שמע - וידאו ja_JP.UTF-8: - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video - ディスク - 音楽 - オーディオ - 音声 - 楽曲 - 映像 - ビデオ - 動画 - movie - ムービー - iso - イメージ da_DK.UTF-8: - disk - cd-rom - cd - dvd - brænd - brænde - lyd - video pa_PK: - ਡਿਸਕ - ਸੀਡੀ - ਡੀਵੀਡੀ - ਲਿਖੋ - ਬਰਨ - ਆਡੀਓ - ਵਿਡੀਓ - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video es_BO.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo es_PR.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo cs_CZ.UTF-8: - disk - cdrom - cd-rom - dvd - pálit - vypálit - audio - zvukové - video es_AR.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo es_PY.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo af_ZA.UTF-8: - skyf - skryf - oudio - klank - disc - cdrom - dvd - burn - audio - video ru_UA.UTF-8: - диск - cdrom - dvd - запись - аудио - видео es_CL.UTF-8: - disco - cdrom - dvd - grabar - sonido - vídeo tr_TR.UTF-8: - disk - cdrom - dvd - yazma - ses - görüntü - video Url: homepage: https://projects.gnome.org/brasero/ Icon: cached: - name: brasero_brasero.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: brasero_brasero.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: brasero Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-cue - application/x-cd-image - application/x-brasero - audio/x-mpegurl - audio/x-mp3-playlist - x-content/audio-cdda - x-content/image-picturecd - application/x-toc - x-content/video-dvd - audio/x-ms-asx - audio/x-scpls - application/x-cdrdao-toc - x-content/video-svcd - x-content/video-vcd Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: b/br/brasero.desktop/880420B2D687F6A3062F10D5011FA49F/screenshots/image-1_624x423.png width: 624 height: 423 - url: b/br/brasero.desktop/880420B2D687F6A3062F10D5011FA49F/screenshots/image-1_224x152.png width: 224 height: 152 source-image: url: b/br/brasero.desktop/880420B2D687F6A3062F10D5011FA49F/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 648 height: 440 - thumbnails: - url: b/br/brasero.desktop/880420B2D687F6A3062F10D5011FA49F/screenshots/image-2_224x161.png width: 224 height: 161 source-image: url: b/br/brasero.desktop/880420B2D687F6A3062F10D5011FA49F/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 604 height: 436 - thumbnails: - url: b/br/brasero.desktop/880420B2D687F6A3062F10D5011FA49F/screenshots/image-3_624x423.png width: 624 height: 423 - url: b/br/brasero.desktop/880420B2D687F6A3062F10D5011FA49F/screenshots/image-3_224x152.png width: 224 height: 152 source-image: url: b/br/brasero.desktop/880420B2D687F6A3062F10D5011FA49F/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 636 height: 432 --- Type: desktop-application ID: boinc-manager.desktop Package: boinc-manager Name: C: BOINC Manager Summary: cs: Monitoruje a nastavuje klienta BOINC C: Configure or monitor a BOINC core client pt: Configurar ou monitorizar o cliente básico do BOINC de: BOINC Basis Client konfigurieren oder überwachen pt_BR: Configure ou monitore o cliente básico do BOINC Description: de: >-Die Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) ist eine Software-Plattform für verteiltes Rechnen auf freiwillig zur Verfügung gestellten Computerressourcen.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Für eine aktive Teilnahme an irgendeinem BOINC-Projekt ist das empfohlene Paket boinc-client, nicht der boinc-manager, auf jedem teilnehmenden Rechner erforderlich.
zh_CN: >-BOINC (Berkeley 网络运算开放性基础设施) 是一个使用志愿者提供的计算机 资源进行分布式计算的软件平台。
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
如果志愿者想要积极参与 BOINC 项目,必须给每台贡献的机器安装 boinc-client 软件包,而 BOINC 管理器则不是必需的。
sk: >-Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) je softvérová platforma na distribuované výpočty pomocou výpočtových zdrojov dobrovoľníkov.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Na aktívnu účasť v ľubovoľnom projekte BOINC sa vyžaduje odporúčaný balík boinc-client, nie boinc-manager.
sl: >-Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo, ki uporablja prostovoljne računalniške vire.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Za dejavno sodelovanje v kateremukoli projektu BOINC je priporočeni paket boinc-client, ki je zahtevan za vsako napravo, ki prispeva svoje vire.
pt_BR: >-O Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC -- Infraestrutura Aberta Berkeley para Redes de Computadores) é uma plataforma de software para computação distribuída usando recursos de computadores voluntários.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Para participar activamente em qualquer projecto BOINC o pacote recomendado boinc-client, não o boinc-manager, é necessário em todas as máquinas que contribuem.
pt: >-A Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computinc (BOINC) é uma plataforma de software para computação distribuída usando recursos de computador voluntariados.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Para participar activamente em qualquer projecto BOINC o pacote recomendado boinc-client, não o boinc-manager, é necessário em todas as máquinas que contribuem.
C: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
uk: >-Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) — програмна платформа для розподілених обчислень з використанням комп’ютерних ресурсів волонтерів.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Для активної участі у будь-якому проекті BOINC необхідно встановити пакунок boinc-client (а не boinc-manager) на кожному комп’ютері, що планується використати.
en: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
ru: >-Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) -- программная платформа для распределённых вычислений с использованием компьютерных ресурсов волонтёров.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Для активного участия в каком-либо проекте BOINC необходимо установить пакет boinc-client (а не boinc-manager) на каждом компьютере планируемом к использованию.
ja: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) は、ボ ランティアのコンピュータリソースを使った分散処理用ソフトウェアプラット フォームです。
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
あらゆる BOINC プロジェクトに積極的に参加するには、分散処理を行なう各 マシン毎に、boinc-manager ではなく、推奨パッケージである boinc-client が必要です。
es: >-La Infraestructura Abierta de Berkeley para computación distribuida («Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing», BOINC) es una plataforma de «software» para la computación distribuida utilizando recursos informáticos de voluntarios.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Si desea participar activamente en cualquier proyecto de BOINC el paquete recomendado necesario es boinc-client, no boinc-manager, en cada máquina que contribuya.
fr: >-BOINC (pour Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) est une plateforme logicielle pour l'informatique distribuée utilisant des ressources informatiques de façon volontaire.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Pour participer activement à tout projet BOINC, le paquet recommandé boinc-client est nécessaire pour toute machine voulant contribuer et non pas le paquet boinc-manager.
en_CA: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
en_GB: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
ko: >-Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC)는 지원자들의 컴퓨터 리소스를 사용하는 분산 컴퓨팅용 소프트웨어 플랫폼입니다.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
특정 BOINC 프로젝트에 참여하기 위해서는 boinc-manager가 아닌, boinc-client 패키지를 설치하십시오. boinc-client는 기여하는 모든 컴퓨터에서 요구됩니다.
it: >-BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) è una piattaforma software per il calcolo distribuito che usa risorse dei computer di volontari.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
A differenza del pacchetto raccomandato boinc-client, che è da installare su ogni macchina che contribuisce alla computazione, boinc-manager non è indispensabile per partecipare attivamente ad un progetto BOINC.
nl: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
da: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) er en programplatform for distribueret beregning der bruger frivillige computerressourcer.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For aktiv deltagelse i ethvert BOINC-projekt er den anbefalede pakke boinc- client, ikke boinc-manager, krævet for alle maskinbidrag.
en_AU: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
Categories: - System - Monitor Keywords: C: - computation - science Icon: cached: - name: boinc-manager_boincmgr.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: boinc-manager_boincmgr.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kmail.desktop Package: kmail Name: sk: KMail sl: KMail sr-ijekavian: К‑пошта C: KMail fr: KMail sr: К‑пошта uk: KMail nb: KMail pt-BR: KMail ca: KMail sv: Kmail en-GB: KMail hu: KMail nl: KMail zh-CN: KMail lt: KMail ca-valencia: KMail pl: KMail nds: KMail sr-ijekavianlatin: K‑pošta ast: KMail cs: KMail ro: KMail gl: KMail es: KMail et: KMail ru: KMail tr: KMail pt: KMail zh-TW: KMail da: KMail it: KMail ko: KMail sr-Latn: K‑pošta de: KMail bs: KMail fi: KMail Summary: zh_TW: 用 KMail 傳送、接收與管理您的郵件 de: Senden, empfangen und verwalten Ihrer E-Mails mit KMail pl: Wysyłaj, odbieraj i zarządzaj swoją pocztą z KMaila tr: E-postanızı KMail ile gönderin, alın ve yönetin pt_BR: Envie, receba e gerencie seus e-mails com o KMail sk: Poslať, prijať a spravovať vašu poštu s KMail sl: Pošiljajte, prejemajte in upravljajte z e-pošto s pomočjo KMaila fi: Lähetä, vastaanota ja hallitse postiasi KMaililla C: Send, receive and manage your mail with KMail uk: Надсилайте і отримуйте пошту та керуйте вашими поштовими повідомленнями за допомогою KMail pt: Envie, receba e faça a gestão do seu correio com o KMail sr: Шаљите, примајте и управљајте поштом помоћу К‑поште gl: Enviar, recibir e xestionar o correo con KMail. ru: Отправка, получение и упорядочивание электронных писем ca@valencia: Envia, rep i administra el vostre correu amb el KMail es: Enviar, recibir y gestionar su correo con KMail et: Kirjade saatmine, saamine ja haldamine KMailiga fr: Envoyez, recevez et gérez vos courriels avec KMail sv: Skicka, ta emot och hantera e-post med Kmail nb: Send. motta og hold styr på e-posten din med KMail en_GB: Send, receive and manage your mail with KMail sr@ijekavianlatin: Šaljite, primajte i upravljajte poštom pomoću K‑pošte sr@ijekavian: Шаљите, примајте и управљајте поштом помоћу К‑поште ca: Envia, rep i administra el vostre correu amb el KMail it: Invia, ricevi e gestisci la tua posta con KMail nl: Verzend, ontvang en beheer uw e-mail met KMail nn: Send, ta imot og organiser dine e-postar med KMail sr@latin: Šaljite, primajte i upravljajte poštom pomoću K‑pošte Description: sk: >-KMail je e-mailový komponent programu Kontact, integrovaný správca osobných informácií z KDE.
KMail je sestavni del paketa Kontact, ki omogoča delo z e-pošto.
К‑пошта је е‑поштанска компонента Контакта, КДЕ‑овог интегрисаног менаџера личних података.
KMail is the email component of Kontact, the integrated personal information manager from KDE.
KMail — компонент для роботи з електронною поштою комплексу програм Kontact, інтегрованого рішення для роботи з особистими даними у KDE.
К‑пошта је е‑поштанска компонента Контакта, КДЕ‑овог интегрисаног менаџера личних података.
KMail est le composant pour le courrier électronique de la suite Kontact, le gestionnaire d'informations personnelles de KDE.
Fonctionnalités :
KMail er e-postkomponenten i Kontact, KDEs integrerte personlige informasjonsbehandler.
KMail é o componente de e-mail do Kontact, o gerenciador integrado de informações pessoais do KDE.
Kmail är e-postkomponenten i Kontact, den integrerade personliga informationshanteraren från KDE.
El KMail és el component de correu electrònic del Kontact, el gestor per a la informació personal integrat del KDE.
KMail is the email component of Kontact, the integrated personal information manager from KDE.
A KMail a Kontact, a KDE integrált információkezelő alkalmazásának e-mail programja.
KMail is de e-mailcomponent van Kontact, de geïntegreerde persoonlijke informatiebeheerder uit KDE.
KMail yra Kontact, KDE integruotos asmeninės informacijos tvarkyklės, pašto komponentas.
El KMail és el component de correu electrònic del Kontact, el gestor per a la informació personal integrat del KDE.
KMail jest składnikiem pocztowym pakietu Kontact, programu do zarządzania informacjami osobistymi w KDE.
KMail is de Nettpostkomponent vun Kontact, KDE sien inbuut Pleger för persöönlich Informatschonen
K‑pošta je e‑poštanska komponenta Kontacta, KDE‑ovog integrisanog menadžera ličnih podataka.
KMail ye'l componente de corréu de Kontact, el xestor d'información personal integráu de KDE.
O KMail é o componente de e-mail do Kontact, o gestor de informações pessoais do KDE.
KMail é o compoñente de correo electrónico de Kontact, o xestor completo de información persoal de KDE.
KMail es el componente de correo de Kontact, el gestor integrado de información personal de KDE.
KMail on Kontacti ehk KDE lõimitud isikliku teabe halduri e-posti komponent.
KMail — почтовый клиент в составе электронного секретаря Kontact от сообщества KDE.
KMail, Kontact'ın e-posta bileşeni ve aynı zamanda KDE'den tümleşik kişisel bilgi yöneticisidir.
KMail 是 Kontact 的電子郵件組件。Kontact 是 KDE 中的一套整合個人資訊管理員。
K‑pošta je e‑poštanska komponenta Kontacta, KDE‑ovog integrisanog menadžera ličnih podataka.
KMail è il componente di posta elettronica di Kontact, il gestore integrato di informazioni personali da KDE.
KMail은 KDE 개인 정보 관리자 Kontact의 이메일 구성 요소입니다.
KMail ist die E-Mail-Komponente von Kontact, der integrierten persönlichen Informationsverwaltung für KDE.
KMail on Kontactin, KDE:n henkilökohtaisen tiedonhallintajärjestelmän, sähköpostiosa.
KMail supports multiple accounts, mail filtering and email encryption. The program let you configure your workflow and it has good integration into KDE (Plasma Desktop) but is also useable with other Desktop Envionments.
This package is part of the KDE PIM module.
en: >-KMail supports multiple accounts, mail filtering and email encryption. The program let you configure your workflow and it has good integration into KDE (Plasma Desktop) but is also useable with other Desktop Envionments.
This package is part of the KDE PIM module.
Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: kmail_kontact-import-wizard.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kmail_kontact-import-wizard.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: kontact-import-wizard Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.importwizard.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: mscore.desktop Package: musescore Name: C: MuseScore Summary: ru: Визуальный редактор нотных партитур C: Create, play and print sheet music fr: Gravure de partitions musicales Description: C: >-MuseScore is a free WYSIWYG music score typesetter for Linux, licenced under GNU GPL. Features: - WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet" - Unlimited score length - Unlimited number of staves per system - Up to four independent voices per staff - easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or midi - integrated sequencer and FluidSynth software synthesizer - import and export of MusicXml and standard midifiles (SMF) - platform independent code for Linux, Windows and Mac - Automatic part extraction and transposition - Chord symbols - Swing and shuffle playback - and much more...
en: >-MuseScore is a free WYSIWYG music score typesetter for Linux, licenced under GNU GPL. Features: - WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet" - Unlimited score length - Unlimited number of staves per system - Up to four independent voices per staff - easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or midi - integrated sequencer and FluidSynth software synthesizer - import and export of MusicXml and standard midifiles (SMF) - platform independent code for Linux, Windows and Mac - Automatic part extraction and transposition - Chord symbols - Swing and shuffle playback - and much more...
Categories: - Audio - Sequencer - Midi - AudioVideoEditing - Music - AudioVideo Icon: cached: - name: musescore_mscore.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: musescore_mscore.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - application/vnd.recordare.musicxml - application/x-musescore+xml - application/x-musescore - application/vnd.recordare.musicxml+xml --- Type: desktop-application ID: gwakeonlan.desktop Package: gwakeonlan Name: it_IT: gWakeOnLan C: gWakeOnLan ft_FR: gWakeOnLan Summary: it_IT: Un'utilità GTK+ per risvegliare macchine spente usando il Wake On LAN. C: A GTK+ utility to awake turned off machine using the Wake On LAN feature. fr_FR: Un outil GTK+ pour réveiller les ordinateurs éteints grâce à le Wake On LAN. Description: de: >-gWakeOnLan ist eine GTK+-Werkzeug, um abgeschaltete Rechner über die Funktion »Wake on LAN« einzuschalten. Sowohl lokale als auch Internet-Modi werden unterstützt.
Die Maschinen, die eingeschaltet werden sollen, müssen mit dem magischen »Wake on LAN«-Paket abgeschaltet worden sein.
zh_CN: >-gWakeOnLan 是一个使用网络唤醒功能来唤醒您的已关机的计算机的 GTK+ 程序。它支持本地模式和网络 模式。
sl: >-gWakeOnLan je pripomoček GTK+ za vklop izklopljenih računalnikov z uporabo zmožnosti Wake on LAN. Podprta sta tako krajevni in internetni način.
Računalniki za vklop morajo biti izklopljeni z omogočenim paketom Wake on LAN.
ja: >-gWakeOnLan は、Wake on LAN 機能で電源が入っていないコンピュータを起こす GTK+ ユーティリティです。ローカルモードとインターネットモードの双方に対応し ます。
電源を入れたいマシンは、Wake on LAN のマジックパケットを有効にした状態で電 源を落としておく必要があります。
uk: >-gWakeOnLan is a GTK+ utility to awake turned off computers through the Wake on LAN feature. Both local and internet modes are supported.
Для включення комп’ютера за допомогою Wake on LAN, потрібно щоб в його BIOS була активована ця можливість.
C: >-gWakeOnLan is a GTK+ utility to awake turned off computers through the Wake on LAN feature. Both local and internet modes are supported.
The machines to turn on need to be shut off with the Wake on LAN magic packet enabled.
en: >-gWakeOnLan is a GTK+ utility to awake turned off computers through the Wake on LAN feature. Both local and internet modes are supported.
The machines to turn on need to be shut off with the Wake on LAN magic packet enabled.
en_CA: >-gWakeOnLan is a GTK+ utility to awake turned off computers through the Wake on LAN feature. Both local and internet modes are supported.
The machines to turn on need to be shut off with the Wake on LAN magic packet enabled.
ru: >-gWakeOnLan — это основанная на GTK+ утилита для включения компьютеров с помощью функции «Wake on LAN». Поддерживаются режимы работы по локальной сети и через Интернет.
The machines to turn on need to be shut off with the Wake on LAN magic packet enabled.
fr: >-gWakeOnLan est un utilitaire GTK+ pour réveiller les ordinateurs éteints via la fonction Wake on LAN. Les modes locaux et internet sont tous deux pris en charge.
Les machines à allumer doivent avoir été éteintes avec le paquet Wake on LAN magic activé.
en_GB: >-gWakeOnLan is a GTK+ utility to awake turned off computers through the Wake on LAN feature. Both local and internet modes are supported.
The machines to turn on need to be shut off with the Wake on LAN magic packet enabled.
it: >-gWakeOnLan è un'utilità GTK+ per risvegliare computer spenti grazie alla funzionalità Wake on LAN. Sono gestite entrambe le modalità: locale e internet.
Le macchine da accendere devono essere state spente con l'abilitazione al pacchetto magico Wake on LAN.
en_AU: >-gWakeOnLan is a GTK+ utility to awake turned off computers through the Wake on LAN feature. Both local and internet modes are supported.
The machines to turn on need to be shut off with the Wake on LAN magic packet enabled.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: gwakeonlan_gwakeonlan.png width: 64 height: 64 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.korganizer.desktop Package: korganizer Name: sk: KOrganizer sl: KOrganizer uk: KOrganizer C: KOrganizer fr: KOrganizer nb: KOrganizer pt-BR: KOrganizer sv: Korganizer ca: KOrganizer en-GB: KOrganizer hu: KOrganizer nl: KOrganizer zh-CN: KOrganizer lt: KOrganizer ca-valencia: KOrganizer pl: KOrganizer nds: KOrganizer cs: KOrganizer ro: KOrganizer gl: KOrganizer es: KOrganizer et: KOrganizer ru: KOrganizer tr: KOrganizer pt: KOrganizer zh-TW: 行事曆_KOrganizer da: KOrganizer it: KOrganizer ko: KOrganizer de: KOrganizer bs: KOrganizator fi: KOrganizer Summary: lv: Kalendāra un plānošanas programma xh: Ikhalenda no Dweliso lwenkqubo Yokucwangcisa af: Kalender en Skedulering Program pt: Calendário e Programa de Escalonamento tr: Takvim ve Zamanlama Programı ia: Programma de calendario e planification pt_BR: Programa de calendário e agenda el: Πρόγραμμα ημερολογίου και προγραμματισμού ca@valencia: Un programa de calendari i planificació ar: برنامج التقويم والجدولة eo: Kalendara kaj plana programo sr@ijekavian: Календарски и планерски програм es: Calendario y planificador et: Kalendri ja ajakava haldamise rakendus eu: Egutegi eta antolaketa progrmaa mk: Програма за календари и закажувања is: Dagbók og skipulag it: Programma di calendario e di agenda ug: يىلنامە ۋە كۈنتەرتىپ پروگراممىسى mr: दिनदर्शिका व नियोजन कार्यक्रम ms: Kalendar dan Program Penjadualan uk: Програма календаря та розкладу sr@latin: Kalendarski i planerski program fa: تقویم و برنامه زمانبندی bg: Програма за календар и разписание zh_CN: 日历和日程安排程序 ja: カレンダーとスケジュール管理プログラム fi: Kalenteri ja ajanhallinta uz@cyrillic: Календар ва режалаштириш дастури nb: Et kalender- og tidsplanleggingsprogram uz: Kalendar va rejalashtirish dasturi bs: Program za kalendar i rokovnik ne: क्यालेन्डर र कार्यतालिका कार्यक्रम fr: Calendrier et agenda personnel nl: Agenda- en afsprakenprogramma nn: Kalender- og planleggingsprogram fy: Aginda- en ôfsprakenprogramma ca: Un programa de calendari i planificació ro: Program de planificare și calendar vi: Chương trình lịch và kế hoạch ga: Ríomhchlár Sceidealta/Féilire ru: Органайзер ka: კალენდრის და მგეგმავის პროგრამა gl: Programa de calendario e axenda nds: Kalenner un Tietplaner cs: Kalendářový a plánovací program kk: Күнтізбе және Жоспарлау бағдарламасы km: កម្មវិធីប្រតិទិន និង កាលវិភាគ cy: Rhaglen Galendr a Drefnlennu ko: 달력과 스케줄 관리 프로그램 wa: Programe di calindrî eyet d' programaedje sr@ijekavianlatin: Kalendarski i planerski program sk: Kalendár a plánovací program sl: Program za koledar in razporejanje C: Calendar and Scheduling Program da: Kalender- og planlægningsprogram sr: Календарски и планерски програм de: Ein Kalender und Zeitplaner se: Kaleandar- ja plánenprográmma sv: Kalender- och schemaläggningsprogram he: תוכניות לוח שנה ותזמון משימות zh_TW: 行事曆與排程軟體 pa: ਕੈਲੰਡਰ ਅਤੇ ਸ਼ੈਡਿਊਲ ਪਰੋਗਰਾਮ en_GB: Calendar and Scheduling Program ta: நாள்காட்டி மற்றும் திட்ட நிரல் hr: Kalendar i rokovnik hu: Határidőnapló és eseményszervező tg: Тақвимот ва ҷадвали шахсӣ pl: Kalendarz i terminarz lt: Kalendoriaus ir planavimo programa Description: sk: >-KOrganizer je komponent kalendára a plánovania pre balík Kontact. Môžete písať položky denníka, plánovať schôdzky, udalosti a úlohy.
KOrganizer je sestavni del paketa Kontact, ki omogoča razporejanje časa in prikazuje koledar. Ustvarjate lahko dnevnike, razporejate sestanke, dogodke in opravila.
KOrganizer is the calendar and scheduling component of the Kontact suite. You can write journal entries, schedule appointments, events, and to-dos.
KOrganizer — компонент комплексу програм Kontact, що відповідає за календар та планування. За його допомогою можна створювати записи журналу, планувати зустрічі, події або ставити завдання.
KOrganizer est le composant de calendrier et agenda de la suite Kontact. Vous pouvez y tenir un journal, planifier des rendez-vous et évènements, et tenir des listes de choses à faire.
Fonctionnalités :
KOrganizer er Kontact-komponenten som behandler kalender og tidsplanlegging. Du kan skrive dagboknotater, fastlegge avtaler, hendelser og gjøremål.
KOrganizer é o componente de calendário e agendas do Kontact. Você pode criar itens de diário, agendar reuniões, eventos e tarefas.
Korganizer är kalender- och schemaläggningskomponenten i Kontact-sviten. Det går att skriva journalanteckningar, samt schemalägga möten, händelser och uppgifter.
El KOrganizer és el component de calendari i planificació de la suite Kontact. Podeu escriure entrades de diari, planificar les cites, esdeveniments i les pendents.
KOrganizer is the calendar and scheduling component of the Kontact suite. You can write journal entries, schedule appointments, events, and to-dos.
A KOrganizer a Kontact csomag naptár- és határidő-kezelő eleme, mellyel bejegyzéseket írhat, határidőket, eseményeket és tennivalókat ütemezhet.
KOrganizer is de agenda- en planningscomponent van Kontact. U kunt hierin journaals bijhouden, en afspraken, activiteiten en taken plannen
El KOrganizer és el component de calendari i planificació de la suite Kontact. Podeu escriure entrades de diari, planificar les cites, esdeveniments i les pendents.
KOrganizer jest składnikiem kalendarza i planowania pakietu Kontact. Można tworzyć wpisy dziennika, planować spotkania, wydarzenia i zadania.
KOrganizer is de Plaan- un Kalennerkomponent binnen de Kontact-Sammeln. Du kannst Daagbookindrääg schrieven un Möten, Begeefnissen un Opgaven planen.
O KOrganizer é o componente de calendário e agendas do pacote Kontact. Poderá escrever itens de diário, agendar reuniões, eventos e itens por-fazer.
KOrganizer es el componente de calendario y planificación de la suite Kontact. Usted puede escribir entradas de diario, citas de planificaciones, eventos y tareas pendientes.
KOrganizer é o compoñente de calendarios e programación da colección de software Kontact. Pode escribir entradas no seu diario e programar citas, acontecementos e tarefas.
KOrganizer on Kontacti komplekti kalendri- ja ajastamiskomponent. Sellega saab kirjutada päevikukirjeid, ajastada kohtumisi, sündmusi ja ülesandeid.
KOrganizer Kontact takımının takvim ve zamanlama bileşenidir. Günlük girdileri yazabilir, randevu, olaylar ve yapılacakları programlayabilirsiniz.
KOrganizer 是 Kontact 套件中的行事曆軟體。您可以寫日誌、排約會、事件與待辦清單等。
KOrganizer è il componente calendario e di pianificazione della suite Kontact. Puoi scrivere voci di diario, pianificare appuntamenti, eventi e cose da fare.
KOrganizer는 Kontact와 함께 사용할 수 있는 달력 및 일정 관리 프로그램입니다. 저널 항목 작성, 약속, 할 일, 행사를 관리할 수 있습니다.
KOrganizer ist die Kalender. und Terminplanungskomponente der Kontakt-Software. Sie können Termine, Verabredungen, Aufgaben planen und Einträge in das Journal schreiben.
KOrganizer on Kontact-ohjelmiston kalenteri- ja ajastusosa. Voit kirjoittaa päiväkirjamerkintöjä sekä ajastaa tapaamisia, tapahtumia ja tehtäviä.
מרכז הבקרה הוא ממשק מרכזי של GNOME להגדרה של היבטים שונים של שולחן העבודה שלך.
zh_CN: >-控制中心是GNOME桌面中各方面配置的主界面。
ja: >-コントロールセンターは、デスクトップの各種設定を行う GNOME のメインインターフェースです。
sk: >-Ovládacie stredisko je hlavným rozhraním prostredia GNOME na konfiguráciu rôznych vlastností vášho prostredia.
sl: >-Nadzorno središče je osnovni vmesnik za spreminjanje različnih nastavitev namizja GNOME.
C: >-The control center is GNOME's main interface for configuration of various aspects of your desktop.
uk: >-Центр керування GNOME — головний інтерфейс для налаштування різних частин вашої стільниці.
sr: >-Управљачки центар је главно Гномово сучеље за подешавање различитих делова вашег система.
fr: >-Le centre de contrôle est l'interface principale de GNOME pour la configuration de divers aspects de votre environnement.
nb: >-Kontrollsenter er oppsettsgrensesnittet for forskjellige aspekter av GNOME-skrivebordet.
sv: >-Kontrollpanelen är GNOME:s huvudsakliga gränssnitt för inställning av olika aspekter för ditt skrivbord.
ca: >-El centre de control és la interfície principal del GNOME per configurar diversos aspectes de l'escriptori.
hu: >-A vezérlőközpont a GNOME elsődleges felülete az asztali környezet különböző jellemzőinek beállításához.
an: >-O centro de control ye a interficie prencipal de GNOME ta la configuración de diversos aspectos d'o suyo escritorio.
nl: >-Het configuratiecentrum is de hoofdinterface van GNOME voor verschillende aspecten van uw desktop te configureren.
lt: >-Valdymo centras yra GNOME pagrindinė sąsaja įvairių darbastalio aspektų konfigūravimui.
pl: >-Centrum sterowania jest głównym interfejsem środowiska GNOME do konfiguracji różnych części komputera.
lv: >-Vadības centrs ir GNOME galvenā saskarne dažādu darbvirsmas aspektu konfigurēšanai.
el: >-Το κέντρο ελέγχου είναι η κύρια διεπαφή του GNOME για τη ρύθμιση διάφορων πτυχών της επιφάνειας εργασίας σας.
tg: >-Маркази идоракунии GNOME ин интерфейси асосӣ барои танзим кардани унсурҳои гуногуни мизи кории шумо мебошад.
th: >-ศูนย์ควบคุมเป็นส่วนติดต่อหลักของ GNOME สำหรับตั้งค่าส่วนต่างๆ ของเดสก์ท็อปของคุณ
pt: >-O centro de controlo é o ambiente principal para configuração de vários apetos do seu ambiente de trabalho.
gl: >-O centro de control é a interface principal de GNOME para configurar varios aspectos do seu escritorio.
es: >-El centro de control es la interfaz principal de GNOME para la configuración de diversos aspectos de su escritorio.
cs: >-Ovládací centrum je hlavní rozhraní GNOME pro nastavení různých aspektů vašeho pracovního prostředí.
eu: >-Kontrol-zentroa GNOMEren interfaze nagusia da mahaigainaren hainbat ezaugarri konfiguratzeko.
vi: >-Trung tâm điều kiển là giao diện chính của GNOME để cấu hình các khía cạnh khác nhau của máy tính để bàn của bạn.
ro: >-Centrul de control este interfața principală GNOME pentru configurări ale calculatorului dumneavoastră.
ru: >-Центр управления GNOME — основной интерфейс для настройки различных параметров и функций рабочего стола.
tr: >-Denetim merkezi, masaüstünüzün çeşitli yönlerini yapılandırmak için GNOME'un temel arabirimidir.
kk: >-Басқару орталығы - жұмыс үстеліңіздің түрлі баптауларын жасауға арналған GNOME жүйесінің басты интерфейсі.
id: >-Pusat kendali adalah antar muka utama GNOME untuk mengatur berbagai aspek desktop Anda.
da: >-Kontrolcentret er GNOMEs hovedgrænseflade for indstilling af diverse egenskaber til dit skrivebord.
ko: >-제어 센터는 그놈 데스크톱의 여러가지 사항을 설정하는 주요 인터페이스입니다.
fur: >-Il centri di control GNOME a je la interface principâl par configurâ l'ambient grafic.
it: >-Il Centro di controllo GNOME è l'interfaccia principale per la configurazione dell'ambiente grafico.
de: >-Das Kontrollzentrum ist die zentrale Schnittstelle von GNOME zur Konfiguration Ihrer Arbeitsumgebung.
fa: >-مرکز کنترل، واسط اصلی گنوم برای پیکربندی جنبههای مختلف میزکار شماست.
pt_BR: >-O centro de controle é a interface principal do GNOME para configuração de vários aspectos de seu ambiente.
is: >-Stjórnborðið er aðalviðmót GNOME til stillinga á hinum ýmsu þáttum skjáborðsins.
zh_TW: >-控制中心是 GNOME 用來管理桌面各層面設定的主要介面。
sr@latin: >-Upravljački centar je glavno Gnomovo sučelje za podešavanje različitih delova vašeg sistema.
fi: >-Asetuskeskus on Gnomen ensisijainen käyttöliittymä työpöydän monien eri asetusten muokkaamiseen.
ProjectGroup: GNOME ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ CompulsoryForDesktops: - GNOME Categories: - System Keywords: uz_UZ@cyrillic: - Қулайликлар - мосламалар C: - Preferences - Settings uz_UZ.UTF-8: - Қулайликлар - мосламалар Url: bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=control-center Icon: cached: - name: gnome-control-center_preferences-system.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gnome-control-center_preferences-system.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gnome-control-center_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-system remote: - url: g/gn/gnome-control-center.desktop/7C82AA223BD86C2DF7FDF7CED49ADBBB/icons/128x128/gnome-control-center_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - gnome-control-center.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: wpa_gui.desktop Package: wpagui Name: C: wpa_gui Summary: C: Graphical user interface for wpa_supplicant Description: de: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
pt_BR: >-wpagui fornece uma interface em Qt para escolher em qual rede configurada se conectar. Também fornece um método para navegar em resultados da verificação de 802.11 SSID, um log de eventos de mensagens geradas pelo wpa_supplicant e um método para adicionar ou editar redes wpa_supplicant.
sl: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
C: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
en: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
en_CA: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
gl: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
tr: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
es: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
fr: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
ru: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
en_GB: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
it: >-wpagui fornisce un'interfaccia Qt per scegliere a quale rete configurata connettersi. Fornisce anche un metodo per esplorare i risultati della ricerca di SSID 802.11, un registro storico degli eventi con i messaggi generati da wpa_supplicant e un metodo per aggiungere o modificare reti wpa_supplicant.
en_AU: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
Categories: - Network Keywords: C: - wlan - wifi - configuration Icon: cached: - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: backintime-qt4.desktop Package: backintime-qt4 Name: C: Back In Time Summary: C: Simple backup system sl: Enostaven sistem ustvarjanja varnostnih kopij Description: C: >-Back In Time is a framework for rsync and cron for the purpose of taking snapshots and backups of specified folders. It minimizes disk space use by taking a snapshot only if the directory has been changed, and hard links for unmodified files if it has. The user can schedule regular backups using cron.
This is the graphical interface for Back In Time.
en: >-Back In Time is a framework for rsync and cron for the purpose of taking snapshots and backups of specified folders. It minimizes disk space use by taking a snapshot only if the directory has been changed, and hard links for unmodified files if it has. The user can schedule regular backups using cron.
This is the graphical interface for Back In Time.
Categories: - System Keywords: C: - automatic - snapshot - restore - rsync Icon: cached: - name: backintime-qt4_document-save.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: backintime-qt4_document-save.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: document-save --- Type: desktop-application ID: backintime-qt4-root.desktop Package: backintime-qt4 Name: C: Back In Time (root) Summary: C: Simple backup system sl: Enostaven sistem ustvarjanja varnostnih kopij Description: C: >-Back In Time is a framework for rsync and cron for the purpose of taking snapshots and backups of specified folders. It minimizes disk space use by taking a snapshot only if the directory has been changed, and hard links for unmodified files if it has. The user can schedule regular backups using cron.
This is the graphical interface for Back In Time.
en: >-Back In Time is a framework for rsync and cron for the purpose of taking snapshots and backups of specified folders. It minimizes disk space use by taking a snapshot only if the directory has been changed, and hard links for unmodified files if it has. The user can schedule regular backups using cron.
This is the graphical interface for Back In Time.
Categories: - System Keywords: C: - automatic - snapshot - restore - rsync - root Icon: cached: - name: backintime-qt4_document-save.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: backintime-qt4_document-save.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: document-save --- Type: desktop-application ID: lubuntu-nexus7-identica.desktop Package: lubuntu-nexus7-extra-files Name: de: identi.ca lt: identi.ca ar: identi.ca C: identi.ca el: identi.ca sr: иденти.ка gl: identi.ca es: identi.ca et: identi.ca eu: identi.ca fr: identi.ca ko: 아이덴티카 ca: identi.ca it: identi.ca be: identi.ca Summary: de: Starte identi.ca ... lt: Paleidžiama identi.ca ar: إطلاق identi.ca C: Launching identi.ca el: Φόρτωση identi.ca sr: Покрећем иденти.ку gl: Iniciando identi.ca es: Lanzando identi.ca fr: Lancement d'identi.ca eu: identi.ca abiarazten ko: 아이덴티카 실행 ca: Llançament d'identi.ca it: Sto lanciando identi.ca be: Запуск identi.ca Description: fr: >-Ce paquet contenu des fichiers supplémentaires pour la session Nexus7.
C: >-This package contents extra files for the nexus7 session.
en: >-This package contents extra files for the nexus7 session.
de: >-Dieses Paket enthält zusätzliche Dateien für die Nexus7-Sitzung.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: lubuntu-nexus7-extra-files_internet-web-browser.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: lubuntu-nexus7-extra-files_internet-web-browser.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: internet-web-browser Launchable: desktop-id: - lubuntu-nexus7-identica.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: Thunar.desktop Package: thunar Name: he: מנהל קבצים Thunar ja: Thunar ファイルマネージャー si: Thunar ගොනු කළමණාකරු sk: Správca súborov Thunar ug: سۇنار(Thunar) ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇ ur_PK: تھنر فائل منیجر zh_CN: Thunar 文件管理器 C: Thunar File Manager fr: Gestionnaire de fichiers Thunar sq: Përgjegjësi i Kartelave Thunar sr: Тунар управник датотека nb: Thunar Filbehandler hr: Thunar upravitelj datotekama ca: Gestor de fitxers Thunar sv: Filhanteraren Thunar hu: Thunar fájlkezelő pa: ਥੰਨਰ ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ uk: Файловий менеджер Thunar zh_HK: Thunar 檔案管理員 ur: تھنر فائل منیجر nl: Thunar bestandbeheerder zh_TW: Thunar 檔案管理員 nn: Thunar filhandsaming lt: Thunar failų tvarkytuvė ar: مدير الملفات ثونار lv: Thunar failu pārvaldnieks pl: Menedżer plików Thunar el: Διαχειριστής αρχείων Thunar ast: Xestor de ficheros Thunar cs: Správce souborů Thunar eo: Thunar dosier-administrilo th: โปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม Thunar gl: Xestor de ficheiros Thunar pt: Gestor de ficheiros Thunar es: Gestor de archivos Thunar et: Failihaldur Thunar eu: Thunar fitxategi kudeatzailea te: తునార్ దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకము ro: Managerul de fișiere Thunar id: Manajer Berkas Thunar tr: Thunar Dosya Yöneticisi kk: Thunar файлдар басқарушысы vi: Trình quản lý tập tin Thunar be: Кіраўнік файлаў Thunar is: Thunar skráastjóri ko: 투나 파일 관리자 it: Il gestore di file Thunar da: Thunar-filhåndtering de: Thunar-Dateiverwaltung fa_IR: مدیر پروندههای تونار en_GB: Thunar File Manager bn: Thunar ফাইল ম্যানেজার oc: Gestionari de Fichièrs Thunar ms: Pengurus Fail Thunar bg: Файлов мениджър Thunar en_AU: Thunar File Manager fi: Thunar-tiedostonhallinta pt_BR: Gerenciador de arquivos Thunar ru: Файловый менеджер Thunar Summary: C: File Browser Description: he: >-Thunar הינו סייר קבצים אשר תוכנן בקפידה עבור שולחן עבודה Xfce, אך גם יכול לשרת בתור דפדפן קבצים חלופי עבור סביבות שולחן עבודה אחרות. יש לו עיצוב פשוט, נקי בעל שתי חלוניות לסיור בכל הקבצים שלך.
zh_CN: >-Thunar 是一个专门针对 Xfce 桌面环境设计的文件浏览器,但它也能作为其他桌面环境的替代文件浏览器。它有一个简洁的双栏式设计让您浏览所有的文件。
ja: >-Thunar は Xfce デスクトップ環境用に開発されたファイルブラウザーであり、他のデスクトップ環境でも使用できます。シンプルでクリーンな 2 ペインデザインで設計されており、すべてのファイルを閲覧できます。
sk: >-Thunar je správca súborov navrhnutý špeciálne pre Xfce Desktop, ale možno ho používať aj ako alternatívneho správcu súborov v iných pracovných prostrediach. Ponúka prostý, plne dvoj-panelový vzhľad na prechádzanie všetkých súborov.
C: >-Thunar is a file browser specifically designed for the Xfce Desktop, but also can serve as an alternate file browser for other Desktop environments. It has a simple, clean two-pane design for browsing all your files.
uk: >-Thunar - це переглядач структури файлів, розроблений спеціально для оболонки Xfce, однак також може слугувати як альтернативний переглядач фалів для інших середовищ робочого столу. Він простий, має двопанельний дизайн для показу файлів.
sr: >-Тунар је управник датотека нарочито осмишљен за Иксфце радно окружење, али може и да служи као замена за управника датотека другим радним окружењима. Има једноставни и чисти склоп са две површи за управљање датотекама.
fr: >-Thunar est un gestionnaire de fichiers conçu spécifiquement pour le bureau Xfce, mais peut aussi servir comme gestionnaire de fichiers alternatif pour d’autres environnements de bureau. Il dispose d’une interface à deux panneaux simple et épurée pour parcourir tous vos fichiers.
nb: >-Thunar er en filutforsker spesifikt utviklet for Xfce-skrivebordet, men kan også fungere som en alternativ filutforsker for andre skrivebordsmiljø, Den har et simpelt, rent to-felts designuttrykk for filene dine.
hr: >-Thunar je upravitelj datotekama posebno dizajniran za Xfce radno okruženje, ali jednako se može koristiti kao alternativni upravitelj datotekama u drugim radnim okruženjima. Posjeduje jednostavan dvokrilni dizajn za sve vaše datoteke.
sv: >-Thunar är en filhanterare speciellt utformad för Xfce-skrivbordet, men den kan också användas som alternativ filhanterare i andra skrivbordsmiljöer. Den har en enkel tvåpanelsdesign för att bläddra bland alla dina filer.
ca: >-Thunar és un navegador de fitxers que està dissenyat especialment per a l'escriptori Xfce, però també pot servir com a navegador de fitxers per a altres escriptoris. Té un disseny simple, de dos plafons, per navegar per tots els vostres fitxers.
hu: >-A Thunar kifejezetten az Xfce asztali környezethez tervezett fájlkezelő, de más asztali környezeteket is kiszolgál, alternatív fájlkezelőként. Egyszerű, tiszta, két táblás felülete van, minden fájl böngészéséhez.
zh_TW: >-Thunar 是一個為 Xfce 桌面設計的檔案瀏覽器,但也可以作為其他桌面環境的替代檔案瀏覽器。它有一個簡易且簡潔的兩欄式設計讓您瀏覽您所有的檔案。
nl: >-Thunar is een bestandbeheerder die specifiek is ontworpen voor de Xfce-werkomgeving, maar hij kan ook dienen als een alternatieve bestandbeheerder in andere werkomgevingen. Hij heeft een eenvoudig, helder dubbelpaneelontwerp om al uw bestanden te kunnen doorbladeren.
nn: >-Thunar er ein filutforskar spesielt utvikla for Xfce-skrivebordet, men han kan òg fungera som ein alternativ utforskar for andre skrivebordsmiljø. Thunar gir deg ei enkel, rein to-panelsutforming for å bla gjennom filene dine.
lt: >-Thunar yra, specialiai Xfce Darbalaukiui sukurta, failų tvarkytuvė, tačiau ji gali tarnauti kaip alternatyvi failų tvarkytuvė ir kitose Darbalaukio aplinkose. Ji turi paprastą, tvarkingą dviejų polangių dizainą jūsų visų failų naršymui.
ar: >-ثونار متصفح ملفات مصمم خصيصا لسطح مكتب Xfce. لكن يمكن استعماله كتصفح ملفات بديل في بيئات مكتب أخرى. يتميز ثونار بتصميم بسيط يمكنك من تصفح جميع ملفاتك.
pl: >-Thunar to przeglądarka plików zaprojektowana specjalnie dla środowiska graficznego Xfce, ale może służyć także jako alternatywna przeglądarka plików w innych środowiskach. Posiada proste, czytelne dwupanelowe wzornictwo dla przeglądania wszystkich plików.
el: >-Το Thunar είναι ένας διαχειριστής αρχείων ειδικά σχεδιασμένος για το περιβάλλον εργασίας Xfce, αλλά μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως εναλλακτικός διαχειριστής αρχείων για άλλα περιβάλλοντα εργασίας. Έχει μια απλή, καθαρή σχεδίαση 2 πινάκων για περιήγηση των αρχείων σας.
ast: >-Thunar ye un restolador de ficheros diseñáu específicamente pal escritoriu Xfce, pero tamién pue sirvir como restolador de ficheros alternativu pa otros entornos d'escritoriu. Tien un simple y llimpiu diseñu a dos cares pa restolar tolos tos ficheros.
cs: >-Thunar je správce souborů specificky navržený pro prostředí Xfce, ale může také sloužit jako alternativní aplikace pro procházení souborů v jiných desktopových prostředích. Má jednoduchý čistý dvoupanelový design pro procházení všech Vašich souborů.
th: >-Thunar เป็นโปรแกรมท่องดูแฟ้มซึ่งออกแบบมาสำหรับเดสก์ท็อป Xfce โดยเฉพาะ แต่ก็สามารถทำงานเป็นโปรแกรมท่องดูแฟ้มทางเลือกสำหรับเดสก์ท็อปอื่นได้ด้วย การออกแบบจะเรียบง่าย ทำงานสองช่องแบบสะอาดตา เพื่อท่องดูแฟ้มทั้งหมดของคุณ
pt: >-Thunar é um gestor de ficheiros especificamente desenhado para o ambiente Xfce, mas também poder servir como gestor de ficheiros para outros ambientes gráficos. Tem um simples e limpo design para explorar todos os ficheiros.
gl: >-Thunar é un xestor de ficheiros deseñado especificamente para o Escritorio XFCE, o cal tamén pode servir como explorador de ficheiros alternativo para outros ambientes de traballo. Este ten un deseño simple con dous paneis para ver todos os seus ficheiros.
es: >-Thunar es un gestor de archivos diseñado específicamente para el escritorio Xfce, pero puede usarse también en otros entornos de escritorio. Su interfaz de doble panel es sencilla y clara.
id: >-Thunar adalah peramban berkas yang dirancang khusus untuk Destop Xfce, tetapi juga dapat berfungsi sebagai peramban berkas alternatif untuk lingkungan Destop lainnya. Thunar memiliki desain yang sederhana, desain dua-pane bersih untuk meramban semua berkas Anda.
ru: >-Thunar — файловый менеджер специально для рабочего окружения Xfce, но может использоваться как альтернативный в других рабочих окружениях. Имеет простой опрятный двухпанельный вид для просмотра всех ваших файлов.
tr: >-Thunar özel olarak Xfce Masaüstü için dosya tarayıcısı olarak geliştirilmiş olsa da diğer Masaüstü ortamları için de alternatif dosya tarayıcısı olarak kullanılabilir. Dosyalarınızı taramak için iki parçalı basit ve temiz bir tasarımı vardır.
kk: >-Thunar - бұл Xfce жұмыс үстелі үшін арнайы жасалған файлдық басқарушы қолданбасы, сонымен қатар, оны басқа да жұмыс үстел орталарында қосымша ретінде қолдануға болады. Оның қарапайым әрі жеңіл екі панельді интерфейсі файлдарды шолу үшін арналған.
ro: >-Thunar este un manager de fișiere creat special pentru mediul desktop Xfce, dar care poate fi folosit ca un manager de fișiere alternativ și în alte medii desktop. Are un design clasic și minimal ce vă ușurează gestionarea tuturor fișierelor.
oc: >-Thunar es un gestionari de fichièrs concebut especificament pel burèu Xfce, mas pòt tanben servir coma gestionari de fichièrs alternatiu per d’autres environaments de burèu. Dispausa d’una interfàcia de dos panèls simpla e epurada per percórrer totes vòstres fichièrs.
is: >-Thunar er skráastjóri sem sérstaklega er hannaður fyrir XFCE-skjáborðið, en se hægt er að nota sem aukaskjástjóra í öðrum skjáborðsumhverfum. Thunar byggist á einfaldri og stílhreinni tveggja-spjalda hönnun til að vafra um skrár og möppur.
it: >-Thunar è un browser dei file pensato per l'ambiente Xfce, ma può essere utilizzato come browser di file alternativo in altri ambienti desktop. Ha un design semplice a due riquadri adatto per sfogliare tutti i propri file.
ko: >-Thunar는 Xfce 데스크탑을 위해 특별히 설계된 파일 브라우저이지만, 다른 데스크탑 환경에서 대체 파일 브라우저로 사용가능합니다. 모든 파일을 브라우징 할 수있는 간단한 두개의 패널 디자인으로 구성되어있습니다.
da: >-Thunar er en filbrowser, der er særligt designet til Xfce-skrivebordet, men kan også tjene til en alternativ filbrowser for andre skrivebordsmiljøer. Den har et simpelt, klart design med to paneler, der lader dig gennemse dine filer.
de: >-Thunar ist eine Dateiverwaltung speziell für den Xfce-Schreibtisch entwickelt, kann aber auch als alternativer Dateinavigator für andere Arbeitsumgebungen benutzt werden. Er hat eine einfache, aufgeräumte Zweifensteransicht zum Durchsuchen aller Ihrer Dateien.
pt_BR: >-Thunar é um navegador de arquivos especificamente desenhado para o Desktop Xfce, mas também pode servir como navegador de arquivos alternativo para outros ambientes de Desktop. Thunar apresenta um simples e limpo design de dois painéis para a navegação de todos os seus arquivos.
en_GB: >-Thunar is a file browser specifically designed for the Xfce Desktop, but also can serve as an alternate file browser for other Desktop environments. It has a simple, clean two-pane design for browsing all your files.
ms: >-Thunar ialah pelayar fail yang direka khusus untuk Desktop Xfce, tetapi juga bertindak sebagai pelayar fail alternatif untuk persekitaran Desktop lain. Ia mempunyai rekabentuk ringkas, dengan dua-anak-tetingkap yang kemas unntuk pelayaran semua fail anda.
bg: >-Thunar е файлов мениджър, разработен специално за десктопа на Xfce, но може да се използва, като алтернативен файлов мениджър и в други графични среди. Той е с изчистен двупанелен дизайн за да управлявате лесно вашите файлове.
en_AU: >-Thunar is a file browser specifically designed for the Xfce Desktop, but also can serve as an alternate file browser for other Desktop environments. It has a simple, clean two-pane design for browsing all your files.
fi: >-Thunar on tiedostoselain, joka on suunniteltu erityisesti Xfce-työpöydälle, mutta jota voi käyttää vaihtoehtoisena tiedostoselaimena myös muilla työpöytäjärjestelmillä. Se käyttää yksinkertaista kaksiruutuista muotoilua kaikkien tiedostojesi selaamiseen.
Categories: - System - Utility - Core - FileTools - FileManager Url: homepage: http://xfce.org/projects bugtracker: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/describecomponents.cgi?product=Thunar help: http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/start Icon: cached: - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: Thunar Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: t/th/Thunar.desktop/DA0148ECE8064D4FD7EBCF7840A4D650/screenshots/image-1_224x189.png width: 224 height: 189 source-image: url: t/th/Thunar.desktop/DA0148ECE8064D4FD7EBCF7840A4D650/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 564 height: 478 --- Type: desktop-application ID: thunar-settings.desktop Package: thunar Name: he: מנהל קבצים ja: ファイルマネージャー zh_CN: 文件管理器 sk: Správca súborov ug: ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇ ur_PK: فائل منیجر ur: فائل منیجر C: File Manager fr: Gestionnaire de fichiers sq: Përgjegjës Kartelash sr: Разгледач датотека nb: Filbehandler hr: Upravitelj datotekama ca: Gestor de fitxers sv: Filhanterare hu: Fájlkezelő pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ uk: Файловий менеджер zh_HK: 檔案管理員 am: የ ፋይል አስተዳዳሪ nl: Bestandbeheerder zh_TW: 檔案管理員 nn: Filhandsamar lt: Failų tvarkytuvė ar: مدير الملفات lv: Failu pārvaldnieks pl: Menedżer plików el: Διαχειριστής αρχείων ast: Xestor de ficheros cs: Správce souborů eo: Dosier-administrilo th: โปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม gl: Xestor de ficheiros pt: Gestor de ficheiros es: Administrador de archivos et: Failihaldur eu: Fitxategi kudeatzailea te: దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకము ro: Manager de fișiere id: Manajer Berkas tr: Dosya Yöneticisi kk: Файлдар басқарушысы vi: Trình quản lí tập tin be: Кіраўнік файлаў is: Skráastjóri it: Gestore di file ko: 파일 관리자 da: Filhåndtering de: Dateiverwaltung fa_IR: مدیر پرونده en_GB: File Manager bn: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপক oc: Gestionari de fichièrs ms: Pengurus Fail bg: Файлов мениджър en_AU: File Manager fi: Tiedostonhallinta pt_BR: Gerenciador de arquivos ru: Файловый менеджер Summary: he: הגדרת מנהל הקבצים Thunar ja: Thunar ファイルマネージャーを設定します zh_CN: 配置 Thunar 文件管理器 sk: Nastavenia správcu súborov Thunar ug: سۇنار(Thunar) ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇنى تەڭشەش C: Configure the Thunar file manager fr: Configurer le gestionnaire de fichiers Thunar sq: Formësoni përgjegjësin e kartelave Thunar sr: Подеси Тунара за разгледање датотека nb: Konfigurer Thunar Filbehandler hr: Podesi Thunar upravitelja datoteka ca: Configureu el gestor de fitxers Thunar sv: Ställ in Filhanteraren Thunar hu: A Thunar fájlkezelő beállítása uk: Налаштувати файловий менеджер Thunar ur: تھنر فائل منیجر مرتب کریں nl: Configureer de bestandbeheerder Thunar zh_TW: 設定 Thunar 檔案管理員 nn: Set opp Thunar filhandsaming lt: Konfigūruoti Thunar failų tvarkytuvę ar: إعداد مدير الملفات ثونار lv: Konfigurēt Thunar failu pārvaldnieku pl: Konfiguruje preferencje menedżera plików Thunar el: Ρύθμιση του διαχειριστή αρχείων Thunar ast: Configura'l xestor de ficheros Thunar cs: Konfigurace správce souborů Thunar id: Konfigurasi manajer berkas Thunar th: ตั้งค่าโปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม Thunar gl: Configurar o xestor de ficheiros Thunar pt: Configurar o gestor de ficheiros Thunar es: Configure el gestor de archivos Thunar et: Thunar failihalduri seadistamine eu: Konfiguratu Thunar fitxategi kudeatzailea te: తునార్ దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకాన్ని స్వరూపించండి ro: Configurați managerul de fișiere Thunar ru: Настроить файловый менеджер Thunar tr: Thunar dosya yöneticisini yapılandır kk: Thunar файлдар басқарушысын баптау vi: Cấu hình trình quản lí tập tin Thunar be: Наладзіць Кіраўнік файлаў is: Stilla Thunar skráastjórann ko: 투나 파일 관리자 설정 it: Configura il gestore di file Thunar da: Indstil Thunar-filhåndteringen de: Die Thunar-Dateiverwaltung einrichten oc: Configurar lo gestionari de fichièrs Thunar en_GB: Configure the Thunar file manager bn: Thunar ফাইল ম্যানেজার কনফিগার করুন ur_PK: تھنر فائل منیجر مرتب کریں ms: Konfigur pengurus fail Thunar bg: Настройване на файловият мениджър Thunar en_AU: Configure the Thunar file manager fi: Thunar-tiedostonhallinnan asetukset pt_BR: Configurar o gerenciador de arquivos Thunar zh_HK: 設定 Thunar 檔案管理員 Description: pl: >-Thunar jest menedżerem plików zaprojektowanym jako domyślny menedżer plików do środowiska graficznego Xfce. Został zaprojektowany do szybkiej pracy i łatwego użycia.
Uwzględnia również wtyczkę panelu Xfce, która może zarządzać koszem pulpitu.
de: >-Thunar wurde als Standard-Dateimanager für die Arbeitsumgebung Xfce entworfen. Entwurfsziele waren Geschwindigkeit und einfache Benutzung.
Das Paket enthält eine Erweiterung für das Xfce-Panel zur Verwaltung des Papierkorbs.
zh_CN: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
sk: >-Thunar je správca súborov navrhnutý ako predvolený správca súborov pracovného prostredia Xfce. Bol navrhnutý s obľadom na rýchlosť a jednoduché použitie.
Tiež obsahuje zásuvný modul panelu Xfce, ktorý spravuje Kôš v rámci pracovného prostredia.
sl: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
pt_BR: >-Thunar é o gerenciador de arquivos projetado para ser o padrão do ambiente de área de trabalho Xfce. Ele foi projetado para ser rápido e fácil de usar.
Também incluso um plugin para o painel do Xfce que pode gerenciar a lixeira da área de trabalho.
ja: >-Thunar は、Xfce デスクトップ環境用のデフォルトのファイルマネージャとして 設計されたファイルマネージャです。高速かつ使いやすくなるよう設計されています。
さらにデスクトップのゴミ箱を管理できる Xfce パネルプラグインが含まれます。
uk: >-Thunar — типовий файловий менеджер для стільничного середовища Xfce. Він створений так, щоб бути швидким та простим у використанні.
Він також містить втулок панелі інструментів, який дозволяє керувати «смітником».
C: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
fi: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en_CA: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
ru: >-Thunar — это файловый менеджер, разработанный для использования в рабочем окружении Xfce. Критериями при разработке была скорость и простота использования.
Пакет также включает модуль панели Xfce, который может управлять корзиной.
es: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
fr: >-Thunar est le gestionnaire de fichiers destiné à être celui par défaut de l’environnement de bureau Xfce. Il a été conçu pour être rapide et facile d’utilisation.
Un greffon pour le panneau Xfce, pouvant prendre en charge la corbeille du bureau, est également fourni.
pt: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en_GB: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
it: >-Thunar è il gestore di file progettato per essere il file manager predefinito per l'ambiente desktop Xfce. È progettato per essere veloce e facile da usare.
Include anche un plugin per il pannello di Xfce che permette di gestire il cestino del desktop.
nl: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
da: >-Thunar er filhåndteringen designet til at være standardfilhåndteringen i skrivebordsmiljøet Xfce. Programmet er blevet designet med tanke på hurtighed og nem brug.
Også inkluderet er et Xfce-paneludvidelsesmodul, som kan håndtere skrivebordsaffaldet.
en_AU: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: thunar_system-file-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: thunar_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-file-manager --- Type: desktop-application ID: Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop Package: thunar Name: he: שינוי שם נפחי ja: バルクリネーム zh_CN: 批量重命名 sk: Hromadné premenovanie ug: ئاتىنى تىپ ئۆزگەرتىش zh_HK: 批次改名 ur: بلک رینیم C: Bulk Rename fr: Renommer en masse sq: Riemërtim në Masë sr: Скупно преименовање nb: Gi nytt navn (Bulk) hr: Grupno preimenovanje ca: Canvi de nom en bloc sv: Massomdöpning hu: Csoportos átnevező pa: ਬਲਕ ਰੀ-ਨੇਮ uk: Масове перейменування am: ጥቅል እንደገና መሰየሚያ nl: Massaal hernoemen zh_TW: 批次重新命名 nn: Masseomdøyping lt: Masinis pervadinimas ar: تغيير اسم الكل lv: Masu pārdēvēšana pl: Wsadowe zmienianie nazw el: Μαζική μετονομασία ast: Renomador masivu cs: Hromadné přejmenování eo: Amasa Renomilo th: เปลี่ยนชื่อกลุ่มแฟ้ม gl: Renomeador masivo pt: Renomear em massa es: Cambio de nombre en masa de Thunar et: Hulganisti nimede muutja eu: Berrizendatu... te: పెద్దసంఖ్యలో పేరుమార్పు ro: Redenumire în masă id: Ganti Nama Bulk tr: Toplu Yeniden Adlandırma kk: Thunar топтап атын ауыстыру vi: Đổi tên hàng loạt be: Буйное перайменаваньне is: Magn-endurnefna it: Bulk Rename ko: 일괄 이름 바꾸기 da: Masseomdøbning de: Massenumbenennen oc: Renomenar en massa en_GB: Bulk Rename bn: বাল্ক পুনরায় নামকরণ ru: Массовое переименование ms: Nama Semula Kelompok bg: Масово преименуване en_AU: Bulk Rename fi: Joukkonimeäjä pt_BR: Renomear em massa ur_PK: بلک رینیم Summary: he: שנה שמות קבצים רבים ja: 複数のファイル名を変更します zh_CN: 重命名多个文件 sk: Hromadné premenovanie ug: كۆپ ھۆججەتنىڭ ئاتىنى ئۆزگەرتىش zh_HK: 為多個檔案改名 ur: متعدد فائلوں کا نام بدلیں C: Rename Multiple Files fr: Renommer plusieurs fichiers sq: Riemërto Shumë Kartela sr: Преименуј више датотека nb: Gi nytt navn til _mange filer hr: _Preimenuj više datoteka ca: Canvieu el nom de múltiples fitxers sv: Byt namn på flera filer hu: Több fájl átnevezése pa: ਕਈ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਦਾ ਨਾਂ ਬਦਲੋ uk: Перейменування декілька файлів am: በርካታ ፋይሎች እንደገና መሰየሚያ nl: Hernoem meerdere bestanden zh_TW: 重新命名多個檔案 nn: Gje nytt namn til fleire filer. lt: Pervadinti daug failų ar: تغيير إسم عدة ملفات lv: Pārdēvēt vairākus failus pl: Zmienianie nazw wielu plików el: Μετονομασία πολλαπλών αρχείων ast: Renomar múltiples ficheros cs: Přejmenovat více souborů eo: Renomigu Multajn Dosierojn th: เปลี่ยนชื่อแฟ้มทีละหลายแฟ้ม gl: Renomear varios ficheiros pt: Renomear vários ficheiros es: Cambia de nombre múltiples archivos et: Failide nimede muutmine eu: Fitxategi anitz berrizendatu te: బహుళ దస్త్రాల పేరుమార్చు ro: Redenumire în masă de fișiere id: Ganti Nama Banyak Berkas tr: Çoklu Dosyaları Yeniden Adlandır kk: Бірнеше файлдардың атын ауыстыру vi: Đổi tên nhiều tập tin be: Перайменаваньне некалькіх файлаў is: Endurnefna margar skrár it: Rinomina più file ko: 여러 파일의 이름을 바꿉니다 da: Omdøbning af flere filer de: Mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig umbenennen oc: Renomenar mantun fichièr en_GB: Rename Multiple Files bn: একাধিক ফাইলের পুনরায় নামকরণ করুন ru: Переименование нескольких файлов ms: Nama Semula Fail Berbilang bg: Преименуване на няколко файла en_AU: Rename Multiple Files fi: Nimeä useita tiedostoja uudelleen pt_BR: Renomeia múltiplos arquivos ur_PK: متعدد فائلوں کا نام بدلیں Description: pl: >-Thunar jest menedżerem plików zaprojektowanym jako domyślny menedżer plików do środowiska graficznego Xfce. Został zaprojektowany do szybkiej pracy i łatwego użycia.
Uwzględnia również wtyczkę panelu Xfce, która może zarządzać koszem pulpitu.
de: >-Thunar wurde als Standard-Dateimanager für die Arbeitsumgebung Xfce entworfen. Entwurfsziele waren Geschwindigkeit und einfache Benutzung.
Das Paket enthält eine Erweiterung für das Xfce-Panel zur Verwaltung des Papierkorbs.
zh_CN: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
sk: >-Thunar je správca súborov navrhnutý ako predvolený správca súborov pracovného prostredia Xfce. Bol navrhnutý s obľadom na rýchlosť a jednoduché použitie.
Tiež obsahuje zásuvný modul panelu Xfce, ktorý spravuje Kôš v rámci pracovného prostredia.
sl: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
pt_BR: >-Thunar é o gerenciador de arquivos projetado para ser o padrão do ambiente de área de trabalho Xfce. Ele foi projetado para ser rápido e fácil de usar.
Também incluso um plugin para o painel do Xfce que pode gerenciar a lixeira da área de trabalho.
ja: >-Thunar は、Xfce デスクトップ環境用のデフォルトのファイルマネージャとして 設計されたファイルマネージャです。高速かつ使いやすくなるよう設計されています。
さらにデスクトップのゴミ箱を管理できる Xfce パネルプラグインが含まれます。
uk: >-Thunar — типовий файловий менеджер для стільничного середовища Xfce. Він створений так, щоб бути швидким та простим у використанні.
Він також містить втулок панелі інструментів, який дозволяє керувати «смітником».
C: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
fi: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en_CA: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
ru: >-Thunar — это файловый менеджер, разработанный для использования в рабочем окружении Xfce. Критериями при разработке была скорость и простота использования.
Пакет также включает модуль панели Xfce, который может управлять корзиной.
es: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
fr: >-Thunar est le gestionnaire de fichiers destiné à être celui par défaut de l’environnement de bureau Xfce. Il a été conçu pour être rapide et facile d’utilisation.
Un greffon pour le panneau Xfce, pouvant prendre en charge la corbeille du bureau, est également fourni.
pt: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en_GB: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
it: >-Thunar è il gestore di file progettato per essere il file manager predefinito per l'ambiente desktop Xfce. È progettato per essere veloce e facile da usare.
Include anche un plugin per il pannello di Xfce che permette di gestire il cestino del desktop.
nl: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
da: >-Thunar er filhåndteringen designet til at være standardfilhåndteringen i skrivebordsmiljøet Xfce. Programmet er blevet designet med tanke på hurtighed og nem brug.
Også inkluderet er et Xfce-paneludvidelsesmodul, som kan håndtere skrivebordsaffaldet.
en_AU: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
Categories: - System - Utility - Core - Filesystem Icon: cached: - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: Thunar --- Type: desktop-application ID: caja-browser.desktop Package: caja Name: tk: Caja lv: Caja xh: i-Caja af: Caja ps: ناوټېلس pt: Caja wa: Caja. tr: Caja te: నాటిలస్ ast: Caja am: ካጃ id: Caja pt_BR: Caja el: Caja ca@valencia: Caja ar: كاجا as: Caja eo: Naŭtilo mg: Caja ig: Caja es: Caja et: Caja az: Caja eu: Caja io: Nautilo en@shaw: "·\U0001046F\U00010477\U00010451\U00010466\U00010464\U00010469\U00010455" is: Caja it: Caja mai: नाटिलस ml: നോട്ടിലസ് mi: Paua mn: Наутилус mk: Caja ms: Caja be: Caja fa: ناتیلوس bg: Файлов мениджър (Caja) sr@latin: Caja ug: Caja mr: नॉटीलस ja: Caja yo: Caja uk: Caja bn: Caja fi: Caja ur: Caja nb: Caja br: Caja bs: Caja ne: नटलस uz: Caja zh_TW: Caja fr: Caja uz@cyrillic: Caja fur: Caja nl: Caja nn: Caja fy: Caja zh_CN: Caja en_AU: Caja ca: Caja nso: Caja ro: Caja vi: Caja ga: Caja ru: Caja zu: Caja ka: ნაუტილუსი zh_HK: Caja cmn: Caja bn_IN: Caja gl: Caja cs: Caja kk: Caja km: Caja kn: Caja ko: 카하 cy: Caja gv: Caja nds: Caja gu: નોટિલસ si: Caja C: Caja ku: Caja be@latin: Caja da: Caja ky: Caja or: ନଟିଲସ sk: Caja de: Caja ha: Caja sq: Caja sr: Цаја sl: Caja he: Caja en_CA: Caja oc: Caja hi: नॉटिलस crh: Caja pa: ਨਟੀਲਸ en_GB: Caja li: Caja ta: Caja hr: Caja sv: Caja sr@ije: Наутилус dz: ནའུ་ཊི་ལཱསི། hu: Caja pl: Caja th: Caja hy: Նաուտիլիուս lt: Caja Summary: lv: Pārlūkot failu sistēmu ar failu pārvaldnieku zh_TW: 使用檔案總管瀏覽檔案系統 af: Blaai met die lêerbestuurder deur die lêerstelsel pt: Navegar no sistema de ficheiros com o gestor de ficheiros tr: Dosya yöneticisi ile dosya sistemine gözat ast: Restole pel sistema de ficheros col alministrador de ficheros id: Menelusuri isi sistem berkas dengan manajer berkas pt_BR: Navegue no sistema de arquivos com o gerenciador de arquivos el: Περιήγηση στο σύστημα αρχείων με το διαχειριστή αρχείων ca@valencia: Navegueu pel sistema de fitxers amb el gestor de fitxers ar: تصفح نظام الملفات بمدير الملفات as: নথিপত্ৰ ব্যবস্থাপকেৰ সাহায্যে নথিপত্ৰ-সিস্টেম ব্ৰাউজ কৰক eo: Foliumi dosiersistemon per dosiera mastrumilo mg: Zahavo amin'ny alalan'ny mpandrindra rakitra ny rafitry ny rakitra en@shaw: "\U0001045A\U0001046E\U0001046C\U0001045F \U0001045E \U00010453\U00010472\U00010464 \U00010455\U00010466\U00010455\U00010451\U00010469\U00010465 \U00010462\U00010466\U0001045E \U0001045E \U00010453\U00010472\U00010464 \U00010465\U00010468\U0001046F\U00010469\U00010461\U0001047C" es: Navegue por el sistema de archivos con el gestor de archivos et: Failisüsteemi sirvimine failihalduriga mk: Разгледајте го датотечниот систем со менаџерот за датотеки ml: ഫയല് മാനേജര് ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് ഫയല് സിസ്റ്റം പരതുക eu: Arakatu fitxategi-sistema fitxategi-kudeatzailearekin it: Esplora il file system con il file manager mai: फाइल प्रबंधक क' सँग फ़ाइलसिस्टम ब्राउज़ करू mr: फाइल व्यवस्थापकाच्या मदतीने फाइल प्रणाली संचार करा ms: Layar sistem fail dengan pengurus fail is: Vafra um skráarkerfið með skráarstjóranum uk: Перегляд файлової системи менеджером файлів be: Аглядаць файлавую сістэму кіраўніком файлаў fa: مرور سیستم پروندهها با مدیر پروندهها bg: Разглеждане на файловата система с файловия мениджър sr@latin: Razgledajte sistem datoteka pomoću upravljača datotekama ug: ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇچتا ھۆججەت سىستېمىسىغا كۆز يۈگۈرت ur: فائل نظام فائل منیجر سے دیکھیں ja: ファイルマネージャを使ってファイルシステムを閲覧します zh_CN: 用文件管理器浏览文件系统 bn: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপকের সাহায্যে ফাইল-সিস্টেম ব্রাউজ করুন fi: Selaa tiedostojärjestelmää tiedostonhallinnasta uz@cyrillic: Файл тизимини файл бошқарувчиси билан кўриш nb: Bla gjennom filsystemet med filhåndtereren br: Furchal er reizhiad restroù gant an ardoer restroù uz: Fayl tizimini fayl boshqaruvchisi bilan koʻrish ne: फाइल प्रबन्धकसँग फाइल प्रणाली ब्राउज गर्नुहोस् fr: Parcourir le système de fichiers avec le gestionnaire de fichiers fur: Sgarfe tal sisteme di files cul gjestôr di files nl: Bestandssysteem doorbladeren met het bestandsbeheer nn: Bla gjennom filsystemet med filhandsamaren en_AU: Browse the file system with the file manager ca: Navegueu pel sistema de fitxers amb el gestor de fitxers ro: Navigați prin sistemul de fișiere folosind administratorul de fișiere vi: Duyệt hệ thống tập tin với trình quản lý tập tin ga: Brabhsáil an córas comhad leis an mbainisteoir comhad ru: Просмотр файловой системы в менеджере файлов ka: ფაილ სისტემის ფაილ მენეჯერით დათვალიერება zh_HK: 使用檔案總管瀏覽檔案系統 cmn: 使用檔案總管瀏覽檔案系統 bn_IN: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপকের সাহায্যে ফাইল-সিস্টেম ব্রাউজ করুন gl: Explorar o sistema de ficheiros co explorador de ficheiros cs: Procházet systém souborů správcem souborů oc: Explorar lo sistèma de fichièrs amb lo gestionari de fichièrs kn: ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯನ್ನು ಶೋಧಿಸು cy: Pori'r system ffeiliau gan ddefnyddio'r trefnydd ffeiliau gu: ફાઈલ વ્યવસ્થાપક સાથે ફાઈલ સિસ્ટમમાં બ્રાઉઝ કરો gv: Jeagh trooid yn corys coadanyn lesh yn reaghydeyr coadanyn ko: 파일 관리자로 파일 시스템을 찾아봅니다 si: ගොනු ගවේශකය සමඟින් ගොනු පද්ධතිය ගවේශනය කරන්න ku: Bi rêveberê pelan re çav li pergala pelan bigerîne C: Browse the file system with the file manager be@latin: Prahladaje fajłavuju systemu pry dapamozie kiraŭnika fajłaŭ da: Navigér filsystemet med filhåndteringen ky: Файл менеджери менен файл системасын көрүү or: ଫାଇଲ ପରିଚଳକଙ୍କ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଫାଇଲତନ୍ତ୍ରକୁ ବ୍ରାଉଜ କରନ୍ତୁ sk: Prehliadať súborový systém správcom súborov de: Das Dateisystem mit Hilfe der Dateiverwaltung anzeigen sr: Разгледајте систем датотека помоћу управника датотека sq: Shfleton file e sistemit me administruesin e file sl: Prebrskaj datotečni sistem z upravljalnikom datotek he: דפדוף במערכת הקבצים עם מנהל הקבצים en_CA: Browse the file system with the file manager hi: फ़ाइल प्रबंधक के साथ फ़ाइलसिस्टम ब्राउज़ करें crh: Dosya yöneticisi ile dosya sistemine gözat pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਫਾਇਲ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਦੀ ਝਲਕ en_GB: Browse the file system with the file manager sv: Bläddra i filsystemet med filhanteraren ta: கோப்பு அமைப்பை கோப்பு மேலாளரை பயன்படுத்தி பார் hr: Pregledaj datotečni sustav upraviteljem datoteka te: దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకి తో దస్త్ర సిస్టమ్ ను అన్వేషించు dz: ཡིག་སྣོད་རིམ་ལུགས་དེ་ལུ་ ཡིག་སྣོད་འཛིན་སྐྱོང་པ་གིས་ བརྡ་འཚོལ་འབད། hu: A fájlrendszer böngészése a fájlkezelővel pl: Przeglądanie systemu plików za pomocą menedżera plików th: ท่องดูระบบแฟ้มด้วยโปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม hy: Ֆայլերի համակարգում բրաուզ կատարել ֆայլերի մենեջերի միջոցով։ lt: Naršyti failų sistemą per failų tvarkytuvę Description: C: >-Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
en: >-Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Categories: - System - Utility - Core Keywords: C: - files - browser - manager - MATE Icon: cached: - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-file-manager Launchable: desktop-id: - caja-browser.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: caja-file-management-properties.desktop Package: caja Name: tk: Faýl Müdirlemegi lv: Failu pārvalde xh: Ukuphathwa Kweefayili af: Lêerbestuur pt: Gestão de Ficheiros wa: Manaedjmint des fitchîs tr: Dosya Yönetimi zu: Ukuphathwa kuhele ast: Alministración de Ficheros am: የፋይል አስተዳዳሪ id: Manajemen Berkas pt_BR: Gerenciamento de arquivos el: Διαχείριση αρχείων ca@valencia: Gestió de fitxers ar: إدارة الملفات as: নথিপত্ৰ ব্যবস্থাপনা eo: Administrado de dosieroj mg: Fandrindrana rakitra ig: Nlekọta faịlụ es: Gestión de archivos et: Failihaldus az: Fayl İdarəsi eu: Fitxategi-kudeaketa ml: രചനാ നടത്തിപ്പ് en@shaw: "\U00010453\U00010472\U00010464 \U00010465\U00010468\U0001046F\U00010469\U00010461\U00010465\U00010469\U0001046F\U00010451" it: Gestione file mai: फाइल प्रबंधन mr: फाइल व्यवस्थापन ms: Pengurusan Fail is: Skráarstjórnun mk: Подредување на датотеки uk: Керування файлами be: Кіраванне файламі fa: مدیریت پروندهها bg: Управление на файлове sr@latin: Upravljanje datotekama ug: ھۈججەت باشقۇرۇش ur: فائل ادارت ja: ファイル管理 yo: Àbójútó Fáìlì zh_CN: 文件管理 bn: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপনা fi: Tiedostonhallinta uz@cyrillic: Файл бошқаруви mn: Файлуудыг зохицуулах br: Merañ ar restroù bs: Upravljanje datotekama nb: Filhåndtering ne: फाइल ब्यवस्थापन zh_TW: 檔案管理 fr: Gestion des fichiers uz: Fayl boshqaruvi fur: Gjestion dai files nl: Bestandsbeheer nn: Filhandsaming en_AU: File Management ca: Gestió de fitxers nso: Taolo ya Faele ro: Administrare fișiere vi: Quản lý tập tin ga: Bainistíocht Comhad ru: Управление файлами ka: ფაილების მართვა zh_HK: 檔案管理 cmn: 檔案管理 bn_IN: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপনা gl: Xestión de ficheiros cs: Správa souborů nds: Dateioppassen kn: ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪನೆ cy: Rheolaeth Ffeiliau gu: ફાઈલ વ્યવસ્થાપક gv: Reireydys Coadanyn ko: 파일 관리 si: ගොනු කළමණාකරනය sr@ije: Управљање датотекама ku: Rêvebirina Pelan C: File Management be@latin: Kiravańnie fajłami da: Filhåndtering ky: Файлдарды башкаруу or: ଫାଇଲ ପରିଚାଳନା sk: Správa súborov de: Dateiverwaltung ha: Hukumar Sarrafa Fayil sq: Administrimi i file sr: Управљање датотекама sl: Upravljanje datotek he: ניהול קבצים en_CA: File Management oc: Gestion de fichièrs hi: फ़ाइल प्रबंधन crh: Dosye İdaresi pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਪਰਬੰਧ en_GB: File Management li: Besjtandjwirtsjaf ta: கோப்பு மேலாண்மை hr: Upravljanje datotekama sv: Filhantering te: దస్ర్తాలు నిర్వహణ dz: ཡིག་སྣོད་འཛིན་སྐྱོང་། hu: Fájlkezelés pl: Zarządzanie plikami th: การจัดการแฟ้ม hy: Ֆայլերի կառավարում lt: Failų tvarkymas Summary: lv: Izmainīt failu pārvaldnieka logu izskatu un izturēšanos pt: Alterar o comportamento e aparência das janelas do gestor de ficheiros tr: Dosya yönetici pencerelerinin işleyişini ve görünümünü değiştirin ast: Camude'l comportamientu y aspeutu de les ventanes del xestor de ficheros id: Mengubah perilaku dan tampilan jendela manajer berkas pt_BR: Altere o comportamento e aparência das janelas do gerenciador de arquivos el: Αλλαγή της εμφάνισης και της συμπεριφοράς των παραθύρων του διαχειριστή αρχείων ca@valencia: Canvieu l'aparença i el comportament de les finestres del gestor de fitxers ar: غيّر سلوك ومظهر نافذة مدير الملفات as: সৰ্বমোট নথিপত্ৰ eo: Ŝanĝi la konduton kaj aperon de dosieradministrilaj fenestroj en@shaw: "\U00010457\U00010471\U0001046F\U00010461 \U0001045E \U0001045A\U00010466\U00010463\U00010471\U0001045D\U00010458\U0001047C \U0001046F \U00010469\U00010450\U0001047D\U00010469\U0001046F\U00010455 \U0001045D \U00010453\U00010472\U00010464 \U00010465\U00010468\U0001046F\U00010469\U00010461\U0001047C \U00010462\U00010466\U0001046F\U0001045B\U00010474\U0001045F" es: Cambie el comportamiento y apariencia de las ventanas del gestor de archivos et: Failihalduri akende käitumise ja välimuse muutmine eu: Fitxategi-kudeatzaileen leihoen portaera eta itxura aldatu ml: ഫയല് മാനേജര് ജാലകങ്ങളുടെ കാഴ്ചയും പെരുമാറ്റവും മാറ്റുക mk: Смени го однесувањето и изгледот на прозорците на менаџерот за датотеки it: Cambia il comportamento e l'aspetto delle finestre del file manager mai: फाइल मैनेजर विंडो क' आचरण आ प्रकटन बदलू mr: फाइल व्यवस्थापक चौकटींचे वागणुक व दृश्य बदलवा ms: Ubah kelakuan dan penampilan tetingkap pengurus fail is: Breyta hegðan og útliti skráastjóraglugga uk: Змінити зовнішній вигляд та поведінку вікон менеджера файлів be: Змяніць паводзіны і выгляд вокнаў кіраўніка файлаў sr@latin: Izmeni ponašanje i izgled prozora upravljača datoteka bg: Промяна на поведението и изгледа на прозорците на файловия мениджър ug: ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇچ كۆزنەكنىڭ ھەرىكەت ۋە كۆرۈنۈشىنى ئۆزگەرت ur: فائل منیجر کے دریچوں کا سلوک اور شکل وصورت تبدیل کریں ja: ファイルマネージャの動きとウィンドウの外観を変更します zh_CN: 更改文件管理器窗口的行为和外观 bn: ফাইল পরিচালনব্যবস্থার উইন্ডোর আচরণ ও চেহারা পরিবর্তন করুন fi: Muuta tiedostonhallinnan ikkunoiden toimintaa ja ulkoasua uz@cyrillic: Қўйиш буйруғини танласангиз, "%s"'дан нусха олинади nb: Endre oppførsel og utseende for filhåndterervinduer br: Kemmañ emzalc'h ha neuz presnestroù an ardoer restroù uz: Qoʻyish buyrugʻini tanlasangiz, "%s"'dan nusxa olinadi ne: फाइल प्रबन्धक सञ्झ्यालहरूको ब्यबहार र देखावट परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस् fr: Changer le comportement et l'apparence des fenêtres du gestionnaire de fichiers nl: Het gedrag en uiterlijk van de bestandsbeheervensters aanpassen fur: Cambie l'aspiet e il compuartament dai barcons dal gjestôr dai files nn: Endra oppførsel og utsjåande for filhandterervindauge en_AU: Change the behaviour and appearance of file manager windows ca: Canvieu l'aparença i el comportament de les finestres del gestor de fitxers ro: Modifică comportamentul și aspectul ferestrelor administratorului de fișiere vi: Thay đổi hành vi và diện mạo của cửa sổ trình quản lý tập tin ga: Athraigh oibriú agus cuma fuinneoga bhainisteoir comhad ru: Изменить внешний вид и поведение окон файлового менеджера ka: ფაილ მენჯერის ფანჯრის ქცევის და გაფორმების შეცვლა zh_HK: 改變檔案管理員視窗的行為與外觀 cmn: 改變檔案管理員視窗的行為與外觀 bn_IN: ফাইল পরিচালনব্যবস্থার উইন্ডোর আচরণ ও চেহারা পরিবর্তন করুন gl: Cambiar o comportamente e aparencia das xanelas do xestor de ficheiros cs: Změnit chování a vzhled oken správce souborů oc: Modifica lo compòrtament kn: ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕ ವಿಂಡೋದ ವರ್ತನೆ ಹಾಗು ಗೋಚರಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸು ko: 파일 관리자 창의 특성과 모양새를 바꿉니다 gu: ફાઈલ વ્યવસ્થાપક વિન્ડોની વર્તણૂક અને દેખાવ બદલો gv: Caghlaa yn ymmykeyr as yn jeagh jeh ny uinnagyn reaghydeyr coadanyn C: Change the behaviour and appearance of file manager windows sk: Zmeniť správanie a vzhľad okien správcu súborov or: ଫାଇଲ ପରିଚାଳକ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋର ଆଚରଣ ଏବଂ ଦୃଶ୍ୟକୁ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ କରନ୍ତୁ be@latin: Źmiena pavodzinaŭ i vyhladu voknaŭ kiraŭnika fajłaŭ da: Ændr opførslen og udseendet af filhåndteringsvinduer sq: Ndryshon sjelljen dhe paraqitjen e dritareve të administruesit të file de: Legt das Verhalten und das Aussehen des Dateiverwalters fest sr: Измените понашање и изглед прозора управника датотека zh_TW: 改變檔案管理員視窗的行為與外觀 sl: Spremeni obnašanje in videz oken urejevalnika datotek. he: שינוי ההתנהגות והמראה של חלונות מנהל הקבצים en_CA: Change the behaviour and appearance of file manager windows hi: फाइल मैनेजर विंडो का आचरण व प्रकटन बदलें crh: Dosya yönetici pencerelerinin işleyişini ve görünümünü değiştirin pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਦਾ ਰਵੱਈਆ ਅਤੇ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲੋ en_GB: Change the behaviour and appearance of file manager windows sv: Ändra beteendet och utseendet för filhanterarens fönster ta: கோப்பு மேலாளர் சாளரங்களின் நடத்தை மற்றும் காட்சியை மாற்றுக. hr: Promijeni ponašanje i izgled prozora upravitelja datoteka te: దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకి విండోల ప్రవర్తనను మరియు కనిపించువిదానాన్ని మార్చుము dz: ཡིག་སྣོད་འཛིན་སྐྱོང་པའི་སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ཚུ་གི་ སྤྱོད་ལམ་དང་འབྱུང་སྣང་འདི་བསྒྱུར་བཅོས་འབད་ hu: A fájlkezelő ablakok viselkedésének és megjelenésének módosítása pl: Zmiana zachowania i wyglądu okien menedżera plików th: เปลี่ยนพฤติกรรมและรูปโฉมของหน้าต่างโปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม lt: Keisti failų tvarkytuvės langų išvaizdą ir veikimą Description: C: >-Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
en: >-Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Categories: - Settings Keywords: C: - file - manager - change - properties - behaviour - appearance - windows - MATE Icon: cached: - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-file-manager Launchable: desktop-id: - caja-file-management-properties.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kalarm.desktop Package: kalarm Name: sk: KAlarm sl: KAlarm sr-ijekavian: К‑аларм C: KAlarm fr: KAlarm sr: К‑аларм uk: KAlarm nb: KAlarm pt-BR: KAlarm ca: KAlarm sv: Kalarm en-GB: KAlarm hu: KAlarm nl: KAlarm zh-CN: KAlarm lt: KAlarm ar: منبهك pl: KAlarm nds: KAlarm sr-ijekavianlatin: K‑alarm ca-valencia: KAlarm cs: KAlarm gl: KAlarm ro: KAlarm es: KAlarm et: KAlarm ru: KAlarm tr: KAlarm pt: KAlarm zh-TW: KAlarm da: KAlarm it: KAlarm ko: KAlarm sr-Latn: K‑alarm de: KAlarm bs: KAlarm fi: KAlarm Summary: sk: Osobný plánovač alarmov sl: Osebni razporejevalnik alarmov sr-ijekavian: Лични распоређивач аларма C: Personal Alarm Scheduler fr: Planificateur d'alarme personnel sr: Лични распоређивач аларма uk: Персональний планувальник нагадувань nb: Personlig varslingsplanlegger pt-BR: Agendador de alarme pessoal ca: Programador d'alarma personal sv: Personlig alarmschemaläggning en-GB: Personal Alarm Scheduler hu: Emlékeztetőkezelő nl: Persoonlijke alarmplanner ca-valencia: Programador d'alarma personal ar: مجدول منبّه شخصيّ pl: Planowanie alarmów osobistych nds: Persöönlich Anstöötgever sr-ijekavianlatin: Lični raspoređivač alarma cs: Osobní plánovač alarmů gl: Programador persoal de alarmas ro: Planificator personal de alarme es: Planificador de alarmas personal et: Meeldetuletuste ajastaja ru: Личный напоминания tr: Kişisel Alarm Zamanlayıcı pt: Calendarização de Alarmes Pessoais zh-TW: 個人鬧鐘排程程式 sr-Latn: Lični raspoređivač alarma it: Programmatore degli avvisi personali ko: 개인 알람 스케줄러 de: Persönliche Termin-Erinnerung bs: Raspoređivač osobnih alarma fi: Henkilökohtainen hälytysajastin Description: sk: >-KAlarm je osobný plánovač správ budíkov, príkazov a e-mailov
Kalarm je osebni razporejevalnik alarmov, ukazov in e-pošte
К‑аларм је лични распоређивач алармних порука, наредаба и е‑поште.
KAlarm is a personal alarm message, command and email scheduler
KAlarm — інструмент для складання розкладу повідомлень, команд і поштових повідомлень для нагадування.
К‑аларм је лични распоређивач алармних порука, наредаба и е‑поште.
KAlarm est un programmateur personnel de message d'alarme, de commande et de courrier électronique
Fonctionnalités :
Kalarm er en personlig varslingsstyring for melding, kommandoer og e-post
KAlarm é um agendador pessoal de mensagens de alarme, comandos e e-mails
Kalarm schemalägger personliga alarmmeddelanden, kommandon och e-post
El KAlarm és un programador personal per a alarmes de missatge, ordres i correu electrònic.
KAlarm is a personal alarm message, command and email scheduler
A KAlarm egy személyi emlékeztető üzenet, parancs és e-mail ütemező
Kalarm is een persoonlijke planner voor herinneringen, commando's en e-mailberichten
KAlarm jest osobistym programem do planowania wiadomości alarmowych, poleceń i wiadomości pocztowych
KAlarm is en persöönlich Planer för Anstootnarichten, Befehlen un Nettbreven.
K‑alarm je lični raspoređivač alarmnih poruka, naredaba i e‑pošte.
El KAlarm és un programador personal per a alarmes de missatge, ordes i correu electrònic.
O KAlarm é um sistema para agendar alarmes com mensagens, comandos e e-mails
KAlarm é un programador de mensaxes persoais de alarma, ordes e mensaxes de correo electrónico.
KAlarm es un mensaje personal de alarmas, órdenes y planificador de correo
KAlarm; on personaalsete häirete ja meeldetuletuste ajastaja
KAlarm — программа для установки напоминаний, а также для планирования запуска команд и отправки электронных писем
KAlarm kişisel alarm iletisi, komut ve e-posta zamanlayıcısıdır
KAlarm 是個人化的鬧鐘,可以使用訊息、指令或排程發送電子郵件
K‑alarm je lični raspoređivač alarmnih poruka, naredaba i e‑pošte.
KAlarm è un pianificatore personale di messaggi di avviso, di posta elettronica e per l'esecuzione di comandi
KAlarm은 개인 알람, 명령, 이메일 스케줄러입니다
KAlarm ist ein Planer für Erinnerungsnachrichten sowie für termingesteuerten E-Mail-Versand und Befehlsausführungen
KAlarm on henkilökohtainen hälytysten, komentojen ja sähköpostin ajastin
Pidgin is a graphical, modular instant messaging client capable of using multiple networks at once. Currently supported are: AIM/ICQ, Yahoo!, MSN, IRC, Jabber/XMPP/Google Talk, Napster, Zephyr, Gadu-Gadu, Bonjour, Groupwise, Sametime, SIMPLE, MySpaceIM, and MXit.
Some extra packages are suggested to use increased functionality: * gnome-panel | kdebase-workspace-bin | docker: - To use the system tray icon functionality (minimizing to an icon, having the icon blink when there are new messages, etc.) * libsqlite3-0: - To use Contact Availability Prediction plugin
en: >-Pidgin is a graphical, modular instant messaging client capable of using multiple networks at once. Currently supported are: AIM/ICQ, Yahoo!, MSN, IRC, Jabber/XMPP/Google Talk, Napster, Zephyr, Gadu-Gadu, Bonjour, Groupwise, Sametime, SIMPLE, MySpaceIM, and MXit.
Some extra packages are suggested to use increased functionality: * gnome-panel | kdebase-workspace-bin | docker: - To use the system tray icon functionality (minimizing to an icon, having the icon blink when there are new messages, etc.) * libsqlite3-0: - To use Contact Availability Prediction plugin
Categories: - Network - InstantMessaging Icon: cached: - name: pidgin_pidgin.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: pidgin_pidgin.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: pidgin --- Type: desktop-application ID: bssh.desktop Package: avahi-ui-utils Name: sv: Avahi SSH-serverbläddrare de: Avahi SSH Server Browser pl: Przeglądarka serwerów SSH Avahi pt_BR: Navegador de servidores SSH do Avahi uk: Переглядач серверів SSH Avahi sl: Avahi brskalnik strežnika SSH ro: Navigator de servere SSH Avahi fi: Avahin SSH-palvelinselain C: Avahi SSH Server Browser id: Peramban Server SSH Avahi ja: Avahi SSH サーバの検索 sr: Претраживач Авахи SSH сервера gl: Navegador de servidores SSH de Avahi fo: Avahi SSH-tænastu kagi sr@latin: Pretraživač Avahi SSH servera es: Examinador de servidores SSH de Avahi fr: Explorateur de serveur SSH Avahi zh_CN: Avahi SSH服务器浏览器 ru: Навигатор Avahi по серверам SSH zh_TW: Avahi SSH 伺服器瀏覽程式 en_GB: Avahi SSH Server Browser hu: Avahi SSH-kiszolgálóböngésző ca: Navegador de servidors SSH Avahi it: Esploratore Avahi per server SSH da: Avahibrowser for SSH-server bg: Преглед с Avahi на сървърите за SSH en_NZ: Avahi SSH Server Browser Summary: sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-aktiverade SSH-servrar de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten SSH-Servern pl: Przeglądanie serwerów SSH z włączonym Zeroconf pt_BR: Procurar por Servidores SSH com o Zeroconf Habilitado uk: Перегляд серверів SSH з увімкненим Zeroconf sl: Brskanje med omogočenimi strežniki Zeroconf SSH ro: Navighează servere SSH având activat Zeroconf fi: Selaa Zeroconf-varustettuja SSH-palvelimia C: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers id: Meramban Server SSH Teraktifkan-Zeroconf ja: Zeroconf を有効にした SSH サーバを検索 sr: Претражујем SSH сервере на којима је омогућен Zeroconf gl: Navegar por servidores SSH con Zeroconf activado fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-virkjaðum SSH-ambætarum sr@latin: Pretražujem SSH servere na kojima je omogućen Zeroconf es: Examinar servidores SSH con zeroconf activado fr: Explorer les serveurs SSH avec Zeroconf activé zh_CN: 浏览具有Zeroconf功能的SSH服务器 ru: Просмотр списка серверов SSH с включённой службой Zeroconf zh_TW: 瀏覽啟用 Zeroconf 的 SSH 伺服器 en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers hu: Zeroconf-képes SSH kiszolgálók keresése ca: Explora els servidors SSH configurats amb Zeroconf it: Esplora i server SSH con Zeroconf abilitato da: Gennemse for Zeroconf-aktiverede SSH-servere bg: Преглед на сървърите за SSH с улеснение en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers Description: C: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.
en: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: network-wired Launchable: desktop-id: - bssh.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: bvnc.desktop Package: avahi-ui-utils Name: sv: Avahi VNC-serverbläddrare de: Avahi VNC-Server-Browser pl: Przeglądarka serwerów VNC Avahi pt_BR: Navegador de servidores VNC do Avahi uk: Переглядач серверів VNC Avahi sl: Avahi brskalnik strežnika VNC ro: Navigator Avahi de server VNC fi: Avahin VNC-palvelinselain C: Avahi VNC Server Browser id: Peramban Server VNC Avahi ja: Avahi VNC サーバの検索 sr: Претраживач Авахи VNC сервера gl: Navegador de servidores VNC de Avahi fo: Avahi VNC-tænastu kagi sr@latin: Pretraživač Avahi VNC servera es: Examinador de servidores VNC de Avahi fr: Explorateur de serveurs VNC Avahi zh_CN: Avahi VNC服务器浏览器 ru: Навигатор Avahi по серверам VNC zh_TW: Avahi VNC 伺服器瀏覽程式 en_GB: Avahi VNC Server Browser hu: Avahi VNC-kiszolgálóböngésző ca: Navegador de servidors VNC Avahi it: Esploratore Avahi per server VNC da: Avahibrowser for VNC-server bg: Преглед с Avahi на сървърите за VNC en_NZ: Avahi VNC Server Browser Summary: sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-aktiverade VNC-servrar de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten VNC-Servern pl: Przeglądanie serwerów VNC z włączonym Zeroconf pt_BR: Procurar por Servidores VNC com Zeroconf Habilitado uk: Перегляд серверів VNC з увімкненим Zeroconf sl: Brskanje med omogočenimi strežniki Zeroconf VNC ro: Navigheză serverele VNC având activat Zeroconf fi: Selaa Zeroconf-varustettuja VNC-palvelimia C: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers id: Meramban Server VNC Teraktifkan-Zeroconf ja: Zeroconf を有効にした VNC サーバを検索 sr: Претражујем VNC сервере на којима је омогућен Zeroconf gl: Navegar por servidores VNC con Zeroconf activado fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-virkjaðum VNC-ambætarum sr@latin: Pretražujem VNC servere na kojima je omogućen Zeroconf es: Examinar servidores VNC con zeroconf activado fr: Explorer les serveurs VNC avec Zeroconf activé zh_CN: 浏览具有Zeroconf功能的VNC服务器 ru: Просмотр списка серверов VNC с включённой службой Zeroconf zh_TW: 瀏覽啟用 Zeroconf 的 VNC 伺服器 en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers hu: Zeroconf-képes VNC kiszolgálók keresése ca: Explora els servidors de VNC configurats amb Zeroconf it: Esplora i server VNC con Zeroconf abilitato da: Gennemse for Zeroconf-aktiverede VNC-servere bg: Преглед на сървърите за VNC с улеснение en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers Description: C: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.
en: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: network-wired Launchable: desktop-id: - bvnc.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer0.10-plugins-base Package: gstreamer0.10-plugins-base Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugins from the "base" set en: GStreamer plugins from the "base" set --- Type: desktop-application ID: htop.desktop Package: htop Name: C: Htop Summary: zh_TW: 顯示系統行程 de: Systemprozesse anzeigen pl: Pokaż procesy systemowe pt_BR: Mostra os processos do sistema sk: Zobraziť systémové procesy sl: Prikaz sistemskih opravil fi: Katsele järjestelmän prosesseja C: Show System Processes uk: Перегляд системних процесів pt: Mostrar os Processos do Sistema sr: Приказ системских процеса gl: Mostrar os procesos do sistema. ru: Просмотр списка процессов в системе sr@latin: Prikaz sistemskih procesa es: Mostrar procesos del sistema fr: Affiche les processus système nb: Vis systemprosesser sv: Visa systemprocesser tr: Sistem Süreçlerini Göster en_GB: Show System Processes sr@ijekavianlatin: Prikaz sistemskih procesa ko: 시스템 프로세스 보기 ca: Mostra els processos del sistema it: Mostra processi di sistema nl: Systeemprocessen tonen nn: Vis systemprosessar sr@ijekavian: Приказ системских процеса Description: pl: >-Htop jest przeglądarką procesów opartą na ncursed, podobną do top, ale pozwalającą użytkownikowi na przewijanie listy pionowo i poziomo, aby mógł zobaczyć wszystkie procesy i ich pełne linie z poleceniami.
Zadania związane z procesami (zabijanie, zmiana priorytetu) mogą być wykonywane bez podawania ich PID-ów.
de: >-Htop ist ein ncurses-basierter Prozessbetrachter ähnlich wie top, jedoch ermöglicht er Ihnen die Liste vertikal und horizontal zu durchlaufen, um alle Prozesse und deren vollständige Kommandozeilen zu sehen.
Mit Prozessen verbundene Aufgaben wie das (zwangsweise) Beenden und die Neufestlegung der Priorität können ohne Eingabe der PIDs erledigt werden.
zh_CN: >-Htop 是一个基于 ncurse 的进程查看器,类似于 top。 但它允许用户水平或者垂直滚动列表以查看所有的进程与 其完整的命令行
与进程相关的任务(kill、renice)可以不用输入进程号 直接在其中完成。
sk: >-Htop je prehliadač procesov založený na ncurses, podobný top, ale umožňuje posúvať zoznam zvisle a vodorovne a vidieť všetky procesy a ich úplný príkazový riadok.
Úlohy súvisiace s procesmi (ukončovanie, zmena priority) možno vykonávať bez zadávania ich PID.
sl: >-Htop je na ncursed osnovan pregledovalnik opravil podoben top, vendar omogoča vodoravno in navpično drsenje po seznamu za ogled vseh opravil in njihove polne ukazne vrstice.
Naloge povezane z opravili (uničenje, spreminjanje prednosti) lahko izvedete brez vnosa PID-jev.
pt_BR: >-Htop é um visualizador de processos baseado em ncurses similar ao top, mas permite percorrer a lista verticalmente e horizontalmente para ver todos os processos e suas linhas de comando completas.
Tarefas relacionadas com processos (matar, mudar prioridade) podem ser feitas sem digitar seus PIDs.
ja: >-Htop is an ncursed-based process viewer similar to top, but it allows one to scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all processes and their full command lines.
プロセスに関係した操作 (強制終了や優先度の再設定) も、pid を入力する ことなしに行なうことができます。
C: >-Htop is an ncursed-based process viewer similar to top, but it allows one to scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all processes and their full command lines.
Tasks related to processes (killing, renicing) can be done without entering their PIDs.
uk: >-Htop — переглядач процесів, заснований на Ncurses та подібний до „top“, однак ще можна прокручувати список процесів вертикально й горизонтально, що дозволяє бачити їх повні параметри запуску.
Управління процесами (зупинка, зміна пріоритету) може виконуватися без ручного введення їх ідентифікаторів.
en: >-Htop is an ncursed-based process viewer similar to top, but it allows one to scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all processes and their full command lines.
Tasks related to processes (killing, renicing) can be done without entering their PIDs.
ru: >-Htop — основанный на ncursed инструмент просмотра запущенных процессов. Подобен top, но позволяет прокручивать список по вертикали и горизонтали, чтобы увидеть все процессы и их полные командные строки.
Управление процессами (остановка, изменение приоритета) может выполняться без ручного ввода их идентификаторов.
en_CA: >-Htop is an ncursed-based process viewer similar to top, but it allows one to scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all processes and their full command lines.
Tasks related to processes (killing, renicing) can be done without entering their PIDs.
fr: >-Htop est un outil de visualisation de processus, basé sur ncurses. Similaire à top, il permet cependant un défilement vertical et horizontal afin de voir tous les processus ainsi que leur ligne de commande complète.
Les actions relatives aux processus, comme les tuer (avec « kill ») ou modifier leur priorité (avec « renice »), peuvent être accomplies sans avoir à saisir de numéro d'identifiant de processus.
en_GB: >-Htop is an ncursed-based process viewer similar to top, but it allows one to scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all processes and their full command lines.
Tasks related to processes (killing, renicing) can be done without entering their PIDs.
it: >-Htop è un visualizzatore di processi basato su ncurses, simile a top, ma permette di scorrere l'elenco verticalmente ed orizzontalmente per vedere tutti i processi e la loro intera riga di comando.
Le azioni relative ai processi (uccidere, cambiare il valore di nice) possono essere fatte senza inserire il loro PID.
nl: >-Htop is een ncursed-gebaseerd proces-weergaveprogramma, vergelijkbaar met top, maar het maakt het mogelijk om verticaal en horizontaal door de lijst te bladeren om alle processen en hun volledige opdrachtregels te zien.
Taken met betrekking tot processen (beëindigen, veranderen van prioriteit) kan worden gedaan zonder het invoeren van hun PID's.
da: >-Htop er en ncurses-baseret procesfremviser i stil med »top«, men den tillader én at rulle listen lodret og vandret, så man kan se alle processer og deres fulde kommandolinjer.
Opgaver relateret til processer (kill, renice) kan foretages uden at indtaste deres PID'er.
en_AU: >-Htop is an ncursed-based process viewer similar to top, but it allows one to scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all processes and their full command lines.
Tasks related to processes (killing, renicing) can be done without entering their PIDs.
Categories: - ConsoleOnly - System Keywords: C: - system - process - task Icon: cached: - name: htop_htop.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: htop_htop.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set en: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.klipper Package: plasma-workspace Name: lv: Klipper xh: Klipper af: Klipper pt: Klipper tg: Клиппер tr: Klipper ia: Klipper csb: Klipper id: Klipper pt_BR: Klipper el: Klipper ca@valencia: Klipper ar: مقصّ.ك eo: Poŝilo sr@ijekavian: Клипер es: Klipper et: Klipper mk: Клипер ml: ക്ലിപ്പര് mai: क्लिपर it: Klipper eu: Klipper mr: क्लिपर ms: Klipper is: Klipper uk: Klipper be: Klipper fa: Klipper bg: Klipper sr@latin: Klipper ug: Klipper zh_CN: Klipper ja: Klipper bn: ক্লিপার fi: Klipper uz@cyrillic: Klipper nb: Klipper br: Klipper bs: Kliper ne: क्लिपर uz: Klipper fr: Klipper nl: Klipper nn: Klipper fy: Klipper ca: Klipper ro: Klipper vi: Klipper ga: Klipper ru: Klipper ka: Klipper bn_IN: Klipper nds: Klipper cs: Klipper gl: Klipper kk: Алмасу буфері km: Klipper hne: क्लिपर cy: Klipper gu: ક્લિપર kn: ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಪರ್ ko: Klipper si: Klipper ku: Klipper C: Klipper be@latin: Klipper da: Klipper se: Klipper wa: Klipper sk: Klipper de: Klipper sr: Клипер zh_TW: 剪貼薄(Klipper) sl: Klipper he: Klipper sv: Klipper hi: क्लिपर pa: ਕੇਲਿਪਰ en_GB: Klipper ta: க்ளிப்பர் hr: Klipper hsb: Klipper hu: Klipper pl: Klipper te: క్లిప్పర్ th: คลิปเปอร์ lt: Klipper sr@ijekavianlatin: Klipper Summary: lv: Izgriešanas un ielīmēšanas vēstures rīks af: '''n Knip & plak geskiedenis program' pt: Um utilitário de histórico de cópias e colagens tg: История буфера обмена tr: Bir kes & yapıştır geçmişi aracı ia: Un utilitate per historia de talia & colla csb: Nôrzãdze trzëmôjące historëjã tacnika id: Sebuah utilitas riwayat potong & tempel pt_BR: Um utilitário com o histórico de recortar e colar el: Ένα εργαλείο ιστορικού αποκοπής & επικόλλησης ca@valencia: Una utilitat de l'historial per retallar i enganxar ar: أداة تأريخ القصّ واللصق eo: Ilo por la eltonda kaj alglua historio sr@ijekavian: Алатка за историјат исецања и налепљивања es: Una utilidad de cortar y pegar historial et: Lõikamiste ja asetamiste ajaloo rakendus eu: Ebaki/Itsatsi historiaren tresna bat ml: മുറിക്കല്-പകര്ത്തല് നാള്വഴിസൂക്ഷിപ്പുസഹായി. mai: काटू आओर साटू इतिहास यूटिलिटी it: Un programma per la cronologia del copia e incolla is: Klipp & lím sögutól mr: कापा व चिकटवा इतिहास उपकार्यक्रम ug: كەس ۋە چاپلا تارىخىنى باشقۇرۇش قورالى mk: Алатка за историјат на сечење и вметнување uk: Утиліта журналу буфера даних be: Службовая праграма працы з гісторыяй выразання/устаўкі fa: برنامه سودمند تاریخچه برش و چسباندن bg: Инструмент за управление на операциите по копиране и поставяне sr@latin: Alatka za istorijat isecanja i nalepljivanja zh_CN: 管理剪切和粘贴历史的工具 ja: カット&ペースト履歴ユーティリティ fi: Työkalu leikkaamiseen ja liittämiseen nb: Et verktøy som viser tidligere utklipp bs: Alatka za istorijat isecanja i naljepljivanja ne: काट्ने र टाँस्ने इतिहास उपयोगिता fr: Un outil d'historique de copier / coller nl: Klembordgeschiedenis nn: Eit verktøy som viser eldre utklipp fy: Klamboerdhistoarje ca: Una utilitat de l'historial per retallar i enganxar ro: Utilitar cu istoria de tăiere și adăugare vi: Công cụ chứa lịch sử các cắt dán ga: Uirlis staire gearrtha agus greamaithe ru: История буфера обмена gl: Un historial de cortar e apegar nds: Vörgeschicht vun't Knippen un Infögen cs: Nástroj pro historii práce se schránkou kk: Қиып алу және орналастыру журналы km: កាត់ និងបិទភ្ជាប់ឧបករណ៍ប្រើប្រាស់ប្រវត្តិ hne: काटव अउ चिपकाव इतिहास यूटिलिटी se: Reaidu mii čájeha boares čuohppusiid gu: ઇતિહાસ કાપવા અને મૂકવાનું સાધન kn: ಕತ್ತರಿಸು ಮತ್ತು ಅಂಟಿಸು ಚರಿತ್ರೆ ಸೌಲಭ್ಯ ko: 자르고 붙인 기록 도구 si: කැපීම් හා ඇලවීම් ඉතිහාස මෙවලම sk: Nástroj pre históriu akcií "Vystrihnúť a vložiť" C: A cut & paste history utility be@latin: Pryłada dla prahladu historyi aperacyjaŭ vycinańnia dy ŭklejvańnia da: Et værktøj med historik til at klippe ud og indsætte sl: Pripomoček z zgodovino za izreži in prilepi wa: Ene ahesse d' istwere di coper/aclacper de: Programm zur Verwaltung der Zwischenablage sr: Алатка за историјат исецања и налепљивања zh_TW: 剪貼紀錄公用程式 sv: Ett verktyg med historik för klipp ut och klistra in he: כלי המשמש לשמירת היסטוריה אודות גזירה והדבקה hi: काटें एवं चिपकाएं इतिहास यूटिलिटी pa: ਇੱਕ ਕੱਟਣ ਅਤੇ ਚੇਪਣ ਅਤੀਤ ਸਹੂਲਤ en_GB: A cut & paste history utility ta: A cut & paste history utility hr: Alat za izrezivanje i preljepljivanje iz povijesti hsb: Nastroj za wutřihanje a zasunjenje z prjedawšich přikazow hu: Kezelőprogram a vágólaphoz (naplózással) pl: Narzędzie przechowujące historię schowka te: కత్తిరించు & అతికించు చరిత్ర సౌలభ్యం th: เครื่องมือดูประวัติการตัดและวาง lt: „Iškirpti ir padėti“ istorijos pagalbinė programa sr@ijekavianlatin: Alatka za istorijat isecanja i nalepljivanja Description: C: >-Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability.
en: >-Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability.
Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: plasma-workspace_klipper.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-workspace_klipper.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: klipper Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.klipper.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: mate-session-properties.desktop Package: mate-session-manager Name: lv: Starta lietotnes ps: پېل کاريالونه pt: Aplicações de Arranque tr: Başlangıç Uygulamaları am: መተግበሪያዎች ማስጀመሪያ id: Aplikasi Awalan pt_BR: Aplicativos de sessão el: Προγράμματα εκκίνησης ca@valencia: Aplicacions d'inici ar: تطبيقات بدء التشغيل as: প্ৰাৰম্ভিক অনুপ্ৰয়োগ eo: Komencaj aplikaĵoj en@shaw: "\U00010455\U00010451\U00010478\U00010451\U00010473\U00010450 \U00010469\U00010450\U00010464\U00010466\U00010452\U00010471\U00010455\U00010469\U0001046F\U0001045F" es: Aplicaciones al inicio et: Käivitusrakendused eu: Abioko aplikazioak ml: പ്രാരംഭ പ്രയോഗങ്ങള് it: Applicazioni d'avvio ug: قوزغىتىش(باشلانغاندا ئىجرا بولىدىغان) پروگراممىلىرى mr: आरंभिक अनुप्रयोग ms: Aplkasi Permulaan uk: Проґрами, що запускаються be: Праграмы аўтастарту sr@latin: Programi po učitavanju bg: Автоматично стартирани програми ur: آغاز کے اطلاقیے ja: 自動起動するアプリ zh_CN: 启动应用程序 bn: স্টার্টআপ অ্যাপ্লিকেশন fi: Käynnistettävät ohjelmat nb: Oppstartsprogrammer br: Arloadoù loc'hañ fr: Applications au démarrage nl: Opstart-toepassingen nn: Oppstartsprogram es_MX: Aplicaciones al inicio fy: Opstart Applikaasjes en_AU: Startup Applications ca: Aplicacions d'inici ro: Aplicații pornite după autentificare vi: Ứng dụng Khởi chạy ga: Feidhmchláir Tosaithe ru: Запускаемые приложения zh_HK: 啟動應用程式 cmn: 啟動應用程式 bn_IN: প্রারম্ভিক অ্যাপ্লিকেশন nds: Systemstartprogramme cs: Aplikace spouštěné při přihlášení gl: Aplicativos de inicio kk: Іске қосылатын қолданбалар en_US: Startup Applications kn: ಆರಂಭಿಕ ಅನ್ವಯಗಳು cy: Rhaglenni wrth gychwyn gu: શરૂઆતી કાર્યક્રમો ko: 시작 프로그램 C: Startup Applications sk: Programy spúšťané pri štarte or: ପ୍ରାରମ୍ଭିକ ପ୍ରୟୋଗଗୁଡ଼ିକ da: Opstartsprogrammer ky: Жүргүзүлүүчү тиркемелер de: Startprogramme sr: Почетни програми zh_TW: 啟動應用程式 sl: Začetni programi he: יישומי ההפעלה sv: Uppstartsprogram hi: आरंभन अनुप्रयोग crh: Başlanğıç Uyğulamaları pa: ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤੀ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ en_GB: Startup Applications ta: துவக்க பயன்பாடுகள் hr: Početni programi te: ప్రారంభ అనువర్తనములు hu: Indítópult pl: Programy startowe th: โปรแกรมเริ่มวาระ lt: Paleidžiamos programos Summary: lv: Izvēlieties, kādas programmas jūs vēlaties palaist piesakoties pt: Escolha as aplicações a lançar quando inicia a sessão tr: Giriş yaptığınızda hangi uygulamaların başlatılacağını seçin id: Memilih aplikasi yang hendak dijalankan saat Anda log masuk pt_BR: Escolha quais os aplicativos que irão iniciar quando você logar-se el: Επιλέξτε τα προγράμματα που θα εκκινούνται όταν συνδέεστε στο σύστημα ca@valencia: Trieu quines aplicacions voleu que s'inicien en entrar ar: اختر التطبيقات التي تريد تشغيلها عند ولوجك as: প্ৰৱেশ কৰাৰ সময়ত আৰম্ভ কৰাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে চিহ্নিত অনুপ্ৰয়োগ eo: Elektu kiujn aplikaĵojn startigi kiam vi ensalutas. en@shaw: "\U00010457\U00010475\U0001045F \U00010462\U0001046A\U00010451 \U00010469\U00010450\U00010464\U00010466\U00010452\U00010471\U00010455\U00010469\U0001046F\U0001045F \U00010451 \U00010455\U00010451\U00010478\U00010451 \U00010462\U00010467\U0001046F \U0001047F \U00010464\U0001046A\U0001045C \U00010466\U0001046F" es: Elija qué aplicaciones iniciar al iniciar la sesión et: Sisselogimisel käivitatavate rakenduste valimine eu: Aukeratu zein aplikazio abiarazi saioa-hasten duzunean ml: നിങ്ങള് ലോഗിന് ചെയ്യുമ്പോള് ആരംഭിക്കേണ്ട പ്രയോഗങ്ങള് തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക it: Sceglie quali applicazioni avviare quando si esegue l'accesso ug: تىزىمغا كىرگەندىن كېيىن قوزغىتىدىغان پروگراممىنى تاللاڭ mr: प्रवेश केल्यावर कुठले अनुप्रयोग सुरू करायचे ते नीवडा ms: Pilih apakah aplikasi yang hendak dimulakan bila anda mendaftar masuk uk: Оберіть проґрами, що запускаються при вході у сеанс sr@latin: Izaberite programe za pokretanje po prijavi na računar be: Вылучыце праграмы, якія будуць запушчаны падчас вашага ўваходу bg: Изберете програмите, които да се стартират при влизането ви в системата ur: منتخب کریں کہ آپ کے لاگ ان کرنے پر کون سے اطلاقیے چلیں ja: ログインした後に起動するアプリケーションを選択します zh_CN: 选择登录时要启动的应用程序 bn: লগ-ইন করার সময় কোন অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটি শুরু করা হবে তা নির্বাচন করুন fi: Valitse sisäänkirjauduttaessa käynnistettävät ohjelmat nb: Velg programmer som skal startes når du logger inn br: Diuziñ arloadoù da lañsañ er gevreadur fr: Choisir les applications à lancer à la connexion nl: Toepassingen kiezen die bij aanmelden opgestart worden nn: Vel kva for program du vil starta når du loggar inn es_MX: Escoja que aplicaciones arrancar al iniciar sesión fy: Kies hokker applikaasjes start wurden by oanmelden en_AU: Choose what applications to start when you log in ca: Trieu quines aplicacions voleu que s'iniciïn en entrar ro: Alegeți ce aplicații să fie pornite după ce vă autentificați vi: Hãy chọn những ứng dụng nào cần khởi chạy khi bạn đăng nhập ga: Roghnaigh na feidhmchláir le tosú agus ag logáil isteach ru: Выберите приложения, запускаемые при входе в сеанс zh_HK: 選擇在你登入時要啟動哪些應用程式 cmn: 選擇在您登入時要啟動哪些應用程式 bn_IN: লগ-ইন করার সময় আরম্ভ করার উদ্দেশ্যে চিহ্নিত অ্যাপ্লিকেশন gl: Seleccione que aplicativos iniciaranse coa sesión cs: Vybere aplikace, které se mají spouštět při přihlášení kk: Сіз жүйеге кіргенде қандай қолданбалар автоматты түрде іске қосылатынын таңдаңыз en_US: Choose what applications to start when you log in kn: ನೀವು ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿದಾಗ ಯಾವ ಅನ್ವಯವನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸಬೇಕು ಎನ್ನುವುದನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ ko: 로그인할 때 어떤 프로그램을 시작할 지 고릅니다 gu: જ્યારે તમે પ્રવેશો તો શરૂ કરવા માટે ક્યા કાર્યક્મો જોઇએ છે તેને પસંદ કરો C: Choose what applications to start when you log in sl: Izbor programov za samodejni zagon ob prijavi or: ଆପଣ ଲଗଇନ ହେବା ସମୟରେ କେଉଁ ପ୍ରୟୋଗକୁ ଆରମ୍ଭ କରିବା ଉଚିତ ତାହା ବାଛନ୍ତୁ sk: Vyberte programy, ktoré sa majú spustiť po prihlásení da: Vælg hvilke programmer som skal startes når du logger ind sr: Изаберите који ће се програми покренути када се пријавите на рачунар de: Auswählen, welche Anwendungen gestartet werden, wenn Sie sich anmelden zh_TW: 選擇在您登入時要啟動哪些應用程式 sv: Välj vilka program att starta när du loggar in he: בחירת אילו יישומים יופעלו בעת כניסת המשתמש hi: चुनें कि कौन सा अनुप्रयोग शुरू करना है जब लॉगिन हों crh: İçeri imzalanğan soñ başlatılacaq uyğulamalarnı saylañız pa: ਚੁਣੋ ਕਿ ਕਿਹੜੀਆਂ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਲਾਗਇਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਨੀਆਂ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ en_GB: Choose what applications to start when you log in ta: நீங்கள் புகுபதிவு செய்யும் போது எந்த பயன்பாடுகள் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்படவேண்டும் hr: Izaberi programe koje treba pokrenuti nakon prijave te: మీరు లాగిన్ అయినప్పుడు ఏ అనువర్తనములు ప్రారంభము కావలెనో యెంచుకొనుము hu: A bejelentkezéskor elindítandó alkalmazások kiválasztása pl: Wybór programów do uruchomienia podczas logowania th: เลือกโปรแกรมที่จะเปิดเมื่อคุณเข้าระบบ lt: Pasirinkite, kokias programas paleisti jums prisijungiant Description: C: >-This package contains a session that can be started from a display manager such as MDM. It will load all necessary applications for a full-featured user session.
The session manager also features the ability to save a running session and restore it later.
This version is configured to start the MATE desktop, based on the MATE panel.
en: >-This package contains a session that can be started from a display manager such as MDM. It will load all necessary applications for a full-featured user session.
The session manager also features the ability to save a running session and restore it later.
This version is configured to start the MATE desktop, based on the MATE panel.
Categories: - Settings Keywords: C: - MATE - session - properties - applications - login - start Icon: cached: - name: mate-session-manager_mate-session-properties.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: mate-session-manager_mate-session-properties.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - mate-session-properties.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: vlc.desktop Package: vlc Name: sv: Mediaspelaren VLC de: VLC Media Player lt: VLC leistuvė te: VLC మాధ్యమ ప్రదర్శకం pl: VLC media player pt_BR: Reprodutor de Mídias VLC bn: VLC মিডিয়া প্লেয়ার sk: VLC media player wa: Djouweu d' media VLC fi: VLC-mediasoitin C: VLC media player br: VLC lenner mediaoù he: נגן המדיה VLC zh_CN: VLC media player gl: Reprodutor multimedia VLC ja: VLCメディアプレイヤー es: Reproductor multimedia VLC et: VLC meediaesitaja eu: VLC multimedia irakurgailua ru: Медиаплеер VLC fr: Lecteur multimédia VLC pa: VLC ਮੀਡਿਆ ਪਲੇਅਰ km: កម្មវិធីចាក់មេឌៀ VLC hu: VLC médialejátszó ca: Reproductor multimèdia VLC it: Lettore multimediale VLC is: VLC margmiðlunarspilarinn nl: VLC Media Player nn: VLC mediespelar Summary: sv: Allmän uppspelare av film och musik de: Wiedergabe, Aufnahme und Verbreitung Ihrer Multimedia-Streams lt: Groti, įrašyti, siųsti įvairialypės terpės kūrinius te: మీ బహుళమాధ్యమ ప్రవాహాలను చదువు, బంధించు మరియు ప్రసారం చేయి pl: Odczytywanie, przechwytywanie i nadawanie strumieni multimedialnych pt_BR: Reproduza, capture e transmita os seus fluxos multimídia bn: আপনার মাল্টিমিডিয়া স্ট্রীম পড়ুন, ধরে রাখুন এবং ছড়িয়ে দিন sk: Naèítavajte, zaznamenávajte, vysielajte svoje multimediálne streamy wa: Lét, egaloye, evoye vos floûs multimedia fi: Toista, tallenna ja lähetä multimediaa C: Read, capture, broadcast your multimedia streams br: Lenn, enrollañ, skignañ ho lanvioù liesvedia he: קריאה, לכידה ושידור של תזרימי מולטימדיה zh_CN: 为您读取、捕获或发送多媒体流 gl: Lea, capture e emita os seus fluxos multimedia ja: マルチメディアストリームの読み込み、キャプチャー、ブロードキャスト es: Lea, capture y emita sus contenidos multimedia et: Multimeediafailide taasesitamine, lindistamine ja edastamine eu: Irakurri, hartu, igorri zure multimedia jarioak ru: Универсальный проигрыватель видео и аудио fr: Lire, capturer, diffuser vos flux multimedia pa: ਆਪਣੀ ਮਲਟੀਮੀਡਿਆ ਸਟਰੀਮ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ, ਕੈਪਚਰ ਤੇ ਬਰਾਡਕਾਸਟ ਕਰੋ km: អាន ចាប់យក ប្រកាសស្ទ្រីមពហុមេឌៀរបស់អ្នក hu: Multimédiás adatfolyamok olvasása, mentése, szórása ca: Reproduïu, captureu i difoneu fluxos multimèdia it: Legge, acquisisce e trasmette i tuoi flussi multimediali is: Spilar margmiðlunarefni ásamt því að taka upp og útvarpa straumum nl: Uw multimediastreams afspelen, opnemen en uitzenden nn: Spel av, ta opp og send ut multimedia Description: de: >-VLC ist der Medienspieler des VideoLAN-Projekts. Er spielt Dateien in den Formaten MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3 und Ogg/Vorbis sowie DVDs, VCDs, Podcasts und Multimediastreams aus verschiedenen Netzwerkquellen ab.
VLC kann auch als Streaming-Server eingesetzt werden, der den Eingangsdatenstrom verdoppelt und als Multicast an andere Client- Anwendungen im Netzwerk sendet oder per HTTP ausliefert.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
pl: >-VLC jest odtwarzaczem multimedialnym z projektu VideoLAN. Odtwarza pliki MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podkasty oraz strumienie multimedialne z różnych źródeł sieciowych.
VLC może również być użyte jako serwer strumieni, który duplikuje czytany strumień i rozgłasza (emituje) go w sieci do innych klientów lub udostępnia go przez HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
zh_CN: >-VLC 是 VideoLAN 项目的媒体播放器,能播放来自各种网络资源的 MPEG、 MPEG2、MPEG4、DivX、MOV、WMV、QuickTime、mp3、Ogg/Vorbis 文件、DVD、VCD 以及多种格式的流媒体等。
VLC 还可以用作流媒体服务器,将它所接收的流媒体进行复制,并把它们通过网络传播给其它客户端,或者通过 HTTP 协议提供服务。
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
nl: >-VLC is de mediaspeler van het VideoLan-project. Het speelt MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis-bestanden, DVD, VCD, podcasts en multimedia-streams van verscheidene netwerkbronnen af.
VLC kan ook gebruikt worden als streamingserver die de stream naar andere clients op het netwerk uitzendt, of levert via HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
sl: >-VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov.
VLC je mogoče uporabiti tudi kot strežnik pretakanja, ki podvoji brane pretoke in jih večsmerno oddaja preko omrežja drugim odjemalcem ali strežnikom preko HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
pt_BR: >-Reprodutor multimídia do projeto VideoLAN. Toca MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, arquivos Ogg/Vorbis, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, além de fluxos multimídia de várias origens de rede.
Também pode ser usado como servidor de fluxos que duplica o fluxo recebido e o redistribui em multidifusão pela rede para outros clientes, ou os serve em HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
fi: >-VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
C: >-VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc-plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc-plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
uk: >-VLC — медіа-програвач з проекту VideoLAN. Він відтворює файли MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, диски DVD, VCD, підкасти та потоки мультимедіа з різних джерел в мережі.
VLC також може бути використаний як сервер для трансляцій, що передає потік, який він читає, іншим клієнтам через мережу, або обслуговує їх через HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
ja: >-VLC は VideoLAN プロジェクトのメディアプレイヤです。MPEG、MPEG-2、MPEG-4、 DivX、MOV、WMV、QuickTime、WebM、FLAC、MP3、Ogg/Vorbis ファイル、DVD、VCD、 ポッドキャスト、および各種ネットワークソースからのマルチメディアストリーム を再生します。
VLC はストリーミングサーバとしても利用でき、読み込んだストリームを複製し、 ネットワーク経由で他のクライアントにマルチキャストしたり、HTTP 経由で 提供できます。
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
en: >-VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc-plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc-plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
ru: >-VLC — медиаплеер от проекта VideoLAN. Он поддерживает такие форматы как MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VideoCD и может воспроизводить мультимедийные потоки из различных сетевых источников.
VLC может также использоваться как сервер вещания для передачи считываемого им потока в сеть с помощью широковещательного механизма или по протоколу HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
tr: >-VLC VideoLan projesinin ortam oynatıcısıdır. MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis dosyaları, DVD'ler, VCD'ler, podcast'ler ve çeşitli ağ kaynaklarından çoklu ortam akışları oynatabilir.
VLC, ayrıca akışı okuyup ağ ve diğer istemcilere dağıtan veya HTTP aracılığıyla sunan akış sistemi olarak da kullanılabilir.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
sk: >-VLC je multimediálny prehrávač projektu VideoLAN. Prehráva súbory MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasty a multimediálne streamy z rozličných sieťových zdrojov.
VLC tiež možno použiť ako streamovací server, ktorý duplikuje prijatý stream a posiela ho prostredníctvom multicast sieťou iným klientom alebo prostredníctvom HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
es: >-VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
VLC puede usarse como servidor de flujo duplicando un flujo entrante y difundirlo a otros clientes por una red, o servirlo por HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
fr: >-VLC est le lecteur de média du projet VideoLAN. Il peut lire les fichiers MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, les DVDs, VCDs, podcasts et les flux multimédia de diverses sources réseau.
VLC peut également être utilisé comme un serveur de streaming qui duplique le flux qu'il lit et le multicaste à travers le réseau à d'autres clients, ou leur sert par HTTP.
VLC intègre la prise en charge du transcodage à la volée de formats audio et vidéo, à des fins de diffusion ou de transformations de format de film. La prise en charge de la plupart des méthodes de sortie est fournie par ce paquet, mais des fonctionnalités peuvent être ajoutées en installant des greffons supplémentaires (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc-plugin-jack, vlc- plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc-plugin-svg, vlc- plugin-zvbi).
pt: >-VLC é o projecto de reprodutor de media da VideoLAN. Reproduz ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts e fluxos multimédia a partir de várias fontes de rede.
O VLC também pode ser usado como um servidor de fluxos que duplica o fluxo que recebe e o difunde pela rede para outros clientes, ou servidores através de HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
zh_TW: >-VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
en_GB: >-VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
gl: >-O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede.
O VLC tamén se pode empregar como servidor de fluxos que duplica o fluxo que le e retransmíteo pola rede a outros clientes ou o serve a través de HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
hu: >-VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
A VLC használható műsorszóró kiszolgálóként is, amely a beolvasott műsort többszörözi és a hálózaton más klienseknek szórja, vagy HTTP felett teszi elérhetővé.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
it: >-VLC è il lettore multimediale del progetto VideoLAN. Riproduce file MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis e DVD, VCD, podcast e flussi multimediali da varie sorgenti in rete.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
da: >-VLC er VideoLAN-projektets medieafspiller. Den afspiller MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis-filer, dvd'er, vcd'er, podcast og multimediestrømme fra forskellige netværkskilder.
VLC kan også bruges som en strømserver som duplikerer strømmen den læser og udsender den igen via netværket til andre klienter, eller håndterer dem via HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
en_CA: >-VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
bg: >-VLC е медия плеър от VideoLAN проекта. Той поддържа формати като MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVD, VCD и може да възпроизвежда мултимедийни потоци от различни източници в мрежата.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
en_AU: >-VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, podcasts, and multimedia streams from various network sources.
VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins (vlc-plugin-fluidsynth, vlc- plugin-jack, vlc-plugin-notify, vlc-plugin-samba, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc- plugin-svg, vlc-plugin-zvbi).
Categories: - AudioVideo - Player - Recorder Keywords: C: - Player - Capture - DVD - Audio - Video - Server - Broadcast Icon: cached: - name: vlc_vlc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: vlc_vlc.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: vlc Provides: mimetypes: - video/dv - video/mpeg - video/x-mpeg - video/msvideo - video/quicktime - video/x-anim - video/x-avi - video/x-ms-asf - video/x-ms-wmv - video/x-msvideo - video/x-nsv - video/x-flc - video/x-fli - video/x-flv - video/vnd.rn-realvideo - video/mp4 - video/mp4v-es - video/mp2t - application/ogg - application/x-ogg - video/x-ogm+ogg - audio/x-vorbis+ogg - audio/ogg - video/ogg - application/x-matroska - audio/x-matroska - video/x-matroska - video/webm - audio/webm - audio/x-mp3 - audio/x-mpeg - audio/mpeg - audio/x-wav - audio/x-mpegurl - audio/x-scpls - audio/x-m4a - audio/x-ms-asf - audio/x-ms-asx - audio/x-ms-wax - application/vnd.rn-realmedia - audio/x-real-audio - audio/x-pn-realaudio - application/x-flac - audio/x-flac - application/x-shockwave-flash - misc/ultravox - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio - audio/x-pn-aiff - audio/x-pn-au - audio/x-pn-wav - audio/x-pn-windows-acm - image/vnd.rn-realpix - audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin - application/x-extension-mp4 - audio/mp4 - audio/amr - audio/amr-wb - x-content/video-vcd - x-content/video-svcd - x-content/video-dvd - x-content/audio-cdda - x-content/audio-player - application/xspf+xml - x-scheme-handler/mms - x-scheme-handler/rtmp - x-scheme-handler/rtsp --- Type: desktop-application ID: epiphany.desktop Package: epiphany-browser Name: he: דפדפן האינטרנט של GNOME zh_CN: GNOME Web sk: Web prostredia GNOME sl: GNOME splet C: GNOME Web fr: GNOME Web sr: Гномов веб uk: Тенет GNOME nb: GNOME nettleser sv: GNOME Webb hu: GNOME Web nl: GNOME Web zh_TW: GNOME Web lt: GNOME žiniatinklis ar: وِب جنوم lv: GNOME tīmeklis pl: Przeglądarka WWW dla GNOME el: Ιστός GNOME cs: WWW GNOME id: GNOME Web gl: GNOME Web pt: GNOME Web es: GNOME WEB eu: GNOMEren weba ru: Веб-браузер GNOME tr: GNOME Web oc: Web GNOME da: GNOME Web it: GNOME Web ko: 그놈 웹 de: GNOME Web pt_BR: GNOME Web sr@latin: Gnomov veb fi: Gnomen verkkoselain Summary: ca@valencia: Navegador web pel GNOME ja: GNOME 向けウェブブラウザー zh_CN: GNOME Web 网络浏览器 he: דפדפן אינטרנט עבור GNOME sk: Webový prehliadač prostredia GNOME sl: Spletni brskalnik namizja GNOME or: GNOME ପାଇଁ ୱେବ ବ୍ରାଉଜର C: Web browser for GNOME fr: Navigateur Web pour GNOME sr: Веб прегледник за Гном uk: Навігатор тенет для GNOME nb: Nettleser for GNOME ca: Navegador web pel GNOME sv: Webbläsare för GNOME hu: Webböngésző a GNOME-hoz nl: Webbrowser voor GNOME zh_TW: GNOME 的網頁瀏覽器 lt: Žiniatinklio naršyklė GNOME aplinkai ar: متصفّح وب لجنوم lv: Tīmekļa pārlūks GNOME videi as: GNOME ৰ ৱেব ব্ৰাউছাৰ el: Περιηγητής Ιστού για το GNOME cs: Prohlížeč WWW pro GNOME eo: Retumilo por GNOME th: เว็บเบราว์เซอร์สำหรับ GNOME gl: Navegador web para GNOME pt: Navegador Web para o GNOME es: Navegador web para GNOME id: Peramban web bagi GNOME eu: GNOMEren web-arakatzailea ru: Веб-браузер для GNOME pl: Przeglądarka WWW dla środowiska GNOME tr: GNOME için web tarayıcısı kk: GNOME үшін веб браузері gu: GNOME માટે વેબ બ્રાઉઝર oc: Navigador web per GNOME is: Netvafri fyrir GNOME it: Browser web per GNOME ko: 그놈 웹 브라우저 da: Webbrowser til GNOME de: Internet-Browser für GNOME pt_BR: Navegador da web para o GNOME bg: Интернет браузърът на GNOME zh_HK: GNOME 的網頁瀏覽器 sr@latin: Veb preglednik za Gnom bs: Web preglednik za GNOME fi: Selain Gnomelle Description: he: >-דפדפן האינטרנט עבור GNOME, הכולל שילוב הדוק עם שולחן העבודה וממשק משתמש פשוט המאפשר לך להתמקד בדפי האינטרנט שלך. אם חיפשת תצוגה פשוטה, נקייה ויפה של האינטרנט, דפדפן זה עבורך.
דפדפן GNOME מכונה לעתים קרובות בשם הקוד שלו, Epiphany.
zh_CN: >-GNOME 桌面的网页浏览器,与桌面紧密集成,用户界面简单直观,使您能够专注于网页浏览。如果需要的是简单,干净,美观的网页体验,这就是您的选择。
人们一般用 GNOME Web 的代号将其称为 Epiphany。
sk: >-Webový prehliadač prostredia GNOME, ktorý je veľmi úzko prepojený s prostredím a má jednoduché a intuitívne používateľské rozhranie, ktoré vám umožní sústrediť sa na webové stránky. Ak hľadáte jednoduché, čisté a pekné zobrazenie webu, toto je prehliadač pre vás.
Web prostredia GNOME je často označovaný svojím kódovým názvom, Epiphany.
sl: >-Spletni brskalnik namizja GNOME, ki je vgrajen v namizje in omogoča enostavno in varno brskanje spletnih strani.
Program GNOME Splet je pogosto poimenovan po delovnim imenom Epiphany.
C: >-The web browser for GNOME, featuring tight integration with the desktop and a simple and intuitive user interface that allows you to focus on your web pages. If you’re looking for a simple, clean, beautiful view of the web, this is the browser for you.
GNOME Web is often referred to by its code name, Epiphany.
uk: >-Навігатор тенет у середовищі GNOME, який тісно інтегровано зі стільницею та має простий, інтуїтивний інтерфейс, що дозволяє зосередитись лише на вмісті сторінок. Якщо ви шукаєте простий, незасмічений і гарненький переглядач тенет, цей навігатор для вас.
Тенет GNOME часто посилається на свою кодову назву, Epiphany.
sr: >-Веб прегледник Гнома, који је направљен тако да се уклопи у радну површину и поседује једноставно и паметно корисничко сучеље које вам омогућава да се усредсредите на ваше веб странице. Ако трагате за једноставним, чистим и лепим прегледником веба, онда је ово прави програм за вас!
Гномов веб се често назива по свом кодном имену, спознаја (Epiphany).
fr: >-Le navigateur Web de GNOME, profitant d'une intégration poussée avec le bureau et d'une interface utilisateur simple et intuitive qui vous permet de vous concentrer sur les pages Web. Si vous cherchez une vue du Web qui soit simple, propre et belle, c'est le navigateur qu'il vous faut.
GNOME Web est souvent appelé par son nom de code, Epiphany.
nb: >-Nettleseren for GNOME skrivebordet, som er tett integrert med skrivebordet og har et enkelt og intuitivt brukergrensesnitt som lar deg fokusere på dine nettsider. Hvis du leter etter en enkel, ryddig og vakker måte å vise nettsider så er dette nettleseren for deg.
GNOME nettleser omtales ofte med sitt kodenavn, Epiphany.
sv: >-Webbläsaren för GNOME, med stark integration mot skrivbordet och ett enkelt, intuitivt användargränssnitt som tillåter dig att fokusera på dina webbsidor. Om du letar ett enkelt, stilrent och vackert sätt att se webben på är detta webbläsaren för dig.
GNOME Webb hänvisas ofta till med dess kodnamn, Epiphany.
hu: >-A webböngésző a GNOME-hoz, amely szorosan integrálódik az asztalba és egy egyszerű és intuitív felhasználói felület, amely lehetővé teszi a weboldalakra való összpontosítást. Ha a web egyszerű, letisztult, gyönyörű nézetét keresi, akkor ez az ön böngészője.
A GNOME Webre gyakran annak kódnevével, Epiphany néven hivatkoznak.
zh_TW: >-GNOME 的網頁瀏覽器,帶來與桌面的緊密整合、簡易且直觀的使用者介面,讓您可以專注在您的網頁上。如果您在尋找簡單、乾淨、美觀的網頁環境,這就是為您設計的瀏覽器。
GNOME Web 亦常被稱為它的代碼名稱, Epiphany。
nl: >-De webbrowser voor de GNOME-werkomgeving, met als bijzondere eigenschappen de nauwe integratie met het bureaublad en een simpele, intuïtieve interface die u in staat stelt zich te concentreren op uw webpagina's. Bent u op zoek naar een simpele, opgeruimde en elegante weergave van het web? Dan is dit de webbrowser voor u.
GNOME Web is ook wel bekend onder zijn codenaam Epiphany.
lt: >-GNOME žiniatinklio naršyklė su tampria integracija su darbastaliu ir paprasta bei intuityvia naudotojo sąsaja, kuri leidžia susitelkti ties jūsų žiniatinkliais. Jei ieškote paprastos, neapkrautos bei gražios žiniatinklio vaizdavimo programos, tai naršyklė jums.
GNOME žiniatinklis dažnai vadinamas jo kodiniu pavadinimu - Epiphany.
ar: >-متصفح وب جنوم، و يتميز بتكامله مع سطح المكتب و واجهة استخدام بديهية تمكنك من التركيز على الصفحات التي تتصفحها.
أحيانا ما يشار لمتصفح وب جنوم باسمه، إبفني (Epiphany).
pl: >-Przeglądarka WWW dla środowiska GNOME, oferująca ścisłą integrację z pulpitem oraz prosty i intuicyjny interfejs użytkownika, umożliwiający skupienie się na stronach WWW.
Przeglądarka WWW dla środowiska GNOME znana jest też pod nazwą kodową Epiphany.
lv: >-Tīmekļa pārlūks GNOME darbvirsmai, kas ir integrēts darbvirsmā, ar vienkāršu un intuitīvu lietotāja saskarni, kas ļauj vairāk pievērst uzmanību tīmekļa lapām. Ja meklējat vienkāršu, tīru un skaistu skatu uz tīmekli, šis pārlūks ir domāts jums.
GNOME tīmekli dažkārt dēvē arī par Epiphany, kas ir tā koda nosaukums.
el: >-Ο περιηγητής Ιστού του GNOME, ενσωματώνεται στενά με την επιφάνεια εργασίας και διαθέτει μια απλή και διαισθητική διεπαφή χρήστη που σας επιτρέπει να εστιάζεσθε στις ιστοσελίδες σας. Αν ψάχνετε μια απλή, καθαρή και όμορφη προβολή στον Ιστό, τότε αυτός ο περιηγητής είναι για εσάς.
Ο Ιστός GNOME αναφέρεται συχνά από το κωδικό του όνομα, Epiphany.
cs: >-Webový prohlížeč pro pracovní prostředí GNOME, který je s ním těsně integrován a má jednoduché a intuitivní uživatelské rozhraní, díky němuž se můžete soustředit jen na své webové stránky. Jestliže hledáte jednoduché, čisté a krásné zobrazení webů, je tohle prohlížeč pro vás.
Pro WWW GNOME je často používán kódový název, Epiphany.
id: >-Peramban web bagi GNOME, dengan fitur integrasi ketat dengan desktop dan antar muka yang sederhana dan intuitif yang memungkinkan Anda berfokus pada halaman-halaman web Anda. Bila Anda mencari tampilan sederhana, bersih, dan cantik dari web, ini adalah peramban untuk Anda.
GNOME Web sering diacu memakai nama kodenya, Epiphany.
pt: >-O navegador web para o GNOME, que apresenta uma integração perfeita com o ambiente de trabalho e um ambiente de utilizador simples e intuitivo que permite que se foque nas suas páginas web.
O GNOME Web é muitas vezes referido pelo seu nome de código, Epiphany.
gl: >-O navegador web para GNOME conta cunha grande integración co escritorio e unha interface de usuario simple e intuitiva que lle permite enfocarse nas súas páxinas web.
GNOME Web é normalmente chamado polo seu nome en código, Epiphany.
es: >-El navegador web de GNOME, que ofrece una estrecha integración con el escritorio y una interfaz de usuario simple e intuitiva que le permite centrarse en sus páginas web. Si está buscando una vista sencilla, limpia y bonita de la web, este es su navegador.
A menudo se nombra a GNOME Web con su nombre en clave, Epiphany.
eu: >-GNOME mahaigaineko web arakatzailea, mahaigainera egokitutako bateragarritasunarekin eta erabil errazeko erabiltzailearen interfazearekin web orrietan zentra zaitezen.Web arakatzaile xume, garbi eta ikuspegi ederreko baten bila ibiliz gero, hau da zure arakatzailea.
GNOME Web bere kode-izenagatik ezaguna da: Epiphany.
ru: >-Веб-браузер для рабочего стола GNOME, обеспечивающий тесную интеграцию с рабочим столом, имеющий простой и интуитивно-понятный интерфейс, который позволяет вам сосредоточиться на веб-страницах. Если вы ищете простой, лёгкий и красивый веб-браузер, то вы его нашли.
Веб-браузер GNOME иногда упоминается по имени кода — Epiphany.
tr: >-GNOME için web tarayıcısı; masaüstü ile sıkı bir bütünleştirmeye sahip, basit ve sezgisel kullanıcı arayüzüyle web sayfalarınıza odaklanmanıza olanak tanır. Eğer web ortamının sade, temiz, güzel bir görünümünü arıyorsanız, aradığınız tarayıcı budur.
GNOME Web sıklıkla kod adıyla, yani Epiphany olarak anılır.
oc: >-Lo navigador Web de GNOME, que profeita d'una integracion abotida amb lo burèu e d'una interfàcia utilizaire simpla e intuitiva que vos permet de vos concentrar sus las paginas Web. Se cercatz una vista del Web que siá simpla, neta e bèla, es lo navigador que vos cal.
GNOME Web es sovent apelat per son nom de còdi, Epiphany.
da: >-Webbrowseren til GNOME, som er tæt integreret med skrivebordet og har en simpel og intuitiv brugergrænseflade, der lader dig fokusere på dine websider. Hvis du er på udkig efter en enkel, ren og smuk visning af nettet, er dette den rigtige browser til dig.
GNOME Web benævnes ofte med sit kodenavn Epiphany.
ko: >-그놈 웹브라우저. 데스크톱과 잘 연동하며, 간단하고 직관적인 인터페이스 때문에 웹 페이지에 집중할 수 있습니다. 만약 간단하고, 명료하며, 아름다운 웹탐색기를 찾고 있다면, 이것이 당신에게 꼭 맞는 브라우저입니다.
그놈 웹은 종종 에피퍼니라는 코드 네임으로도 불립니다.
it: >-Il browser web per GNOME, con una stretta integrazione con il desktop e una semplice e intuitiva interfaccia utente che consente di concentrarsi sulle pagine web. Se si è alla ricerca di una semplice, pulita e bella visualizzazione del web, questo è il browser per voi.
Spesso si fa riferimento a GNOME Web con il suo nome in codice, Epiphany.
de: >-Der Internet-Browser für GNOME. Er bietet eine enge Integration in die Arbeitsumgebung und eine einfache und intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, die es Ihnen ermöglicht sich auf die Inhalte der Internetseiten zu konzentrieren. Wenn Sie einen einfachen, klaren und wunderschönen Blick auf das Internet haben wollen, dann liegen Sie mit diesem Browser richtig.
GNOME Web wird häufig auch mit seinem Codenamen, Epiphany, bezeichnet.
pt_BR: >-O navegador web para a área de trabalho GNOME, apresentando forte integração com a área de trabalho e uma interface gráfica simples e intuitiva que permite a você concentrar-se em suas páginas web. Se você está à procura de uma visão simples, limpa e bonita da web, este é o navegador para você.
O GNOME Web é geralmente mencionado por seu codinome, Epiphany.
sr@latin: >-Veb preglednik Gnoma, koji je napravljen tako da se uklopi u radnu površinu i poseduje jednostavno i pametno korisničko sučelje koje vam omogućava da se usredsredite na vaše veb stranice. Ako tragate za jednostavnim, čistim i lepim preglednikom veba, onda je ovo pravi program za vas!
Gnomov veb se često naziva po svom kodnom imenu, spoznaja (Epiphany).
fi: >-Selain Gnome-työpöydälle, jonka selkeän käyttöliittymän avustuksella pystyt keskittyä tärkeimpään, eli sivujen sisältöön. Jos etsit helppokäyttöistä ja selkeää selainta, löysit sen juuri.
Gnomen verkkoselaimesta käytetään usein myös sen alkuperäistä nimeä; Epiphany.
Categories: - Network - WebBrowser Keywords: C: - web - browser - internet Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Web Icon: cached: - name: epiphany-browser_web-browser.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: epiphany-browser_web-browser.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: web-browser Provides: mimetypes: - text/html - text/xml - application/xhtml+xml - x-scheme-handler/http - x-scheme-handler/https - multipart/related - application/x-mimearchive - message/rfc822 Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: e/ep/epiphany.desktop/6C768F2308B2258F8B789F6C14E433A2/screenshots/image-1_752x408.png width: 752 height: 408 - url: e/ep/epiphany.desktop/6C768F2308B2258F8B789F6C14E433A2/screenshots/image-1_624x338.png width: 624 height: 338 - url: e/ep/epiphany.desktop/6C768F2308B2258F8B789F6C14E433A2/screenshots/image-1_224x121.png width: 224 height: 121 source-image: url: e/ep/epiphany.desktop/6C768F2308B2258F8B789F6C14E433A2/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1148 height: 623 --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer0.10-alsa Package: gstreamer0.10-alsa Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugin for ALSA en: GStreamer plugin for ALSA --- Type: desktop-application ID: italc-management-console.desktop Package: italc-management-console Name: C: iTALC Management Console Summary: C: Administrate your iTALC installation Description: fr: >-iTALC permet d'accéder et guider les activités des étudiants depuis l'ordinateur de l'enseignant. Par exemple, avec l'aide de iTALC un enseignant peut afficher le contenu des écrans des élèves et voir si l'un d'entre eux a besoin d'aide. Si c'est le cas, l'enseignant peut accéder à l'ordinateur de l'étudiant et fournir un soutien ; l'étudiant peut observer les actions de l'enseignant et apprendre d'elles. L'enseignant peut également basculer en mode « démo », où les écrans de tous les élèves affichent le contenu de l'écran de l'enseignant. En outre, des actions telles que verrouiller les écrans des étudiants, tuer les jeux, allumer ou éteindre des postes, et plus encore peuvent être effectuées via iTALC.
Ce paquet contient la console de gestion pour iTALC, ce qui permet de configurer et de gérer les installations iTALC.
C: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
This package contains the management console for iTALC, which helps to configure and manage iTALC installations.
en: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
This package contains the management console for iTALC, which helps to configure and manage iTALC installations.
Categories: - System - Settings Keywords: C: - education - classroom - teachers - students - remote control - computer-labs Icon: cached: - name: italc-management-console_italc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: italc-management-console_italc.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: italc --- Type: desktop-application ID: owncloud.desktop Package: owncloud-client Name: C: ownCloud desktop sync client Summary: C: ownCloud desktop synchronization client Description: C: >-The ownCloudSync system lets you always have your latest files wherever you are. Just specify one or more folders on the local machine to and a server to synchronize to. You can configure more computers to synchronize to the same server and any change to the files on one computer will silently and reliably flow across to every other.
owncloud-client provides the graphical client specialising in synchronizing with cloud storage provided by ownCloud.
en: >-The ownCloudSync system lets you always have your latest files wherever you are. Just specify one or more folders on the local machine to and a server to synchronize to. You can configure more computers to synchronize to the same server and any change to the files on one computer will silently and reliably flow across to every other.
owncloud-client provides the graphical client specialising in synchronizing with cloud storage provided by ownCloud.
Categories: - Utility Keywords: C: - ownCloud - syncing - file - sharing Icon: cached: - name: owncloud-client_owncloud.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: owncloud-client_owncloud.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: נגישות ja: アクセシビリティ si: ප්රවේශ්යතාව sk: Prístupnosť sl: Dostopnost ug: ياردەم ئىقتىدارى zh_CN: 辅助功能 C: Accessibility fr: Accessibilité sr: Приступачност uk: Доступність nb: Tilgjengelighet hr: Pristupačnost ca: Accessibilitat sv: Hjälpmedelsfunktioner hu: Akadálymentesítés pa: ਅਸੈਸਬਿਲਟੀ ur: قابلیت رسائی nl: Toegankelijkheid zh_TW: 輔助功能 nn: Tilgjenge lt: Prieinamumas ar: الإتاحة lv: Pieejamība pl: Ułatwienia dostępu el: Προσβασιμότητα ast: Accesibilidá cs: Přístupnost id: Aksesibilitas th: สิ่งอำนวยความสะดวก gl: Accesibilidade pt: Acessibilidade es: Accesibilidad ro: Accesibilitate eu: Erabilerraztasuna te: ప్రాపనీయత ru: Специальные возможности ur_PK: قابلیت رسائی tr: Erişilebilirlik kk: Қолжетерлілік oc: Accessibilitat is: Aðgengi it: Accessibilità ko: 접근성 da: Tilgængelighed de: Barrierefreiheit pt_BR: Acessibilidade en_GB: Accessibility bn: স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যকরণ zh_HK: 無障礙 ms: Kebolehcapaian bg: Специални възможности en_AU: Accessibility fi: Esteettömyys Summary: he: שיפור נגישות עכבר ומקלדת ja: キーボードとマウスのユーザー補助機能を向上させます zh_CN: 改善键盘和鼠标的辅助功能 sk: Zlepšite prístupnosť klávesnice a myši sl: Izboljšaj dostopnost tipkovnice in miške ug: ھەرپتاختا ۋە چاشقىنەك ياردەمچى ئىقتىدارىنى ياخشىلاش C: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility fr: Améliorer l'accessibilité du clavier et de la souris sr: Побољшава приступачност миша и тастатуре uk: Покращення доступності миші і клавіатури nb: Forbedre tilgjengeligheten med tastatur og mus hr: Poboljšajte pristupačnost tipkovnice i miša ca: Millora l'accessibilitat del teclat i ratolí sv: Förbättra hjälpfunktioner för tangentbord och mus hu: Billentyűzet és egér akadálymentesítésének javítása ur: کیبورڈ اور ماؤس کی قابلیت رسائی بہتر کریں nl: Verbeter toegankelijkheid van muis en toetsenbord zh_TW: 改善鍵盤與滑鼠的輔助能力 nn: Betra tilgjenget for mus og tastatur lt: Pagerinti klaviatūros ir pelės pasiekiamumą ar: تحسين الولوج للوحة المفاتيح والفارة lv: Uzlabo klaviatūras un peles pieejamību pl: Konfiguruje techniki ułatwiające korzystanie z klawiatury i myszy el: Βελτίωση προσβασιμότητας πληκτρολογίου και ποντικιού ast: Ameyora l'accesibilidá de tecláu y mur cs: Vylepšete přístupnost klávesnice a myši id: Tingkatkan aksesibilitas papan ketik dan tetikus th: ปรับสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกสำหรับแป้นพิมพ์และเมาส์ gl: Mellorar a accesibilidade do teclado e do rato pt: Melhorar a acessibilidade do teclado e do rato es: Mejore la accesibilidad de teclado y ratón ro: Îmbunătățiți accesibilitatea tastaturii și a mausului eu: Gaitu teklatu eta sagu erabilerraztasuna ru: Настройка специальный возможностей клавиатуры и мыши ur_PK: کیبورڈ اور ماؤس کی قابلیت رسائی بہتر کریں tr: Klavye ve fare erişilebilirliğini arttır kk: Пернетақта мен тышқан қолжетерлілігін жақсарту oc: Melhorar l'accessibilitat del clavièr e de la mirga is: Bæta aðgengi með lyklaborð og mús it: Impostazione dell'accessibilità di mouse e tastiera ko: 키보드와 마우스의 접근성을 개선합니다 da: Øg tilgængeligheden for tastatur og mus de: Die Zugänglichkeit von Tastatur und Maus verbessern pt_BR: Melhore a acessibilidade do teclado e do mouse en_GB: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility bn: কীবোর্ড ও মাউসের স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যকরণ উন্নত করুন zh_HK: 改善鍵盤和滑鼠的無障礙功能 ms: Pertingkatkan kebolehcapaian papan kekunci dan tetikus bg: Настройка на специални възможности на мишката и клавиатурата en_AU: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility fi: Helpota näppäimistön ja hiiren käyttöä Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist das Frontend für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellung in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-accessibility remote: - url: x/xf/xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop/5D0D3121E9CBFB59A74100794DFA7D54/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce4-settings-editor.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: עורך הגדרות ja: 設定エディター zh_CN: 设置编辑器 sk: Editor nastavení sl: Urejevalnik nastavitev ug: تەڭشەك تەھرىرلىگۈ C: Settings Editor fr: Éditeur de paramètres sr: Уредник поставки uk: Редактор параметрів nb: Innstillingsredigering hr: Uređivač postavki ca: Editor de paràmetres sv: Inställningsredigerare hu: Beállításszerkesztő pa: ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਐਡੀਟਰ ur: ترتیبات ایڈیٹر nl: Instellingenbewerker voor Xfconf zh_TW: 設定值編輯器 nn: Innstillingar lt: Nustatymų redaktorius ar: محرر الإعدادات lv: Uzstādījumu redaktors pl: Edytor ustawień el: Επεξεργαστής ρυθμίσεων ast: Editor de configuración cs: Editor nastavení id: Penyunting Pengaturan th: เครื่องมือแก้ไขค่าตั้ง gl: Editor de configuración pt: Editor de definições es: Editor de configuración ro: Editor de opțiuni eu: Ezarpen editorea te: అమరికల కూర్పరి ru: Редактор настроек ur_PK: ترتیبات ایڈیٹر tr: Ayarlar Editörü kk: Баптаулар түзетуші oc: Editor de paramètres is: Stillingaritill it: Editor delle impostazioni ko: 설정 편집기 da: Instillingsredigering de: Einstellungsbearbeitung pt_BR: Editor de configurações en_GB: Settings Editor bn: সেটিংস সম্পাদক zh_HK: 設定編輯器 ms: Penyunting Tetapan bg: Редактор на настройките en_AU: Settings Editor fi: Asetukset Summary: he: עורך הגדרות גרפי עבור Xfconf ja: Xfconf のグラフィカル設定エディターです zh_CN: Xfconf 的图形设置编辑器 sk: Grafický editor nastavení pre Xfconf sl: Grafični urejevalnik Xfconf nastavitev ug: Xfconf نىڭ گرافىكىلىق تەڭشەك تەھرىرلىگۈسى C: Graphical settings editor for Xfconf fr: Éditeur graphique des paramètres Xfconf sr: Графички уређивач поставки Иксфконф-а uk: Графічний редактор параметрів для Xfconf nb: Grafisk redigeringsprogram for Xfconf hr: Grafički uređivač postavki za Xfconf ca: Editor gràfic de paràmetres de Xfconf sv: Grafisk inställningsredigerare för Xfconf hu: Grafikus beállításszerkesztő az Xfconf-hoz ur: تصویری ترتیبات مدون کار برائے Xfconf nl: Grafische instellingenbewerker voor Xfconf zh_TW: Xfconf 的圖形化設定值編輯器 nn: Grafisk innstillingsprogram for Xfconf lt: Grafinis nustatymų redaktorius skirtas Xfconf ar: محرر إعدادات رسومي لـإكسفس4 lv: Grafiskais uzstādījumu redaktors priekš Xfconf pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia przechowywane przez program Xfconf el: Γραφικός επεξεργαστής ρυθμίσεων για το xfconf ast: Editor gráficu de configuración pa Xfconf cs: Grafický editor nastavení služby Xfconf id: Penyunting pengaturan grafis untuk Xfconf th: โปรแกรมแก้ไขค่าตั้งแบบกราฟิกสำหรับ Xfconf gl: Editor gráfico de configuración para Xfconf pt: Editor gráfico para as definições Xfconf es: Configuración gráfica del editor para el Servicio de configuración de Xfce ro: Editor grafic al opțiunilor Xfconf eu: Xfconf-ren ezarpen editore grafikoa te: Xfconf కొరకు గ్రాఫికల్ అమరికల కూర్పకం ru: Графический редактор настроек для Xfconf ur_PK: تصویری ترتیبات مدون کار برائے Xfconf tr: Xfconf için grafik ayar düzenleyicisi kk: Xfconf үшін баптауларды графикалық түзетуші oc: Editor grafic dels paramètres Xfconf is: Myndrænn stillingaritill fyrir Xfconf it: Editor grafico delle impostazioni per Xfconf ko: Xfconf 그래픽 설정 편집기 da: Grafisk indstillingsredigering for Xfconf de: Grafische Einstellungsbearbeitung für Xfconf pt_BR: Editor de configurações gráficas para o Xfconf en_GB: Graphical settings editor for Xfconf bn: Xfconf-র জন্য গ্রাফিকাল সেটিংস সম্পাদক zh_HK: Xfconf 的圖像化設定編輯器 ms: Penyunting tetapan bergrafik untuk Xfconf bg: Графичен редактор на настройките на Xfconf en_AU: Graphical settings editor for Xfconf fi: Graafinen Xfconf-asetusten muokkain Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist das Frontend für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellung in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-system remote: - url: x/xf/xfce4-settings-editor.desktop/6A29F87C7F7E7A9C91813C15711A8627/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce4-settings-editor.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: מקלדת ja: キーボード zh_CN: 键盘 sk: Klávesnica sl: Tipkovnica ug: ھەرپتاختا C: Keyboard fr: Clavier sr: Тастатура uk: Клавіатура nb: Tastatur hr: Tipkovnica ca: Teclat sv: Tangentbord hu: Billentyűzet pa: ਕੀਬੋਰਡ ur: کیبورڈ nl: Toetsenbord zh_TW: 鍵盤 nn: Tastatur lt: Klaviatūra ar: لوحة المفاتيح lv: Klaviatūra pl: Klawiatura el: Πληκτρολόγιο ast: Tecláu cs: Klávesnice id: Papan ketik th: แป้นพิมพ์ gl: Teclado pt: Teclado es: Teclado ro: Tastatură eu: Teklatua te: కీబోర్డు ru: Клавиатура ur_PK: کیبورڈ tr: Klavye kk: Пернетақта oc: Clavièr is: Lyklaborð it: Tastiera ko: 키보드 da: Tastatur de: Tastatur pt_BR: Teclado en_GB: Keyboard bn: কীবোর্ড zh_HK: 鍵盤 ms: Papan kekunci bg: Клавиатура en_AU: Keyboard fi: Näppäimistö Summary: he: עריכת הגדרות מקלדת וקיצורי יישומים ja: キーボード設定とアプリケーションショートカットキーを編集します zh_CN: 编辑键盘设置和应用程序快捷键 sk: Úprava nastavení klávesnice a klávesových skratiek sl: Uredite nastavitve tipkovnice in bližnjičnih tipk ug: ھەرپتاختا تەڭشىكى ۋە پروگرامما تېزلەتمىلىرىنى تەھرىرلەيدۇ C: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts fr: Éditer les paramètres du clavier et les raccourcis des applications sr: Уредите поставке тастатуре и пречица програма uk: Редагувати властивості клавіатури та ярликів запуску програм nb: Rediger tastaturinnstillinger og programsnarveier hr: Uredi postavke tipkovnice i prečace programa ca: Editeu els ajustaments del teclat i les dreceres d'aplicacions sv: Redigera tangentbordsinställningar och programgenvägar hu: Billentyűzet-beállítások és alkalmazás-gyorsbillentyűk szerkesztése ur: کیبورڈ کی ترتیبات اور اطلاقیوں کے شارٹ کٹس مدون کریں nl: Bewerk toetsenbordinstellingen en toepassingssneltoetsen zh_TW: 編輯鍵盤設定值與應用程式捷徑 nn: Endra tastaturinnstillingar og snøggtastar lt: Keiskite klaviatūros nustatymus ir programų susiejimus ar: تحرير إعدادات لوحة المفاتيح واختصارات التطبيقات lv: Rediģēt klaviatūras uzstādījumus un lietotnes īsceļus pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia klawiatury oraz skróty klawiszowe programów el: Επεξεργασία ρυθμίσεων πληκτρολογίου και συντομεύσεων εφαρμογών ast: Edita la configuración del tecláu y los accesos direutos d'aplicación cs: Úprava nastavení klávesnice a klávesových zkratek id: Sunting pengaturan papan ketik dan jalan pintas aplikasi th: ตั้งค่าแป้นพิมพ์และปุ่มลัดเรียกโปรแกรม gl: Modificar as preferencias de teclado e os atallos das aplicacións pt: Editar definições do teclado e atalhos das aplicações es: Edite la configuración del teclado y los atajos de aplicación ro: Editați opțiunile de tastatură și combinațiile de taste eu: Editatu teklatu ezarpenak eta aplikazio lasterbideak ru: Изменение настроек клавиатуры и комбинаций клавиш ur_PK: کیبورڈ کی ترتیبات اور اطلاقیوں کے شارٹ کٹس مدون کریں tr: Klavye ayarlarını ve uygulama kısayollarını düzenleyin kk: Пернетақта баптауларын мен қолданбалар жарлықтарын түзету oc: Editar los paramètres del clavièr e acorchis de las aplicacions is: Sýsla með stillingar lyklaborðs og flýtilykla it: Configurazione della tastiera e delle scorciatoie per le applicazioni ko: 키보드 설정과 프로그램 바로 가기를 편집합니다 da: Rediger tastaturindstillinger og programgenveje de: Die Tastatureinstellungen und Tastenkürzel für Anwendungen bearbeiten pt_BR: Edite configurações de teclado e atalhos de aplicativos en_GB: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts bn: কীবোর্ড সেটিংসমূহ ও অ্যাপ্লিকেশন শর্টকাট সম্পাদনা zh_HK: 編輯鍵盤設定值和應用程式捷徑 ms: Sunting tetapan dan pintasan aplikasi papan kekunci bg: Редактиране на настройките на клавиатурата и клавишните комбинации en_AU: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts fi: Näppäimistön asetukset ja sovellusten pikanäppäimet Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist das Frontend für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellung in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-keyboard remote: - url: x/xf/xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop/434324EFD0FC9F5C144C7DB12B7B31C3/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-mouse-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: עכבר ולוח מגע ja: マウスとタッチパッド zh_CN: 鼠标和触摸板 sk: Myš a touchpad sl: Miška in sledilna ploščica ug: چاشقىنەك ۋە سېزىمچان تاختا C: Mouse and Touchpad fr: Souris et pavé tactile sr: Миш и додирна плочица uk: Миша і сенсорна панель nb: Mus og pekeflate hr: Miš i dodirna ploča ca: Ratolí i ratolí tàctil sv: Mus och pekplatta hu: Egér és érintőtábla nl: Muis en aanraakveld zh_TW: 滑鼠與觸控板 nn: Mus og musefelt lt: Pelė ir jutiklinis kilimėlis ar: فأرة و لوحة اللمس pl: Mysz i panel dotykowy el: Ποντίκι και Touchpad ast: Mur y Touchpad cs: Myš a touchpad id: Tetikus dan Touchpad th: เมาส์และทัชแพด pt: Rato e painel de toque ro: Maus și touchpad es: Ratón y panel táctil eu: Sagua eta Touchpada te: మౌస్ మరియు టచ్ప్యాడ్ ru: Мышь и тачпад zh_HK: 滑鼠和觸控板 tr: Fare ve dokunmatik yüzey kk: Тышқан мен тачпад oc: Mirga e pavat tactil is: Mús og snertiplatti ko: 마우스와 터치패드 it: Mouse e touchpad da: Mus og pegeplade de: Maus und Touchpad pt_BR: Mouse e touchpad en_GB: Mouse and Touchpad ms: Tetikus dan Pad Sentuh bg: Мишка и тъчпад en_AU: Mouse and Touchpad fi: Hiiri ja kosketuslevy Summary: he: עיצוב התנהגות ומראה מכשיר הצבעה ja: ポインティングデバイスの振る舞いや外観を設定します zh_CN: 配置定位设备行为和外观 sk: Konfiguruje správanie a vzhľad kurzora sl: Nastavi obnašanje in izgled kazalčnih naprav ug: كۆرسەتكۈچ ئۈسكۈنىسىنىڭ ھەرىكىتى ۋە كۆرۈنۈشىنى تەڭشەش C: Configure pointer device behavior and appearance fr: Configurer le comportement et l’apparence du dispositif de pointage sr: Подесите изглед и особине уређаја показивача uk: Налаштувати поведінку і зовнішній вигляд вказівника миші nb: Tilpass oppførsel og utseende for musepekeren hr: Konfigurirajte ponašanje i izgled pokazivača ca: Configura el comportament i aparença del punter del dispositiu sv: Konfigurera muspekarens beteende och utseende hu: Mutatóeszköz viselkedésének és megjelenésének beállítása pa: ਪੁਆਇੰਟਰ ਜੰਤਰ ਰਵੱਈਆ ਅਤੇ ਦਿੱਖ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ur: پؤائینٹر ڈیوائس کا سلوک اور مظہر متعین کریں nl: Gedrag en weergave van muispijlapparaat instellen zh_TW: 調整指標裝置行為與外觀 nn: Set opp åtferda og utsjånaden til peikareiningar lt: Konfigūruoti žymėjimo įrenginio elgseną ir išvaizdą ar: إعداد جهاز المؤشر سلوك ومظهر lv: Konfigurēt kursora ierīču uzvedību un izskatu pl: Konfiguruje zachowanie i wygląd kursora urządzenia wskazującego el: Ρύθμιση συμπεριφοράς και εμφάνισης της συσκευής δείκτη ast: Configura'l comportamientu y aspeutu del preséu del punteru cs: Konfiguruje chování a vzhled ukazatele zařízení id: Atur perilaku divais penunjuk dan penampilan th: ตั้งค่าพฤติกรรมและรูปลักษณ์ของอุปกรณ์ชี้ gl: Configurar o comportamento e maila aparencia do dispositivo de punteiro pt: Configurar comportamento e aparência do ponteiro es: Configure el comportamiento y apariencia del dispositivo de puntero ro: Configurați aspectul și comportamentul indicatorului de tip cursor eu: Konfiguratu markatzaile gailu ingurunea eta itxura ru: Настройка поведения и внешнего вида устройств указания ur_PK: پؤائینٹر ڈیوائس کا سلوک اور مظہر متعین کریں tr: İşaretçi aygıtın davranışını ve görünümünü yapılandırın kk: Көрсету құрылғысының мінез-құлығын мен сыртқы түрін баптау oc: Configurar lo comportament e estil de la mirga da: Konfigurér adfærd og udseende for markørenheden ko: 포인터 장치 동작과 표시 설정 it: Configurazione del comportamento e dell'aspetto del dispositivo di puntamento de: Das Verhalten und das Aussehen der Zeigegeräte konfigurieren pt_BR: Configure o comportamento e a aparência do dispositivo de ponteiro en_GB: Configure pointer device behaviour and appearance bn: পয়েন্টার ডিভাইসের আচরণ ও অবয়ব কনফিগার zh_HK: 設定指標裝置行為和外觀 ms: Konfigur kelakuan dan penampilan peranti bg: Настройване на поведението на устройствата и външният вид en_AU: Configure pointer device behaviour and appearance fi: Säädä osoitinlaitteen käytöstä ja osoittimen ulkonäköä Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist das Frontend für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellung in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-peripherals.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-peripherals.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: preferences-desktop-peripherals Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-mouse-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-display-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: תצוגה ja: ディスプレイ si: සංදර්ශකය sk: Monitor sl: Zaslon ug: كۆرسەتكۈچ zh_CN: 显示 C: Display fr: Affichage sr: Приказ uk: Дисплей nb: Skjerm hr: Zaslon ca: Pantalla sv: Skärm hu: Kijelző pa: ਡਿਸਪਲੇਅ ur: ڈسپلے nl: Beeldscherm zh_TW: 顯示 nn: Skjerm lt: Ekranas ar: العرض lv: 'Displejs:' pl: Ekran el: Οθόνη ast: Pantalla cs: Displej id: Tampilan th: จอแสดงผล gl: Pantalla pt: Ecrã es: Pantalla ro: Display eu: Bistaratu te: ప్రదర్శన ru: Дисплей ur_PK: ڈسپلے tr: Görüntüle kk: Дисплей oc: Afichatge is: Skjár it: Schermo ko: 디스플레이 da: Skærm de: Anzeige pt_BR: Monitor en_GB: Display bn: প্রদর্শন zh_HK: 顯示 ms: Paparan bg: Дисплей en_AU: Display fi: Näyttö Summary: he: עיצוב הגדרות ומערך מסך ja: 画面の解像度とレイアウトを設定します zh_CN: 配置屏幕设置和布局 sk: Nastavenia konfigurácie obrazovky a rozloženia sl: Nastavite nastavitve zaslona in postavitve ug: ئېكراننىڭ ئورۇنلاشتۇرۇلۇشى ۋە ئېنىقلىقىنى تەڭشەش C: Configure screen settings and layout fr: Configurer les paramètres et la disposition des écrans sr: Подеси екране и њихов размештај uk: Налаштувати параметри екрану та клавіатури nb: Sett opp skjerminnstillinger hr: Konfigurirajte postavke i raspored ekrana ca: Configureu els paràmetres i format de la pantalla sv: Konfigurera skärminställningar och -layout hu: Képernyő-beállítások és -elrendezés megadása pa: ਸਕਰੀਨ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਅਤੇ ਲੇਆਉਟ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ur: سکرین کی ترتیبات اور خاکہ مرتب کریں nl: Scherminstellingen en -vormgeving bewerken zh_TW: 調整螢幕設定值與配置 nn: Set opp skjermen og utforminga lt: Konfigūruoti ekrano nustatymus ir išdėstymą ar: ضبط إعدادات الشاشة والتصميم lv: Konfigurēt ekrāna uzstādījumus un izkārtojumu pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia i układ ekranu el: Ρύθμιση επιλογών οθόνης και διάταξης ast: Configura los axustes y la xeometría de la pantalla cs: Konfiguruje nastavení obrazovky a rozložení id: Atur pengaturan layar dan tata letak th: ตั้งค่าหน้าจอและการจัดเรียง gl: Configurar as opcións e a disposición da pantalla pt: Configurar definições e esquema do ecrã es: Configure las opciones y la geometría de la pantalla ro: Configurați opțiunile pentru ecrane și monitoare eu: Konfiguratu pantaila ezarpen eta ingurunea te: తెర అమరికలను మరియు రూపురేఖలను స్వరూపించు ru: Настройки экрана ur_PK: سکرین کی ترتیبات اور خاکہ مرتب کریں tr: Ekran ayarlarını ve düzenini yapılandırma kk: Экран баптауларын мен жаймасын баптау oc: Configurar los paramètres de l'ecran e la disposicion is: Sýsla með skjástillingar og framsetningu it: Configurazione delle impostazioni e della disposizione dello schermo ko: 화면 설정과 배치 설정 da: Konfigurér skærmindstillinger og layout de: Bildschirmeinstellungen und Anordnung konfigurieren pt_BR: Definir configurações e disposição dos monitores en_GB: Configure screen settings and layout bn: পর্দার সেটিংসমূহ ও বহির্বিন্যাস কনফিগার zh_HK: 設定螢幕設定值和配置 ms: Konfigur tetapan dan bentangan skrin bg: Конфигуриране на настройките на екрана и оформлението en_AU: Configure screen settings and layout fi: Muokkaa näyttöasetuksia ja asettelua Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist das Frontend für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellung in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_video-display.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_video-display.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_video-display.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: video-display remote: - url: x/xf/xfce-display-settings.desktop/56B1AE2160D391EF1B60345E707685B2/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_video-display.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-display-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce4-mime-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: עורך טיפוס MIME ja: MIME タイプエディター zh_CN: MIME 类型编辑器 sk: Editor typu súborov sl: Urejevalnik MIME tipov ug: تەھرىرلىگۈچ(MIME تىپىنى) C: MIME Type Editor fr: Éditeur de type MIME sr: Уређивач MIME врста датотека uk: Редактор типів MIME nb: MIME-type redigeringsprogram hr: Uređivač MIME tipa ca: Editor de tipus «MIME» sv: MIME typ redigerare hu: MIME-típus szerkesztő nl: Bewerker van bestandsoort-associaties (MIME) zh_TW: MIME 類型編輯器 nn: Handsamar for MIME-typar lt: MIME tipų redaktorius ar: محرر نوع MIME pl: Edytor typów MIME el: Επεξεργαστής Τύπου MIME ast: Editor de triba MIME cs: Editor typů MIME id: Penyunting Tipe MIME th: เครื่องมือแก้ไขชนิด MIME gl: Editor de tipos MIME pt: Editor de tipo MIME es: Editor de tipos MIME ro: Editor de tipuri MIME eu: MIME mota editorea te: MIME రకపు కూర్పకము ru: Редактор типов MIME zh_HK: MIME 類型編輯器 tr: MIME Tipi Düzenleyicisi kk: MIME түрлерінің түзетушісі oc: Editor de tipe MIME is: Ritill fyrir MIME-tegundir it: Editor tipo MIME ko: MIME 형식 편집기 da: MIME-type redigeringsprogram de: MIME-Typ-Bearbeitung pt_BR: Editor de tipos MIME en_GB: MIME Type Editor ms: Penyunting Jenis MIME bg: Редактор на MIME типове en_AU: MIME Type Editor fi: MIME-tyyppimuokkain Summary: he: שייך יישומים בעזרת טיפוסי MIME ja: MIME タイプにアプリケーションを割り当てます zh_CN: 应用程序与 MIME 类型绑定 sk: Priradiť aplikáciu s typom súboru sl: Poveži programe z MIME tipi ug: مۇناسىۋەتلىك پروگراممىلار(MIME تىپى بىلەن) C: Associate applications with MIME types fr: Associer les applications avec les types MIME sr: Придружите програме МИМЕ врстама датотека uk: Прив’язати програму з типом MIME nb: Tilknytt programmer med MIME-typer hr: Poveži aplikacije s MIME tipovima ca: Associa les aplicacions amb els tipus «MIME» sv: Förknippa program med MIME typer hu: Alkalmazások társítása MIME-típusokhoz nl: Associeer toepassingen met bestandsoorten (MIME) zh_TW: 將應用程式與 MIME 類型之間建立關聯 nn: Kopla program med MIME-typar lt: Susiekite programas su MIME tipais ar: ربط التطبيقات بأنواع MIME pl: Powiązuje typy MIME z programami el: Συσχετισμός εφαρμογών με τύπους MIME ast: Asociar aplicaciones coles tribes MIME cs: Asociace aplikací s typy MIME id: Aplikasi yang diasosiasikan dengan tipe MIME th: เชื่อมโยงโปรแกรมกับชนิด MIME ต่างๆ gl: Asocia aplicativos con tipos MIME pt: Associar aplicações com o tipo MIME es: Aplicaciones asociadas con tipos MIME ro: Asociați programe diferitelor tipuri de fișiere eu: Lotu MIME motak aplikazioekin. ru: Связывает приложения с типами MIME zh_HK: 將應用程式與 MIME 類型之間建立關聯 tr: Uygulamaları MIME tipleriyle ilişkilendir kk: Қолданбаларды MIME түрлерімен сәйкестендіру oc: Associar las aplicacions amb los tipes MIME da: Tilknyt programmer med MIME-typer ko: MIME 형식에 프로그램 연결하기 it: Associa applicazioni con i tipi MIME de: Anwendungen mit MIME-Typen verknüpfen pt_BR: Associa aplicativos com tipos MIME en_GB: Associate applications with MIME types ms: Kaitkan aplikasi dengan jenis MIME bg: Асоциирани приложения с MIME типове en_AU: Associate applications with MIME types fi: Yhdistä sovelluksia MIME-tyyppeihin Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist das Frontend für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellung in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: application-x-executable remote: - url: x/xf/xfce4-mime-settings.desktop/656E9807EB7C38330659E4ECF3658205/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce4-mime-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-ui-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: מראה ja: 外観 zh_CN: 外观 sk: Vzhľad sl: Videz ug: كۆرۈنۈشى C: Appearance fr: Apparence sr: Изглед uk: Зовнішній вигляд nb: Utseende hr: Izgled ca: Aparença sv: Utseende hu: Megjelenés pa: ਦਿੱਖ ur: مظہر nl: Uiterlijk zh_TW: 外觀 nn: Utsjånad lt: Išvaizda ar: المظهر lv: Izskats pl: Wygląd el: Εμφάνιση ast: Aspeutu cs: Vzhled id: Tampilan th: รูปลักษณ์ gl: Aparencia pt: Aparência es: Apariencia ro: Aspect eu: Itxura te: రూపురేఖలు ru: Внешний вид ur_PK: مظہر tr: Görünüm kk: Сыртқы түрі oc: Aparéncia is: Útlit it: Aspetto ko: 모양새 da: Udseende de: Erscheinungsbild pt_BR: Aparência en_GB: Appearance bn: অবয়ব zh_HK: 外觀 ms: Penampilan bg: Външен вид en_AU: Appearance fi: Ulkoasu Summary: he: התאמת המראה של שולחן העבודה שלך ja: デスクトップの外観をカスタマイズします si: ඔබගේ වැඩතලයේ පෙනුම අභිමතකරණය කරන්න sk: Nastavenie vzhľadu pracovného prostredia sl: Prilagodi izgled namizja ug: ئۈستەلئۈستىنىڭ كۆرۈنۈشىنى ئۆزلەشتۈرۈش zh_CN: 设置桌面外观 C: Customize the look of your desktop fr: Personnaliser l'apparence du bureau sr: Прилагодите изглед радног простора uk: Налаштуйте зовнішній вигляд вашої стільниці nb: Tilpass utseendet til skrivebordet hr: Prilagodite izgled vaše radne površine ca: Personalitza l'aparença del vostre escriptori sv: Anpassa utseendet på ditt skrivbord hu: Az asztali környezet megjelenésének személyre szabása pa: ਆਪਣੇ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਦੀ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲੋ ur: اپنے ڈیسک ٹاپ کا حلیہ مرتب کریں nl: Pas het uiterlijk van uw werkomgeving aan zh_TW: 自訂您桌面的外觀 nn: Set opp korleis skrivebordet ditt skal sjå ut lt: Derinkite darbastalio išvaizdą ar: خصص مظهر سطح مكتبك lv: Pielāgot savas darbvirsmas izskatu pl: Konfiguruje wygląd środowiska graficznego el: Προσαρμογή της εμφάνισης της επιφάνειας εργασίας ast: Personaliza l'aspeutu del to escritoriu cs: Nastavení vzhledu vašeho pracovního prostředí id: Sesuaikan tampilan destop anda th: ปรับรูปลักษณ์ของเดสก์ท็อปของคุณ gl: Personalizar a aparencia do escritorio pt: Personalizar a aparência do seu ambiente de trabalho es: Personalice la apariencia de su escritorio ro: Personalizați aspectul propriului desktop eu: Pertsonalizatu zure idazmahaiaren itxura ru: Настройки внешнего вид рабочего стола ur_PK: اپنے ڈیسک ٹاپ کا حلیہ مرتب کریں tr: Masaüstünüzün görünümünü özelleştirin kk: Жұмыс үстеліңіздің сыртқы түрін баптаңыз oc: Personalizar l'aparéncia del burèu is: Sérsníða útlit skjáborðsins it: Personalizzazione dell'aspetto della scrivania ko: 데스크톱 모양 사용자 정의 da: Tilpas dit skrivebords udseende de: Das Aussehen des Schreibtischs anpassen pt_BR: Personalize a aparência do seu ambiente Xfce en_GB: Customise the look of your desktop bn: আপনার ডেস্কটপের অবয়ব স্বনির্ধারণ করুন zh_HK: 自訂桌面外觀 ms: Suaikan penampilan dekstop anda bg: Настройка на външният вид на работният плот en_AU: Customise the look of your desktop fi: Muokkaa työpöytäsi ulkoasua Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist das Frontend für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellung in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-theme remote: - url: x/xf/xfce-ui-settings.desktop/848F66531DD3A9CE5B5EBD5DE49EDF7A/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-ui-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-settings-manager.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: מנהל הגדרות ja: 設定マネージャー si: සැකසුම් කළමනාකරු sk: Správca nastavení sl: Nastavitve ug: تەڭشەك باشقۇرغۇ zh_CN: 设置管理器 C: Settings Manager fr: Gestionnaire de paramètres sr: Управник поставки uk: Менеджер параметрів nb: Innstillingsbehandler hr: Upravitelj postavki ca: Gestor d'ajustaments sv: Inställningshanterare hu: Beállításkezelő pa: ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ur: ترتیبات منیجر nl: Instellingen- en systeembeheerder zh_TW: 設定值管理員 nn: Innstillingshandterar lt: Nustatymų tvarkyklė ar: مدير الإعدادات lv: Uzstādījumu pārvaldnieks pl: Menedżer ustawień el: Διαχειριστής Ρυθμίσεων ast: Xestor d'axustes cs: Správce nastavení id: Manajer Pengaturan th: โปรแกรมจัดการการตั้งค่า gl: Xestor de configuración pt: Gestor de definições es: Administrador de configuración ro: Manager de opțiuni eu: Ezarpen kudeatzailea te: అమరికల నిర్వాహకం ru: Диспетчер настроек ur_PK: ترتیبات منیجر tr: Ayar Yöneticisi kk: Баптаулар басқарушысы oc: Gestionari de paramètres is: Stillingastjórnun it: Gestore delle impostazioni ko: 설정 관리자 da: Indstillingshåndtering de: Einstellungen pt_BR: Gerenciador de configurações en_GB: Settings Manager bn: সেটিংস ব্যবস্থাপক zh_HK: 設定管理員 ms: Pengurus Tetapan bg: Мениджър на настройките en_AU: Settings Manager fi: Asetukset Summary: he: מנהל הגדרות גרפי עבור Xfce 4 ja: Xfce 4 用グラフィカル設定マネージャーです si: Xfce 4 සඳහා චිත්රක සැකසුම් කළමනාකරු sk: Grafický správca nastavení pre prostredie Xfce 4 sl: Grafični upravljalnik nastavitev za Xfce 4 ug: Xfce 4 گرافىكىلىق تەڭشەك باشقۇرغۇسى zh_CN: Xfce 4 的图形设置管理器 C: Graphical Settings Manager for Xfce 4 fr: Gestionnaire graphique de paramètres pour Xfce 4 sr: Графички уређивач поставки Иксфце-а 4 uk: Графічний менеджер параметрів для Xfce 4 nb: Grafisk Innstillingsbehandler for Xfce 4 hr: Grafički upravitelj postavkama za Xfce 4 ca: Gestor d'ajustaments gràfic de Xfce 4 sv: Grafisk inställningshanterare för Xfce 4 hu: Grafikus beállításkezelő az Xfce környezethez pa: Xfce ੪ ਲਈ ਗਰਾਫਿਕਲ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ur: تصویری ترتیبات منیجر برائے ایکسفس 4 nl: Beheerder grafische instellingen voor Xfce 4 zh_TW: Xfce 4 的圖形設定值管理員 nn: Grafisk innstillingsprogram for Xfce 4 lt: Grafinė nustatymų tvarkyklė skirta Xfce 4 ar: مدير إعدادات رسومي لإكسفس 4 lv: Grafiskais uzstādījumu pārvaldnieks priekš Xfce 4 pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia środowiska graficznego Xfce el: Γραφικός διαχειριστής ρυθμίσεων για το xfce 4 ast: Xestor d'axustes gráficu pa Xfce 4 cs: Grafický správce nastavení pro prostředí Xfce 4 id: Manajer Pengaturan Grafis untuk Xfce 4 th: โปรแกรมจัดการการตั้งค่าแบบกราฟิกสำหรับ Xfce 4 gl: Xestor de preferencias gráfico de Xfce 4 pt: Gestor gráfico de definições do Xfce 4 es: Gestor gráfico de configuración para Xfce 4 ro: Manager grafic al opțiunilor Xfce 4 eu: Xfce 4 ezarpen kudeatzaile grafikoa te: Xfce 4 కొరకు రేఖాచిత్ర అమరికల నిర్వాహకం ru: Графический диспетчер настроек для Xfce 4 ur_PK: تصویری ترتیبات منیجر برائے ایکسفس 4 tr: Xfce 4 için Grafik Ayarlar Yöneticisi kk: Xfce 4 үшін баптауларды графикалық түзету сайманы oc: Gestionari grafic de paramètres per Xfce 4 is: Myndræn stjórnun stillinga fyrir Xfce 4 it: Gestore delle impostazioni grafico per Xfce4 ko: Xfce 4 그래픽 설정 관리자 da: Grafisk indstillingshåndtering for Xfce 4 de: Grafische Einstellungsverwaltung für Xfce 4 pt_BR: Gerenciador de configurações gráficas do Xfce 4 en_GB: Graphical Settings Manager for Xfce 4 bn: Xfce 4-এর জন্য গ্রাফিকাল সেটিংস ব্যবস্থাপক zh_HK: Xfce 4 的圖像化設定管理員 ms: Pengurus Tetapan Bergrafik untuk Xfce 4 bg: Графичен мениджър на настройките за Xfce 4 en_AU: Graphical Settings Manager for Xfce 4 fi: Asetusten hallintapaneeli Xfce 4:lle Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist das Frontend für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellung in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: preferences-desktop Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-settings-manager.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Contacts.desktop Package: gnome-contacts Name: C: Contacts Summary: C: A contacts manager for GNOME Description: or: >-ସମ୍ପର୍କଗୁଡ଼ିକ ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସମ୍ପର୍କ ସୂଚନାକୁ ରଖିଥାଏ ଏବଂ ସଠିକ ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥା କରିଥାଏ। ଆପଣ ସମ୍ପର୍କଗୁଡ଼ିକ ବିଷୟରେ ସୂଚନା ସୃଷ୍ଟି, ସମ୍ପାଦନ, ଅପସାରଣ କରିପାରିବେ ଏବଂ ଯୋଡ଼ିପାରିବେ। ସମ୍ପର୍କ ଆପଣଙ୍କର ବିଭିନ୍ନ ଉତ୍ସରୁ ସୂଚନା ଏକତ୍ରିତ କରି ଏକ ସ୍ଥାନରେ ପରିଚାଳନା କରିଥାଏ।
ସମ୍ପର୍କଗୁଡ଼ିକ ଅନଲାଇନ ଠିକଣା ପୁସ୍ତକ ସହିତ ମଧ୍ଯ ସଯୁକ୍ତ ହୋଇଥାଏ ଏବଂ ସ୍ୱୟଂଚାଳିତ ଭାବରେ ସମ୍ପର୍କଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବିଭିନ୍ନ ଅନଲାଇନ ଉତ୍ସରୁ ସଂଯୁକ୍ତ କରିଥାଏ।
zh_CN: >-联系人可以保存和管理您的联系人信息。您可以创建、编辑、删除联系人,以及将您联系人的各种信息归拢在一起。联系人可以整合各方面的联系人资料,集中管理您的联系人。
ja: >-連絡先情報を維持、管理できる連絡先アプリです。連絡先の作成、編集、削除はもちろん、複数の連絡先を統合することもできます。また他のソースの連絡先情報をまとめることができ、このアプリから一括して連絡先管理を行うことができます。
he: >-אנשי קשר שומר ומארגן את מידע אנשי הקשר שלך. ניתן ליצור, לערוך, למחוק ולקשר יחד חתיכות של מידע על אודות אנשי הקשר שלך. אנשי קשר אוגר את הפרטים מכל המקורות שלך לספק מקום מרכזי לניהול אנשי הקשר שלך.
אנשי קשר גם משולב עם פנקסי כתובות מקוונים ומקשר אנשי קשר באופן אוטומטי ממקורות מקוונים שונים.
sl: >-Program omogoča urejanje in shranjevanje podatkov o stikih. Mogoče je urejati, ustvarjati, brisati in povezovati različne podatke. Program združuje podatke z različnih virov in ponuja osrednje mesto za prikaz stikov.
Stiki bodo povezani tudi z omrežnimi imeniki in bodo samodejno povezani med različnimi viri.
hi: >-संपर्क आपके संपर्क सूचना को बनाए रखता है और संगठित रखता है. आप अपने संपर्क के बारे में जानकारी और लिंक को इकट्ठा कर सकते हैं. संपर्क आपके संपर्क प्रबंधित करने के लिए एक केंद्रीकृत स्थान प्रदान करता है.
संपर्क ऑनलाइन पता पुस्तिका से एकीकृत होगा और भिन्न ऑनलाइन स्रोत से स्वतः संपर्क को लिंक करेगा.
sk: >-Aplikácia kontakty udržiava a organizuje informácie o vašich kontaktoch. Môžete vytvárať, upravovať, mazať a spájať informácie o vašich kontaktoch. Aplikácia kontakty zhromažďuje podrobnosti zo všetkých vašich zdrojov a umožňuje centralizovanú správu kontaktov.
Aplikácia kontakty sa dokáže spojiť s mnohými adresárovými službami a dokáže prepájať kontakty z viacerých zdrojov.
C: >-Contacts keeps and organize your contacts information. You can create, edit, delete and link together pieces of information about your contacts. Contacts aggregates the details from all your sources providing a centralized place for managing your contacts.
Contacts will also integrate with online address books and automatically link contacts from different online sources.
fr: >-Contacts conserve et organise les informations liées à vos contacts. Vous pouvez créer, éditer, supprimer et relier des informations à propos de vos contacts. Contacts regroupe les détails provenant de toutes vos sources, vous fournissant ainsi un endroit centralisé pour gérer vos contacts.
Contacts permet également l'intégration de carnets d'adresses en ligne et relie automatiquement les contacts de différentes sources en ligne.
sr: >-Контакти чува и сређује податке ваших контаката. Можете да стварате, уређујете, бришете и свезујете заједно делове података о вашим контактима. Контакти обједињује појединости са свих ваших извора обезбеђујући средишње место за управљање вашим контактима.
Контакти ће се такође сјединити са адресарима на мрежи и самостално ће повезати контакте са различитих извора на мрежи.
uk: >-Контакти зберігають і впорядковують вашу контактну інформацію. Можете створювати, редагувати і сполучати інформацію про ваші контакти. Контакти збирають подробиці з усіх джерел в одне ціле, надаючи центральне місце для організування ваших контактів.
Контакти також інтегровані з мережевими адресними книгами і автоматично сполучать контакти з різних джерел.
nb: >-Kontakter tar vare på og organiserer kontaktinformasjon. Du kan lage, redigere, slette og lenke sammen informasjonselementer om dine kontakter. Kontakter sammenstiller detaljene fra alle kilder og gir deg et sentralisert sted å håndtere dine kontakter.
Kontakter kan også integreres med adressebøker på nett, og lenker automatisk sammen kontakter fra forskjellige kilder på nettet.
zh_HK: >-Contacts 保存並管理你的聯絡人資訊。你可以建立、編輯、刪除與連結關於你的聯絡人的一些資訊。Contacts 聯合你所有來源的詳細資料,以提供一個集中管理你的聯絡人的地方。
Contacts 也會與網上通訊錄整合,並且自動連結來自不同網上來源的聯絡人。
sv: >-Kontakter lagrar och organiserar dina kontakters information. Du kan skapa, redigera, ta bort och länka ihop delar av information om dina kontakter. Kontakter sammanför detaljerna från alla dina källor och tillhandahåller en central plats för att hantera dina kontakter.
Kontakter integrerar med adressböcker på nätet och länkar automatiskt kontakter från olika källor.
ca@valencia: >-El Contactes manté i organitza la informació dels vostres contactes. Podeu crear, editar, suprimir i enllaçar informació sobre els vostres contactes. El Contactes afig els detalls des de tots els orígens de manera que des des d'un lloc centralitzat es poden gestionar els vostres contactes.
El Contactes també s'integra amb llibretes d'adreces en línia i enllaçarà automàticament els contactes des de diferents orígens en línia.
pa: >-ਸੰਪਰਕ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਸੰਭਾਲਦੀ ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧ ਕਰਦੀ ਹੈ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦੇ ਭਾਗਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਬਣਾਉਣ, ਸੋਧਣ, ਹਟਾਉਣ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਜੋੜ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। ਸੰਪਰਕ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਸਾਂਝੀ ਥਾਂ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਕਰਵਾਉਣ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸਭ ਸਰੋਤਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਵੇਰਵੇ ਨੂੰ ਇੱਕਠਾ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ।
ਸੰਪਰਕ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਸਿਰਨਾਵਾਂ ਕਿਤਾਬਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਖ-ਵੱਖ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਸਰੋਤਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਆਪਣੇ-ਆਪ ਲਿੰਕ ਕਰ ਸਕੇਗਾ।
bn_IN: >-পরিচিতিগুলি অাপনার পরিচিতি তথ্য রাখে এবং ব্যবস্থাপিত করে। অাপনি অাপনার পরিচিতিগুলির বিষয়ে তথ্য তৈরি করতে, সম্পাদনা করতে, মুছতে এবং লিঙ্ক করতে পারবেন। পরিচিতি অাপনার সমস্ত সোর্স থেকে বিস্তারিত একত্রিত করে অাপনার পরিচিতিগুলি ব্যবস্থাপনার এক কেন্দ্রীয় স্থান প্রদান করে।
পরিচিতিগুলি অনলাইন ঠিকানা বইগুলির সংগেও একত্রিত হবে এবং স্বয়ংক্রিয় ভাবে অালাদা অনলাইন সোর্সগুলি থেকে পরিচিতিগুলি লিঙ্ক করবে।
hu: >-A Névjegyek tárolja és rendezi a névjegyek információit. Létrehozhat, szerkeszthet, törölhet névjegyeket és információkat köthet össze velük kapcsolatban. A Névjegyek összegyűjti minden forrás részleteit egy központi helyet biztosítva azok kezeléséhez.
A Névjegyek egyesülni fog az online címjegyzékekkel és automatikusan összekapcsolja a különböző online forrásokból származó névjegyeket.
ca: >-El Contactes manté i organitza la informació dels vostres contactes. Podeu crear, editar, suprimir i enllaçar informació sobre els vostres contactes. El Contactes afegeix els detalls des de tots els orígens de manera que des d'un lloc centralitzat es poden gestionar els vostres contactes.
El Contactes també s'integra amb llibretes d'adreces en línia i enllaçarà automàticament els contactes des de diferents orígens en línia.
nl: >-Contacten slaat de informatie over uw contacten op en organiseert die. U kunt informatie over uw contacten aanmaken, bewerken, wissen en samenvoegen. Contacten verzamelt de details uit al uw informatiebronnen waarmee het een centrale plaats biedt van waaruit u uw contacten kunt beheren.
Contacten integreert ook met online adresboeken en koppelt automatisch contacten uit verschillende online bronnen.
zh_TW: >-Contacts 保存並管理您的連絡人資訊。您可以建立、編輯、刪除與連結關於您的連絡人的一些資訊。Contacts 聯合您所有來源的詳細資料,以提供一個集中管理您的連絡人的地方。
Contacts 也會與線上通訊錄整合,並且自動連結來自不同線上來源的連絡人。
lt: >-Kontaktai saugo ir tvarko kontaktų informaciją. Galite sukurti, keisti, trinti ir susieti kartu informaciją apie savo kontaktus. Kontaktai surenka informaciją iš visų šaltinių ir pateikia centralizuotą vietą jų valdymui.
Kontaktai taip pat gali integruotis su internetinėmis adresų knygomis bei automatiškai susieti kontaktus iš skirtingų internetinių šaltinių.
ta: >-Contacts உங்கள் தொடர்புகளைப் பற்றிய தகவல்களை சேகரித்து ஒழுங்கமைத்து வைக்கிறது. இதைக் கொண்டு நீங்கள் உங்கள் தொடர்புகளின் தகவல்கள் பலவற்றை உருவாக்கவும் திருத்தவும் அழிக்கவும் ஒன்றிணைக்கவும் முடியும். Contacts உங்கள் ஆதாரங்கள் அனைத்திலிருந்தும் தொடர்புகளைச் சேகரித்து ஒரே இடத்தில் உங்கள் தொடர்புகளை நிர்வகிக்கும் வசதியை அளிக்கிறது.
Contacts ஆன்லைன் முகவரிப் புத்தகங்களுடனும் ஒருங்கிணைந்து உங்கள் வெவ்வேறு ஆன்லைன் ஆதாரங்களில் இருந்தும் தொடர்புகளை தானாக இணைத்து வழங்கும்.
as: >-পৰিচয়সমূহে আপোনাৰ পৰিচয়সমূহৰ তথ্যক সংৰক্ষিত আৰু সংঘঠিত ৰাখে। আপুনি আপোনাৰ পৰিচয়সমূহৰ বিষয়ে তথ্য সৃষ্টি, সম্পাদন, মচা আৰু সংযোগ কৰিব পাৰিব। পৰিচয়সমূহে আপোনাৰ সকলো উৎসৰ পৰা বিৱৰণ একত্ৰিত কৰে যাৰ সহায়ত আপোনাৰ পৰিচয়সমূহ ব্যৱস্থাপনা কৰিবলৈ এটা কেনদ্ৰিত স্থান পায়।
পৰিচয়সমূহে লগতে অনলাইন ঠিকনা বহীসমূহৰ সৈতে অনুকূলন কৰিব আৰু বিভিন্ন অনলাইন উৎসসমূহৰ পৰা পৰিচয়সমূহ সংযোগ কৰিব।
gd: >-Cumaidh Luchd-aithne fiosrachadh mun luchd-aithne agad an rian. 'S urrainn dhut bloighean fiosrachaidh mun luchd-aithne agad a chruthachadh, a dheasachadh, a sguabadh às agus a cheangal ri chèile. Cuiridh Luchd-aithne a h-uile fiosrachadh o na tùsan agad ri chèile gus prìomh ionad a chruthachadh gus an luchd-aithne agad a stiùireadh.
Amalaichidh Luchd-aithne le leabhraichean nan seòladh air loidhne cuideachd 's nì e ceangal ri luchd-aithne o chaochladh de thùsan air loidhne gu fèin-obrachail.
te: >-పరిచయాలు మీ పరిచయాల సమాచారం నిర్వహించును. మీ పరిచయాలకు సంబందించిన సమాచారం సృష్టించవచ్చు, సరికూర్చవచ్చు, తొలగించవచ్చు. పరిచయాలు మీ అన్ని మూలాల నుండి వచ్చు పరిచయ సమాచారంను కేంద్రీయంగా నిర్వహించును.
పరిచయాలు ఆన్లైన్ చిరునామా పుస్తకాలతో కలిసి మరియు స్వయంచాలకంగా విభిన్న ఆన్లైన్ మూలాలనుండి పరిచయాలను లింక్ చేయగలదు.
el: >-Οι επαφές σας βοηθούν να διατηρείτε και να οργανώνετε τις πληροφορίες των επαφών σας. Μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε, επεξεργαστείτε, διαγράψετε και να συνδέσετε κομμάτια πληροφορίας των επαφών σας. Η εφαρμογή επαφές ενοποιεί τις λεπτομέρειες από όλες τις πηγές και σας παρέχει ένα κεντρικό σημείο διαχείρισης των επαφών σας.
Η εφαρμογή επαφές ενσωματώνεται με διαδικτυακά βιβλία διευθύνσεων και αυτόματα συνδέονται οι επαφές από διαφορετικές διαδικτυακές πηγές.
tg: >-Барномаи "Тамосҳо" маълумоти тамосҳои шуморо нигоҳ медорад ва мураттаб мекунад. Шумо метавонед қисмҳои маълумотро оид ба тамосҳои худ эҷод, таҳрир, нест ва пайваст кунед. Барномаи "Тамосҳо" тафсилотро аз ҳамаи манбаҳои шумо ҷамъ карда ҷои марказиро барои идоракунии тамосҳои шумо таъмин менамояд.
Барномаи "Тамосҳо" инчунин бо китобҳои суроғаҳои онлан якҷоя кор мекунад ва тамосҳоро аз манбаҳои онлайни гуногун ба таври худкор пайваст мекунад.
th: >-สมุดผู้ติดต่อจะเก็บและจัดการข้อมูลผู้ติดต่อของคุณ คุณสามารถสร้าง, แก้ไข, ลบ, และเชื่อมโยงข้อมูลส่วนต่างๆ ของผู้ติดต่อของคุณเข้าด้วยกัน สมุดผู้ติดต่อรวบรวมรายละเอียดจากแหล่งทั้งหมดของคุณให้มารวมศูนย์ที่แห่งเดียว เพื่อการจัดการผู้ติดต่อของคุณ
นอกจากนี้ สมุดผู้ติดต่อยังเชื่อมรวมกับสมุดที่อยู่ออนไลน์ และเชื่อมโยงผู้ติดต่อจากแหล่งออนไลน์ต่างๆ โดยอัตโนมัติ
eo: >-Kontaktaro konservas kaj organizas viajn kontakt-informojn. Vi povas krei, redakti, forigi kaj bindi erojn de informoj pri viaj kontaktoj. Kontaktaro kombinas la detalojn de ĉiuj de viaj fontoj provizante centritan lokon por mastrumi viajn kontaktojn.
Kontaktaro integras kun retaj adresaroj kaj aŭtomate bindas kontaktojn de diversaj retaj fontoj.
gl: >-Contactos mantén e organiza a información dos seus contactos. Pode crear, editar, eliminar e ligar partes de información sobre os seus contactos. Os contactos agregan a información de todas as súas orixes fornecendo un lugar centralizado para xestionar os seus contactos.
Contactos tamén se integra con cadernos de enderezos en liña e liga automaticamente contactos de diferentes orixes en liña.
pt: >-O Contactos mantém e organiza a informação dos seus contactos. Pode criar, editar, apagar e juntar diferentes pedaços de informação sobre os seus contactos. O Contactos agrega os detalhes de todas as suas fontes fornecendo-lhe um local centralizado para gerir os seus contactos.
O Contactos irá também integrar-se com os seus livros de endereços online e juntar automaticamente os contactos de diferentes fontes.
es: >-Contactos mantiene y organiza la información de sus contactos. Puede crear, editar, eliminar y enlazar fragmentos de información sobre sus contactos. Contactos añade los detalles de todas sus fuentes, proporcionando un lugar centralizado para gestionar sus contactos.
Contactos también se integra con las libretas de direcciones en línea y enlaza contactos automáticamente de diferentes fuentes en línea.
cs: >-Kontakty uchovávají a třídí vaše kontakty. Různé kousky svých kontaktních informací můžete vytvářet, upravovat, mazat a spojovat dohromady. Aplikace Kontakty seskupuje údaje ze všech vašich zdrojů a poskytuje vám místo, kde je můžete spravovat jednotně.
Kontakty rovněž integrují on-line adresáře a automaticky propojují kontakty z různých on-line zdrojů.
eu: >-Kontaktuak zure kontaktuen informazioa antolatu eta gordetzen du. Zure kontaktuei buruzko informazio zatiak sortu, editatu, ezabatu eta elkarrekin esteka dezakezu. 'Kontaktuak' aplikazioak zure iturburuetako xehetasunak gehitzen ditu zure kontaktuen kudeaketa leku zentralizatu batean edukitzeko.
Kontaktuak lineako helbide-liburuekin batera daiteke, eta lineako iturburu desberdinetako kontaktuak automatikoki esteka ditzake.
vi: >-Sổ danh bạ giúp bạn lưu giữ và tổ chức các liên hệ của mình. Bạn có thể tạo, sửa, xóa và liên kết các liên lạc của mình thành nhóm. Các liên lạc được tập hợp từ mọi nguồn và cung cấp cho bạn một nơi tập trung để quản lý các liên lạc của mình.
Sổ danh bạ cũng được kết hợp với các sổ địa chỉ trên mạng khác và tự động liên kết các liên lạc từ các nguồn khác nhau trên mạng.
ru: >-Приложение «Контакты» помогает управлять информацией о контактах. Вы можете создавать, изменять, удалять и связывать вместе сведения о ваших контактах. Приложение объединяет информацию со всех ваших источников, предоставляя централизованный способ управления контактами.
Приложение «Контакты» также выполнит интеграцию с сетевой адресной книгой и автоматически свяжет контакты из различных сетевых источников.
id: >-Kontak menyimpan dan mengorganisasi informasi kontak Anda. Anda dapat membuat, menyunting, menghapus, dan menaut bersama penggalan-penggalan informasi tentang kontak Anda. Kontak mengagregasi rincian dari semua sumber Anda dan menyediakan suatu tempat terpusat untuk mengelola kontak Anda.
Kontak juga akan mengintegrasi dengan buku alamat daring dan secara otomatis menaut kontak-kontak dari sumber-sumber daring yang berbeda.
tr: >-Kişiler uygulaması kişilerinizin bilgilerini saklar ve organize eder. Kişileriniz hakkındaki bilgileri oluşturabilir, düzenleyebilir, silebilir ve birbirine bağlayabilirsiniz. Kişiler uygulaması tüm kaynaklarınızdaki bilgileri birleştirerek tek bir yerden yönetmenize olanak sağlar.
Kişiler ayrıca çevrimiçi adres defterleriyle de birleşerek çeşitli çevrimiçi kaynaklardaki kişileri otomatik olarak birbirine bağlar.
kk: >-Контакттар қолданбасы сіздің контакттар ақпаратын сақтайды және реттейді. Сіз контакттарыңыз жөнінде ақпаратты жасап, түзетіп, өшіріп және өзара сілтей аласыз. Контакттар қолданбасы барлық көздерден ақпаратты біріктіріп ұстайды және контакттарды басқару үшін орталықтанған орны болып табылады.
Сонымен қатар, контакттар сіздің желідегі адрестік кітаптарды қолданады және бірнеше желідегі көзден контакттарды автоматты түрде қолжетерлік қылады.
gu: >-સંપર્કો તમારી સંપર્ક જાણકારીને સંચાલિત રાખે છે. તમે બનાવી, ફેરફાર અને કાઢી શકો છો અને તમારા સંપર્કો વિશે જાણકારીઓને ભેગી કરી કડી કરી શકો છો. સંપર્કો તમારાં સંપર્કોને સંચાલિત કરવા માટે કેન્દ્રિત જગ્યાને પૂરી પાડી તમારા બધા સ્ત્રોતોમાંથી વિગતોને એકત્રિત કરે છે.
સંપર્કો ઓનલાઇન સરનામાં પુસ્તિકાઓ સાથે પણ એકત્રિત થયેલ હશે અને આપમેળે વિવિધ ઓનલાઇન સ્ત્રોતોમાંથી સંપર્કોની કડી કરે છે.
be: >-Кіраўнік кантактаў захоўвае і парадкуе вашы кантакты. З яго дапамогай можна ствараць, рэдагаваць, выдаляць і аб'ядноўваць звесткі аб вашых кантактах. Кіраўнік збірае звесткі з усіх магчымых крыніц і прадастаўляе цэнтралізаваны спосаб кіравання кантактамі.
Кіраўнік кантактаў таксама інтэграваны з сеціўнымі адраснымі кнігамі і аўтаматычна аб'ядноўвае кантакты з розных сеціўных крыніц.
is: >-Tengiliðaskráin heldur utan um upplýsingar varðandi tengiliði. Þú getur búið til tangiliði, breytt þeim og eytt, og tengt ýmsar upplýsingar við tengiliðina þína. GNOME Contacts safnar saman atriðum frá ýmsum uppsprettum í einn stað þar sem þú getur sýslað með tengiliðina þína.
GNOME Tengiliðir samtvinnur einnig upplýsingar úr nafnaskrám á netinu og tengir færslur sjálfkrafa við ýmis netforrit og tilföng af internetinu.
lv: >-“Kontakti” jums ļauj organizēt informāciju par saviem kontaktiem. Jūs varat izveidot, rediģēt, dzēst un saistīt kopā informāciju par saviem kontaktiem. “Kontakti” apvienot informāciju no visiem jūsu avotiem un sniedz centralizētu vietu kontaktu pārvaldībai.
Kontakti arī ir integrēti ar tiešsaistes adrešu grāmatām un automātiski saista kontaktus ar dažādiem tiešsaistes avotiem.
it: >-«Contatti» mantiene e organizza le informazioni sui propri contatti. È possibile creare, modificare, eliminare e collegare parti di informazioni unendo i dettagli di tutte le sorgenti in un unico posto centralizzato per la loro gestione.
Inoltre verranno integrate le rubriche online e verranno automaticamente uniti i contatti da diverse sorgenti online.
fur: >-Contats al manten e al ministre lis informazions dai tiei contats. Tu puedis creâ, modificâ, scancelâ e leâ adun tocs di informazions dai tiei contats. Contats al unìs i detais di dutis lis tôs sorzints dant un sisteme centralizât par ministrâ i tiei contats.
In plui a vegnaran integradis lis rubrichis in-linie e a vegnaran unîts in maniere automatiche i contats di diviersis sorzints in-linie.
pt_BR: >-O aplicativo Contatos mantém e organiza as informações dos seus contatos. Você pode criar, editar, excluir ou vincular porções de informação sobre seus contatos. O aplicativo Contatos agrega os detalhes de todas as suas fontes, fornecendo um local centralizado para o gerenciamento de seus contatos.
O aplicativo Contatos também se integra aos catálogos de endereços on-line e automaticamente vincula contatos de diferentes fontes on-line.
de: >-Die Kontaktverwaltung speichert und organisiert Informationen Ihrer Kontakte. Sie können Kontaktinformationen erstellen, bearbeiten, löschen und miteinander verknüpfen. Die Kontaktverwaltung fasst die Details aus Ihren Quellen zusammen und bietet einen zentralen Ort, um Ihre Kontakte zu verwalten.
Die Kontaktverwaltung integriert sich auch in Ihre Online-Adressbücher und verknüpft Kontakte aus verschiedenen Online-Quellen.
fa: >-آشناها، اطّلاعات آشنایان شما را نگهداری و منظّم میکند. شما میتوانید قطعههای اطّلاعات دربارهی آشناهایتان را ایجاد، ویرایش و حذف یا به هم پیوند کنید. آشناها جزئیات را از همهی منابعتان جمع میکند تا مکانی مرکزی برای مدیریت آشناهایتان را بهوجود آورد.
آشناها همچنین با دفترچههای نشانی برخط یکپارچه شده و به صورت خودکار آشناهایی از منابع برخط مختلف را به هم پیوند میدهد.
bg: >-Програмата за контактите на GNOME съхранява и ви помага да организирате информацията за вашите контакти. Можете да създавате, редактирате, изтривате и свързвате информацията за тях. Тази програма събира на едно място тези данни от всички програми и ви позволява да ги управлявате от едно централно място.
Програмата за контактите на GNOME се може да работи и с адресниците ви онлайн. Тя ви позволява да свързвате контактите от различните мрежови източници.
pl: >-Menedżer kontaktów GNOME umożliwia przechowywanie i uporządkowanie informacji o kontaktach. Można je tworzyć, modyfikować, usuwać i łączyć. Program zbiera dane ze wszystkich podanych źródeł, co czyni go istnym centrum zarządzania kontaktami.
Menedżer kontaktów GNOME można również zintegrować z internetowymi książkami adresowymi i automatycznie łączyć kontakty z różnych źródeł.
mr: >-काँटॅक्ट्स तुमची संपर्क माहिती जतन करते आणि आयोजीत करते. तुम्ही संपर्कांविषयी माहितीचे निर्माण, संपादन, नष्ट करणे आणि एकत्रीकरण करू शकता. काँटॅक्ट्स सर्व स्रोतपासून तपशीलावर गोळा करते आणि संपर्कांना व्यवस्थापीत करण्यासाठी एक केंद्रीय ठिकाण पुरवते.
संपर्कांना ऑनलाइन पत्ता पुस्तकांशी एकत्रीत करणे आणि विविध ऑनलाइन स्रोतपासून संपर्कांना स्व जुळणे शक्य आहे.
kn: >-ಕಾಂಟ್ಯಾಕ್ಟ್ಸ್ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಇರಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಮತ್ತು ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಿತವಾಗಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲು ನಿಮಗೆ ನೆರವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ನೀವು ನಿಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಕುರಿತಾದ ಮಾಹಿತಿಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲು, ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಲು, ಅಳಿಸಲು ಮತ್ತು ಒಟ್ಟಿಗೆ ಜೋಡಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿರುತ್ತದೆ. ಕಾಂಟ್ಯಾಕ್ಟ್ಸ್ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸಲು ಒಂದು ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಕೃತವಾದ ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸುವ ಮೂಲಕ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಆಕರಗಳಿಂದ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ಕ್ರೋಢೀಕರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.
ಕಾಂಟ್ಯಾಕ್ಟ್ಸ್ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಆನ್ಲೈನ್ ವಿಳಾಸ ಪುಸ್ತಕಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಯೋಜಿತಗೊಳಿಸುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ವಿವಿಧ ಆನ್ಲೈನ್ ಆಕರಗಳಿಂದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಜೋಡಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.
ko: >-연락처에서는 연락처 정보를 유지하고 정리합니다. 연락처의 여러가지 정보를 만들고, 편집하고, 지우며, 각각의 정보를 연결할 수 있습니다. 연락처는 연락처를 관리하는 집중형 수단을 제공하여 원본에서 세부 정보를 수집합니다.
연락처는 온라인 주소록을 통합하며 여러 온라인 원본 연락처를 자동으로 이어줍니다.
sr@latin: >-Kontakti čuva i sređuje podatke vaših kontakata. Možete da stvarate, uređujete, brišete i svezujete zajedno delove podataka o vašim kontaktima. Kontakti objedinjuje pojedinosti sa svih vaših izvora obezbeđujući središnje mesto za upravljanje vašim kontaktima.
Kontakti će se takođe sjediniti sa adresarima na mreži i samostalno će povezati kontakte sa različitih izvora na mreži.
bs: >-Kontakti čuva i organizira podatke Vaših kontakata . Možete stvoriti , uređivati , brisati i povezivati dijelove informacija o svojim kontaktima . Kontakti prikuplja podatke iz svih vaših izvora pružajući centralizirano mjesto za upravljanje kontaktima.
Kontakti će se također integrirati sa online adresarom i automatski povezati kontakte iz različitih online izvora .
fi: >-Yhteystietosovellus säilyttää ja hallinnoi yhteystietojasi. Voit luoda, muokata, poistaa ja linkittää yhteystietoja. Yhteystietosovellus kerää yhteen lukuisista eri lähteistä kaikki yhteystietoihisi liittyvät yksityiskohdat.
Yhteystietosovellus tuo yhteen verkossa olevat eri osoitekirjat ja linkittää automaattisesti yhteystiedot eri verkkolähteistä.
da: >-Programmet Kontakter opbevarer og organiserer kontaktperson-information. Du kan oprette, redigere og sammenkæde stykker af information om dine kontaktpersoner. Kontakter samler detaljerne fra alle dine kilder og giver derved et centraliseret sted for håndtering af dine kontaktpersoner.
Kontakter kan også integrere sig med adressebøger på nettet og automatisk sammenkæde kontaktpersoner fra forskellige kilder på nettet.
Categories: - Office - ContactManagement Keywords: C: - friends - address book Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Contacts Icon: cached: - name: gnome-contacts_x-office-address-book.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gnome-contacts_x-office-address-book.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: x-office-address-book Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Contacts.desktop/F522A68C2340CCA63B72CC07645EB35F/screenshots/image-1_752x540.png width: 752 height: 540 - url: org/gnome/Contacts.desktop/F522A68C2340CCA63B72CC07645EB35F/screenshots/image-1_624x448.png width: 624 height: 448 - url: org/gnome/Contacts.desktop/F522A68C2340CCA63B72CC07645EB35F/screenshots/image-1_224x161.png width: 224 height: 161 source-image: url: org/gnome/Contacts.desktop/F522A68C2340CCA63B72CC07645EB35F/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 800 height: 575 --- Type: desktop-application ID: gimp.desktop Package: gimp Name: ca_ES: Editor d'imatges GIMP ja_JP: GIMP 画像エディタ pl_PL: Edytor obrazów GIMP es_SV: Editor de imágenes GIMP ar_SA: محرر الصور جمب ca_IT: Editor d'imatges GIMP es_DO: Editor de imágenes GIMP ar_SD: محرر الصور جمب cs_CZ: Editor obrázků GIMP el_GR: Gimp Επεξεργαστής Εικόνων ar_OM: محرر الصور جمب es_PE: Editor de imágenes GIMP el_CY: Gimp Επεξεργαστής Εικόνων es_HN: Editor de imágenes GIMP pt_BR: Editor de imagens GIMP ar_KW: محرر الصور جمب eo: Bildoredaktilo GIMP da_DK: GIMP - billedredigering fi_FI: GIMP-kuvankäsittely ms_MY: Penyunting Imej GIMP ru_RU: Редактор изображений GIMP be_BY: Рэдактар графікі GIMP fr_LU: Éditeur d'image GIMP es_PR: Editor de imágenes GIMP it_IT: Editor di immagini GIMP et_EE: GIMP pilditöötlus ar_LB: محرر الصور جمب sv_SE: Bildredigeraren GIMP is_IS: GIMP myndvinnsluforrit de_CH: GIMP Bildbearbeitung es_PY: Editor de imágenes GIMP ar_SY: محرر الصور جمب te_IN: గింప్ చిత్ర కూర్పకము eu_ES: GIMP irudi-editorea ca_FR: Editor d'imatges GIMP mk_MK: GIMP Уредник на слики zh_CN: GIMP 图片编辑器 ro_RO: Editorul de imagini GIMP es_AR: Editor de imágenes GIMP ar_DZ: محرر الصور جمب es_EC: Editor de imágenes GIMP es_ES: Editor de imágenes GIMP ta_LK: ஜிம்ப் புகைப்பட திருத்தி vi_VN: GIMP Chỉnh sửa Hình ảnh ar_AE: محرر الصور جمب ar_TN: محرر الصور جمب ta_IN: ஜிம்ப் புகைப்பட திருத்தி ar_LY: محرر الصور جمب es_PA: Editor de imágenes GIMP sr_RS: Гимп програм за обраду слика tr_CY: GIMP Görüntü Düzenleyici ar_EG: محرر الصور جمب fr_BE: Éditeur d'image GIMP de_DE: GIMP Bildbearbeitung es_MX: Editor de imágenes GIMP ar_MA: محرر الصور جمب ia: Editor de imágenes GIMP gl_ES: Editor de imaxes GIMP es_US: Editor de imágenes GIMP ar_QA: محرر الصور جمب be_BY@latin: Рэдактар графікі GIMP fr_FR: Éditeur d'image GIMP es_BO: Editor de imágenes GIMP ar_IN: محرر الصور جمب it_CH: Editor di immagini GIMP ar_IQ: محرر الصور جمب de_LI: GIMP Bildbearbeitung sl_SI: Urejevalnik slik GIMP id_ID: GIMP Editor Gambar bs_BA: GIMP uređivač slika ast_ES: Editor d'imáxenes GIMP es_NI: Editor de imágenes GIMP eu_FR: GIMP irudi-editorea bn_IN: গিম্প চিত্র সম্পাদক sk_SK: GIMP - editor obrázkov sr_RS@latin: Гимп програм за обраду слика ar_YE: محرر الصور جمب es_VE: Editor de imágenes GIMP de_LU: GIMP Bildbearbeitung ar_BH: محرر الصور جمب fr_CA: Éditeur d'image GIMP tr_TR: GIMP Görüntü Düzenleyici he_IL: עורך התמונות GIMP oc_FR: Editor d'imatge GIMP es_UY: Editor de imágenes GIMP bn_BD: গিম্প চিত্র সম্পাদক C: GIMP Image Editor fr_CH: Éditeur d'image GIMP br_FR: Embanner skeudennoù GIMP pt_PT: GIMP sq_AL: Redaktuesi i Pamjeve GIMP es_CL: Editor de imágenes GIMP km_KH: កម្មវិធីនិពន្ធរូបភាព ko_KR: 김프 이미지 편집기 zh_TW: GIMP 影像編輯器 de_AT: GIMP Bildbearbeitung ar_JO: محرر الصور جمب lv_LV: GIMP attēlu redaktors ne_NP: GIMP छवि सम्पादक nb_NO: GIMP bildebehandler es_CU: Editor de imágenes GIMP eo_US: Bildoredaktilo GIMP ca_AD: Editor d'imatges GIMP lt_LT: Paveikslėlių, nuotraukų redagavimas - GIMP sq_MK: Redaktuesi i Pamjeve GIMP sv_FI: Bildredigeraren GIMP es_CR: Editor de imágenes GIMP ru_UA: Редактор изображений GIMP es_CO: Editor de imágenes GIMP es_GT: Editor de imágenes GIMP ku_TR: Edîtora Wêneyan ya GIMP de_BE: GIMP Bildbearbeitung hu_HU: GIMP képszerkesztő bg_BG: Редактор на изображения (GIMP) hr_HR: GIMP uređivač slika uk_UA: Графічний редактор GIMP sr_ME: Гимп програм за обраду слика Summary: ar_OM: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات id_ID: Buat gambar dan sunting foto pa_IN: ਚਿੱਤਰ ਬਣਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਤਸਵੀਰਾਂ ਸੋਧੋ an_ES: Creye imachens y edite fotografías nl_NL: Afbeeldingen of foto's aanmaken en bewerken es_ES: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías it_CH: Crea immagini e modifica fotografie el_GR: Δημιουργία εικόνων και επεξεργασία φωτογραφιών ast_ES: Crea imáxenes y edita semeyes dz_BT: གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཚུ་ གསར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་ནི་དང་ དཔར་ཚུ་ཞུན་དག་འབད། es_MX: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías sq_AL: Krijo pamje dhe redakto fotografi bg_BG: Създаване на изображения и редакция на снимки ar_AE: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات es_US: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías hu_HU: Képek létrehozása és fotók szerkesztése et_EE: Joonistamine ja fotode töötlemine fi_FI: Luo kuvia ja muokkaa valokuvia ta_IN: பிம்பங்களை உருவாக்கவும் மற்றும் படங்களை திருத்தவும் es_UY: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías gd_GB: Cruthaich dealbhan is deasaich dealbhan camara es_NI: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías fr_BE: Créer des images et modifier des photographies ug_CN: سۈرەت قۇرۇش ۋە سۈرەتلەرنى تەھرىرلەش پروگراممىسى oc_FR: Crear d'imatges e modificar de fotografias es_VE: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías bs_BA: Napravite slike i obradite fotografije uk_UA: Створення зображень та редагування фотографій ar_QA: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات cs_CZ: Vytvářet obrázky a upravovat fotografie ro_RO: Creează imagini și editează fotografii ar_IQ: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات ar_IN: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات or_IN: ପ୍ରତିଛବି ନିର୍ମାଣ କରନ୍ତୁ ଏବଂ ଫୋଟଗ୍ରାଫଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରନ୍ତୁ ug_CN@latin: سۈرەت قۇرۇش ۋە سۈرەتلەرنى تەھرىرلەش پروگراممىسى de_AT: Bilder erstellen und Fotografien bearbeiten ar_BH: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات nb_NO: Lag bilder og rediger fotografier ar_YE: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات pt_PT: Criar imagens e editar fotografias es_GT: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías zh_CN: 创建图像或编辑照片 ca_ES: Creeu imatges i editeu fotografies bn_IN: চিত্র তৈরি এবং ফটোগ্রাফ সম্পাদনা ru_RU: Создание изображений и редактирование фотографий fr_CA: Créer des images et modifier des photographies sv_SE: Skapa bilder och redigera fotografier fr_CH: Créer des images et modifier des photographies de_BE: Bilder erstellen und Fotografien bearbeiten bn_BD: চিত্র তৈরি এবং ফটোগ্রাফ সম্পাদনা nl_AW: Afbeeldingen of foto's aanmaken en bewerken ar_JO: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات kn_IN: ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ ಹಾಗು ಫೋಟೋಗ್ರಾಫ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಿ gl_ES: Crear imaxes e editar fotografías eu_ES: Sortu irudiak eta editatu argazkiak ms_MY: Cipta imej dan sunting fotograf nn_NO: Lag teikningar eller rediger foto my_MM: ရုပ်ပုံများကို ဖန်တီးပြီး ဓါတ်ပုံများကို တည်းဖြတ်ပါ be_BY@latin: Стварэньне відарысаў і праўленьне фатаздымкаў tr_CY: Resim ya da fotoğrafları oluşturun ve düzenleyin es_HN: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías es_PA: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías nl_BE: Afbeeldingen of foto's aanmaken en bewerken es_PE: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías sk_SK: Vytvárajte a upravujte obrázky alebo fotografie ca_FR: Creeu imatges i editeu fotografies ia: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías pt_BR: Crie e edite imagens ou fotografias ja_JP: 画像の作成と写真の編集を行います gu_IN: ચિત્રો બનાવો અને ફોટાઓમાં ફેરફાર કરો es_PR: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías ar_SA: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات de_CH: Bilder erstellen und Fotografien bearbeiten km_KH: បង្កើតរូបភាព និង កែសម្រួលរូបថត ar_SD: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات es_PY: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías es_AR: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías eu_FR: Sortu irudiak eta editatu argazkiak eo_US: Krei bildojn aŭ redakti fotaĵojn ar_KW: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات ta_LK: பிம்பங்களை உருவாக்கவும் மற்றும் படங்களை திருத்தவும் sr_RS: Направите слике и уредите фотографије el_CY: Δημιουργία εικόνων και επεξεργασία φωτογραφιών fr_LU: Créer des images et modifier des photographies ar_LB: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات zh_TW: 建立圖像與編輯照片 ar_SY: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات sl_SI: Ustvari slike in uredi fotografije tr_TR: Resim ya da fotoğrafları oluşturun ve düzenleyin hr_HR: Stvarajte slike i uređujte fotografije de_DE: Bilder erstellen und Fotografien bearbeiten ar_DZ: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات ru_UA: Создание изображений и редактирование фотографий es_BO: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías lt_LT: Kurti paveikslėlius ir redaguoti fotografijas br_FR: Krouiñ hag embann skeudennoù pe luc'hskeudennoù sv_FI: Skapa bilder och redigera fotografier mr_IN: प्रतिमा बनवा व फोटोग्राफ संपादीत करा ar_LY: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات ar_TN: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات ar_EG: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات de_LI: Bilder erstellen und Fotografien bearbeiten sq_MK: Krijo pamje dhe redakto fotografi is_IS: Búa til myndir og breyta ljósmyndum ar_MA: أنشئ صورا وحرّر لقطات de_LU: Bilder erstellen und Fotografien bearbeiten C: Create images and edit photographs ca_AD: Creeu imatges i editeu fotografies es_CL: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías es_CO: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías es_CR: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías fr_FR: Créer des images et modifier des photographies es_CU: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías ne_NP: छवि सिर्जना गर्नुहोस् र फोटोग्राफ सम्पादन गर्नुहोस् ko_KR: 이미지를 만들고 사진을 편집합니다 ca_IT: Creeu imatges i editeu fotografies vi_VN: Tạo và biên soạn ảnh hay ảnh chụp sr_ME: Направите слике и уредите фотографије be_BY: Стварэньне відарысаў і праўленьне фатаздымкаў te_IN: బొమ్మలను సృష్టించు మరియు చిత్రాలను సవరించు pl_PL: Tworzenie oraz obróbka obrazów i fotografii it_IT: Crea immagini e modifica fotografie es_SV: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías es_DO: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías sr_RS@latin: Napravite slike i uredite fotografije pa_PK: ਚਿੱਤਰ ਬਣਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਤਸਵੀਰਾਂ ਸੋਧੋ mk_MK: Направи слики и уреди фотографии da_DK: Opret billeder og redigér fotografier zh_HK: 建立圖像與編輯照片 eo: Krei bildojn aŭ redakti fotaĵojn es_EC: Cree imágenes y edite fotografías lv_LV: Veido attēlus vai rediģē fotogrāfijas Description: pl: >-GIMP to program do manipulowania obrazami projektu GNU. Jest on wolnym oprogramowaniem służącym do retuszowania zdjęć i tworzenia obrazów.
Daje on wiele możliwości. Może być używany jako prosty program do rysowania, narzędzie do retuszowania zdjęć dla ekspertów, system do masowego przetwarzania plików obrazów przez sieć, program renderujący obrazy, konwerter formatów obrazów itp.
Program GIMP jest wysoce rozszerzalny. Za pomocą wtyczek i rozszerzeń można osiągnąć niemalże wszystko. Zaawansowany interfejs skryptów umożliwia łatwe automatyzowanie wszystkich działań, od najprostszych zadań do złożonych procedur manipulacji obrazami. Program GIMP jest dostępny dla systemów Linux, Microsoft Windows oraz OS X.
lt: >-GIMP yra GNU Paveikslėlių Redagavimo Programos santrumpa. Tai yra laisvai platinama programa tokiems veiksmams kaip nuotraukų retušavimas, paveikslėlių kompozicija bei kūrimas.
Ji turi daug galimybių. Ją galima naudoti kaip paprastą piešimo programą, ekspertų kokybės retušavimo programą, internetinio apdorojimo sistemą, masinės produkcijos paveikslėlių piešėją, paveikslėlių formato konvertavimo įrankį ir kt.
lv: >-GIMP ir saīsinājums no GNU Image Manipulation Program (GNU attēlu manipulēšanas programma). Tā ir brīvi izplatāma programma fotogrāfiju retušēšanai, attēlu veidošanai un līdzīgiem uzdevumiem.
Tajā ir daudz iespēju. To var izmantot kā vienkāršu zīmēšanas lietotni, profesionālas kvalitātes fotogrāfiju retušēšanas lietotni, tiešsaistes pakešu apstrādes sistēmu, masu produkcijas attēlu renderētāju, attēlu formātu konvertētāju utt.
GIMP ir paplašināma programma. Tā ir veidota tā, lai to varētu paplašināt ar spraudņiem un papildinājumiem, ar kuriem var izdarīt gandrīz visu. Ar paplašināto skriptēšanas saskarni var skriptēt visu, sākot no vienkāršākajiem uzdevumiem līdz kompleksām attēlu manipulācijas procedūrām. GIMP ir pieejams uz Linux, Microsoft Windows un OS X operētājsistēmām.
de: >-GIMP ist ein Akronym für »GNU Image Manipulation Program«. Es ist ein frei veröffentlichtes Programm zum Retuschieren von Fotos, zur Bildkomposition und Bilderstellung.
Es hat viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Es kann als einfaches Malprogramm, als Retuschierprogramm für Experten, als Stapelverarbeitungssystem, als Bildersteller für Massenproduktion, als Bildformatumwandler u.v.m eingesetzt werden.
GIMP ist erweiterbar. Es ist darauf ausgelegt mit Plugins und Erweiterungen bereichert zu werden, um nahezu alles erledigen zu können. Die fortgeschrittene Skript-Schnittstelle ermöglicht alles von der einfachsten Aufgabe bis hin zu den komplexesten Bildbearbeitungsvorgängen zu skripten. GIMP ist für Linux, Microsoft Windows und OS X verfügbar.
pt_BR: >-GIMP é o acrônimo para GIMP Image Manipulation Program (Programa de manipulação de imagem do GNU). É um programa distribuído livremente para tais tarefas, como retoque de foto, composição de imagem e criação de imagem.
Ele possui muitas capacidades. Ele pode ser usado como um simples programa de pintura, um programa avançado de retoque da qualidade da foto, um sistema em tempo real de processamento em lote, um renderizador de imagem de produção em massa, um conversor de formato de imagem, etc.
gd: >-Tha GIMP 'na ghiorrachadh air GNU Image Manipulation Program. 'S e prògram saor an-asgaidh a tha ann airson rudan mar deasachadh, cruthachadh is ùghdarrasadh dhealbhan.
Tha e gu math comasach. 'S urrainn dhut a chleachdadh mar phrògram airson peantadh simplidh, sàr-phrògram airson mion-deasachadh dhealbhan, siostam pròiseasadh batch air loidhne, reandaraiche airson tomadan mòra a dhealbhan, iompachair dhealbhan is iomadh rud eile.
sl: >-GIMP je okrajšava polnega angleškega imena, GNU Image Manipulation Program. Je prosto dostopen program, namenjen retuši fotografij, tvorbi in avtorstvu slik.
Ima veliko zmogljivih funkcij. Uporabite ga lahko kot enostavni program za risanje, kot strokovno kakovosten program za retušo fotografij, spletni sistem za paketno obdelavo, masovni upodobljevalnik slik, pretvornik med slikovnimi zapisi itn.
GIMP je razširljiv. Zasnovan je tako, da ga je mogoče dopolnjevati z vtičniki in razširitvami, da zmore pravzaprav vse. Napredni vmesnik skriptanja omogoča skriptanje vsega, od najenostavnejših nalog do najkompleksnejših procedur obdelave slik. GIMP je na voljo za sisteme GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows in OS X.
ko: >-GIMP는 GNU Image Manipulation Program의 약자입니다. 사진 보정, 그림 합성, 그림 제작과 같은 작업에 사용하는 무료 배포 프로그램입니다.
GIMP는 상당한 기능을 보유하고 있습니다. 간단한 색칠 프로그램, 전문가 수준 사진 보정 프로그램, 온라인 일괄 처리 시스템, 대규모 이미지 렌더러, 이미지 형식 변환 프로그램 등의 목적으로 사용할 수 있습니다.
ja: >-GIMP の名前は GNU Image Manipulation Program (GNU 画像編集プログラム) から来ています。 写真のレタッチや画像加工や CG 制作などの画像操作に適したフリーソフトウェアです。
その使い道は多岐に亘ります。 ちょっとしたペイントプログラムとして、 専門的な写真レタッチプログラムとして、 オンラインでバッチ処理するプログラムとして、 あるいは大規模制作で画像表現させたり、 画像を別の形式に変換したり...。
an: >-GIMP ye l'acronimo de Programa de Manipulación d'Imachens de GNU. Se distribui libre y gratuitament ta quefers de retocau de fotos, composición d'imachens y autoría d'imachens.
Tien muitas de caracteristicas. Se puet fer servir como un simple programa de dibuixo, un programa de retoque fotografico profesional, un sistema de procesau por lotes, un chenerador d'imachens renderizadas en masa, un convertidor de formato d'imachens, etc.
O GIMP ye ampliable y extensible. Ye disenyau ta poder amillorar-lo con complementos y extensions ta fer quasi qualsiquier coseta. A interficie de programación abanzada permite fer un script ta qualsiquier coseta, dende un quefer sencillo dica os procedimientos de manipulación d'imachens mas complexos. O GIMP tamién ye disponible ta Microsoft Windows y OS X.
C: >-GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.
GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted. GIMP is available for Linux, Microsoft Windows and OS X.
bs: >-GIMP je akronim za GNU Image Manipulation Program(GNU program za manipulaciju slikom). To je slobodno distribuiran program za namjene kao što su dotjerivanje slike, kompoziciju slike i autorstvo.
Ima mnoge mogućnosti. Može se koristiti kao jednostavni program za crtanje, program za dotjerivanje slika ekspertne kvalitete, sistem za grupno online procesiranje, prikazivač masivno proizvedenih slika, koverter formata slike itd.
GIMP je proširiv i dopunjiv. Dizajniran je da bude proširen sa dodacima i proširenjima za bilo šta. Napredni interfejs za pisanje dozvoljava sve, od najjednostavnijih zadataka do jednostavnog pisanja najkompleksnijih procedura manipulacije slikom. GIMP je dostupan za Linux, Microsoft Windows i OS X.
el: >-Το GIMP είναι ένα ακρωνύμιο για το πρόγραμμα επεξεργασίας εικόνας GNU. Διανέμεται ελεύθερα για τέτοιες εργασίες όπως επεξεργασία φωτογραφίας, σύνθεση εικόνας και δημιουργία εικόνας.
Έχει πολλές δυνατότητες. Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως ένα απλό πρόγραμμα χρωματισμού, ένα υψηλής ποιότητας πρόγραμμα επεξεργασίας φωτογραφίας, ένα δικτυακό ομαδικό σύστημα επεξεργασίας, μία απόδοση εικόνας μαζικής παραγωγής, ένας μετατροπέας τύπου εικόνας, κλπ.
Το GIMP μπορεί να επεκταθεί και να αναπτυχθεί. Είναι σχεδιασμένο να επαυξάνεται με πρόσθετα και επεκτάσεις για να κάνει σχεδόν οτιδήποτε. Η προχωρημένη διεπαφή σεναρίου επιτρέπει ο,τιδήποτε από την πιο απλή εργασία μέχρι τις πιο σύνθετες διαδικασίες επεξεργασίας εικόνας να γίνονται εύκολα σενάρια. Το GIMP είναι επίσης διαθέσιμο για Microsoft Windows και OS X.
sr: >-ГИМП је скраћени назив за Гнуов програм за обраду слика. Слободно је расподељив за задатке као што је сређивање фотографија, слагање слика и издавање слика.
Поседује многе могућности. Може бити коришћен као једноставан програм за сликање, као напредан програм за дотеривање фотографија, као систем за групно обрађивање на мрежи, као исцртавач слика масовне производње, као претварач записа слика, итд.
Гимп можете надоградити уздуж и попреко! Можете да га напуните разним прикључцима и проширењима како би радио баш све што пожелите. Он поседује напредне и једноставне алате који олакшавају писање скрипти за обављање једноставних задатака али и најсложенијих процеса обраде слкика. Гимп је доступан за Линукс, Мајкрософт Виндоуз и ОС Икс.
pt: >-GIMP é um acrónimo pra GNU Image Manipulation Program. É um programa distribuído gratuitamente para tarefas como retoques, composição e criação de imagens.
Tem muitas capacidades. Pose ser usado como um simples programa de pintura, um programa perito em retocar fotografias, um sistema online processador de lotes, um desenhador de imagens em massa, um conversor de formatos, etc.
O GIMP é expansível e estensível. Foi desenhado para ser aumentado com extensões com as quais fazer praticamente tudo. O ambiente de scripting avançado permite escrever scripts para tudo, desde a tarefa mais simples até aos mais complexos procedimentos de manipulação de imagens. O GIMP está disponível para Linux, Microsoft Windows e OS X.
sk: >-GIMP je skratka pre GNU Image Manipulation Program. Je to voľne šíriteľný program na retušovanie fotografií, vytváranie a autorizovanie obrázkov.
Disponuje mnohými možnosťami. Môže byť použitý ako jednoduchý kresliaci program, profesionálny program na retušovanie fotografií, internetový dávkový systém na spracovanie fotografií, vykresľovač obrázkov hromadnej výroby, konvertor formátov obrázkov, atď.
GIMP je nepostrádateľný a rozšíriteľný. Je navrhnutý s rozšíreniami pomocou zásuvných modulov a rozšírení, ktoré dokážu vykonať takmer čokoľvek. Pokročilé rozhranie jednoducho ovládateľné pomocou skriptov vám umožňuje vykonať všetko od najľahšej úlohy až po tie najzložitejšie manipulačné procedúry. Program GIMP je dostupný pre systémy Linux, Microsoft Windows a OS X.
es: >-GIMP es el acrónimo de Programa de Manipulación de Imágenes de GNU. Se distribuye libre y gratuitamente para tareas de retocado de fotos, composición de imágenes y autoría de imágenes.
Tiene muchas características. Se puede usar como un simple programa de dibujo, un programa de retoque fotográfico profesional, un sistema de procesado por lotes, un generador de imágenes renderizadas en masa, un conversor de formato de imágenes, etc.
GIMP es ampliable y extensible. Está diseñado para poder mejorarlo con complementos y extensiones para hacer casi cualquier cosa. La interfaz de programación avanzada permite hacer un script para cualquier cosa, desde una tarea sencilla hasta los procedimientos de manipulación de imágenes más complejos. GIMP también está disponible para Microsoft Windows y OS X.
et: >-GIMP on akronüüm GNU pilditöötlusprogrammist. See on vabalt jagatav ja kasutatav fotode järeltöötluseks, joonistamiseks ja paljuks muuks.
Sel on palju võimalusi. Seda võib kasutada lihtsa joonistamise, profifotode järeltöötluse, võrgus piltide pakktöötluse, pildirenderduste masstootmise, pildivormingute teisendamise ja paljude muude operatsioonide jaoks.
GIMP on laiendatav. Pluginad ja laiendused võivad seda panna peaaegu kõike tegema. Laiendatud skriptimisliides võimaldab teha kõike alatest kõige lihtsamatest operatsioonidest kuni kõige keerulisemate pilditöötlusprotseduurideni. GIMP on saadaval Linuxile, Microsoft Windowsile ja OS X-ile.
eu: >-GNUren Irudiak Manipulatzeko Programaren akronimoa da GIMP. Argazkiak berrukitzeko, irudiak konposatzeko eta sortzeko libreki banatzen den programa bat da
Gaitasun anitzekoa da. Margotzeko programa xume bat bezala, argazkiak berrukitzeko adituen kalitateko programa bezala, lineako talde-lanak prozesatzeko sistema gisa, irudiak errendatzeko ekoizpen handiko sistema gisa, irudiak formatuz bihurtzeko bezala eta abar erabil daiteke.
GIMP hedagarria da. Plugin eta osagaien bidez handiagotzeko eta edozer egiteko diseinatuta dago, Script aurreratuen interfazeak zeregin sinpleenetik konplexuenera lantzea baimentzen du irudiak ukitzeko prozesuetan. Linux, Microsoft Windows eta OS X sistemetan erabilgarri dago GIMP.
sv: >-GIMP är en akronym för GNU Image Manipulation Program. Det är ett fritt distribuerat program för sådana uppgifter som fotoretuschering, bildkomposition och bildskapande.
Det har många funktioner. Det kan användas som ett enkelt ritprogram, ett fotoretuscheringsprogram på expertnivå, ett online massbearbetningssystem, en massproduktionsbildåtergivare, en bildformatsomvandlare, etc.
GIMP är utbyggbart och tänjbart. Det är avsett att kompletteras med insticksprogram och tillägg för att göra nästan vad som helst. Det avancerade skriptgränssnittet tillåter allt från den enklaste uppgift till de mest komplexa bildmanipuleringsförfaranden att enkelt skrivas. GIMP är tillgängligt för Linux, Microsoft Windows och OS X.
uk: >-GIMP- це абревіатура від GNU Image Manipulation Program (програма GNU для маніпулювання зображеннями). Це вільно розповсюджувана програма для таких завдань, як ретушування фотографій, композиція та створення зображень.
Вона має багато можливостей. Її можна використати як простеньку програму для малювання, як програму ретушування високоякісних фотографій, як інтернет-систему пакетної обробки, як відтворювач масових зображень, як перетворювач між різними графічними форматами і т. д.
GIMP легко розбирається і розширюється. Вона розроблена, щоби через доповнення модулями і розширеннями робити усе, що завгодно. Додатковий інтерфейс сценаріїв дозволяє легко запрограмувати усе від найпростіших завдань до найскладніших процедур обробки зображень. GIMP - доступний для Linux, Microsoft Windows та OS X.
hu: >-A GIMP a GNU Image Manipulation Program rövidítése. Ez egy szabadon terjesztett program fényképretusálás, képösszeállítás és képszerkesztési feladatokhoz.
Számos képességgel rendelkezik. Használható egyszerű rajzprogramként, profi minőségű fényképretusáló programként, online kötegelt feldolgozó rendszerként, tömeggyártó kép renderelőként vagy akár képformátum átalakítóként, stb.
A GIMP kiegészíthető és bővíthető. Úgy tervezték, hogy bővíthető legyen bővítményekkel és kiterjesztésekkel, amikkel szinte minden meg lehet csinálni. A speciális parancsfájlfelület lehetővé tesz mindent a legegyszerűbb feladatoktól kezdve a legkomplexebb képmanipulációs eljárásokig egyszerű parancsfájlokkal. A GIMP elérhető Linux, Microsoft Windows és OS X rendszerekre is.
ca: >-El GIMP és un acrònim de GNU Image Manipulation Program (Programa de manipulació d'imatges GNU), i és un programa que es distribueix de manera lliure per algunes tasques com el retoc de fotografies, la composició i la creació d'imatges.
Té un gran potencial: pot utilitzar-se com a programa només per dibuixar, com una aplicació professional de retoc fotogràfic, com un sistema en línia de processament per lots, per renderitzar imatges en massa d'imatges, per convertir imatges entre formats, etc.
El GIMP és ampliable i extensible. Està dissenyat per augmentar-se amb connectors i extensions, per fer-hi gairebé de tot. La interfície avançada d'scripts ho permet tot, es poden realitzar fàcilment amb scripts des de la tasca més simple als processos més complexos de manipulació d'imatges . El GIMP també està disponible per a Linux, per a Microsoft Windows i per a OS X.
is: >-GIMP er skammstöfun fyrir GNU Image Manipulation Program. Það er frjálst forrit sem má dreifa að vild og nýtist við viðgerðir á myndum, ýmsa myndvinnslu, myndasamsetningu og margt fleira.
Það er með marga nytsamlega eiginleika. Hægt er að nota það sem einfalt málunarforrit, sem myndaviðgerðatól fyrir sérfræðinga, sem magnvinnslukerfi á neti, sem myndgerðartól í magnvinnslu, sem myndsniðaumbreyti og margt fleira.
GIMP er útvíkkanlegt og viðbætanlegt. Hönnun þess gerir ráð fyrir að hægt sé að bæta við nýjum eiginleikum með hjálparforritum (plug-ins) og viðbótum (extensions), möguleikarnir eru ótæmandi. Háþróað skriftuviðmót gerir einfalt að bæta við allt frá einföldum aðgerðum til mjög flókinnar myndmeðhöndlunar með hjálp auðlæsilegra skrifta. GIMP er einnig fáanlegt fyrir Microsoft Windows og OS X.
it: >-GIMP è un acronimo di GNU Image Manipulation Program. È un programma distribuito liberamente per svolgere compiti come il fotoritocco, la composizione e la creazione di immagini.
Ha molte capacità. Può essere usato come semplice programma di disegno, come programma di fotoritocco avanzato, sistema di elaborazione automatica on-line, renderizzatore in serie di immagini, convertitore di formato immagine, ecc.
GIMP è espandibile ed estensibile. È stato progettato per essere ampliato con plug-in ed estensioni per fare praticamente qualsiasi cosa. L'interfaccia avanzata di scripting semplifica la conversione in procedura dal compito più semplice fino all'elaborazione di immagini più complessa. GIMP è disponibile per Linux, Microsoft Windows ed OS X.
sr@latin: >-GIMP je skraćeni naziv za Gnuov program za obradu slika. Slobodno je raspodeljiv za zadatke kao što je sređivanje fotografija, slaganje slika i izdavanje slika.
Poseduje mnoge mogućnosti. Može biti korišćen kao jednostavan program za slikanje, kao napredan program za doterivanje fotografija, kao sistem za grupno obrađivanje na mreži, kao iscrtavač slika masovne proizvodnje, kao pretvarač zapisa slika, itd.
nl: >-GIMP is en acroniem voor GNU Image Manipulation Program. Het is een programma dat vrij wordt verspreid, en dat gebruikt wordt voor het bijwerken van foto's en het samenstellen en bewerken van afbeeldingen.
Het biedt vele mogelijkheden. Zo kan het worden gebruikt als eenvoudig tekenprogramma, professioneel fotobewerkingsprogramma, online systeem voor batch-verwerking, programma voor de massaproductie van afbeeldingen, programma voor het omzetten van afbeeldingsformaten, enz.
GIMP is uitbreidbaar. Het is ontworpen om te worden aangevuld met plug-ins en extensies, zodat het bijna alle taken aankan. Met de geavanceerd scripting interface kunt u voor alles, van de eenvoudigste taak tot de meest ingewikkelde beeldbewerkingsprocedure, gemakkelijk een script maken. GIMP is beschikbaar voor Linux, Microsoft Windows and OS X.
Categories: - Graphics - 2DGraphics - RasterGraphics Url: homepage: http://www.gimp.org/ Icon: cached: - name: gimp_gimp.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gimp_gimp.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: gimp Provides: mimetypes: - image/x-tga - image/gif - image/bmp - application/postscript - image/x-portable-bitmap - image/x-psd - image/x-xcursor - image/x-portable-pixmap - image/x-gimp-gih - image/x-sgi - image/x-icon - image/x-psp - image/x-xcf - image/png - image/g3fax - image/x-portable-graymap - image/jp2 - image/x-gimp-gbr - image/x-portable-anymap - image/jpx - application/pdf - image/x-xwindowdump - image/x-gimp-pat - image/x-compressed-xcf - image/svg+xml - image/x-pcx - image/x-fits - image/tiff - image/jpeg2000 - image/x-xbitmap - image/x-wmf - image/x-xpixmap - image/jpeg Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: g/gi/gimp.desktop/04295ABA33740A3F3EA9E8FE0009960A/screenshots/image-1_1248x780.png width: 1248 height: 780 - url: g/gi/gimp.desktop/04295ABA33740A3F3EA9E8FE0009960A/screenshots/image-1_752x470.png width: 752 height: 470 - url: g/gi/gimp.desktop/04295ABA33740A3F3EA9E8FE0009960A/screenshots/image-1_624x390.png width: 624 height: 390 - url: g/gi/gimp.desktop/04295ABA33740A3F3EA9E8FE0009960A/screenshots/image-1_224x140.png width: 224 height: 140 source-image: url: g/gi/gimp.desktop/04295ABA33740A3F3EA9E8FE0009960A/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1920 height: 1200 --- Type: desktop-application ID: simple-image-reducer.desktop Package: simple-image-reducer Name: ru: Простой преобразователь изображений C: Simple Image Reducer uk: Простий перетворювач зображень Summary: ru: Уменьшает и поворачивает изображения в три-четыре клика. C: Reduce and rotate images in three-four clicks. uk: Зменшення і обертання зображень в три-чотири клацання. Description: de: >-Simple Image Reducer is an GTK application to easily reduce and rotate images. It can be useful for processing digital photos before sending by email or uploading on the Web. Image files can be supplied to the application from the file manager using the context menu "Open with...", or dragging files to the main window.
sk: >-Simple Image Reducer je aplikácia GTK na jednoduché zmenšovanie a otáčanie obrázkov. Môže byť užitočná na spracovanie digitálnych fotografií pred ich poslaním emailom alebo nahraním na web. Súbory obrázkov možno aplikácii odovzdať prostredníctvom správcu súborov použitím kontextového menu „Otvoriť pomocou...“ alebo pretiahnutím súborov do hlavného okna.
C: >-Simple Image Reducer is an GTK application to easily reduce and rotate images. It can be useful for processing digital photos before sending by email or uploading on the Web. Image files can be supplied to the application from the file manager using the context menu "Open with...", or dragging files to the main window.
en: >-Simple Image Reducer is an GTK application to easily reduce and rotate images. It can be useful for processing digital photos before sending by email or uploading on the Web. Image files can be supplied to the application from the file manager using the context menu "Open with...", or dragging files to the main window.
en_CA: >-Simple Image Reducer is an GTK application to easily reduce and rotate images. It can be useful for processing digital photos before sending by email or uploading on the Web. Image files can be supplied to the application from the file manager using the context menu "Open with...", or dragging files to the main window.
ru: >-Simple Image Reducer — это GTK-приложение, позволяющее легко уменьшать и поворачивать изображения. Может быть полезным при обработке цифровых фотографий для отправки по почте или загрузке в Интернет. Изображения могут быть переданы в приложение из файлового менеджера через контекстное меню «Открыть в...» или просто перетаскиванием файлов в главное окно.
fr: >-Simple Image Reducer est une application GTK pour facilement réduire et faire pivoter les images. Elle peut être utile pour le traitement des photos numériques avant de les envoyer par courriel ou de les télécharger sur le Web. Les fichiers images peuvent être transmis à l'application du gestionnaire de fichiers en utilisant le menu contextuel « Ouvrir avec ... » ou en faisant glisser les fichiers dans la fenêtre principale.
en_GB: >-Simple Image Reducer is an GTK application to easily reduce and rotate images. It can be useful for processing digital photos before sending by email or uploading on the Web. Image files can be supplied to the application from the file manager using the context menu "Open with...", or dragging files to the main window.
it: >-Simple Image Reducer è un'applicazione GTK per ridurre e ruotare facilmente le immagini. Può essere utile per elaborare foto digitali prima di inviarle per posta elettronica o caricarle sul Web. I file immagine possono essere forniti all'applicazione dal gestore di file usando il menu contestuale "Apri con..." oppure trascinando i file nella finestra principale.
da: >-Simple Image Reducer er et GTK-program til nemt at reducere og rotere billeder. Programmet er nyttigt for behandling af digitale billeder før de sendes med e-post eller overføres til nettet. Billedfiler kan angives for programmet fra filhåndteringen med kontekstmenuen »Åbn med ...« eller ved at trække filer til hovedvinduet.
en_AU: >-Simple Image Reducer is an GTK application to easily reduce and rotate images. It can be useful for processing digital photos before sending by email or uploading on the Web. Image files can be supplied to the application from the file manager using the context menu "Open with...", or dragging files to the main window.
Categories: - Graphics - 2DGraphics - RasterGraphics Icon: cached: - name: simple-image-reducer_simple-image-reducer.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: simple-image-reducer_simple-image-reducer.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - image/gif - image/jpeg - image/x-portable-anymap - image/x-portable-bitmap - image/x-portable-graymap - image/x-xbitmap - image/x-tga - image/png - image/x-portable-pixmap - image/tiff - image/bmp --- Type: desktop-application ID: italc-master.desktop Package: italc-master Name: C: iTALC Summary: C: Intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers Description: de: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Dieses Paket beinhaltet die notwendige Software, um iTALC-Clients (aus dem »italc-client«-Paket) zu beobachten und zu steuern.
sl: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Ta paket vsebuje program, ki je zahtevan za opazovanje in nadzor odjemalcev iTALC, ki so v paketu italc-client.
C: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
This package contains the software necessary to observe and control iTALC clients provided by the italc-client package.
en: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
This package contains the software necessary to observe and control iTALC clients provided by the italc-client package.
ru: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Этот пакет содержит программу, необходимую для наблюдения и управления клиентами iTALC, предоставляемыми пакетом italc-client.
gl: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Este paquete contén o software preciso para observar e controlar clientes de iTALC fornecidos polo paquete italc-client.
es: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Este paquete contiene el software necesario para observar y controlar clientes iTALC proporcionado por el paquete italc-client.
fr: >-iTALC permet d'accéder et guider les activités des étudiants depuis l'ordinateur de l'enseignant. Par exemple, avec l'aide de iTALC un enseignant peut afficher le contenu des écrans des élèves et voir si l'un d'entre eux a besoin d'aide. Si c'est le cas, l'enseignant peut accéder à l'ordinateur de l'étudiant et fournir un soutien ; l'étudiant peut observer les actions de l'enseignant et apprendre d'elles. L'enseignant peut également basculer en mode « démo », où les écrans de tous les élèves affichent le contenu de l'écran de l'enseignant. En outre, des actions telles que verrouiller les écrans des étudiants, tuer les jeux, allumer ou éteindre des postes, et plus encore peuvent être effectuées via iTALC.
Ce paquet contient le logiciel nécessaire pour suivre et contrôler les clients iTALC (e-learning) fournis par le paquet italc-client.
Categories: - Education - RemoteAccess Keywords: C: - education - classroom - teachers - students - remote control - computer-labs Icon: cached: - name: italc-master_italc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: italc-master_italc.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.akregator.desktop Package: akregator Name: sk: Akregator sl: Akregator sr-ijekavian: Акрегатор C: Akregator fr: Akregator sr: Акрегатор uk: Akregator nb: Akregator pt-BR: Akregator ca: Akregator sv: Akregator en-GB: Akregator hu: Akregator nl: Akregator zh-CN: Akregator lt: Akregator ar: أكريغاتور pl: Akregator nds: Akregator sr-ijekavianlatin: Akregator ca-valencia: Akregator cs: Akregator gl: Akregator ro: Akregator es: Akregator et: Akregator ru: Akregator tr: Akregator pt: Akregator zh-TW: Akregator da: Akregator it: Akregator ko: Akregator sr-Latn: Akregator de: Akregator bs: Akregator fi: Akregator Summary: ca@valencia: Un lector de fonts d'informació pel KDE ja: KDE ニュースフィードリーダー zh_CN: 一个 KDE 种子阅读器 sk: KDE čítačka noviniek sl: KDE-jev bralnik virov novic ug: ك د ئې(KDE) دىكى خەۋەر Feed نى ئوقۇش پروگراممىسى wa: On lijheu d' floûs di noveles di KDE C: A KDE News Feed Reader fr: Un agrégateur de flux pour KDE sr: КДЕ читач довода вести uk: Програма для читання подач KDE nb: En nyhetskildeleser for KDE ca: Un lector de fonts d'informació pel KDE sv: Läsning av nyhetskanaler för KDE hu: Egy KDE-s hírolvasó pa: KDE ਨਿਊਜ਼ ਫੀਡ ਰੀਡਰ nl: Een KDE newsfeedlezer. zh_TW: KDE 新聞 Feed 閱讀器 ga: Léitheoir Fothaí KDE lt: KDE naujienų kanalų skaitytuvas pl: Czytnik kanałów aktualności dla KDE nds: En Mellenstroom-Kieker för KDE ia: Un lector KDE de syndication de novas el: Ένας αναγνώστης ροών του KDE ro: Cititor de fluxuri de știri pentru KDE gl: Un lector de fontes de novas do KDE es: Un lector de fuentes de noticias para KDE pt: Um Leitor de Fontes Noticiosas do KDE et: KDE uudistevoogude rakendus ru: Программа чтения лент новостей для KDE sr@ijekavianlatin: KDE čitač dovoda vesti kk: KDE жаңалық ақпарды оқу құралы km: កម្មវិធីអានមតិព័ត៌មានរបស់ KDE da: En KDE nyhedsfeed-læser it: Lettore KDE di fonti di notizie ko: KDE 뉴스 피드 리더 sr@ijekavian: КДЕ читач довода вести de: Ein Nachrichtensammler für KDE pt_BR: Um leitor de fontes de notícias do KDE tr: Kde Haber Okuyucu en_GB: A KDE News Feed Reader mr: केडीई बातम्या फीड वाचक sr@latin: KDE čitač dovoda vesti fi: KDE:n syötteenlukija bs: Dovod KDE vijesti Description: sk: >-Akregator je čítačka noviniek pre prostredie KDE. Umožní vám sledovať servery noviniek, blogy a iné stránky s RSS/Atom bez potreby manuálnej kontroly noviniek pomocou webového prehliadača. Akregator je navrhnutý, aby bol jednoduchý na použitie a dostatočne silný na čítanie stoviek zdrojov noviniek. Obsahuje integráciu s Konquerorom pre pridanie noviniek a s interným prehliadačom na jednoduché čítanie noviniek.
sl: >-Akregator je bralnik novičarskih virov za namizje KDE. Omogoča sledenje stranem z novicami, blogom in drugim spletiščem, ki imajo vgrajeno podporo RSS/Atom, brez, da bi morali ročno preverjati za posodobitvami preko spletnega brskalnika. Akregator je zasnovan tako, da je hkrati enostaven za uporabo in dovolj zmogljiv za branje stotin novičarskih virov. Preko Konquerorja lahko dodajate novičarske vire, ima pa tudi notranji brskalnik za enostavno branje novic.
sr-ijekavian: >-Акрегатор је читач довода вести за радну површ КДЕ‑а. Омогућава вам да пратите вести, блогове и друге веб сајтове опремљене РСС‑а/атома, без потребе да ручно проверавате допуне преко веб прегледача. Акрегатор је пројектован да истовремено буде лак за употребу и довољно моћан за једноставно праћење великог броја извора вести. Долази са интеграцијом за К‑освајач за додавање довода вести и са интерним прегледачем за лако читање вести.
C: >-Akregator is a news feed reader for the KDE desktop. It enables you to follow news sites, blogs and other RSS/Atom-enabled websites without the need to manually check for updates using a web browser. Akregator is designed to be both easy to use and to be powerful enough to read hundreds of news sources conveniently. It comes with Konqueror integration for adding news feeds and with an internal browser for easy news reading.
uk: >-Akregator — програма для отримання подач новин для стільниці KDE. За її допомогою ви можете стежити за сайтами новин, блогами та іншими сайтами з даними RSS/Atom без потреби у перевірці вручну оновлень за допомогою програми для перегляду інтернету. Akregator розроблено простим у користуванні та достатньо потужним для зручного читання сотень джерел новин. У програмі передбачено інтеграцію із Konqueror для додавання подач новин та вбудований переглядач для полегшення читання новин.
sr: >-Акрегатор је читач довода вести за радну површ КДЕ‑а. Омогућава вам да пратите вести, блогове и друге веб сајтове опремљене РСС‑а/атома, без потребе да ручно проверавате допуне преко веб прегледача. Акрегатор је пројектован да истовремено буде лак за употребу и довољно моћан за једноставно праћење великог броја извора вести. Долази са интеграцијом за К‑освајач за додавање довода вести и са интерним прегледачем за лако читање вести.
fr: >-Akregator est un lecteur de flux RSS pour le bureau KDE. Il vous permet de suivre des sites d'information, des blogs ou tout autre site web prenant en charge les flux RSS ou Atom, sans avoir besoin d'ouvrir les pages dans votre navigateur. Akregator est conçu pour être à la fois facile à utiliser et suffisamment puissant pour manipuler simplement des centaines de sources. Il peut s'intégrer à Konqueror pour y ajouter la gestion des flux, et il fournit un navigateur interne pour lire facilement les articles.
nb: >-Akregator er en nyhetsleser for KDE-skrivebordet. Med Akregator kan du følge nyhets-nettsteder, blogger og andre nettsteder som bruker RSS/Atom uten å ses etter manuelt med en nettleser. Akregator er designet til å være både lett å bruke og kraftig nok til å kunne lese hundrevis av nyhetskilder. Det har integrering med Konqueror for å legge til nyhetskilder og en intern nettleser for lett tilgang til nyheter.
pt-BR: >-Akregator é um leitor de fontes de notícias para o KDE. Permite-lhe acompanhar as páginas de notícias, blogs e outras páginas com suporte a RSS/Atom, sem a necessidade usar um navegador Web para verificar se existem atualizações. O Akregator foi projetado para ser simples de usar e, ao mesmo tempo, poderoso o suficiente para ler centenas de fontes de notícias de forma conveniente. Ele possui integração com o Konqueror para adicionar fontes de notícias e um navegador interno para leitura de notícias.
sv: >-Akregator är en nyhetskanalläsare för KDE-skrivbordet. Den gör det möjligt att följa nyhetsplatser, bloggar och andra webbplatser som hanterar RSS/Atom utan att manuellt behöva leta efter uppdateringar med en webbläsare. Akregator är konstruerad för att både vara lätt att använda och kraftfull nog för att bekvämt läsa hundratals nyhetskällor. Integrering med Konqueror för att lägga till nyhetskanaler och en intern webbläsare för att enkelt kunna läsa nyheter ingår.
ca: >-L'Akregator és un lector de fonts de notícies per a l'escriptori KDE. Permet que seguiu els llocs de notícies, blogs i altres llocs web amb el RSS/Atom habilitat, sense necessitat de comprovar manualment si hi ha actualitzacions mitjançant un navegador web. L'Akregator està dissenyat per a ser fàcil d'usar i prou potent per a llegir centenars de fonts de notícies convenientment. Ve amb integració amb el Konqueror per afegir els canals de notícies i amb un navegador intern per a facilitar la lectura de les notícies.
en-GB: >-Akregator is a news feed reader for the KDE desktop. It enables you to follow news sites, blogs and other RSS/Atom-enabled websites without the need to manually check for updates using a web browser. Akregator is designed to be both easy to use and to be powerful enough to read hundreds of news sources conveniently. It comes with Konqueror integration for adding news feeds and with an internal browser for easy news reading.
hu: >-Az Akregator egy hírolvasó alkalmazás a KDE-hez. Lehetővé teszi híroldalak, blogok, és más RSS/Atom források követését anélkül, hogy kézzel kellene ellenőriznie a frissítéseket webböngészőjében. Úgy tervezték, hogy egyszerű legyen használni, ugyanakkor hatékonyan és kényelmesen lehessen követni akár több száz hírforrást is. A Konqueror integrációval egyszerűen adhat hozzá új forrásokat, a beépített böngésző pedig megkönnyíti a hírek olvasását.
nl: >-Akregator is een lezer voor newsfeed voor het KDE bureaublad. Het laat u nieuwssites, blogs en andere RSS/Atom-ingeschakelde websites volgen zonder de noodzaak om handmatig te controleren op updates met een webbrowser. Akregator is ontworpen om zowel gemakkelijk te gebruiken als krachtig genoeg om honderden nieuwsbronnen gemakkelijk te volgen. Het komt met integratie met Konqueror voor toevoegen van nieuwsfeeds en met een interne browser voor gemakkelijke lezen van nieuws.
ca-valencia: >-L'Akregator és un lector de fonts de notícies per a l'escriptori KDE. Permet que seguiu els llocs de notícies, blogs i altres llocs web amb el RSS/Atom habilitat, sense necessitat de comprovar manualment si hi ha actualitzacions mitjançant un navegador web. L'Akregator està dissenyat per a ser fàcil d'usar i prou potent per a llegir centenars de fonts de notícies convenientment. Ve amb integració amb el Konqueror per afegir els canals de notícies i amb un navegador intern per a facilitar la lectura de les notícies.
ar: >-أكريغاتور قارئ تغذيات أخبار لسطح مكتب كدي. يمكّنك أكريغاتور من متابعة أخبار المواقع، والمدوّنات وأيّ مواقع وِبّ تمكّن RSS دون الحاجة لالتماس التّحديثات يدويًّا عبر متصفّح وِبّ. صُمِّم أكريغاتور ليكون سهل الاستخدام وقويًّا كفاية لقراءة مئات مصادر الأخبار براحة. كما يأتي مع تكامل كنكر لإضافة تغذيات الأخبار ومتصفّح داخليّ لتسهيل قراءة الأخبار.
pl: >-Akregator jest czytnikiem kanałów aktualności dla pulpitu KDE. Umożliwia śledzenie stron z aktualnościami, bloków i innych stron z włączonym RSS/Atom bez potrzeby ręcznego sprawdzania uaktualnień poprzez przeglądarkę sieciową. Akregator został zaprojektowany, aby był zarówno łatwy w użyciu i na tyle zaawansowany, żeby mógł czytać z setek źródeł aktualności w sposób wygodny. Program jest zintegrowany z Konqueror, w celu dodawania kanałów aktualności. Dostarczany jest także z wewnętrzną przeglądarką dla łatwości czytania.
nds: >-Akregator is en Mellenstroomwieser för den KDE-Schriefdisch. Du kannst dor de Ännern op Narichtensieden, Nettdaagböker un anner Sieden mit RSS-/Atom-Mellenströöm dor op mit nafolgen un bruukst dat nich vun Hand mit en Nettkieker maken. Akregator lett sik eenfach bruken, man Du kannst dor liekers hunnerte vun Narichtenborns mit eenfach lesen. Akregator warrt för't Tofögen vun nieg Mellenströöm na Konqueror inbunnen un hett en Nettkieker för't Lesen vun Narichten integreert.
sr-ijekavianlatin: >-Akregator je čitač dovoda vesti za radnu površ KDE‑a. Omogućava vam da pratite vesti, blogove i druge veb sajtove opremljene RSS‑a/Atoma, bez potrebe da ručno proveravate dopune preko veb pregledača. Akregator je projektovan da istovremeno bude lak za upotrebu i dovoljno moćan za jednostavno praćenje velikog broja izvora vesti. Dolazi sa integracijom za K‑osvajač za dodavanje dovoda vesti i sa internim pregledačem za lako čitanje vesti.
pt: >-O Akregator é um leitor de fontes de notícias para o ambiente de trabalho KDE. Permite-lhe seguir as páginas de notícias, 'blogs' e outras páginas com suporte para RSS/Atom sem a necessidade de pesquisar manualmente por actualizações com um navegador Web. O Akregator está desenhado para ser o mais simples de usar e poderoso o suficiente para ler centenas de fontes de notícias de forma conveniente. Vem com a integração com o Konqueror para adicionar fontes de notícias e com um navegador interno para a leitura simples de notícias.
gl: >-Akregator é un lector de fontes de novas para o escritorio de KDE. Permítelle facer un seguimento de sitios de novas, blogues e outros sitios web que fornezan fontes de novas RSS ou Atom, sen a necesitade de comprobar manualmente se hai novidades usando un navegador web. Akregator está deseñado para ser tanto fácil de usar como potente dabondo para ler centros de fontes de novas de maneira cómoda. Inclúe integración en Konqueror para engadir fontes de novas e un navegador web integrado para ler novas facilmente.
es: >-Akregator es un lector de noticias para el escritorio KDE. Le permite seguir sitios de noticias, blogs y otros sitios web con RSS/Atom activado, sin la necesidad de comprobar actualizaciones manualmente con un navegador web. Akregator está diseñado para ser fácil de usar y ser lo bastante potente para leer cientos de fuentes de noticias. Viene con integración con Konqueror para añadir fuentes de noticias y un navegador interno para la lectura fácil de las noticias.
et: >-Akregator on KDE töölaua uudistevoogude lugeja. See võimaldab jälgida uudistesaite, ajaveebe ja muid RSS/Atomi võimekusega veebilehti, ilma et peaksid pidevalt nende uuendusi veebibrauseris kontrollima. Akregator on mõeldud korraga nii hõlpsasti kasutatavaks kui ka piisavalt võimsaks, et lugeda korraga mugavalt sadu uudisteallikaid. Akregator on lõimitud Konqueroriga uudistevoogude lisamise huvides ning pakub sisemist brauserit uudiste lihtsamaks lugemiseks.
ru: >-Akregator — программа для чтения лент новостей от KDE. Она позволяет вам следить за новыми публикациями на сайтах без необходимости периодически заходить на них. Akregator прост в использовании, но в то же время рассчитан на удобное отслеживание сотен источников новостей. Читать новости из лент можно прямо в окне Akregator. Для веб-браузера Konqueror есть модуль для добавления новых лент в Akregator, этот модуль входит в пакет konq-plugins.
tr: >-Akregator KDE masa üstü için haber beslemeleri okuyucusudur. Haber sitelerini, blogları ve diğer RSS/Atom-etkin web sitelerini web tarayıcı ile elle güncellemeler için kontrol etmenize gerek kalmadan takip etmenize olanak sağlar. Akregator hem kullanımı kolay hem yüzlerce haber kaynağını kolay şekilde okuyabileceğiniz kadar güçlü olması için tasarlanmıştır. Haber kaynaklarını eklemek için Konqueror tümleştirmesi ile ve kolay haber okuma için dahili bir tarayıcı ile gelir.
zh-TW: >-Akregator 是 KDE 桌面系統的新聞 feed 閱讀器。它讓您可以輕鬆取得新聞站台、部落格與其它 RSS/Atom 文章來源,不需要自己親自去每個站台看看有沒有新聞章。Akregator 設計成非常易用,並且夠強大,方便讀取上百個新聞來源。它也可以跟 Konqueror 整合,使用內部瀏覽器方便閱讀新聞。
sr-Latn: >-Akregator je čitač dovoda vesti za radnu površ KDE‑a. Omogućava vam da pratite vesti, blogove i druge veb sajtove opremljene RSS‑a/Atoma, bez potrebe da ručno proveravate dopune preko veb pregledača. Akregator je projektovan da istovremeno bude lak za upotrebu i dovoljno moćan za jednostavno praćenje velikog broja izvora vesti. Dolazi sa integracijom za K‑osvajač za dodavanje dovoda vesti i sa internim pregledačem za lako čitanje vesti.
it: >-Akregator è un lettore di fonti di notizie per il desktop di KDE. Ti permette di seguire siti di notizie, blog e altri siti che dispongono di fonti RSS/Atom senza la necessità di controllare manualmente gli aggiornamenti con un browser web. Akregator è progettato per essere allo stesso tempo semplice usare e in grado di poter leggere comodamente centinaia di fonti di notizie. È provvisto di integrazione con Konqueror per l'aggiunta di fonti di notizie e con un browser interno per una facile consultazione delle notizie.
ko: >-Akregator는 KDE 뉴스 피드 리더입니다. 뉴스 사이트, 블로그, RSS/Atom 지원 웹 사이트에 웹 브라우저로 직접 방문하지 않고 업데이트를 따라갈 수 있습니다. Akregator는 다량의 뉴스 사이트를 편하게 읽을 수 있음과 동시에 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. Konqueror에서 직접 뉴스 피드를 추가할 수 있으며 쉬운 글 읽기를 위한 내장 웹 브라우저가 있습니다.
de: >-Akregator ist ein Nachrichtensammler für KDE. Sie können damit Nachrichtenseiten, Blogs und andere Webseiten mit RSS/Atom-Quellen abonnieren, ohne die Seite manuell mit dem Webbrowser zu besuchen. Akregator ist einfach zu bedienen und zugleich leistungsfähig genug, um bequem hunderte Nachrichtenquellen zu lesen. Nachrichtenquellen können einfach über die Konqueror-Integration hinzugefügt werden und zum einfachen Lesen ist ein Webbrowser integriert.
fi: >-Akregator on uutissyötteenlukija KDE-työpöydälle. Sen avulla voit seurata uutissivustoja, blogeja ja muita RSS/Atom-sivustoja tarvitsematta käydä sivulla verkkoselaimella. Akregator on suunniteltu sekä helpoksi käyttää että riittävän tehokkaaksi seurata satoja uutislähteitä yhtä aikaa. Siinä on myös Konqueror-integrointi uutissyötteiden lisäämiseksi ja sisäinen selain uutisten lukemiseksi helpommin.
ProjectGroup: KDE Categories: - Network - News Url: homepage: http://akregator.kde.org/ bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=akregator help: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdepim/akregator/ Icon: cached: - name: akregator_akregator.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: akregator_akregator.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.akregator.desktop Provides: binaries: - akregator mimetypes: - application/atom+xml - application/rss+xml - application/rdf+xml Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/kde/akregator.desktop/BBC702936706044A0AC0281525BEAF95/screenshots/image-1_1248x681.png width: 1248 height: 681 - url: org/kde/akregator.desktop/BBC702936706044A0AC0281525BEAF95/screenshots/image-1_752x410.png width: 752 height: 410 - url: org/kde/akregator.desktop/BBC702936706044A0AC0281525BEAF95/screenshots/image-1_624x340.png width: 624 height: 340 - url: org/kde/akregator.desktop/BBC702936706044A0AC0281525BEAF95/screenshots/image-1_224x122.png width: 224 height: 122 source-image: url: org/kde/akregator.desktop/BBC702936706044A0AC0281525BEAF95/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1920 height: 1048 --- Type: desktop-application ID: dosbox.desktop Package: dosbox Name: ua: Емулятор DOSBox de: DOSBox Emulator C: DOSBox Emulator ru: Эмулятор DOSBox es: Emulador DOSBox it: DOSBox emulatore ca: Emulador DOSBox nl: DOSBox Simulator Summary: ua: Запуск старих DOS-застосувань de: Ein Emulator für alte DOS Programme C: Run old DOS applications ru: Запуск старых DOS-приложений es: Un emulador para ejecutar antiguas aplicaciones DOS it: Un emulatore per far girare vecchi giochi DOS ca: Executeu antigues aplicacions DOS nl: Een simulator om oude DOS-spellen te spelen Description: pl: >-DOSBox jest emulatorem architektury x86 z grafiką Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, dźwiękiem i systemem DOS. Jest przeznaczony do uruchamiania starych gier z systemu DOS na platformach, które go nie obsługują (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X).
Emulowane są następujące starsze urządzenia dźwiękowe: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource i Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 jest przekazywany do hosta.
de: >-DOSBox ist ein x86-Emulator mit Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA-Grafik, Audio und DOS. Er wurde entwickelt, um alte DOS-Spiele auf Plattformen laufen zu lassen, die dies nicht unterstützen (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X).
Folgende veraltete Audiogeräte werden emuliert: PC-Lautsprecher, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource und Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 wird an den Rechner weitergeleitet.
zh_CN: >-DOSBox 是一个 x86 模拟器,能够模拟 DOS 界面、Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA 图形和音频。 它能够让您在各种平台(Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)上运行古老的 DOS 游戏。
它能够模拟以下音频:PC Speaker、Creative CMS/Gameblaster、Tandy 3 voice、Adlib、 Sound Blaster Pro/16、Disney Soundsource 和 Gravis Ultrasound,以及 MPU-401。
sk: >-Dosbox je emulátor x86 s grafikou Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, zvukom a systémom DOS. Bol navrhnutý, aby dokázal spúšťať staré hry pre DOS na platformách, ktoré to nepodporujú (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X).
Emuluje nasledovné zastaralé zvukové zariadenia: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 je presmerované na hostiteľa.
sl: >-DOSBox je posnemovalnik x86 z grafiko Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, zvokom in DOS. Zasnovan je bil za poganjanje starih iger DOS v okoljih, ki njihovega izvajanja ne podpirajo (Win2k/XP/FreeBDS/Linux/Mac OSX).
Posnemane so naslednje stare zvočne naprave: PC zvočnik, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource in Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 je posredovan do gostitelja.
pt_BR: >-DOSBox é um emulador x86 com gráficos Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, som e DOS. Foi desenhado para correr jogos antigos de DOS em plataformas que não os suportam. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
Os seguintes dispositivos "legacy" de som são emulados: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource e uma Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 é reencaminhado para a máquina anfitriã.
pt: >-DOSBox é um emulador x86 com gráficos Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, som e DOS. Foi desenhado para correr jogos antigos de DOS em plataformas que não os suportam. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
Os seguintes dispositivos "legacy" de som são emulados: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource e uma Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 é reencaminhado para a máquina anfitriã.
C: >-DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games under platforms that don't support it. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.
uk: >-DOSBox — емулятор x86 з підтримкою Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA графіки, звуку та DOS. Він був створений для запуску застарілих ігор для DOS на платформах, що їх не підтримували (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X).
Він має підтримку роботи із застарілими звуковими пристроями:PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource та Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 перенаправляється на комп’ютер на якому запущено DOSBox.
en: >-DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games under platforms that don't support it. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.
ru: >-Dosbox -- это эмулятор компьютера семейства x86 с графикой Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, звуком и DOS. Он разработан для запуска старых DOS-игр на современных платформах (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
Эмулируются следующие старые звуковые устройства: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource и Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 пересылается настоящей операционной системе.
gl: >-O DOSBox é un emulador de x86 con gráficos, son e DOS de Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA. Foi deseñado para executar os antigos xogos para DOS en plataformas que non o aceptan (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
Emúlanse os dispositivos de son antigos seguintes: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource e un Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 encamíñase ao hóspede.
tr: >-Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA grafikleri, sesi ve DOS'u için x86 öykünücüsü. Sistemlerinde desteklenmeyen eski DOS oyunlarını çalıştırmak için tasarlandı. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
Aşağıdaki ses aygıtları öykütülür: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 sesi, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource ve Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 ev makinesine yönlendirilir.
en_CA: >-DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games under platforms that don't support it. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.
fr: >-DOSBox est un émulateur x86 avec les modes graphiques Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, le son et le DOS. Il a été conçu pour exécuter des anciens jeux sous DOS sur des plateformes qui ne le gèrent pas. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
Les anciens appareils sonores suivants sont émulés : haut-parleur PC, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource et Gravis Ultrasound. Le MPU-401 est transmis à l'hôte.
fi: >-DOSBox on x86-emulaattori Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA-grafiikoilla, äänituella ja DOS-käyttöjärjestelmällä. Se on suunniteltu ajamaan vanhoja DOS-pelejä ympäristöissä, jotka eivät tue sitä (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X).
Seuraavat edesmenneet äänilaitteet ovat emuloitavissa: PC-kaiutin, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource ja Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 edelleenlähetetään isäntäkoneelle.
en_GB: >-DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games under platforms that don't support it. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.
it: >-DOSBox è un emulatore di x86 con grafica Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, sonoro e DOS. È stato progettato per eseguire vecchi giochi DOS in piattaforme che non li supportano. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
Sono emulati i seguenti dispositivi audio obsoleti: altoparlante del PC, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource e una Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 viene inoltrato all'host.
nl: >-DOSBox emuleert x86 systemen met Tandy -, Hercules - , CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, geluid en DOS. Het is ontworpen om oude DOS-spellen te spelen op niet-ondersteunde platforms, zoals Windows 2000 en XP, FreeBSD, Linux en Mac OS X
De volgende legacy geluidsapparaten worden geëmuleerd: PC-speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource en Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 wordt doorgestuurd naar de host.
da: >-DOSBox er en x86-emulator med Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA-grafik, lyd og DOS. Programmet er designet til at køre gamle DOS-spil under platforme som ikke understøtter dette. (win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X).
De følgende forældede lydenheder emuleres: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 vocie, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource og et Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 videresendes til værten.
en_AU: >-DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games under platforms that don't support it. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.
Categories: - Game - Emulator Keywords: C: - DOS Emulator Icon: cached: - name: dosbox_dosbox.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: dosbox_dosbox.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: blueman-manager.desktop Package: blueman Name: C: Bluetooth Manager Summary: C: Blueman Bluetooth Manager Description: pl: >-Blueman to narzędzie oparte na GTK+ do środowiska GNOME, zarządzające bluetooth za pomocą backendu bluez D-Bus.
de: >-Blueman ist eine Bluetooth-Verwaltung in GTK+ für GNOME, die das BlueZ-D -Bus-Backend verwendet.
zh_CN: >-Blueman 是一个使用 GTK+ 编写的 GNOME 蓝牙管理工具,使用 bluez D-Bus 后端。
pt_BR: >-Blueman é um utilitário GTK+ de gerenciamento de bluetooth para o GNOME usando o backend bluez D-bus.
sl: >-Blueman je pripomoček upravljanja bluetooth GTK+ za GNOME, ki uporablja zaledje D-Bus bluez.
ja: >-Blueman は bluez D-Bus バックエンドを使った GNOME 向けの GTK+ bluetooth 管理ユーティリティです。
C: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
uk: >-Blueman — утиліта написана на GTK+ для керування bluetooth-пристроями в GNOME за допомогою внутрішнього інтерфейсу bluez D-Bus.
en: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
ru: >-Blueman — GTK+ утилита управления bluetooth для GNOME использующая бэкэнд bluez D-Bus.
en_CA: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
es: >-Blueman es una utilidad de gestión bluetooth en GTK+ para GNOME usando el motor de D-Bus bluez.
fr: >-Blueman est un utilitaire GTK+ de gestion de bluetooth pour GNOME qui utilise le moteur D-Bus bluez.
en_GB: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
it: >-Blueman è un'utilità di gestione bluetooth in GTK+ per GNOME che utilizza il backend di D-Bus bluez.
nl: >-Blueman is een GTK+ bluetooth-beheerhulpmiddel voor GNOME dat gebruik maakt van D-Bus.
da: >-Blueman er et GTK+-bluetooth håndteringsredskab for GNOME der bruger bluez D-Bus-motor.
en_AU: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
Categories: - Settings - HardwareSettings Icon: cached: - name: blueman_blueman.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: blueman_blueman.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: blueman-adapters.desktop Package: blueman Name: C: Bluetooth Adapters Summary: C: Set Bluetooth Adapter Properties Description: pl: >-Blueman to narzędzie oparte na GTK+ do środowiska GNOME, zarządzające bluetooth za pomocą backendu bluez D-Bus.
de: >-Blueman ist eine Bluetooth-Verwaltung in GTK+ für GNOME, die das BlueZ-D -Bus-Backend verwendet.
zh_CN: >-Blueman 是一个使用 GTK+ 编写的 GNOME 蓝牙管理工具,使用 bluez D-Bus 后端。
pt_BR: >-Blueman é um utilitário GTK+ de gerenciamento de bluetooth para o GNOME usando o backend bluez D-bus.
sl: >-Blueman je pripomoček upravljanja bluetooth GTK+ za GNOME, ki uporablja zaledje D-Bus bluez.
ja: >-Blueman は bluez D-Bus バックエンドを使った GNOME 向けの GTK+ bluetooth 管理ユーティリティです。
C: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
uk: >-Blueman — утиліта написана на GTK+ для керування bluetooth-пристроями в GNOME за допомогою внутрішнього інтерфейсу bluez D-Bus.
en: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
ru: >-Blueman — GTK+ утилита управления bluetooth для GNOME использующая бэкэнд bluez D-Bus.
en_CA: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
es: >-Blueman es una utilidad de gestión bluetooth en GTK+ para GNOME usando el motor de D-Bus bluez.
fr: >-Blueman est un utilitaire GTK+ de gestion de bluetooth pour GNOME qui utilise le moteur D-Bus bluez.
en_GB: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
it: >-Blueman è un'utilità di gestione bluetooth in GTK+ per GNOME che utilizza il backend di D-Bus bluez.
nl: >-Blueman is een GTK+ bluetooth-beheerhulpmiddel voor GNOME dat gebruik maakt van D-Bus.
da: >-Blueman er et GTK+-bluetooth håndteringsredskab for GNOME der bruger bluez D-Bus-motor.
en_AU: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
Categories: - Settings - HardwareSettings Icon: cached: - name: blueman_blueman-device.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: blueman_blueman-device.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: avahi-discover.desktop Package: avahi-discover Name: sv: Avahi Zeroconf-bläddrare de: Avahi Zeroconf Browser pl: Przeglądarka Zeroconf Avahi pt_BR: Navegador Zeroconf do Avahi uk: Переглядач Zeroconf Avahi sl: Brskalnik Avahi Zeroconf ro: Navigator Avahi Zeroconf fi: Avahin Zeroconf-selain C: Avahi Zeroconf Browser id: Peramban Zeroconf Avahi he: סייר ה־Zeroconf של Avahi sr: Авахи Zeroconf претраживач gl: Navegador Zeroconf de Avahi fo: Avahi Zeroconf kagi sr@latin: Avahi Zeroconf pretraživač es: Navegador Zeroconf de Avahi fr: Explorateur Zeroconf d'Avahi ja: Avahi Zeroconf ブラウザ ru: Обозреватель Avahi Zeroconf zh_TW: Avahi Zeroconf 瀏覽程式 en_GB: Avahi Zeroconf Browser hu: Avahi Zeroconf-böngésző ca: Navegador zeroconf Avahi it: Esploratore Zeroconf Avahi da: Avahi Zeroconf-browser zh_CN: Avahi Zero浏览器 bg: Преглед на улеснените услуги с Avahi en_NZ: Avahi Zeroconf Browser Summary: sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-tjänster tillgängliga på ditt nätverk de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten Diensten in Ihrem Netzwerk pl: Przeglądanie usług Zeroconf dostępnych w sieci pt_BR: Procurar por serviços Zeroconf disponíveis em sua rede uk: Переглянути служби Zeroconf, доступ до яких можна отримати у вашій мережі sl: Brskanje med razpoložljivimi storitvami Zeroconf v omrežju ro: Descoperă serviciile Zeroconf disponibile în rețeaua dumneavoastră. fi: Selaa verkossa saatavilla olevia Zeroconf-palveluita C: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network id: Ramban layanan Zeroconf yang tersedia pada jaringan Anda he: סיור אחר שירותי Zeroconf הזמינים ברשת שלך sr: Претражујем доступне Zeroconf услуге на вашој мрежи gl: Navegar na busca de servizos Zeroconf dispoñíbeis na súa rede fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-tænastum, tøkar á tínum neti sr@latin: Pretražujem dostupne Zeroconf usluge na vašoj mreži es: Navegar en busca de servicios Zeroconf disponibles en su red fr: Explorer les services Zeroconf disponibles sur votre réseau ja: ネットワーク上の利用可能な Zeroconf サービスを検索 ru: Поиск служб Zeroconf в локальной сети zh_TW: 在您的網路上瀏覽可用的 Zeroconf 服務 en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network hu: Zeroconf szolgáltatások keresése a hálózaton ca: Navegueu pels serveis Zeroconf disponibles a la vostra xarxa it: Esplora i servizi Zeroconf disponibili sulla propria rete da: Kig efter tilgængelige Zeroconftjenester på dit netværk zh_CN: 浏览网络内的Zeroconf服务 bg: Преглед на улеснените услуги (Zeroconf) в мрежата ви en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network Description: de: >-Avahi ist ein vollständiges, unter der LGPL stehendes, Rahmenwerk für die Multicast-DNS-Diensteerkennung. Es ermöglicht Programmen, Dienste und Rechner in einem lokalen Netzwerk bekanntzugeben bzw. zu entdecken, ohne dass eine besondere Konfiguration nötig wäre. Man kann sich zum Beispiel mit einem Netzwerk verbinden und augenblicklich Drucker, freigegebene Dateien und Menschen, mit denen man sich unterhalten kann, finden.
Dieses Paket enthält eine Benutzerschnittstelle zur Diensteerkennung.
zh_CN: >-Avahi 是一个完全基于 LGPL 框架下的多播 DNS 服务搜寻工具。它能让程序发布或者 发现在本地网络中的服务或者主机,而无需特殊配置。例如,您可以连入一个网络,然后 立刻发现可用于打印的打印机,可查看的文件或者可聊天的朋友。
pt_BR: >-Avahi é uma infra-estrutura LGPL completa para Descoberta de serviços DNS Multicast. Permite que os programas publiquem e descubram os serviços e as máquinas que funcionam em uma rede local sem nenhuma configuração específica. Por exemplo, você pode se conectar em uma rede e instantaneamente encontrar impressoras para imprimir, arquivos para olhar e pessoas para conversar.
Este pacote contém a interface de usuário para encontrar serviços.
sl: >-Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor.
Ta paket vsebuje uporabniški vmesnik za odkrivanje storitev
pt: >-Avahi é uma estrutura "Multicast DNS Service Discovery" totalmente LGPL. Permite a programas publicarem e descobrirem serviços e máquinas a correr numa rede local sem nenhuma configuração específica. Por exemplo, você pode ligar-se a uma rede e instantaneamente encontrar impressoras para imprimir, ficheiros para ver e pessoas com quem falar.
Este pacote contém uma interface de utilizador para serviços de descoberta.
uk: >-Avahi — це оболонка для виявлення сервісів за допомогою широкомовного DNS (Multicast DNS Service Discovery) ліцензована під LGPL. Вона дозволяє програмам оголошувати і виявляти сервіси та хости у локальній мережі, не маючи спеціальних налаштувань. Наприклад, Ви можете просто підключитися до мережі і миттєво знайти принтери для друку, потрібні файли та людей для спілкування.
Цей пакунок містить інтерфейс користувача для виявлення сервісів.
C: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains a user interface for discovering services.
en: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains a user interface for discovering services.
ru: >-Avahi — инфраструктура для обнаружения сервисов посредством многоадресной рассылки (Multicast DNS Service Discovery). Она позволяет программам предоставлять и обнаруживать сервисы и хосты в локальной сети, не требуя ввода никаких специальных настроек. Например, можно сразу после подключения к сети найти принтеры, файлы и людей для общения.
В пакете содержатся пользовательские программы для обнаружения служб.
tr: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
Bu paket, hizmet algılama için bir kullanıcı arayüzü içerir.
sk: >-Avahi je LGPL platforma na Multicast DNS Service Discovery. Umožňuje programom publikovať a objavovať služby a počítače bežiace v lokálnej sieti bez špeciálnej konfigurácie. Napríklad sa môžete pripojiť k sieti a ihneď nájsť tlačiarne na ktorých sa dá tlačiť, prístupné súbory alebo ľudí, s ktorými môžete komunikovať.
This package contains a user interface for discovering services.
es: >-Avahi es un entorno totalmente LGPL para el descubrimiento de servicios de DNS multicast. Permite a los programas publicar y descubrir servicios y servidores que se están ejecutando en una red local sin una configuración específica. Por ejemplo, puede conectarse a una red y encontrar instantáneamente impresoras en las que imprimir, archivos que mirar y gente con la que hablar.
Este paquete contiene una interfaz de usuario para descubrir servicios.
fr: >-Avahi est un cadre applicatif sous licence LGPL pour le service de découverte Multicast DNS. Il permet aux programmes de publier et découvrir des services et des hôtes sur un réseau local sans configuration spécifique. Par exemple, vous pouvez vous connecter à un réseau et immédiatement trouver les imprimantes sur lesquelles imprimer, les fichiers à ouvrir et les utilisateurs à joindre.
Ce paquet contient l'interface utilisateur pour la découverte de services.
en_CA: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains a user interface for discovering services.
en_GB: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains a user interface for discovering services.
it: >-Avahi è un'infrastruttura per il Multicast DNS Service Discovery completamente sotto licenza LGPL. Tale libreria permette ai programmi di mettere a disposizione e scoprire servizi e host in esecuzione sulla rete locale, senza la necessità di specifiche configurazioni. Per esempio è possibile collegarsi ad una rete e istantaneamente trovare le stampanti disponibili per la stampa, file condivisi e persone con cui parlare.
Questo pacchetto contiene un'interfaccia utente per rilevare servizi.
da: >-Avahi er et rammeværktøj fuldt under LGPL til at finde multicast DNS- tjenester. Det tillader programmer at publicere og finde tjenester og værter, som kører på et lokalt netværk uden specifik konfiguration. Som eksempel kan du tilslutte dig et netværk og øjeblikkeligt finde printere at udskrive til, filer til at kigge på og mennesker at tale med.
Denne pakke indeholder en brugergrænseflade for opdagelse af tjenester.
en_AU: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains a user interface for discovering services.
Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: avahi-discover_network-wired.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: avahi-discover_network-wired.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: network-wired Launchable: desktop-id: - avahi-discover.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer0.10-x Package: gstreamer0.10-x Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango en: GStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.akonadiconsole Package: akonadiconsole Name: ca@valencia: Consola de l'Akonadi ja: Akonadi コンソール zh_CN: Akonadi 控制台 sk: Konzola Akonadi sl: Konzola za Akonadi ug: Akonadi Console wa: Conzôle Akonadi C: Akonadi Console fr: Console Akonadi sr: Аконадијева конзола uk: Термінал Akonadi nb: Akonadi-konsoll hr: Akonadijeva konzola ca: Consola de l'Akonadi sv: Akonadi-terminal hu: Akonadi-konzol pa: ਅਕੌਂਡੀ ਕਨਸੋਲ nl: Akonadi-console zh_TW: Akonadi 主控台 ga: Consól Akonadi lt: Akonadi konsolė ar: طرفية اكوندا lv: Anokadi konsole nds: Akonadi-Konsool ia: Consol de Akonadi nn: Akonadi-konsoll el: Κονσόλα Akonadi cs: Konzole Akonadi pl: Konsola Akonadi gl: Consola do Akonadi pt: Consola do Akonadi es: Consola de Akonadi et: Akonadi konsool ro: Consolă Akonadi ru: Консоль Akonadi sr@ijekavianlatin: Akonadijeva konzola kk: Akonadi консолі km: កុងសូលរបស់ Akonadi da: Akonadi-konsol it: Console Akonadi ko: Akonadi 콘솔 sr@ijekavian: Аконадијева конзола de: Akonadi-Konsole pt_BR: Console do Akonadi tr: Akonadi Uçbirimi en_GB: Akonadi Console mr: आकोनाडी कंसोल sr@latin: Akonadijeva konzola fi: Akonadi-konsoli bs: Akonadi konzola Summary: ca@valencia: Consola de gestió i depuració per a l'Akonadi ja: Akonadi の管理とデバッグのためのコンソール zh_CN: 用于管理和调试 Akonadi 的控制台 sk: Konzola pre spravovanie a ladenie Akonadi sl: Akonadijeva konzola za upravljanje in razhroščevanje ug: ئاكونادى باشقۇرۇش ۋە سازلاش تىزگىن كۆزنىكى wa: Conzôle di manaedjmint eyet d' disbugaedje d' Akonadi C: Akonadi Management and Debugging Console fr: Console de gestion et de déboguage pour Akonadi sr: Аконадијева конзола за управљање и отклањање грешака uk: Термінал керування і налагодження Akonadi nb: Konsoll for Akonadi administrasjon og feilsøking ca: Consola de gestió i depuració per a l'Akonadi sv: Akonadi hanterings- och felsökningsterminal pa: ਅਕੌਂਡੀ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਅਤੇ ਡੀਬੱਗ ਕਨਸੋਲ hu: Kezelőprogram és hibakereső az Akonadihoz nl: Akonadi-beheer en debugging-console zh_TW: Akonadi 管理與除錯主控台 ga: Consól Bainisteoireachta agus Dífhabhtaithe Akonadi lt: Akonadi tvarkymo ir išriktavimo konsolė ar: إدارة اكوندا و طرفية التنقيح lv: Akonadi pārvaldības un atkļūdošanas konsole nds: Akonadi sien Pleeg- un Fehlersöök-Konsool ia: Consol de Akonadi pro gestion e cribrar el: Κονσόλα διαχείρισης και αποσφαλμάτωσης του Akonadi cs: Správa Akonadi a ladicí konzole pl: Konsola Akonadi do zarządzania i diagnostyki nn: Akonadi-konsoll for handsaming og feilsøking gl: Consola de xestión e depuración do Akonadi pt: Consola de Gestão e Depuração do Akonadi es: Consola de gestión y depuración de Akonadi et: Akonadi haldamise ja silumise konsool ro: Consolă de administrare și depanare Akonadi ru: Управление Akonadi и консоль отладки sr@ijekavianlatin: Akonadijeva konzola za upravljanje i otklanjanje grešaka kk: Akonadi басқару және жөндеу консолі km: ការគ្រប់គ្រង Akonadi និងកុងសូលបំបាត់កំហុស da: Akonadi håndterings- og fejlretningskonsol it: Console di gestione e debugging di Akonadi ko: Akonadi 관리 및 디버깅 콘솔 sr@ijekavian: Аконадијева конзола за управљање и отклањање грешака de: Akonadi-Konsole zur Verwaltung und Fehlersuche pt_BR: Console de gerenciamento e depuração do Akonadi tr: Akonadi Yönetim ve Hata Ayıklama Uçbirimi en_GB: Akonadi Management and Debugging Console mr: आकोनाडी व्यवस्थापन व डिबगिंग कंसोल sr@latin: Akonadijeva konzola za upravljanje i otklanjanje grešaka fi: Akonadin hallinta- ja virheenpaikannuskonsoli bs: Akonadi konzola za rukovanje i traženje pogrešaka Description: C: >-Akonadi Console is a useful utility that can be used to explore or manage Akonadi. Since this utility exposes Akonadi internals, it is very useful for debugging but may also prove handy in other cases.
This package is part of the KDE PIM module.
en: >-Akonadi Console is a useful utility that can be used to explore or manage Akonadi. Since this utility exposes Akonadi internals, it is very useful for debugging but may also prove handy in other cases.
This package is part of the KDE PIM module.
Categories: - Development Icon: cached: - name: akonadiconsole_akonadiconsole.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: akonadiconsole_akonadiconsole.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.akonadiconsole.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: wireshark-gtk.desktop Package: wireshark-gtk Name: C: Wireshark (GTK+) vi: Wireshark (GTK+) Summary: ja: ネットワークトラフィックアナライザー sk: Analyzátor sieťovej premávky sl: Preučevalnik omrežnega prometa C: Network traffic analyzer sq: Analizues i trafikut të rrjetit fr: Analyseur de trafic réseau nb: Nettverkstrafikk-analysator sv: Nätverkstrafikanalysator af: Netwerkverkeer analiseerder hu: Hálózatiforgalom-elemző uk: Аналізатор мережевого трафіку nl: Netwerkverkeer analyseren lt: Tinklo duomenų srauto analizatorius pl: Analizator ruchu sieciowego el: Ανάλυση κίνησης δικτύου ast: Analizador de tráficu de rede cs: Analyzátor síťového přenosu pt: Analisador de tráfego da rede ro: Analizator trafic de rețea es: Analizador de tráfico de red gl: Analizador do tráfico de rede et: Võrguliikluse analüüsija vi: Trình phân tích giao thông mạng ru: Анализ сетевого трафика tr: Ağ trafiği çözümleyicisi oc: Analisador de tramas de ret da: Netværkstrafikanalyse it: Analizzatore del traffico di rete bg: Анализатор на мрежовия трафик de: Netzwerkverkehr-Analyseprogramm pt_BR: Analisador de tráfego de rede ko: 네트워크 트래픽 분석기 bn: নেটওয়ার্ক ট্রাফিক বিশ্লেষক ms: Penganalisa trafik rangkaian ky: Тармактык трафикти анализдөө fi: Verkkoliikenne analysaattori bs: Analizator mrežnoga prometa Description: pl: >-Wireshark jest narzędziem typu sniffer, służącym do przechwytywania i analizowania pakietów sieciowych. Wireshark potrafi dekodować zbyt wiele protokołów, aby je tutaj wymieniać.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
de: >-Wireshark ist ein Netzwerk-»Sniffer« - ein Werkzeug, das Pakete auf der Leitung erfasst und analysiert. Wireshark kann so viele Protokolle dekodieren, dass sie hier nicht aufgelistet werden können.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
zh_CN: >-Wireshark 是一个网络嗅探器 - 一个用于抓取和分析网络数据包的工具。 Wireshark 可以解码的协议数量巨大,不胜枚举。
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
sk: >-Wireshark je analyzátor premávky na sieti alebo „sniffer“ pre unixové systémy. Wireshark dokáže dekódovať množstvo protokolov (príliš mnoho aby sa dal uviesť zoznam).
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
sl: >-Wireshark je program za "vohunjenje" na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici. Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
pt_BR: >-Wireshark é um "sniffer" de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
pt: >-Wireshark é um "sniffer" de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
C: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
uk: >-Wireshark — аналізатор мережевого трафіку, т.зв. „сніфер“, — це утиліта для захоплення пакетів, які проходять мережевим каналом. Wireshark підтримує формати декількох протоколів (дуже великий перелік).
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
en: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
ru: >-Wireshark — это анализатор сетевого трафика («снифер») для захвата пакетов, которые передаются по сетевому каналу. Wireshark поддерживает так много протоколов, что их невозможно перечислить в данном описании.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
ja: >-Wireshark は、回線上を流れるパケットをキャプチャし、解析するツールであ るネットワーク「スニファ」です。 Wireshark はここで一覧を示すことがで きない程多くのプロトコルを解析することができます。
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
es: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
fr: >-Wireshark est un analyseur de trafic réseau ou «⋅sniffer⋅», utilisé pour capturer et examiner les paquets transitant sur un réseau. Wireshark décode de nombreux protocoles (trop nombreux pour être listés).
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
en_CA: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
en_GB: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
hu: >-A Wireshark egy hálózatfigyelő eszköz, amely elkapja és elemzi a hálózati csomagokat. A Wireshark rengeteg protokollt támogat.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
it: >-Wireshark è uno "sniffer" della rete, uno strumento che cattura e analizza pacchetti dal cavo. Wireshark può decodificare troppi protocolli per elencarli qui.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
nl: >-Wireshark is een netwerk-"sniffer" - een hulpmiddel dat pakketten van de draad kan opvangen en analyseren. Wireshark kan te veel protocols decoderen om hier op te noemen.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
da: >-Wireshark er en »netværkssniffer« - et værktøj som fanger og analyserer pakker fra nettet. Wireshark kan afkode en masse protokoller; for mange til at nævne her.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
en_AU: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
Categories: - Network - Monitor Icon: cached: - name: wireshark-gtk_wireshark.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wireshark-gtk_wireshark.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: wireshark Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-tektronix-rf5 - application/x-iptrace - application/x-etherpeek - application/x-lanalyzer - application/x-radcom - application/x-netinstobserver - application/x-5view - application/x-nettl - application/x-snoop - application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap - application/x-pcapng - application/x-visualnetworks --- Type: desktop-application ID: ssvnc.desktop Package: ssvnc Name: C: SSL/SSH VNC Viewer Summary: C: SSVNC - access remote VNC desktops Description: de: >-VNC steht für Virtual Network Computing. Im Wesentlichen ist es ein Fernanzeigesystem, d.h. es gestattet Ihnen, von überall im Internet auf einer (fast) beliebigen Rechnerarchitektur die Arbeitsumgebung einer fernen Maschine zu betrachten und fernzusteuern.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
pt_BR: >-VNC significa Virtual Network Computing. É essencialmente um sistema de écran remoto que lhe permite visualizar um ambiente de trabalho não apenas da máquina onde está a correr, mas de qualquer localização na Internet e de uma grande variedade de arquitecturas de máquinas.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
sk: >-VNC (Virtual Network Computing) je v podstate systém na vzdialené zobrazovanie, ktoré vám umožňuje zobrazovať „pracovnú plochu“ výpočtového prostredia nie len na stroji, kde beží, ale aj z ktoréhokoľvek miesta internetu a zo širokého spektra strojových architektúr.
SSVNC sú dve veci:
* rozšírená verzia klienta TightVNC s podporou viacerých kódovaní a farebných režimov, podporou x11vnc a rozšírení UltraVNC, dynamickej zmeny veľkosti obrazovky, vylepšeným roletovým menu atď.
* grafické rozhranie, ktoré pomáha zostaviť SSL (pomocou stunnel) alebo SSH tunel, cez ktorý sa pripojí k serveru VNC, vrátane presmerovania portov zvuku (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS atď.
sl: >-VNC pomeni navidezno omrežno računalništvo. To je oddaljen namizni sistem, ki vam omogoča ogled `namiznega' okolja ne le na napravi, kjer teče, ampak kjerkoli na Internetu z različnih računalniških arhitektur.
SSVNC sta dve stvari:
* izboljšana različica odjemalca TightVNC s podporo za več kodiranj in barvnih načinov, podpora za razširitve x11vnc in UltraVNC, dinamično spreminjanje velikosti zaslona, izboljšan pojavi meni, itd.
* grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki pomaga nastaviti SSL (s stunnel) ali SSH tunel za povezavo s strežnikom VNC kot tudi za posredovanje vrat za zvok (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS, itd.
pt: >-VNC significa Virtual Network Computing. É essencialmente um sistema de écran remoto que lhe permite visualizar um ambiente de trabalho não apenas da máquina onde está a correr, mas de qualquer localização na Internet e de uma grande variedade de arquitecturas de máquinas.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
C: >-VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote display system which allows you to view a computing `desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
uk: >-VNC — скорочено від Virtual Network Computing, система доступу до віддаленого комп’ютера, яка дозволяє вам побачити «робочий стіл» не тільки на комп’ютері на якому він працює, а й на будь-якому комп’ютері, з дуже широким спектром використовуваних архітектур, під’єднаному до Internet
SSVNC складається з двох складових:
* Розширеної версії клієнта TightVNC з підтримкою багатьох кодувань та кольорових режимів, розширеннями x11vnc та UltraVNC, динамічною зміною розміру екрану, покращеним меню й т.д.
* Графічного інтерфейсу користувача (ГІК), який допомагає встановлювати SSL (використовуючи stunnel) або SSH-тунелювання для з’єднання з VNC- серверами, а також призначення портів для різноманітних сервісів (audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS та т.і.).
en: >-VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote display system which allows you to view a computing `desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
ru: >-VNC — аббревиатура от Virtual Network Computing. Это, по сути, система удалённого дисплея, которая позволяет работать с "рабочим столом" системы не только на машинах на которых она выполняется, но и с любого места из Internet, используя широкий спектр машинных архитектур.
SSVNC имеет две составляющие:
* Расширенная версия клиента TightVNC с поддержкой большего количества кодировок и цветовых режимов, поддержкой расширений x11vnc и UltraVNC, динамическим изменением размера экрана, улучшенным контекстным меню и т.д.
* Помощника с графическим интерфейсом, который поможет настроить SSL (используя stunnel) или SSH туннель для подключения к серверу VNC, а также перенаправления портов для работы со звуком (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS и т.д.
ja: >-VNC は、Virtual Network Computing の略です。要するに、これは起動中のマシン 上だけでなく、インターネット上のどこからでも、幅広いマシンアーキテクチャの マシンから、「デスクトップ」環境を閲覧可能なリモートディスプレイシステムです。
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
es: >-VNC significa computación virtual por red. Es, en esencia, un sistema de visualización remoto que le permite ver el entorno de «escritorio» no sólo en la máquina donde se esté ejecutando, sino desde cualquier sitio en Internet y desde una amplia gama de arquitecturas de máquinas.
SSVNC es dos cosas:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
fr: >-VNC signifie « Virtual Network Computing ». Il s'agit essentiellement d'un système d'affichage à distance permettant de visualiser l'environnement de travail d'une machine non seulement sur celle-ci mais également depuis tout endroit sur le réseau et depuis un grand nombre de type d'architectures.
Ssvnc, c'est deux choses :
* Une version améliorée du client TightVNC avec la prise en charge de davantage d'encodages et de modes de couleur, la prise en charge des extensions x11vnc et UltraVNC, le redimensionnement dynamique de l'écran, un menu contextuel amélioré, etc.
* Une interface graphique qui permet de mettre en place une connexion SSL (en utilisant stunnel) ou un tunnel SSH pour se connecter au serveur VNC, ainsi que la redirection de ports pour l'audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS, etc.
en_CA: >-VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote display system which allows you to view a computing `desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
en_GB: >-VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote display system which allows you to view a computing `desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
it: >-VNC sta per "Virtual Network Computing". In sintesi è un sistema per display remoto che permette di vedere un ambiente "desktop" non solo sulla macchina su cui è in esecuzione, ma anche da qualsiasi altra parte di Internet e da una grande varietà di architetture.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
da: >-VNC står for Virtual Network Computing, virtuelt maskinnetværk. Det er, i sin essens, et fjernfremvisningssystem som lader dig se en maskines 'skrivebordsmiljø' ikke blot på maskinen, hvor det kører, men fra hvilket som helst sted fra internettet og på et bredt udvalg af maskinarkitekturer.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
en_AU: >-VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote display system which allows you to view a computing `desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures.
SSVNC is two things:
* An enhanced version of the TightVNC client with support for more encodings and color modes, support for x11vnc and UltraVNC extensions, dynamic screen resizing, an improved popup menu, etc.
* A GUI that helps set up an SSL (using stunnel) or SSH tunnel to connect to the VNC server through, as well as forwarding of ports for audio (esound/aRts), SMB, CUPS etc.
Categories: - Network - RemoteAccess Icon: cached: - name: ssvnc_computer.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ssvnc_computer.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: computer --- Type: desktop-application ID: kodi.desktop Package: kodi Name: C: Kodi Media Center Summary: C: Manage and view your media Description: C: >-Kodi, formerly known as XBMC is an award winning free and open source software media-player and entertainment hub for all your digital media. Kodi is available for Linux, Mac OS X (Leopard, Tiger and Apple TV) and Microsoft Windows, as well as the original Xbox game console. Created in 2003 by a group of like minded programmers, Kodi is a non-profit project run and developed by volunteers located around the world. More than 50 software developers have contributed to Kodi, and 100-plus translators have worked to expand its reach, making it available in more than 30 languages.
While Kodi functions very well as a standard media player application for your computer, it has been designed to be the perfect companion for your HTPC. Supporting an almost endless range of remote controls, and combined with its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, Kodi feels very natural to use from the couch and is the ideal solution for your home theater. Once installed, your computer will become a fully functional multimedia jukebox.
This package contains the kodi binaries.
en: >-Kodi, formerly known as XBMC is an award winning free and open source software media-player and entertainment hub for all your digital media. Kodi is available for Linux, Mac OS X (Leopard, Tiger and Apple TV) and Microsoft Windows, as well as the original Xbox game console. Created in 2003 by a group of like minded programmers, Kodi is a non-profit project run and developed by volunteers located around the world. More than 50 software developers have contributed to Kodi, and 100-plus translators have worked to expand its reach, making it available in more than 30 languages.
While Kodi functions very well as a standard media player application for your computer, it has been designed to be the perfect companion for your HTPC. Supporting an almost endless range of remote controls, and combined with its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, Kodi feels very natural to use from the couch and is the ideal solution for your home theater. Once installed, your computer will become a fully functional multimedia jukebox.
This package contains the kodi binaries.
Categories: - AudioVideo - Video - Player - TV Icon: cached: - name: kodi_kodi.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kodi_kodi.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: kodi --- Type: desktop-application ID: atril.desktop Package: atril Name: ja: Atril ドキュメントビューアー zh_CN: Atril 文档查看器 sk: Prehliadač dokumentov Atril sl: Pregledovalnik dokumentov Atril C: Atril Document Viewer fr: Visionneur de document Atril sr: Прегледач докумената Атрил uk: Переглядач документів Atril nb: Dokumentfremviseren Atril hr: Atril preglednik dokumenata sv: Atril Dokumentvisare hu: Atril dokumentummegjelenítő hy: Atril Փաստաթղթի Դիտող am: Atril ሰነድ መመልከቻ nl: Atril Documentviewer zh_TW: Atril 文件檢視器 lt: Atril dokumentų peržiūros programa ar: عارض الوثائق منضدة pl: Przeglądarka dokumentów Atril el: Εφαρμογή προβολής εγγράφων Atril cs: Prohlížeč dokumentů Atril id: Atril Document Viewer gl: Atril, visor de documentos pt: Visualizador de Documentos Atril es: Visor de documentos Atril et: Dokumendinäitaja Atril eu: Atril dokumentu ikustailea ro: Vizualizatorul de documente Atril ru: Просмотрщик документов Atril tr: Atril Belge Görüntüleyicisi kk: Atril құжаттарды көрсетушісі be: Прагляднік дакументаў Atril da: Atril - dokumentfremviser ko: 아트릴 문서 보기 it: Visualizzatore Documenti Atril de: Atril-Dokumentenbetrachter pt_BR: Visualizador de documentos Atril cmn: Atril 文件檢視器 en_GB: Atril Document Viewer mr: Atril दस्तऐवज दर्शक ms: Pelihat Dokumen Atril bg: Atril преглед на документи en_AU: Atril Document Viewer fi: Atril-asiakirjakatselin sc: Atril - Bisore de Documentos Summary: lv: Skatīt lasāmus dokumentus pt: Visualizar documentos com várias páginas tr: Çok sayfalı belgeleri göster ast: Ver documentos multipáxina am: የበርካታ-ገጽ ሰነዶች መመልከቻ id: Melihat dokumen multihalaman pt_BR: Visualize documentos de múltiplas páginas el: Προβολή εγγράφων πολλαπλών σελίδων ca@valencia: Visualitzeu documents multi-pàgina ar: اعرض المُستندات متعددة الصفحات en@shaw: "\U0001045D\U0001047F \U00010465\U00010469\U00010464\U00010451\U00010470-\U00010450\U00010471\U00010461 \U0001045B\U0001046A\U00010452\U0001047F\U00010465\U00010469\U0001046F\U00010451\U00010455" es: Vea documentos de varias páginas et: Mitmeleheküljeliste dokumentide vaatamine eu: Ikusi orrialde anitzeko dokumentuak mn: Олон хуудаст баримт бичиг үзэх it: Visualizza documenti multi-pagina mr: अनेक पानाचे दस्तऐवज बघा ms: Paparkan uk: Перегляд багатосторінкових документів sr@latin: Pregledajte višestranične dokumente be: Праглядаць шматстаронкавыя дакументы bg: Преглед на документи с много страници zh_CN: 查看多页文档 ja: 複数ページのドキュメントを表示します bn: বহুপৃষ্ঠা সম্বলিত নথি প্রদর্শন fi: Katsele monisivuisia asiakirjoja nb: Vis dokumenter med mange sider fr: Afficher des documents multipages nl: Documenten weergeven nn: Vis dokument med mange sider en_AU: View multi-page documents ca: Visualitzeu documents multipàgina ro: Vizualizați documente cu mai multe pagini ru: Просмотр многостраничных документов zh_HK: 顯示多頁文件 cmn: 顯示多頁文件 gl: Ver documentos de varias páxinas cs: Zobrazovat dokumenty po více stránkách kk: Көппарақты құжаттарды қарау sc: Pòmpia documentos multipàgina kn: ಬಹು-ಪುಟದ ದಸ್ತಾವೇಜನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸು ko: 다중 페이지 문서를 봅니다 gu: ઘણા-પાનાનાં દસ્તાવેજો જુઓ sk: Zobraziť viac-stranové dokumenty sl: Poglejte večstranske dokumente C: View multi-page documents da: Vis dokumenter med flere sider ky: Көп барактуу иш кагаздарды көрүү sr: Прегледајте вишестраничне документе de: Mehrseitige Dokumente anzeigen zh_TW: 顯示多頁文件 sv: Visa dokument med flera sidor he: הצגת מסמכים מרובי עמודים pa: ਮਲਟੀ-ਪੇਜ਼ ਡੌਕੂਮੈਂਟ ਵੇਖੋ en_GB: View multi-page documents ta: பல பக்க ஆவணங்களை பார்வையிடு hr: Pogledaj višestranične dokumente hu: Többoldalas dokumentumok megjelenítése pl: Wyświetlanie wielostronicowych dokumentów th: ดูเอกสารแบบหลายหน้า hy: Դիտել բազմաէջ փաստաթղթեր lt: Peržiūrėti kelių puslapių dokumentams Description: C: >-Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI and Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
When supported by the document, it also allows searching for text, copying text to the clipboard, hypertext navigation, and table-of-contents bookmarks.
en: >-Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI and Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
When supported by the document, it also allows searching for text, copying text to the clipboard, hypertext navigation, and table-of-contents bookmarks.
Categories: - Office - Viewer Keywords: C: - MATE - document - viewer - pdf - dvi - ps - xps - tiff - pixbuf - djvu - comics Icon: cached: - name: atril_atril.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: atril_atril.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: atril Launchable: desktop-id: - atril.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/pdf - application/x-bzpdf - application/x-gzpdf - application/x-xzpdf - application/postscript - application/x-bzpostscript - application/x-gzpostscript - image/x-eps - image/x-bzeps - image/x-gzeps - application/x-dvi - application/x-bzdvi - application/x-gzdvi - image/vnd.djvu - image/tiff - application/x-cbr - application/x-cbz - application/x-cb7 - application/x-cbt - image/* - application/oxps - application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument - application/epub+zip --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kleopatra.desktop Package: kleopatra Name: sk: Kleopatra sl: Kleopatra uk: Kleopatra C: Kleopatra fr: Kleopatra nb: Kleopatra pt-BR: Kleopatra sv: Kleopatra ca: Kleopatra en-GB: Kleopatra hu: Kleopatra nl: Kleopatra zh-CN: Kleopatra ca-valencia: Kleopatra pl: Kleopatra nds: Kleopatra cs: Kleopatra ro: Kleopatra gl: Kleopatra es: Kleopatra et: Kleopatra ru: Kleopatra tr: Kleopatra pt: Kleopatra zh-TW: Kleopatra da: Kleopatra it: Kleopatra ko: Kleopatra de: Kleopatra bs: Kleopatra fi: Kleopatra Summary: sk: Správca certifikátov a unifikované šifrovacie grafické rozhranie sl: Upravljalnik potrdil in enoten šifrirni vmesnik uk: Графічний інтерфейс до засобів керування сертифікатами та універсальних можливостей з шифрування. C: Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI fr: Gestionnaire de certificats et interface utilisateur unifiée pour le chiffrement nb: Sertifikatbehandler og forent krypto-GUI pt-BR: Gerenciador de certificados e interface gráfica de criptografia unificada sv: Certifikathanterare och enhetligt grafiskt användargränssnitt för krypto ca: Gestor de certificats i interfície gràfica d'usuari de criptografia unificada en-GB: Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI hu: Tanúsítványkezelő és egységes kriptográfiai kezelőfelület nl: Certificaatbeheerder en Unified Crypto GUI zh-CN: 证书管理器和统一的密钥操作界面 ca-valencia: Gestor de certificats i interfície gràfica d'usuari de criptografia unificada pl: Zarządzanie certyfikatami i kryptografią nds: Zertifikatenpleger un eenheitlich Verslötel-Böversiet cs: Správce certifikátů a rozhraní pro šifrování gl: Xestor de certificados e interface gráfica unificada de criptografía pt: Gestor de Certificados e GUI Unificada de Criptografia es: Gestor de certificados e interfaz gráfica unificada de cifrado et: Sertifikaadihaldur ja ühtne krüptimise graafiline kasutajaliides ru: Управление сертификатами и криптографией tr: Sertifika Yöneticisi ve Birleşik Şifreleme Arayüzü zh-TW: 憑證管理與統一加密介面 da: Certifikathåndtering og forenet krypterings-GUI it: Gestore di certificati e interfaccia grafica unificata di crittografia ko: 인증서 관리자와 통합된 암호화 GUI de: Zertifikatsverwaltung und einheitliche Oberfläche für Kryptografie bs: Upravitelj certifikata i grafičko okruženje za Unified Crypto fi: Varmenteiden hallinta ja yhtenäinen salauskäyttöliittymä Description: nds: >-Kleopatra is en Zertifikatenpleger un en Böversiet för Verslötelakschonen. Du kannst dor X.509- un OpenPGP-Zertifikaten mit binnen de GpgSM-Slötelkist plegen un Zertifikaten mit vun LDAP-Servers halen.
pl: >-Kleopatra jest programem do zarządzania certyfikatami i uniwersalnym układem sterowania kryptografią. Obsługuje zarządzanie certyfikatami X.509 oraz OpenPGP w skrzynce na klucze GpgSM oraz pobieranie certyfikatów z serwerów LDAP.
de: >-Kleopatra ist eine Zertifikatsverwaltung und eine universelle Krypto-Oberfläche. Es unterstützt die Verwaltung von X.509- und OpenPGP-Zertifikate im GPGSM-Hilfsprogramm und das Abholen von Zertifikaten von LDAP-Servern.
zh-TW: >-Kleopatra 是一套憑證管理與通用加密介面。它可以管理 GpgSM keybox 裡的 X.509 與 OpenPGP 憑證,並從 LDAP 伺服器取得憑證。
sk: >-Kleopatra je správca certifikátov a univerzálne šifrovacie GUI. Podporuje správu X.509 a OpenPGP certifikátov v keyboxe GpgSM a získavanie certifikátov z LDAP serverov.
sl: >-Kleopatra je upravljalnik potrdil in enoten šifrirni vmesnik. Podpira rokovanje s potrdili X.509 in OpenPGP v zbirki ključev GpgSM in omogoča pridobivanje potrdil iz strežnikov LDAP.
fi: >-Kleopatra on varmenteiden hallinta ja yhtenäinen salauskäyttöliittymä. Se tukee X.509- ja OpenPGP-varmenteiden hallintaa GpgSM-avainlaatikossa ja varmenteiden noutoa LDAP-palvelimilta.
C: >-Kleopatra is a certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI. It supports managing X.509 and OpenPGP certificates in the GpgSM keybox and retrieving certificates from LDAP servers.
uk: >-Kleopatra — графічний інтерфейс засобів керування сертифікатами та шифрування. У програмі передбачено можливості з керування сертифікатами X.509 та OpenPGP у сховищі ключів GpgSM та отримання сертифікатів з серверів LDAP.
en-GB: >-Kleopatra is a certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI. It supports managing X.509 and OpenPGP certificates in the GpgSM keybox and retrieving certificates from LDAP servers.
ca-valencia: >-El Kleopatra és un gestor de certificats i interfície gràfica d'usuari de criptografia universal. Implementa la gestió dels certificats X.509 i OpenPGP a l'anell de claus GpgSM i recupera certificats des de servidors LDAP.
gl: >-Kleopatra é un xestor de certificados e unha interface gráfica universal de criptografía. Pode xestionar certificados X.509 e OpenPGP na caixa de chaves GpgSM e obter certificados de servidores LDAP.
tr: >-Kleopatra bir sertifika yöneticisi ve birleşik şifreleme arayüzüdür. X.509 ve OpenPGP sertifikalarını GpgSM anahtar kutusunda yönetmeyi ve LDAP sunucularından sertifika getirmeyi destekler.
es: >-Kleopatra es un gestor de certificados e interfaz gráfica universal de cifrado. Reconoce certificados X.509 y OpenPGP en el llavero GpgSM y la recuperación de certificados desde servidores LDAP.
et: >-Kleopatra on sertifikaadihaldur ja universaalne krüptimise kasutajaliides. See toetab X.509 ja OpenPGP sertifikaatide haldamist GpgSM võtmekastis ning sertifikaatide hankimist LDAP serveritest.
fr: >-Kleopatra est un gestionnaire de certificats et une interface graphique universelle pour les opérations de chiffrement. Il prend en charge la gestion des certificats X.509 et OpenPGP dans le trousseau GpgSM et la récupération de certificats depuis des serveurs « LDAP ».
ru: >-Kleopatra — диспетчер сертификатов и универсальный графический интерфейс к криптографическим алгоритмам. Она позволяет управлять сертификатами X.509 и OpenPGP в хранилище ключей GpgSM и получать сертификаты с серверов LDAP.
nb: >-Kleopatra er en sertifikatbehandler og en universal krypto-brukerflate. Den har støtte for å behandle X.509 og OpenPGP-sertifikater i nøkkelboksen CpgSM, og henter sertifikater fra LDP-tjenere.
pt-BR: >-Kleopatra é um gerenciador de certificados e uma interface de criptografia universal. Tem suporte a gerenciamento de certificados X.509 e OpenPGP no porta-chaves do GpgSM e obtenção de certificados a partir de servidores LDAP.
sv: >-Kleopatra är en certifikathanterare och ett universellt grafiskt användargränssnitt för krypto. Den stöder hantering av X.509- och OpenPGP-certifikat i GpgSM-nyckellådan och att hämta certifikat från LDAP-servrar.
pt: >-O Kleopatra é um gestor de certificados e uma interface de cifra universal. Suporta a gestão de certificados X.509 e do OpenPGP no porta-chaves do GpgSM e a obtenção dos certificados a partir de servidores de LDAP.
hu: >-A Kleopatra egy tanúsítványkezelő és egységes kriptográfiai kezelőfelület. Támogatja az X.509-es és OpenPGP tanúsítványok kezelését a GpgSM kulcsdobozban és tanúsítványok letöltését LDAP kiszolgálókról.
ca: >-El Kleopatra és un gestor de certificats i interfície gràfica d'usuari de criptografia universal. Implementa la gestió dels certificats X.509 i OpenPGP a l'anell de claus GpgSM i recupera certificats des de servidors LDAP.
it: >-Kleopatra è un gestore di certificati ed un'interfaccia grafica universale per la cifratura. Supporta la gestione di certificati X.509 e OpenPGP nella cassetta delle chiavi di GpgSM ed il recupero di certificati da server LDAP.
ko: >-Kleopatra는 인증서 관리자와 통합된 범용 암호화 GUI입니다. GpgSM 키 상자에 저장된 X.509 및 OpenPGP 인증서를 관리하고, LDAP 서버에서 인증서를 가져올 수 있습니다.
nl: >-Kleopatra is een certificaatbeheerder en een universele crypto GUI. Deze ondersteunt het beheer van X.509 en OpenPGP certificaten in de GpgSM sleutelkast en haalt certificaten op van LDAP-servers.
ProjectGroup: KDE ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Utility Url: bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=kleopatra help: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdepim/kleopatra/index.html Icon: cached: - name: kleopatra_kleopatra.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kleopatra_kleopatra.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.kleopatra.desktop Provides: binaries: - kleopatra Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/313EC208348634D906FC412AB47480FB/screenshots/image-1_624x472.png width: 624 height: 472 - url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/313EC208348634D906FC412AB47480FB/screenshots/image-1_224x169.png width: 224 height: 169 source-image: url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/313EC208348634D906FC412AB47480FB/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 747 height: 566 --- Type: addon ID: evolution-spamassassin Package: evolution-common Extends: - evolution.desktop Name: ca@valencia: SpamAssaren ja: SpamAssassin zh_CN: SpamAssassin or: SpamAssassin hi: SpamAssassin sl: SpamAssassin sk: SpamAssassin ug: SpamAssassin C: SpamAssassin fr: SpamAssassin sr: Убица спама bn_IN: SpamAssassin nb: SpamAssassin zh_HK: SpamAssassin ca: SpamAssassin sv: SpamAssassin hu: SpamAssassin pa: SpamAssassin uk: SpamAssassin an: SpamAssassin nl: SpamAssassin ga: SpamAssassin lt: SpamAssassin ar: قاتل السخام as: SpamAssassin lv: SpamAssassin ta: ஸ்பாம் அஸாஸின் el: SpamAssassin ast: SpamAssassin cs: SpamAssassin id: SpamAssassin th: SpamAssassin gl: SpamAssassin pt: SpamAssassin es: SpamAssassin et: SpamAssassin eu: SpamAssassin te: SpamAssassin ro: SpamAssasin pl: SpamAssassin tr: SpamAssassin gu: SpamAssassin vi: SpamAssassin be: SpamAssassin kn: ಸ್ಪ್ಯಾಮ್ಅಸಾಸಿನ್ ko: 스팸어새신 it: SpamAssassin da: SpamAssassin de: SpamAssassin mk: SpamAssassin ml: സ്പാംഅസാസിന് en_GB: SpamAssassin mr: SpamAssassin pt_BR: SpamAssassin bg: SpamAssassin sr@latin: Ubica spama bs: SpamAssassin fi: SpamAssassin ru: SpamAssassin zh_TW: SpamAssassin Summary: sk: Filtrovanie nevyžiadanej pošty pomocou programu SpamAssassin sl: Filtriranje neželenih sporočil s SpamAssassin C: Junk filter using SpamAssassin fr: Filtre de pourriel utilisant SpamAssassin sr: Филтер непожељне поруке помоћу SpamAssassin uk: Фільтрувати спам через SpamAssassin nb: Søppelfilter bruker SpamAssassin sv: Skräppostfilter som använder SpamAssassin ca: Filtra la brossa amb SpamAssassin hu: Levélszemétszűrő szoftver SpamAssassin használatával nl: Spamfilter gebruikmakend van SpamAssassin zh_TW: 使用 SpamAssassin 垃圾郵件過濾器 lt: Šlamšto filtravimas naudojant SpamAssassin ta: SpamAssassin பயன்படுத்தி குப்பை வடிகட்டி lv: Mēstuļu filtrēšanas, izmantojot SpamAssassin pl: Filtrowanie niechcianych wiadomości używając SpamAssassin el: Φίλτρο ανεπιθύμητων χρησιμοποιώντας το SpamAssassin cs: Filtr nevyžádané pošty používá SpamAssassin id: Penyaring sampah memakai SpamAssassin pt: Filtrar não solicitado usando SpamAssassin gl: Filtrar spam usando SpamAssassin es: Filtro de spam usando SpamAssassin eu: Baztergarriak iragazteko SpamAssassin erabiltzen ru: Фильтр спама с помощью SpamAssassin tr: SpamAssassin kullanarak önemsiz ileti filtrele kn: ಸ್ಪ್ಯಾಮ್ಅಸಾಸಿನ್ ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ರದ್ದಿಯನ್ನು ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡು it: Filtra indesiderata usando SpamAssassin bg: Програма за защита от спам чрез SpamAssasin da: Spamfilter med SpamAssassin de: Filter für unerwünschte Nachrichten, der den SpamAssassin-Filter verwendet pt_BR: Filtro de spam usando SpamAssassin ko: 프매어새신 사용 정크메일 필터링 sr@latin: Filter nepoželjne poruke pomoću SpamAssassin bs: Filter za smeće koristeći SpamAssassin ProjectLicense: LGPL Url: homepage: https://live.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution --- Type: addon ID: evolution-bogofilter Package: evolution-common Extends: - evolution.desktop Name: ca@valencia: Bogofilter ja: Bogofilter zh_CN: Bogofilter or: Bogofilter hi: बोगोफिल्टर sl: Bogofilter sk: Bogofilter ug: Bogofilter C: Bogofilter fr: Bogofilter sr: Богофилтер bn_IN: Bogofilter nb: Bogofilter zh_HK: Bogofilter ca: Bogofilter sv: Bogofilter hu: Bogofilter pa: ਬੋਗੋਲਫਿਲਟਰ uk: Bogofilter an: Bogofilter nl: Bogofilter zh_TW: Bogofilter lt: Bogofilter ta: போகோவடிகட்டி lv: Bogofilter as: Bogofilter el: Bogofilter ast: Bogofilter cs: Bogofilter id: Bogofilter th: Bogofilter gl: Bogofilter pt: Bogofilter es: Bogofilter et: Bogofilter eu: Bogofilter te: Bogofilter ro: Bogofiltru pl: Bogofilter tr: Bogofilter gu: Bogofilter vi: Bogofilter be: Bogofilter kn: ಬೊಗೊಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ko: 보고필터 it: Bogofilter da: Bogofilter de: Bogofilter mk: Bogofilter ml: ബോഗോഫില്റ്റര് en_GB: Bogofilter mr: बोगोफिल्टर pt_BR: Bogofilter bg: Bogofilter sr@latin: Bogofilter bs: Bogofilter fi: Bogofilter ru: Bogofilter Summary: sk: Filtrovanie nevyžiadanej pošty pomocou programu Bogofilter sl: Filter neželene pošte, ki uporablja Bogofilter C: Junk filter using Bogofilter fr: Filtre de pourriel utilisant Bogofilter sr: Бого-филтер непожељних порука uk: Фільтрувати спам через Bogofilter nb: Søppelfilter bruker Bogofilter sv: Skräppostfilter som använder Bogofilter ca: Filtra la brossa amb Bogofilter hu: Levélszemétszűrő szoftver Bogofilter használatával nl: Spamfilter gebruikmakend van Bogofilter zh_TW: 使用 Bogofilter 垃圾郵件過濾器 lt: Šlamšto filtravimas naudojant Bogofilter ta: Bogofilter பயன்படுத்தி குப்பை வடிகட்டி lv: Mēstuļu filtrēšanas, izmantojot Bogofilter pl: Filtrowanie niechcianych wiadomości używając Bogofilter el: Φίλτρο ανεπιθύμητων χρησιμοποιώντας το Bogofilter cs: Filtr nevyžádané pošty používá Bogofilter pt: Filtrar não solicitado usando Bogofilter gl: Filtro de spam usando Bogofilter es: Filtro de spam usando Bogofilter eu: Baztergarriak iragazteko Bogofilter erabiltzen ru: Фильтр спама с помощью Bogofilter tr: Bogofilter kullanarak gereksiz iletileri filtrele kn: ಬೊಗೊಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ರದ್ಧಿಯನ್ನು ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಿ it: Filtra indesiderata usando Bogofilter bg: Програма за защита от спам чрез Bogofilter da: Spamfilter med Bogofilter de: Filter für unerwünschte Nachrichten, der den Bogofilter verwendet pt_BR: Filtro de spam usando Bogofilter ko: 보고필터를 사용한 정크메일 필터링 sr@latin: Bogo-filter nepoželjnih poruka bs: Filter za smeće koristeći Bogofilter ProjectLicense: LGPL Url: homepage: https://live.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution --- Type: desktop-application ID: supertux2.desktop Package: supertux Name: C: SuperTux 2 en: SuperTux 2 Summary: lt: Klasikinis 2D platformos žaidimas de: Ein klassisches Jump&Run Spiel pt_BR: Encarne o pinguin Tux neste jogo inspirado em clássicos de Pular&Correr fi: Ohjaa pingviiniä perinteisessä tasohyppelyssä C: Play a classic 2D platform game en: Play a classic 2D platform game cs: Plošinovka inspirovaná SuperMariem s tučňákem Tuxem v hlavní roli pt: Joga este clássico de plataformas 2D sv: Ett klassiskt tvådimensionellt plattformsspel nb: Et klassisk todimensjonalt plattformspill. hu: Egy klasszikus 2D-s oldalnézeti játék nn: Eit klassisk todimensjonalt plattformspel. Description: C: >-SuperTux is a 2D game very similar to Super Mario with Tux Penguin as protagonist, you must end each level by jumping and running to avoid obstacles and enemies.
Categories: - Game - ArcadeGame Keywords: C: - game - arcade - platform Url: homepage: http://supertux.lethargik.org/ Icon: cached: - name: supertux_supertux.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: supertux_supertux.png width: 128 height: 128 Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: s/su/supertux2.desktop/4245CDEF2B709202AB439C6E7C6506B5/screenshots/image-1_624x468.png width: 624 height: 468 - url: s/su/supertux2.desktop/4245CDEF2B709202AB439C6E7C6506B5/screenshots/image-1_224x168.png width: 224 height: 168 source-image: url: s/su/supertux2.desktop/4245CDEF2B709202AB439C6E7C6506B5/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 640 height: 480 - thumbnails: - url: s/su/supertux2.desktop/4245CDEF2B709202AB439C6E7C6506B5/screenshots/image-2_624x468.png width: 624 height: 468 - url: s/su/supertux2.desktop/4245CDEF2B709202AB439C6E7C6506B5/screenshots/image-2_224x168.png width: 224 height: 168 source-image: url: s/su/supertux2.desktop/4245CDEF2B709202AB439C6E7C6506B5/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 640 height: 480 - thumbnails: - url: s/su/supertux2.desktop/4245CDEF2B709202AB439C6E7C6506B5/screenshots/image-3_624x468.png width: 624 height: 468 - url: s/su/supertux2.desktop/4245CDEF2B709202AB439C6E7C6506B5/screenshots/image-3_224x168.png width: 224 height: 168 source-image: url: s/su/supertux2.desktop/4245CDEF2B709202AB439C6E7C6506B5/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 640 height: 480 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.blogilo.desktop Package: blogilo Name: sk: Blogilo sl: Blogilo sr-ijekavian: Блогило C: Blogilo fr: Blogilo sr: Блогило uk: Blogilo nb: Blogilo pt-BR: Blogilo ca: Blogilo sv: Blogilo en-GB: Blogilo hu: Blogilo nl: Blogilo zh-CN: Blogilo lt: Blogilo ca-valencia: Blogilo pl: Blogilo nds: Blogilo sr-ijekavianlatin: Blogilo cs: Blogilo gl: Blogilo pt: Blogilo es: Blogilo et: Blogilo ru: Blogilo tr: Blogilo zh-TW: Blogilo sr-Latn: Blogilo it: Blogilo ko: Blogilo da: Blogilo de: Blogilo bs: Blogilo fi: Blogilo Summary: sk: KDE blogovací klient sl: KDE-jev odjemalec za bloganje sr-ijekavian: КДЕ клијент за блоговање C: A KDE Blogging Client fr: Un client de blog pour KDE sr: КДЕ клијент за блоговање uk: Клієнт для ведення блогів у KDE nb: En KDE bloggklient pt-BR: Um cliente de blog do KDE ca: Un client de blogs pel KDE sv: En bloggklient för KDE en-GB: A KDE Blogging Client hu: KDE-s blogkliens nl: Een KDE Blogging-client zh-CN: KDE 的博客客户端 lt: KDE tinklaraštinimo klientas ar: عميل تدوين لكدي pl: Klient bloga KDE nds: En Nettdaagbook-Programm för KDE sr-ijekavianlatin: KDE klijent za blogovanje ca-valencia: Un client de blogs pel KDE gl: Un cliente de KDE para blogues pt: Um Cliente de Blogs para o KDE es: Un cliente de blogueo para KDE et: KDE ajaveebiklient ru: Приложение KDE для ведения блогов tr: KDE Günlük İstemcisi zh-TW: KDE 部落格客戶端程式 sr-Latn: KDE klijent za blogovanje it: Client KDE per il blog ko: KDE 블로그 클라이언트 de: Ein Blogging-Programm für KDE bs: KDE klijent za bloganje fi: KDE:n blogausasiakas Description: sk: >-Blogilo je blogovací klient pre KDE, ktorý podporuje rôzne blogovanie API.
Blogilo je KDE-jev odjemalec za bloganje, ki podpira številne API-je za bloganje.
Блогило је клијент за блоговање за КДЕ, који подржава разноврсне АПИ‑је.
Blogilo is a blogging client for KDE, which supports various blogging APIs.
Blogilo — клієнт для ведення блоків у KDE, у якому передбачено різноманітні програмні інтерфейси для ведення блогів.
Блогило је клијент за блоговање за КДЕ, који подржава разноврсне АПИ‑је.
Blogilo est un client de blog pour KDE qui prend en charge diverses interfaces de programmation pour blogs.
Fonctionnalités :
Blogilo er en bloggeklient for KDE, den støtter forskjellige API-er for blogging.
Blogilo é um cliente de blogs para o KDE, que tem suporte as APIs de vários blogs.
Blogilo är en bloggklient för KDE, som stöder diverse programmeringsgränssnitt för bloggar.
El Blogilo és un client de blogs pel KDE, el qual és compatible amb diverses API de blogs.
Blogilo is a blogging client for KDE, which supports various blogging APIs.
A Blogilo egy blogkliens a KDE-hez, amely több különböző blog API-t támogat.
Blogilo is een client voor blogging voor KDE, die verschillende blogging API's ondersteunt.
Blogilo jest klientem blogowania dla KDE, który obsługuje różne API blogowania.
Blogilo is en Nettdaagbook-Client för KDE, de en Reeg Nettdaagbook-APIs ünnerstütten deit.
Blogilo je klijent za blogovanje za KDE, koji podržava raznovrsne API‑je.
El Blogilo és un client de blogs pel KDE, el qual és compatible amb diverses API de blogs.
O Blogilo é um cliente de 'blogs' para o KDE, o qual suporta várias API's de 'blogs'.
Blogilo é un cliente de KDE para blogues compatíbel coas API de varios tipos de blogue.
Blogilo en un cliente de blogueo para KDE, que implementa varias API de blogueo.
Blogilo on KDE ajaveebiklient, mis toetab mitmeid blogimise API-sid.
Blogilo — программа от KDE для ведения блогов, которая поддерживает API множества интернет-площадок.
Blogilo çeşitli günlük API'lerini destekleyen KDE için bir günlük istemcisidir.
Blogilo 是一個 KDE 上的部落格客戶端程式,支援不同的部落格 API。
Blogilo je klijent za blogovanje za KDE, koji podržava raznovrsne API‑je.
Blogilo è un programma client per i blog per KDE e supporta varie API per blog.
Blogilo는 여러 블로그 API를 지원하는 KDE 블로그 클라이언트입니다.
Blogilo ist ein Blogging-Programm für KDE, das verschiedene Programmier-Schnittstellen (APIs) für Blog-Systeme unterstützt.
Blogilo on KDE:n blogausasiakas, joka tukee useampaa eri blogaus-APIa.
Evolution jest zestawem narzędziowym do pracy grupowej, który integruje: program pocztowy, kalendarz, książkę adresową, listę zadań do zrobienia oraz narzędzia przypominające.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
de: >-Evolution ist eine Groupware-Suite, die aus E-Mail-, Kalender-, Adressbuch-, Aufgabenlisten- und Notizprogrammen besteht.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
pt_BR: >-Evolution é uma suíte para trabalho em grupo que integra correio, calendário, agenda de contatos, lista de tarefas e ferramentas de memorando.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
C: >-Evolution is a groupware suite which integrates mail, calendar, address book, to-do list and memo tools.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
en: >-Evolution is a groupware suite which integrates mail, calendar, address book, to-do list and memo tools.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
ru: >-Evolution — комплект средств для групповой работы, объединяющий в себе почту, календарь, адресную книгу, менеджер задач и инструмент для создания заметок.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
en_CA: >-Evolution is a groupware suite which integrates mail, calendar, address book, to-do list and memo tools.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
es: >-Evolution es una suite de trabajo en grupo que integra herramientas de correo, calendario, agenda, tareas y recordatorios.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
fr: >-Evolution est une suite logicielle de travail associatif qui intègre des outils pour le courriel, un calendrier, un carnet d'adresses, une liste de choses à faire (todo list) et un mémo.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
en_GB: >-Evolution is a groupware suite which integrates mail, calendar, address book, to-do list and memo tools.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
it: >-Evolution è una suite per il groupware che integra strumenti per la posta, l'agenda, la rubrica, l'elenco delle cose da fare e i memo.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
da: >-Evolution er en samarbejdsprogrampakke med integreret e-post, kalender, adressebog, opgaveliste og memoværktøj.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
en_AU: >-Evolution is a groupware suite which integrates mail, calendar, address book, to-do list and memo tools.
Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars
Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc.
See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ for more information.
The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin
Categories: - Office - Email - Calendar - ContactManagement Keywords: es_DO.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea en_GB.UTF-8: - email - e-mail - mail - calendar - contact - addressbook - task es_PE.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea oc_FR.UTF-8: - corrièr electronic - agenda - calendièr - contacte - quasernet d'adreças - prètzfaits zh_TW.UTF-8: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - 電子郵件 - 行事曆 - 連絡人 - 通訊錄 - 工作 ca_FR.UTF-8: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca ia: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea de_DE.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe sv_SE.UTF-8: - epost - e-post - kalender - kontakt - adressbok - uppgifter - mail - email - todo es_CO.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea hu_HU.UTF-8: - levél - naptár - névjegy - címjegyzék - feladat da_DK.UTF-8: - epost - e-post - kalender - kontakt - kontaktperson - adressebog - opgave zh_HK.UTF-8: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - 電子郵件 - 行事曆 - 聯絡人 - 通訊錄 - 工作 ca_ES.UTF-8: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca es_PR.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea pl_PL.UTF-8: - email - mail - poczta - kalendarz - kontakt - książka adresowa - zadanie ca_AD.UTF-8: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca el_GR.UTF-8: - ηλεκτρονική αλληλογραφία - ημερολόγιο - επαφή - βιβλίο διευθύνσεων - εργασία - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task nl_NL.UTF-8: - email - e-mail - calendar - agenda - contact - addressbook - adresboek - task - taak es_GT.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea nl_AW: - email - e-mail - calendar - agenda - contact - addressbook - adresboek - task - taak fr_LU.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches el_CY.UTF-8: - ηλεκτρονική αλληλογραφία - ημερολόγιο - επαφή - βιβλίο διευθύνσεων - εργασία - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task lv_LV.UTF-8: - e-pasts - pasts - kalendārs - kontakti - adrešu grāmata - uzdevums - vēstule es_SV.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea id_ID.UTF-8: - surel - kalender - kontak - buku alamat - tugas eu_FR.UTF-8: - posta - egutegia - kontaktua - helbide-liburua - zeregina es_UY.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea bs_BA.UTF-8: - e-pošta - kalendar - kontakt:adresar - zadatak de_BE.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe es_ES.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea sr_RS: - ел.пошта - пошта - календар - контакт - адресар - задатак nb_NO.UTF-8: - e-post - kalender - kontakt - adressebok - oppgave es_CR.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea sl_SI.UTF-8: - elektronska pošta - koledar - stik - stiki - imenik - opravila - naloge fr_CA.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches ca_ES.UTF-8@valencia: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca es_VE.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea it_IT.UTF-8: - email - calendario - contatti - rubrica - attività de_CH.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe es_BO.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea uk_UA.UTF-8: - пошта - календар - контакт - адресна - книга - завдання eu_ES.UTF-8: - posta - egutegia - kontaktua - helbide-liburua - zeregina ms_MY.UTF-8: - emel - kalendar - kenalan - bukualamat - tugas es_AR.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea fr_FR.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches es_HN.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea es_NI.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea de_LI.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe de_AT.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe sr_RS@latin: - el.pošta - pošta - kalendar - kontakt - adresar - zadatak es_PA.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea gl_ES.UTF-8: - correo - calendario - contacto - caderno de enderezos - tarefas nl_BE.UTF-8: - email - e-mail - calendar - agenda - contact - addressbook - adresboek - task - taak ko_KR.UTF-8: - email - 메일 - 전자메일 - 편지 - calendar - 달력 - 캘린더 - 일정 - contact - 연락처 - addressbook - 주소록 - task - 작업 - 할일 sv_FI.UTF-8: - epost - e-post - kalender - kontakt - adressbok - uppgifter - mail - email - todo am_ET: - ኢሜይል - ቀን መቁጠሪያ - ግንኙነት - አድራሻ ደብተር - ስራዎች fr_BE.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches C: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task lt_LT.UTF-8: - paštas - kalendorius - kontaktai - adresų knyga - užduotis es_US.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea pt_PT.UTF-8: - correio - email - mensagem - calendário - contacto - contato - livro - endereços - tarefa es_PY.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea sr_ME: - ел.пошта - пошта - календар - контакт - адресар - задатак de_LU.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe zh_CN.UTF-8: - mail - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - 邮件 - 日历 - 联系人 - 地址簿 - 任务 fi_FI.UTF-8: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - sähköposti - kalenteri - yhteystiedot - osoitekirja - tehtävä pt_BR.UTF-8: - correio - email - calendário - agenda - contato - catálogo de endereços - tarefa es_CU: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea ru_RU.UTF-8: - почта - календарь - контакт - адресная - книга - задача - задание ca_IT.UTF-8: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca fr_CH.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches it_CH.UTF-8: - email - calendario - contatti - rubrica - attività ru_UA.UTF-8: - почта - календарь - контакт - адресная - книга - задача - задание es_EC.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea es_CL.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea es_MX.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea cs_CZ.UTF-8: - pošta - e-mail - kalendář - kontakt - adresář - úkol or_IN: - ଇମେଲ - କ୍ୟାଲେଣ୍ଡର - ସମ୍ପର୍କ - ଠିକଣାପୁସ୍ତକ - କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ Icon: cached: - name: evolution_evolution.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: evolution_evolution.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: evolution Provides: mimetypes: - text/directory - message/rfc822 - text/calendar - text/x-vcard - x-scheme-handler/mailto - application/mbox --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Weather.Application.desktop Package: gnome-weather Name: ca@valencia: Weather he: מזג האוויר ja: 天気 oc: Metèo sk: Počasie sl: Vreme zh_CN: 天气 C: Weather fr: Météo sr: Време uk: Погода nb: Vær tg: Обу ҳаво ca: Meteorologia ne: मौसम hu: Időjárás pa: ਮੌਸਮ zh_HK: 天氣 sv: Väder an: Orache nl: Weer ga: Aimsir lt: Orai ar: الطقس gd: Aimsir as: বতৰ el: Καιρός te: వాతావరణం cs: Počasí eo: Vetero th: รายงานอากาศ gl: Clima pt: Metereologia es: Meteorología et: Ilm eu: Eguraldia zh_TW: 天氣 ro: Vremea id: Cuaca pt_BR: Meteorologia kk: Ауа райы be: Надвор'е is: Veður it: Meteo ko: 날씨 fur: Meteo de: Wetter fa: آبوهوا da: Vejr en_GB: Weather lv: Laikapstākļi ml: കാലാവസ്ഥ kn: ಹವಾಮಾನ tr: Hava Durumu sr@latin: Vreme bs: Vrijeme fi: Sää ru: Погода pl: Pogoda Summary: ca@valencia: Mostra les condicions actuals i la previsió meteorològica he: הצגת תנאים ואת תחזית מזג האוויר ja: 天気の概況と予報を表示します oc: Aficha lo temps que fa e las previsions sk: Zobrazuje poveternostné podmienky a predpoveď počasia sl: Spremljanje trenutnih vremenskih razmer in napovedi zh_CN: 显示天气状况和天气预报 C: Show weather conditions and forecast fr: Affiche le temps qu'il fait et les prévisions sr: Прикажите временске прилике и прогнозу uk: Показувати погодні умови і прогноз nb: Vis værforhold og værmelding tg: Намоиш додани шароит ва пешгӯии обу ҳаво ca: Mostra les condicions actuals i la predicció meteorològica ne: हालको मौसम अवस्था अनुगमन गर्दछ, र पूर्वानुमान गर्दछ hu: Időjárási viszonyok és előrejelzés megjelenítése pa: ਮੌਸਮ ਹਾਲਤ ਅਤੇ ਭਵਿੱਖਬਾਣੀ ਵੇਖੋ zh_HK: 顯示天氣狀況與氣象預報 sv: Visar prognoser och väderförhållanden an: Amostrar as condicions meteorolochicas y o pronostico nl: Weersomstandigheden en -verwachtingen tonen ga: Taispeáin staid agus réamhaisnéis na haimsire lt: Rodyti orų sąlygas ir prognozes ar: اعرض حالة الطقس و النشرة الجوية gd: Seall an aimsir an-dràsta agus ro-aithris as: বতৰৰ অৱস্থা আৰু পূৰ্বানুমান দেখুৱাওক el: Εμφάνιση συνθηκών καιρού και πρόβλεψης te: వాతావరణ పరిస్థితులను, సూచినలను చూపించు cs: Zobrazte si povětrnostní podmínky a předpověď počasí eo: Montras veterajn statojn kaj prognozojn th: แสดงสภาพอากาศและการพยากรณ์ gl: Mostrar as condicións e predicións do tmepo pt: Mostra as condições metereológicas e previsões es: Mostrar las condiciones meteorológicas y el pronóstico et: Ilmaolude ja ilmateate kuvamine eu: Erakutsi eguraldiaren egoera eta iragarpena ro: Afișează prognoza și condițiile meteorologice id: Tampilkan kondisi dan ramalan cuaca tr: Hava durumunu ve tahminleri göster kk: Ауа райының күйін және болжамын көрсету be: Прагляд звестак аб надвор'і і яго прагноз is: Birta veðurslýsingar og veðurspár it: Mostra condizioni e previsioni meteo ko: 날씨와 일기 예보 보기 fur: Mostre condizions e previsions meteo de: Wetterberichte und -vorhersagen anzeigen fa: نمایش وضعیت و پیشبینی آبوهوا da: Vis vejrforhold og -udsigt en_GB: Show weather conditions and forecast lv: Rādīt laikapstākļu prognozi ml: കാലാവസ്ഥയുടെ നിഅയും പ്രവചനവും കാണിക്കുക pt_BR: Mostra condições meteorológicas e previsão do tempo zh_TW: 顯示天氣狀況與氣象預報 sr@latin: Prikažite vremenske prilike i prognozu bs: Prikaži vremenske uslove i prognozu fi: Näytä säätiedot ja -ennuste ru: Показать погодные условия и прогноз pl: Wyświetlanie warunków pogodowych i prognozy Description: he: >-יישום קטן המאפשר לך לצפות בתנאי מזג האוויר הנוכחיים בעיר שלך או בכל מקום אחר בעולם.
הוא מספק גישה לתחזיות מפורטות, עד לשבוע ימים, פרטים לפי שעה ליום הנוכחי ולזה שלאחריו, באמצעות שרתי אינטרנט שונים.
כמו כן הוא ניתן לשילוב עם מעטפת GNOME, המאפשר לך לראות את תנאי מזג האוויר של רוב הערים שחיפשת לאחרונה, רק בהקלדת שם בסקירת פעילויות.
zh_CN: >-一个允许你监控所在城市或世界各地的当前天气状况的小应用
它使用各种不同的网络服务,提供非常具体的 7 天的天气预报,包括当天和第二天的每个小时的具体天气。
它也集成到了 GNOME Shell,允许你通过在活动概览中输入名字来查看最近搜索的城市的当前状况。
ja: >-あなたの街や、世界中の都市の現在の天候を確認することができる小さなアプリケーションです。
GNOME Shell と統合することができ、アクティビティ画面で都市名を入力することで、よく調べる都市の現在の天候を参照することができます。
sk: >-Malá aplikácia, ktorá vám umožňuje sledovať aktuálne počasie vo vašom meste, alebo kdekoľvek vo svete.
Poskytuje prístup k podrobnej predpovedi až na 7 dní s hodinovými podrobnosťami pre aktuálny a nasledujúci deň prostredníctvom rozličných internetových služieb.
Tiež je dostupná voliteľná integrácia so Shellom prostredia GNOME, ktorá vám umožní vidieť aktuálne podmienky naposledy hľadaných miest zadaním ich názvov v prehľade aktivít.
sl: >-Program, ki omogoča nadzor trenutnih vremenskih pogojev za izbrana mesta, kjerkoli na svetu.
Omogoča prikaz podrobne vremenske napovedi različnih spletnih mest do 7 dni, z urno razdelitvijo poteka za en dan naprej.
Izbirno se program vključuje tudi v okolje Lupine GNOME in omogoča pregled trenutnega vremena v izbranih oziroma iskanih mestih.
ca@valencia: >-Un programa petit que vos permet fer un seguiment de les condicions meteorològiques actuals a la vostra ciutat o a qualsevol lloc del món.
També podeu accedir a les previsions actualitzades de fins a 7 dies i per hores per el dia actual i l'endemà. Proporcionades per diversos serveis d'Internet.
Opcionalment també es pot integrar amb el GNOME Shell de manera que vegeu les condicions actuals de les últimes ciutats que hagueu cercat teclejant el seu nom al resum d'activitats.
C: >-A small application that allows you to monitor the current weather conditions for your city, or anywhere in the world.
It provides access to detailed forecasts, up to 7 days, with hourly details for the current and next day, using various internet services.
It also optionally integrates with the GNOME Shell, allowing you see the current conditions of the most recently searched cities by just typing its name in the Activities Overview.
fr: >-Une petite application qui vous permet de surveiller les conditions météo dans votre ville ou n'importe où dans le monde.
Elle permet d'accéder à des prévisions détaillées jusqu'à 7 jours, avec des détails horaires pour le jour actuel et le lendemain, en utilisant divers services Internet.
Elle peut également s'intégrer à GNOME Shell, permettant de voir les conditions actuelles de n'importe quelle ville configurée en tapant simplement son nom dans la vue d'ensemble des activités.
sr: >-Програмче које вам омогућава да надгледате тренутне временске прилике за ваш град, или било где у свету.
Обезбеђује приступ опширним временским прогнозама, до 7 дана, са једночасовним појединостима за текући и наредни дан, користећи разне интернет услуге.
Такође се може објединити са Гномовом шкољком, омогућавајући вам да видите тренутне услове последњих тражених градова једноставним куцањем њихових имена у прегледу активности.
uk: >-Маленька програма, яка дозволяє стежити за поточними погодними умовами вашого міста або будь-де в світі.
Програма надає доступ до детального прогнозу, до семи днів, з погодинними подробицями для поточного і наступного дня, використовуючи різні служби в інтернеті.
Також необов'язково вбудовується в GNOME Shell, дозволяючи бачити поточні погодні умови найнедавніших міст просто ввівши його назву в огляді діяльності.
nb: >-Et lite program som lar deg overvåke værforholdene for din by eller hvor som helst i verden.
Gir tilgang til detaljerte værmeldinger opp til syv dager med detaljer time for time for i dag og i morgen. Bruker forskjellige tjenester på internett.
Integrerer også med GNOME skallet, og lar deg se tilstanden i de mest brukte byene ved å søke etter navnet i aktivitetsoversikten.
sv: >-Ett litet program som låter dig hålla koll på aktuella väderförhållanden för din stad eller andra platser i världen.
Det tillhandahåller detaljerade prognoser sju dagar framåt med detaljerad information per timme för aktuell och nästkommande dag, från diverse internettjänster.
Det integrerar också valfritt med GNOME-skalet, vilket gör det möjligt för dig att se aktuella förhållanden för de senast eftersökta städerna genom att bara skriva dess namn i Aktivitetsöversikten.
ca: >-Un programa petit que us permet fer un seguiment de les condicions meteorològiques actuals a la vostra ciutat o a qualsevol lloc del món.
També podeu accedir a les previsions actualitzades de fins a 7 dies i per hores pel dia actual i l'endemà. Proporcionades per diversos serveis d'Internet.
Opcionalment també es pot integrar amb el GNOME Shell de manera que vegeu les condicions actuals de les últimes ciutats que hagueu cercat teclejant el seu nom al resum d'activitats.
pa: >-ਇੱਕ ਛੋਟੀ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ, ਜੋ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਜਾਂ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਹੋਰ ਥਾਵਾਂ ਲਈ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਮੌਸਮ ਦਾ ਧਿਆਨ ਰੱਖਣ ਲਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਹੈ।
ਇਹ ਵੱਖ-ਵੱਖ ਇੰਟਰਨੈੱਟ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ 7 ਦਿਨਾਂ ਤੱਕ ਦੀ ਵੇਰਵੇ ਸਮੇਤ ਭਵਿੱਖਬਾਣੀ ਦਿੰਦੀ ਹੈ, ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਇਲਾਵਾ ਅੱਜ ਅਤੇ ਭਲਕ ਲਈ ਘੰਟਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ ਵੇਰਵਾ ਵੀ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ।
ਇਹ ਚੋਣਵੇਂ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਨੋਮ ਸ਼ੈੱਲ ਨਾਲ ਵੀ ਜੁੜਿਆ ਹੋਈ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਰਗਰਮੀ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਿਸੇ ਲੱਭੇ ਗਏ ਸ਼ਹਿਰਾਂ ਦਾ ਕੇਵਲ ਨਾਂ ਲਿਖ ਕੇ ਹੀ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਹਾਲਤ ਨੂੰ ਵੇਖਣ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।
hu: >-Egy kicsi alkalmazás, amely lehető teszi a jelenlegi időjárási körülmények figyelését a településén, vagy bárhol a világon.
Részletes előrejelzésekhez biztosít hozzáférést 7 napos időtávra, valamint különféle internetes szolgáltatásokat felhasználva óránkénti részleteket nyújt az aktuális és a következő napra.
Ezen felül opcionálisan beépül a GNOME parancsértelmezőbe, lehetővé téve a leggyakrabban keresett városok aktuális időjárásának megtekintését azok neveinek begépelésével a tevékenységek áttekintőjébe.
an: >-Una chicota aplicación que le permite monitorizar l'orache actual en a suya ciudat, u en qualsiquier puesto d'o mundo.
Proporciona acceso a pronosticos actualizaus, dica 7 días, con detalles cada hora ta o día actual y o siguient, usando quantos servicios d'Internet.
Tamién s'integra opcionalment con GNOME Shell, permitindo-le veyer as condicions actuals de qualsiquier ciudat buscada recientment simplament escribindo o suyo nombre en a vista d'actividatz.
nl: >-Een kleine toepassing die u de huidige weersomstandigheden laat bijhouden voor uw woonplaats, of waar ook ter wereld.
Het biedt toegang tot gedetailleerde weersverwachtingen, tot aan 7 dagen vooruit, met details voor elk uur voor de huidige en volgende dag, geleverd door diverse internetdiensten.
Het integreert ook desgewenst met de GNOME Shell en laat u toe de huidige toestand te zien van de meest recent gezochte steden door gewoon de naam ervan in te geven in het activiteitenoverzicht.
ga: >-Feidhmchláirín a ligeann duit monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar aimsir reatha do cathrach, nó aimsir aon áite eile sa domhan.
lt: >-Maža programa, kuri jums leidžia stebėti orų sąlygas jūsų mieste arba bet kur pasaulyje.
Ji leidžia matyti iki 7 dienų prognozę su valandų tikslumo informacija, teikiamą įvairių interneto tarnybų.
Ji taip pat integruojasi su GNOME Shell, leisdama matyti orų sąlygas bet paskutiniuose ieškotuose miestuose tiesiog įvedant jų pavadinimus veiklų apžvalgoje.
ar: >-تطبيق صغير يتيح لك مراقبة حالات الطقس الحالية لمدينتك أو أي مدينة تريدها في العالم.
gd: >-Aplacaid bheag a leigeas leat sùil a chumail air staid na h-aimsire sa bhaile agad no àite sam bith air an t-saoghal.
Bheir e dhut ro-aithris mionaideach suas gu 7 làithean le fiosrachadh airson gach uair airson an diugh 's a-màireach le taic o chaochladh sheirbheisean eadar-lìn.
Gabhaidh amalachadh leis an t-slige GNOME ma thogras tu 's mar sin airson nam bailtean a lorg thu o chionn goirid, cha leig thu leas ach ainm baile a sgrìobhadh ann am foir-shealladh nan gnìomhachdan ach am faic thu an aimsir airson a' bhaile ud.
as: >-এটা সৰু এপ্লিকেচন যি আপোনাক আপোনাৰ নগৰ, অথবা পৃথিৱীৰ যিকোনো ঠাইত বৰ্তমান বতৰ অৱস্থা পৰ্যবেক্ষণ কৰাৰ অনুমতি দিয়ে।
ই বিভিন্ন ইন্টাৰনেট সেৱাসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি বৰ্তমান আৰু পৰৱৰ্তী দিনৰ বাবে প্ৰতি ঘন্টা বিৱৰণসমূহৰ সৈতে, ৭ দিন লৈকে, বিৱৰিত আগজাননী প্ৰদান কৰে।
ই লগতে বিকল্পভাৱে GNOME শ্বেলৰ সৈতে অনুকলন কৰে, যাৰ বাবে আপুনি কাৰ্য্যসমূহ অভাৰভিউত এটা আটাইতকৈ শেহতীয়াভাৱে সন্ধান কৰা নগৰসমূহৰ কেৱল নাম টাইপ কৰি তাৰ বৰ্তমান অৱস্থা চাব পাৰিব।
lv: >-Maza lietotne, kas palīdz uzraudzīt pašreizējos laikapstākļus jūsu pilsētā vai jebkurā citā pasaules vietā.
Tā sniedz piekļuvi detalizētām prognozēm līdz 7 dienām, ar detalizāciju līdz stundām aktuālajai un nākamajai dienai, ko sniedz dažādi interneta servisi.
To var arī integrēt ar GNOME čaulu, ļaujot redzēt apstākļus nesen meklētajās pilsētās, ievadot to nosaukumus aktivitāšu pārskatā.
el: >-Μια μικρή εφαρμογή που σας επιτρέπει να παρακολουθείτε τις τρέχουσες καιρικές συνθήκες για την πόλη σας, ή για οποιαδήποτε άλλη τοποθεσία στον κόσμο.
Παρέχει πρόσβαση σε λεπτομερείς προβλέψεις, έως και 7 ημέρες, με ωριαία στοιχεία για την τρέχουσα και την επόμενη μέρα, με τη χρήση διαφόρων υπηρεσιών διαδικτύου.
Επίσης ενσωματώνεται προαιρετικά με το GNOME Shell, επιτρέποντάς σας να δείτε τις τρέχουσες συνθήκες οποιασδήποτε πόλης έχει ρυθμιστεί απλά πληκτρολογώντας το όνομα στην επισκόπιση Δραστηριότητες.
tg: >-Обу ҳаво барномаи хурдест, ки барои назорат кардани шароити обу ҳаво барои шаҳри шумо ё ягон шаҳи ҷаҳон имкон медиҳад.
Он пешгӯии обу ҳавои ботафсилро бо тафсилоти ҳар соата барои рӯзи ҷорӣ ва навбатӣ, ба воситаи хидматҳои интернетии гуногун, барои 7 рӯз таъмин менамояд.
th: >-โปรแกรมเล็กๆ ที่ช่วยคุณติดตามสภาพอากาศปัจจุบันของเมืองของคุณ หรือที่ใดๆ ในโลก
คุณจะสามารถเข้าถึงข้อมูลพยากรณ์อากาศ 7 วันข้างหน้า พร้อมรายละเอียดเป็นรายชั่วโมงสำหรับวันปัจจุบันและวันถัดไป จากบริการต่างๆ หลายแหล่งในอินเทอร์เน็ต
นอกจากนี้ยังสามารถเชื่อมรวมกับเชลล์ GNOME ทำให้คุณเห็นสภาพปัจจุบันของเมืองที่ค้นหาล่าสุด โดยเพียงพิมพ์ชื่อเมืองในภาพรวมกิจกรรม
eo: >-Eta aplikaĵo kiu permesas al vi observi la nunan veterajn kondiĉojn de via urbo, aŭ ie ajn en la mondo.
cs: >-Malá aplikace, díky které můžete sledovat aktuální povětrnostní podmínky ve svém městě nebo kdekoliv na světě.
Díky využití několika internetových služeb poskytuje podrobnou předpověď až na 7 dní, pro dnešek a zítřek s detaily po hodinách.
Umí se integrovat do prostředím GNOME Shell, takže si můžete zobrazit aktuální počasí v nedávno vyhledaných městech napsaním jejich názvu v přehledu činností.
gl: >-Un pequeno aplicativo que lle permitirá facer un seguimento das condicións meteorolóxicas actuais da súa cidade, ou calquera lugar do mundo.
Fornece acceso a predicións detalladas ate 7 días, con información por hora do día actual e seguinte, usando varios servizos de internet.
Tamén se integra con GNOME Shell o que lle permite ver as condicións meteorolóxicas actuais das cidades máis buscadas recentemente escribindo o seu nome na Vista de actividades.
es: >-Una pequeña aplicación que le permite monitorizar el tiempo actual en su ciudad, o en cualquier lugar del mundo.
Proporciona acceso a pronósticos actualizados, hasta 7 días, con detalles cada hora para el día actual y el siguiente, usando varios servicios de Internet.
También se integra opcionalmente con GNOME Shell, permitiéndole ver las condiciones actuales de cualquier ciudad buscada recientemente simplemente escribiendo su nombre en la vista de actividades.
pt: >-Uma pequena aplicação que lhe permite monitorizar as condições atmosféricas atuais da sua cidade, ou qualquer outro local no mundo, e aceder a previsões atualizadas, até 7 dias, disponibilizadas por vários serviços na Internet.
Fornece acesso a previsões detalhadas até 7 dias, com detalhes horários para o dia atual e seguinte, usando vários serviços da Internet.
Também se integra, opcionalmente, com a shell do GNOME, permitindo-lhe ver as condições atuais das cidades mais recentemente procuradas, simplesmente digitando o seu nome na vista de atividades.
eu: >-Aplikazio txiki bat da, zure herriko edo munduko beste leku bateko uneko eguraldiaren berri ematen dizuna.
Iragarpen xehatuak ikusteko aukera ematen du, 7 egun artekoak, ordukako xehetasunak ematen dituztenak uneko egunerako eta hurrengo egunerako, hainbat Interneteko zerbitzu erabiliz.
Aukeran GNOME Shell-ekin bateragarria da, azken aldian bilatutako herrien (hauen izenak jardueren ikuspegian idatziz) uneko baldintzak ikusteko.
ro: >-O mică aplicație ce permite monitorizarea condițiilor meteorologice pentru orașul dumneavoastră, sau orice loc din lume.
Oferă acces la prognoze meteo detaliate, până la 7 zile, cu detalii orare pentru ziua în curs și următoarea, folosing diferite servicii online.
De asemenea, opțional, se poate integra în GNOME Shell, și vă permite să observați condițiile meteo curente pentru oricare oraș configurat prin simpla introducere a numelui în caseta de căutare din panorama Activități.
id: >-Aplikasi kecil yang memungkinkan Anda memantau kondisi cuaca saat ini untuk kota Anda, atau dimanapun di dunia.
Ini memberikan akses ke ramalan cuaca terrinci, sampai dengan 7 hari, dengan rincian per jam bagi hari ini dan besok, memakai berbagai layanan internet.
Ini secara opsional juga terintegrasi dengan GNOME Shell, memungkinkan Anda melihat kondisi saat ini dari kota yang baru-baru ini dicari hanya dengan mengetikkan namanya dalam Ringkasan Aktivitas.
tr: >-Şehrinizin ya da dünyadaki herhangi bir yerin geçerli hava durumunu gözleyebileceğiniz ufak bir uygulama.
Çeşitli internet hizmetleri kullanarak 7 güne kadar detaylı tahminlerle birlikte şimdiki ve sonraki gün için saatlik detaylara erişmeyi sağlar.
İsteğe bağlı olarak GNOME Shell ile birleşir, Etkinlikler Genel Görünümüne son aranan şehirlerin sadece ismini girerek geçerli hava durumlarını görmenizi sağlar.
kk: >-Өз қалаңыз, немесе әлемнің басқа жерлері үшін ағымдағы ауа райы жағдайын көрсететін кішігірім қолданба.
Ол интернеттің бірнеше көздері ұсынатын, 7 күнге дейін алға, ал ағымдағы және келесі күн үшін сағат бойынша ақпараты бар ауа райы болжамдарын қарауды мүмкін қылады.
Сонымен қатар, оның GNOME Shell ішіне интеграциясы бар, белсенділік көрінісінде жақында ізделген қалалар үшін ауа райы болжамын көрсете алады, ол үшін қала атын енгізу керек.
is: >-Lítið forrit til að fylgjast með veðurskilyrðum og spám fyrir ákveðinn stað, eða í heiminum öllum.
Það veitir aðgang að nákvæmum veðurspám, allt upp í 7 daga fram í tímann, með upplýsingar á klukkustundar fresti fyrir næstu 2 daga; það styðst við ýmsar þjónustur á internetinu.
Hægt er að fella það inn í GNOME Skelina, þannig að þú getur séð veðurskilyrði í þeim borgum sem síðast hefur verið leitað að með því einu að slá nafn þeirra inn í aðgerðayfirlitið.
pl: >-Mały program umożliwiający monitorowanie obecnych warunków pogodowych w miejscu zamieszkania lub w dowolnym miejscu na świecie.
Zapewnia dostęp do dokładnych prognoz na 7 dni ze szczegółami na każdą godzinę w dniu bieżącym oraz następnym, korzystając z różnych serwisów internetowych.
Program można również zintegrować z powłoką GNOME, co umożliwia dostęp do obecnych warunków pogodowych w ostatnio wyszukiwanych miastach poprzez wpisanie ich nazw w ekranie podglądu.
it: >-Una semplice applicazione per controllare le condizioni meteorologiche della propria città o di qualsiasi altra località.
Fornisce accesso a previsioni dettagliate (fino a sette giorni) con dettagli orari del giorno attuale e di quello successivo sfruttando molteplici servizi Internet.
Può anche essere integrata, opzionalmente, con GNOME Shell, consentendo di visualizzare le condizioni correnti delle città visitate recentemente digitandone il nome nella panoramica «Attività».
fur: >-Une piçule aplicazion che a permet di tegnî di voli lis condizions meteo atuâi de tô citât, o cualsisei puest intal mont.
Al furnìs acès a previsions in detai (fin a 7 dîs), cun detais oraris par vuê e pal prossim dì, doprant plui servizis internet.
Volint ancje a si integre cun GNOME Shell, permetint di viodi lis condizions meteo atuâi des citâts plui cirudis di recent, dome scrivint il lôr non inte panoramiche "Ativitâts".
ko: >-당신이 사는 도시를 비롯하여 전세계 모든 곳의 현재 날씨를 알게 해주는 작은 프로그램입니다.
여러 인터넷 서비스에서 일주일까지의 자세한 일기 예보를 가져와 알려드리며, 오늘과 내일 날씨는 시간별로도 알 수 있게 해드립니다.
그놈 쉘에 붙어 자주 찾은 도시의 이름을 현재 활동에 치는 것만으로 현재 날씨를 보여드릴 수도 있습니다.
de: >-Eine kleine Anwendung, welche es Ihnen erlaubt, das aktuelle Wetter für Ihre Stadt, oder für einen beliebigen Ort auf der Welt zu betrachten.
Bietet Zugang zu detaillierter Wettervorhersage über bis zu 7 Tage mit stündlichen Details für den laufenden und den folgenden Tag auf Basis mehrerer Internetdienste
Lässt sich auf Wunsch in die GNOME-Shell einbinden, so dass Sie sich über das aktuelle Wetter jeder eingegebenen Stadt informieren können, indem Sie den Ortsnamen in die Aktivitätenübersicht eingeben.
fa: >-یک برنامه کوچک که به شما اجازه میدهد تا وضعیت آبوهوایی شهر خود یا هرجایی در دنیا را بررسی کنید.
دسترسی به پیشبینیهای دقیق را تا ۷ روز فراهم میکند. همراه با جزئیات روزانه برای امروز و روز بعد، با استفاده از تعدادی از سرویسهای اینترنتی.
همچنین بهطور اختیاری قابلیت یکپارچگی با پوستهگنوم را نیز دارد، به شما اجازه میدهد تا وضعیت فعلی برای آخرین شهرهای جستوجو شده را فقط با تایپ نام آن در نمایکلی فعالیتها ببینید.
pt_BR: >-Um pequeno aplicativo que permite a você monitorar as atuais condições meteorológicas da sua cidade, ou qualquer lugar do mundo.
Fornece acesso a previsões de tempo detalhadas, de até 7 dias, com detalhes de hora em hora para o dia atual e para o próximo, usando vários serviços da internet.
Ele também integra-se, de forma opcional, com o GNOME Shell, permitindo que você veja as condições atuais das cidades mais pesquisadas recentemente, bastando digitar o nome dela no Panorama de Atividades.
ru: >-Небольшое приложение, которое позволяет отслеживать текущее состояние погоды для вашего города или любой точки мира.
Оно также предоставляет доступ к подробному прогнозу погоды (до 7 дней) от различных Интернет-служб.
Приложение также может интегрироваться в GNOME Shell: можно посмотреть погоду последних искомых городов (название города вводится в режиме обзора).
da: >-Et lille program, som giver dig mulighed for at overvåge de nuværende vejrforhold i din by, eller hvor som helst i verden.
Det tilbyder adgang til detaljerede vejrudsigter, op til syv dage, med time-detaljer for i dag og i morgen ved at benytte forskellige internettjenester.
Der er også valgfri integration med GNOME Shell, som tillader dig at se de nuværende forhold i de senest søgte byer, blot ved at indtaste byens navn i Aktivitets-oversigten.
zh_TW: >-一個小型應用程式,允許您監控您的城市或是世界中任一地區目前的天氣狀況。
它提供了詳細的天氣預報,最多達 7 天,有每小時針對目前與明天的詳細資料,使用各種網際網路服務提供。
它也可以選擇性與 GNOME Shell 整合,允許您在活動概覽中輸入名稱就可以搜尋最近尋找過的城市並查看它目前的天氣狀況。
sr@latin: >-Programče koje vam omogućava da nadgledate trenutne vremenske prilike za vaš grad, ili bilo gde u svetu.
Obezbeđuje pristup opširnim vremenskim prognozama, do 7 dana, sa jednočasovnim pojedinostima za tekući i naredni dan, koristeći razne internet usluge.
Takođe se može objediniti sa Gnomovom školjkom, omogućavajući vam da vidite trenutne uslove poslednjih traženih gradova jednostavnim kucanjem njihovih imena u pregledu aktivnosti.
bs: >-Mala aplikacija koja dopušta prikaz trenutnih vremenskih uslova za vaš grad, ili bilo gdje u svijetu.
Omogućava pristup detaljnijoj vremenskoj prognozi, 7 dana unaprijed, sa detaljima po satu za trenutni i sljedeći dan, koristeći različite internet usluge.
Također opcionalno integrisano sa GNOME Shell-om, dopušta pregled trenutnih uslova nedavno pretraživanih gradova upisivajem njihovih imena u pregled aktivnosti.
fi: >-Pieni sovellus, joka mahdollistaa kotikaupunkisi tai minkä tahansa muun sijainnin säätietojen hakemisen.
Se tarjoaa eri verkkopalveluita käyttäen yksityiskohtaisen ennusteen seuraavan viikon ajalle sekä tuntikohtaiset tiedot kuluvalle ja seuraavalle päivälle.
Se myös mukautuu Gnome Shelliin, jolloin viimeksi tarkasteltujen sijaintien säätiedot ovat nähtävissä Shellin yleisnäkymässä kirjoittamalla paikkakunnan nimen.
zh_HK: >-一個小型應用程式,允許你監控你的城市或是世界中任一地區目前的天氣狀況。
它提供了詳細的天氣預報,最多達 7 天,有每小時針對目前與明天的詳細資料,使用各種互聯網服務提供。
它也可以選擇性與 GNOME Shell 整合,允許你在活動概覽中輸入名稱就可以搜尋最近尋找過的城市並查看它目前的天氣狀況。
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ and CC-BY-2.0 and CC-BY-SA-2.0 Categories: - Utility - Core Keywords: C: - Weather - Forecast Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Weather bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-weather Icon: cached: - name: gnome-weather_org.gnome.Weather.Application.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gnome-weather_org.gnome.Weather.Application.png width: 128 height: 128 Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-1_1248x940.png width: 1248 height: 940 - url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-1_752x566.png width: 752 height: 566 - url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-1_624x470.png width: 624 height: 470 - url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-1_224x168.png width: 224 height: 168 source-image: url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1500 height: 1130 - thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-2_1248x940.png width: 1248 height: 940 - url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-2_752x566.png width: 752 height: 566 - url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-2_624x470.png width: 624 height: 470 - url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-2_224x168.png width: 224 height: 168 source-image: url: org/gnome/Weather.Application.desktop/FDBCC4EBED8401FEB1F22E28EBB2985D/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1500 height: 1130 --- Type: desktop-application ID: flightgear.desktop Package: flightgear Name: C: FlightGear Summary: C: open-source flight simulator pt: Simulação de Vôo de: Open-Source Flugsimulator Description: C: >-FlightGear Flight Simulator (often shortened to FlightGear or FGFS) is a sophisticated free, completely open-source flight simulator framework, created by volunteers.
This package contains the runtime binaries.
en: >-FlightGear Flight Simulator (often shortened to FlightGear or FGFS) is a sophisticated free, completely open-source flight simulator framework, created by volunteers.
This package contains the runtime binaries.
Categories: - Game - Simulation Icon: cached: - name: flightgear_flightgear.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: flightgear_flightgear.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: pcmanfm-desktop-pref.desktop Package: pcmanfm Name: he: העדפות שולחן העבודה ja: デスクトップの設定 si: වැඩතල අභිප්රේත sk: Nastavenie pracovného prostredia sl: Možnosti namizja fo: Skriviborðs sertokkar ug: ئۈستەلئۈستى مايىللىقى C: Desktop Preferences fr: Préférences du bureau sr: Поставке радне површи uk: Налаштування стільниці lg: Entegeka y'awakolerwa hr: Svojstva radne površine ca: Obre les preferències de l'escriptori sv: Skrivbordsinställningar hu: Asztal beállításai pa: ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਪਸੰਦ nl: Bureaubladvoorkeuren zh_TW: 桌面偏好設定 lt: Darbastalio nustatymai ar: تفضيلات سطح المكتب lv: Darba virsmas iestatījumi pl: Ustawienia pulpitu zh_CN: 桌面偏好设置 el: Ρυθμίσεις επιφάνειας εργασίας te: డెస్క్టాప్ ప్రాధాన్యతలు cs: Nastavení pracovní plochy id: Preferensi Desktop gl: Preferencias de escritorio pt: Preferências da área de trabalho es: Preferencias del escritorio et: Töölaua eelistused eu: Mahaigainaren hobespenak vi: Tùy chỉnh màn hình nền ro: Preferințe pentru desktop ru: Параметры рабочего стола tr: Masaüstü Seçenekleri kk: Жұмыс үстел баптаулары km: ចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្តផ្ទែតុ be: Настаўленні працоўнай прасторы ko: 데스크톱 기본 설정 it: Preferenze della scrivania da: Skrivebordsindstillinger de: Desktop Einstellungen fa: ترجیحات رومیزی is: Skjáborðsstillingar en_GB: Desktop Preferences bn: ডেস্কটপের পছন্দসমূহ ms: Preference desktop bg: Предпочитания sr@latin: Postavke radne površi fi: Työpöydän asetukset pt_BR: Preferências da Área de Trabalho tt_RU: Эш өстәле көйләүләре Summary: he: שינוי רקע שולחן העבודה ואת ההתנהגות של מנהל שולחנות העבודה ja: 壁紙やデスクトップマネージャの動作を変更します zh_CN: 更改桌面壁纸和桌面管理器行为 sl: Spremenite ozadje in obnašanje upravljalnika namizij ug: ئۈستەلئۈستى تام قەغىزى ۋە ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇنىڭ ئىشلىرىنى ئۆزگەرتىش C: Change desktop wallpapers and behavior of desktop manager fr: Modifier les fonds d’écran et le comportement du gestionnaire de bureau sr: Измењуј позадинске слике радне површи и понашање управника радне површи uk: Налаштування шпалер та поведінки менеджера стільниці lg: Teekateka endabika y'obwaliriro bw'awakolerwa n'enkola y'ekiruŋamya awakolerwa hr: Promjeni pozadinske slike radne površine i ponašanje upravitelja radnom površinom sv: Ändra bakgrundsbild och hur skrivbordshanteraren beter sig hu: A háttérkép(ek) és az ablakkezelő viselkedésének megváltoztatása nl: Verander bureaubladachtergronden en het gedrag van de bureaubladbeheerder zh_TW: 變更桌面管現程式的桌布及行為 lt: Keiskite darbastalio foną ir darbastalio tvarkyklės elgseną ar: غيّر خلفيات سطح المكتب وسلوك مدير سطح المكتب pl: Zmienia tło pulpitu i zachowanie menedżera pulpitu el: Αλλαγή ταπετσαρίας επιφανειών εργασίας και συμπεριφοράς του διαχειριστή επιφάνειας εργασίας te: డెస్క్టాప్ నేపథ్యచిత్రము, డెస్క్టాప్ నిర్వాహకము యొక్క ప్రవర్తనను మార్చు cs: Změna tapety na plochu a ovládání správce plochy id: Ubah gambar latar desktop dan perilaku dari manajer desktop ro: Schimbați imaginile de fundal și comportamentul managerului desktopului pt: Mudar papel de parede e comportamento do gestor de áreas de trabalho es: Cambiar el fondo y el comportamiento del escritorio gl: Cambio de fondos de pantalla e comportamento do xestor do escritorio et: Töölaua taustapiltide ja ekraanihalduri käitumise muutmine eu: Aldatu mahaigaineko horma-paperak eta mahaigain-kudeatzailearen portaera ru: Смена обоев рабочего стола и поведения менеджера рабочего стола vi: Thay đổi ảnh nền và trạng thái của bộ quản lý màn hình nền tr: Duvar kağıdını ve masaüstü yöneticisinin davranışını değiştir kk: Жұмыс үстел түсқағазын мен жұмыс үстел басқарушысы мінез-құлығын өзгерту be: Змяненне шпалер і паводзін кіраўніка працоўных прастораў it: Cambia lo sfondo della scrivania e il comportamento del desktop manager bg: Промяна на тапетите и поведението на мениджъра на работния плот de: Hintergrundbilder und Verhalten der Desktopverwaltung ändern fa: تغییر پسزمینهها و رفتار مدیر رومیزی pt_BR: Altere os papéis de parede e o comportamento do gerenciador da área de trabalho en_GB: Change desktop wallpapers and behaviour of desktop manager ko: 데스크톱의 바탕 화면을 바꾸고 데스크톱 관리자의 기능을 합니다 sr@latin: Promeni sliku na radnim površima i ponašanje Upravnika radnim površima fi: Vaihda työpöydän taustakuvia ja käyttäytymistä Description: pl: >-PCMan File Manager jest menedżerem plików opartym na bibliotece GTK+. Możliwości programu:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
de: >-PCMan File Manager ist ein GTK2-basierter Dateimanager. Seine Eigenschaften:
* Extrem schnell und leicht * Kann in einer Sekunde auf normalen Maschine gestartet werden * Browsen mit Reitern (ähnlich Firefox) * Ziehen & Ablegen-Unterstützung * Dateien können zwischen Reitern verschoben werden * Laden Sie große Verzeichnisse in angemessener Zeit * Dateizuordnungsunterstützung (Standard-Anwendung) * Einfache Vorschau-Unterstützung * Lesezeichen-Unterstützung * Verarbeitet nicht-UTF-8-kodierte Dateinamen korrekt * Bereitstellung von Symbolansicht und detaillierter Listenansicht * Standard-konform (Befolgt Vorgaben von FreeDesktop.org) * Saubere und benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle (GTK + 2) * Unterstützung für GVFS Auto-Einhängesteuerung auf Wechselmedien
sl: >-Upravljalnik datotek PCMan je na GTK+ osnovan upravljalnik datotek, ki vsebuje:
* izjemno hitrost in lahkost * na običajnem računalniku ga je mogoče zagnati v eni sekundi * brskanje z zavihki (podobno kot Firefox) * podpora povleci in spusti * datoteke lahko vlečete med zavihki * velike male naloži v razumnem času * podpora povezav datotek (privzeti programi) * osnovna podpora sličic * podpora zaznamkov * pravilno upravlja ne-UTF-8 kodirane datotečne sisteme * zagotavlja ikonski pogled in podroben seznamski pogled * združljiv s standardni (sledi FreeDesktop.org) * čist in uporabniku prijazen vmesnik (GTK+ 2) * podpira GVFS za upravljanje samodejnega priklopa na odstranljivih napravah
ja: >-PCMan ファイルマネージャは GTK+ ベースのファイルマネージャです。機能一覧:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
C: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
en: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
en_CA: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
ru: >-PCMan FM — это основанный на GTK+ файловый менеджер со следующими особенностями:
* Очень быстрый и нетребовательный к ресурсам * Запускается буквально за секунду на обычном компьютере * Просмотр со вкладками (как в Firefox) * Поддержка Drag & Drop * Файлы можно перетаскивать между вкладками * Загрузка больших каталогов за приемлемое время * Поддержка файловых ассоциаций (приложения по умолчанию) * Базовая поддержка миниатюр файлов * Поддержка закладок * Правильная работа с именами файлов не в UTF-8 * Просмотр в виде значков и подробный просмотр в виде списка * Совместимость со стандартом (FreeDesktop.org) * Простой и удобный интерфейс (GTK+ 2) * Поддержка GVFS для автомонтирования съёмных устройств
fr: >-PCMan File Manager est un gestionnaire de fichiers basé sur GTK+ avec les fonctionnalités suivantes :
* Extrêmement rapide et léger * Pet être lancé en une seconde sur une machine normale * Navigation par onglets (comme sur Firefox) * Support du glisser-déposer * Les fichiers peuvent être glissés à travers les onglets * Charge de grands dossiers en un temps raisonnable * Supporte l'association des fichiers (applications par défaut) * Support des miniatures basiques * Support des signets * Gère correctement les noms de fichiers non encodés en UTF-8 * Propose une vue en icône et une vue en liste détaillée * Respectueux des standards (suit FreeDesktop.org) * Interface sobre et conviviale (GTK+ 2) * Supporte GVFS pour le montage automatique des périphériques amovibles
en_GB: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
it: >-PCMan File Manager è un gestore di file basato su GTK+, caratteristiche:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
da: >-PCMan File Manager er en GTK+-filhåndtering, der indeholder:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
en_AU: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
Categories: - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: pcmanfm_user-desktop.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: pcmanfm_user-desktop.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: user-desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: pcmanfm.desktop Package: pcmanfm Name: he: מנהל הקבצים PCManFM ja: ファイルマネージャ PCManFM zh_CN: 文件管理器 PCManFM sl: Upravljalnik datotek PCManFM ug: ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇ PCManFM C: File Manager PCManFM fr: Gestionnaire de fichiers PCManFM sr: Управник датотека ПиСиМан-ФМ uk: Менеджер файлів PCManFM lg: Kiteekateekafayiro ekya PCManFM hr: Upravitelj datotekama PCManFM sv: Filhanteraren PCManFM hu: Fájlkezelő (PCManFM) nl: Bestandbeheerder PCManFM zh_TW: 檔案管理程式 PCManFM lt: Failų tvarkyklė PCManFM ar: مدير الملفات PCManFM pl: Menedżer plików PCManFM el: Διαχειριστής Αρχείων PCManFM te: పిసిమ్యాన్ఎఫ్ఎం దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకం cs: Správce souborů PCManFM id: Manajer Berkas PCManFM ro: Managerul de fișiere PCManFM pt: Gestor de ficheiros PCManFM es: Gestor de archivos PCManFM gl: Xestor de ficheiros PCManFM et: Failihaldur PCManFM eu: PCManFM fitxategi-kudeatzailea ru: Файловый менеджер PCManFM vi: Bộ quản lý tập tin PCManFM tr: Dosya Yöneticisi PCManFM kk: PCManFM файлдар басқарушысы be: Файлавы менеджар PCManFM is: PCManFM skráastjóri it: Gestore file PCManFM bg: Файлов мениджър PCManFM de: PCManFM Dateimanager fa: مدیر پرونده PCManFM pt_BR: Gerenciador de Arquivos PCManFM en_GB: File Manager PCManFM ko: PCManFM 파일 관리자 sr@latin: Upravnik datoteka PiSiManFM fi: Tiedostonhallinta Summary: he: עיון במערכת הקבצים וניהול הקבצים ja: ファイルシステムをブラウズし、ファイルの管理を行います zh_CN: 浏览文件系统和管理文件 sl: Brskajte po datotečnem sistemu in upravljajte datoteke ug: ھۆججەت سىستېمىسىنى كۆرىدۇ ۋە ھۆججەتلەرنى باشقۇرىدۇ C: Browse the file system and manage the files fr: Parcourir le système de fichiers et gérer les fichiers sr: Управљајте системом датотека uk: Показує файлову систему і керує файлами lg: Lambula n'okuteekateeka fayiro eziri ku sisitemu yonna hr: Pregledava datotečni sustav i upravlja datotekama sv: Utforska filsystemet och hantera filerna pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਵੇਖੋ ਤੇ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਦਾ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਕਰੋ hu: Fájlrendszer tallózása és fájlok kezelése nl: Blader door het bestandssysteem en beheer de bestanden zh_TW: 瀏覽檔案系統及管理檔案 lt: Naršykite failų sistemą ir tvarkykite failus ar: تصفّح نظام الملفات وأدِر الملفات lv: Pārlūkot failu sistēmu un pārvaldīt failus pl: Umożliwia przeglądanie systemu plików i zarządza jego zawartością el: Περιήγηση στο σύστημα αρχείων και διαχείριση αρχείων te: దస్త్ర వ్యవస్థను విహరించండి, దస్త్రాలను నిర్వహించండి cs: Procházet systém souborů správcem souborů id: Ramban sistem berkas dan kelola berkasnya gl: Navegar polo sistema de ficheiros e xestionar os ficheiros pt: Explorar o sistema de ficheiros e gerir ficheiros es: Explore el sistema de archivos y gestione los archivos et: Failisüsteemi sirvimine ja failide haldamine eu: Arakatu fitxategi-sistema eta kudeatu fitxategiak vi: Xem hệ thống tập tin và quản lý dữ liệu ro: Navigați în sistemul de fișiere și gestionați fișierele ru: Просмотр файловой системы и управление файлами tr: Dosya sistemine göz at ve dosyaları yönet kk: Файлдық жүйені шолу мен файлдарды басқару be: Прагляд файлавай сістэмы і кіраванне файламі is: Vafra um skráakerfið og breyta skrám it: Sfoglia il file system e gestisce i file bg: Разглеждане на файловата система и управляване на файловете da: Gennemse filsystemet og håndter filerne de: Das Dateisystem durchsuchen und Dateien verwalten fa: مرور پرونده سیستم و مدیریت پروندهها tt_RU: Файл системасын карау һәм файллар белән идарә итү en_GB: Browse the file system and manage the files pt_BR: Navegue pelo sistema de arquivos e gerencie arquivos e pastas ko: 파일 시스템을 탐색하고 파일을 관리합니다 sr@latin: Upravljajte sistemom datoteka fi: Selaa tiedostojärjestelmää ja hallitse tiedostoja Description: pl: >-PCMan File Manager jest menedżerem plików opartym na bibliotece GTK+. Możliwości programu:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
de: >-PCMan File Manager ist ein GTK2-basierter Dateimanager. Seine Eigenschaften:
* Extrem schnell und leicht * Kann in einer Sekunde auf normalen Maschine gestartet werden * Browsen mit Reitern (ähnlich Firefox) * Ziehen & Ablegen-Unterstützung * Dateien können zwischen Reitern verschoben werden * Laden Sie große Verzeichnisse in angemessener Zeit * Dateizuordnungsunterstützung (Standard-Anwendung) * Einfache Vorschau-Unterstützung * Lesezeichen-Unterstützung * Verarbeitet nicht-UTF-8-kodierte Dateinamen korrekt * Bereitstellung von Symbolansicht und detaillierter Listenansicht * Standard-konform (Befolgt Vorgaben von FreeDesktop.org) * Saubere und benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle (GTK + 2) * Unterstützung für GVFS Auto-Einhängesteuerung auf Wechselmedien
sl: >-Upravljalnik datotek PCMan je na GTK+ osnovan upravljalnik datotek, ki vsebuje:
* izjemno hitrost in lahkost * na običajnem računalniku ga je mogoče zagnati v eni sekundi * brskanje z zavihki (podobno kot Firefox) * podpora povleci in spusti * datoteke lahko vlečete med zavihki * velike male naloži v razumnem času * podpora povezav datotek (privzeti programi) * osnovna podpora sličic * podpora zaznamkov * pravilno upravlja ne-UTF-8 kodirane datotečne sisteme * zagotavlja ikonski pogled in podroben seznamski pogled * združljiv s standardni (sledi FreeDesktop.org) * čist in uporabniku prijazen vmesnik (GTK+ 2) * podpira GVFS za upravljanje samodejnega priklopa na odstranljivih napravah
ja: >-PCMan ファイルマネージャは GTK+ ベースのファイルマネージャです。機能一覧:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
C: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
en: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
en_CA: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
ru: >-PCMan FM — это основанный на GTK+ файловый менеджер со следующими особенностями:
* Очень быстрый и нетребовательный к ресурсам * Запускается буквально за секунду на обычном компьютере * Просмотр со вкладками (как в Firefox) * Поддержка Drag & Drop * Файлы можно перетаскивать между вкладками * Загрузка больших каталогов за приемлемое время * Поддержка файловых ассоциаций (приложения по умолчанию) * Базовая поддержка миниатюр файлов * Поддержка закладок * Правильная работа с именами файлов не в UTF-8 * Просмотр в виде значков и подробный просмотр в виде списка * Совместимость со стандартом (FreeDesktop.org) * Простой и удобный интерфейс (GTK+ 2) * Поддержка GVFS для автомонтирования съёмных устройств
fr: >-PCMan File Manager est un gestionnaire de fichiers basé sur GTK+ avec les fonctionnalités suivantes :
* Extrêmement rapide et léger * Pet être lancé en une seconde sur une machine normale * Navigation par onglets (comme sur Firefox) * Support du glisser-déposer * Les fichiers peuvent être glissés à travers les onglets * Charge de grands dossiers en un temps raisonnable * Supporte l'association des fichiers (applications par défaut) * Support des miniatures basiques * Support des signets * Gère correctement les noms de fichiers non encodés en UTF-8 * Propose une vue en icône et une vue en liste détaillée * Respectueux des standards (suit FreeDesktop.org) * Interface sobre et conviviale (GTK+ 2) * Supporte GVFS pour le montage automatique des périphériques amovibles
en_GB: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
it: >-PCMan File Manager è un gestore di file basato su GTK+, caratteristiche:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
da: >-PCMan File Manager er en GTK+-filhåndtering, der indeholder:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
en_AU: >-PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager, featuring:
* Extremly fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Basic thumbnail support * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
Categories: - System - FileTools - FileManager - Utility - Core Icon: cached: - name: pcmanfm_system-file-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: pcmanfm_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-file-manager Provides: mimetypes: - inode/directory --- Type: desktop-application ID: hdhr.desktop Package: hdhomerun-config-gui Name: C: HDHomeRun Config Summary: C: A GUI for configuration of HDHomeRun devices Description: C: >-This package supports the Silicon Dust HDHomeRun. The HDHomeRun is a networked, two tuner digital TV tuner compatible with MythTV, SageTV, and VLC.
This utility can be used for: * Discovering your tuner location and name * Gathering tuner settings * Setting tuner setting * Performing scans * Performing firmware upgrades
en: >-This package supports the Silicon Dust HDHomeRun. The HDHomeRun is a networked, two tuner digital TV tuner compatible with MythTV, SageTV, and VLC.
This utility can be used for: * Discovering your tuner location and name * Gathering tuner settings * Setting tuner setting * Performing scans * Performing firmware upgrades
Categories: - AudioVideo - Audio - Video Icon: cached: - name: hdhomerun-config-gui_hdhr.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: hdhomerun-config-gui_hdhr.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: quasselclient.desktop Package: quassel-client Name: de: Quassel IRC (nur Client) pl: Quassel IRC (tylko klient) pt_BR: Quassel IRC (Apenas cliente) zh_CN: Quassel IRC (仅仅包含客户端) fi: Quassel IRC (vain asiakas) C: Quassel IRC (Client only) ast: IRC Quassel (namái veceru) sq: Quassel IRC (Vetëm klient) uk: Quassel IRC (лише клієнт) gl: Quassel IRC (só cliente) ru: Quassel IRC (только клиент) tr: Quassel IRC (sadece İstemci) es: IRC Quassel (sólo cliente) et: Quassel IRC (ainult klient) fr: Quassel IRC (client uniquement) sv: Quassel IRC (endast klient) oc: Quassel IRC (client unicament) en_GB: Quassel IRC (Client only) hu: Quassel IRC (Csak kliens) ca: Xat IRC Quassel (només el client) it: Quassel IRC (solo client) ko: Quassel IRC (클라이언트만) nl: Quassel IRC (alleen client) Summary: de: Dezentralisierter IRC-Client mit einem zentralen Kern pt_BR: Cliente IRC distribuido com o compotente central core zh_CN: 带有中央核心组件的分布式 IRC 客户端 fi: Hajautettu IRC-asiakas, jolla keskitetty ydinkomponentti C: Distributed IRC client with central core component ast: Veceru IRC distribuyíu con un componente central sq: Klient i shpërndarë IRC me përbërës qendror uk: Клієнт IRC з центральним ядром gl: Cliente de IRC distribuído cun compoñente principal central ru: Распределённый клиент IRC с центральным ядром es: Cliente IRC distribuido con un componente central et: Hajus IRC klient koos keskse tuumkomponendiga fr: Client IRC distribué avec composant essentiel centralisé sv: Distribuerad IRC-klient med central kärnkomponent oc: Client IRC distribuit amb component essencial centralizat en_GB: Distributed IRC client with central core component hu: Elosztott IRC-kliens központi alapkomponenssel ca: Client d'IRC distribuït amb un component de nucli central it: Client IRC distribuito con componente centrale nl: IRC-client met centraal kerncomponent Description: fr: >-Ceci est le composant client de Quassel. Un client IRC moderne, multi- plateforme, distribué, ce qui signifie qu'un (ou plusieurs) client(s) peuvent s'attacher et se détacher de ce noyau central. C'est un peu comme la combinaison populaire de l'écran et d'un client IRC en mode texte tels que WeeChat, mais graphique.
Ce paquet fournit seulement le composant client de Quassel. Si vous avez besoin d'exécuter le composant noyau/serveur sur votre machine locale installez le paquet « quassel » à la place.
tr: >-Bu, Quassel'in istemci bileşenidir. Modern, çapraz platformlı, dağıtılmış IRC istemcisi (bir (veya birden fazla) istemcinin bu merkez çekirdeğe eklenebilir çıkartılabilmesi demektir). WeeChat gibi yaygın kullanılan metin tabanlı IRC istemcisi ve görsel tabanlı istemcilerin birleşimidir ancak grafikseldir.
Bu paket sadece Quassel istemci bileşenini sağlar. Eğer çekirdek/sunucu bileşenini yerel makinenizde çalıştırmanız gerekiyorsa, bunun yerine 'quassel' paketini kurun.
C: >-Quassel is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat or irssi, but graphical.
This package provides only the client component.
en: >-Quassel is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat or irssi, but graphical.
This package provides only the client component.
Categories: - Network - Chat - IRCClient Icon: cached: - name: quassel-client_quassel.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quassel-client_quassel.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quassel --- Type: desktop-application ID: yubioath.desktop Package: yubioath-desktop Name: C: Yubico Authenticator Summary: C: Graphical interface for displaying OATH codes with a Yubikey Description: C: >-The Yubico Authenticator is a graphical desktop tool for generating Open AuTHentication (OATH) event-based HOTP and time-based TOTP one-time password codes, with the help of a Yubikey that protects the shared secrets.
en: >-The Yubico Authenticator is a graphical desktop tool for generating Open AuTHentication (OATH) event-based HOTP and time-based TOTP one-time password codes, with the help of a Yubikey that protects the shared secrets.
Categories: - Utility Keywords: C: - YubiKey - Yubico - Authenticator Icon: cached: - name: yubioath-desktop_yubioath.png width: 128 height: 128 - name: yubioath-desktop_yubioath.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - yubioath.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ubuntu-mate-welcome.desktop Package: ubuntu-mate-welcome Name: de: Willkommen ro: Bine ati venit pt: Bem vinda C: Welcome ar: أهلا بك ja: ようこそ ru: Добро пожаловать es: Bienvenido fr: Bienvenue sv: Välkomna zh_tw: 歡迎 it: Benvenuto nl: Welkom Summary: C: Welcome to Ubuntu MATE Description: C: >-A welcome screen for Ubuntu MATE that provides links to helpful resources and utilities.
en: >-A welcome screen for Ubuntu MATE that provides links to helpful resources and utilities.
Categories: - PackageManager - System - Settings Icon: cached: - name: ubuntu-mate-welcome_ubuntu-mate.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ubuntu-mate-welcome_ubuntu-mate.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: ubuntu-mate-software.desktop Package: ubuntu-mate-welcome Name: C: Software Boutique Summary: C: Ubuntu MATE Software Boutique Description: C: >-A welcome screen for Ubuntu MATE that provides links to helpful resources and utilities.
en: >-A welcome screen for Ubuntu MATE that provides links to helpful resources and utilities.
Categories: - PackageManager - System - Settings Icon: cached: - name: ubuntu-mate-welcome_system-software-install.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ubuntu-mate-welcome_system-software-install.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-software-install --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.taquin.desktop Package: gnome-taquin Name: he: Taquin sk: Taquin sl: Premičnica Taquin ali Igra 15 C: Taquin fr: Taquin sr: Пецкало uk: Дратун nb: Taquin ca: Taquin sv: Taquin pa: ਤਾਕਿਉਨ hu: Taquin an: Taquin zh_TW: Taquin lt: Taquin lv: Taquin pl: Taquin el: Taquin cs: Taquin eo: Takvino pt: Taquin gl: Taquin es: Taquin id: Taquin eu: Taquin vi: Xếp hình ru: Taquin zh_HK: Taquin tr: Taquin oc: Taquin da: Taquin it: Taquin bg: Пет6найсе fur: Taquin de: Taquin pt_BR: Taquin ko: 타킨 sr@latin: Peckalo fi: Taquin bs: Peckalo Summary: he: להחליק אריחים למקום הנכון שלהם sk: Posúvajte diely na ich správne miesto sl: Premakni ploščice na ustrezna mesta C: Slide tiles to their correct places fr: Glisser les pièces jusqu’à leur position correcte sr: Догурајте плочице на њихова одговарајућа места. uk: Перетягніть плиточки на їхні місця nb: Flytt fliser til rett plass ca: Llisca les fitxes als llocs correctes sv: Dra brickor till deras rätta platser hu: Csúsztassa a csempéket a megfelelő helyükre an: Eslice as fichas a os puestos correctos zh_TW: 將棋子滑到他們正確的位置上 lt: Tempkite koklius į jų teisingas vietas lv: Slidiniet kauliņus uz tiem paredzētajām vietām pl: Przesuwanie elementów na właściwe miejsca el: Μετακινήστε τα πλακίδια στις σωστές τους θέσεις. cs: Presuňte díly na jejich správné místo eo: Glitu kahelojn al ĝustaj lokoj gl: Desprace teselas ao seu lugar correcto pt: Deslize peças para os seus lugares es: Deslice las fichas a los lugares correctos id: Geser ubin-ubin ke tempat yang tepat eu: Lerratu lauzak dagokien lekuetara vi: Di chuyển các miếng ghép vào đúng chỗ dành cho nó ru: Передвиньте фишки на правильные места zh_HK: 將棋子滑到他們正確的位置上 oc: Lisar las pèças fins a lor posicion corrècta da: Flyt brikker til deres rigtige pladser it: Fai scorrere le tessere nella loro corretta posizione bg: Поставете плочките на правилните места чрез плъзгане fur: Fâs cori lis tessaris te lôr posizion juste de: Verschieben Sie Kacheln an ihren richtigen Ort pt_BR: Deslize peças para seu devido lugar ko: 타일을 밀어서 올바른 위치에 놓습니다 sr@latin: Dogurajte pločice na njihova odgovarajuća mesta. fi: Liu'uta laatat oikeille kohdilleen bs: Dogurajte pločice na njihova odgovarajuća mjesta. Description: he: >-Taquin זו גרסה ממוחשבת של חידת ה־15 ותצרפי הזזה נוספים.
הרעיון של Taquin הוא להזיז אריחים כך שהם יגיעו למקומם, המצוינים במספרים, או כחלק של תמונה גדולה.
sk: >-Hra Taquin je počítačovou verziou hlavolamu s 15 dielmi a inými posuvnými hlavolamami.
Cieľom hry Taquin je presunúť diely tak, aby bol každý na správnom mieste. Diely sú označené buď číslami, alebo ich tvoria časti obrázku.
sl: >-Igra Taquin je računalniška različica Igre petnajst in drugih podobnih premičnic.
Cilj premičnice Taquin, znane tudi kot igre petnajst, je premakniti ploščice na prava (urejena) mesta. Ploščice so lahko označene s številkami, lahko pa skupaj sestavljajo sliko.
C: >-Taquin is a computer version of the 15-puzzle and other sliding puzzles.
The object of Taquin is to move tiles so that they reach their places, either indicated with numbers, or with parts of a great image.
uk: >-Дратун — комп'ютерна версія ігор з перетягування плиточок.
Ціль Дратуна — розставити мозаїки на свої місця, вони позначені числами або частинами великого малюнка.
sr: >-Пецкало је рачунарско издање 15-слагалица и других клизних слагалица.
Предмет Пецкала је премештање плочица тако да стигну до својих места, било назначених бројевима, или деловима велике слике.
fr: >-Taquin est une version informatisée du taquin et d’autres casse-têtes du genre.
L’objectif de Taquin est de déplacer les pièces pour qu’elles atteignent leur position correcte, devinable soit par un nombre, soit par les morceaux d’une chouette image.
nb: >-Taquin er datamaskinversjonen av 15-puslespill og andre skyvepuslespill.
Målet i Taquin er å skyve flisene slik at de når sine plasser som er indikert med tall eller deler av et større bilde.
sv: >-Taquin är en datorversion av 15-pusslet och andra glidpussel.
Målet i Taquin är att flytta brickor så att de når sina platser, vilka antingen markeras med siffror eller med delar av en stor bild.
ca: >-El Taquin és una versió d'ordinador del joc trencaclosques de 15 fitxes i altres trencaclosques lliscants.
L'objectiu del Taquin és moure les fitxes perquè arribin als seus llocs, indicat per nombres o bé per ser parts d'una imatge més gran.
hu: >-A Taquin a 15-ös kirakós és egyéb tilitoli kirakós játékok számítógépes változata.
A Taquin lényege a csempék mozgatása, hogy azok elérjenek saját helyükre, amelyek vagy számokkal vannak jelölve, vagy egy nagy kép részleteivel.
an: >-Taquin ye una versión d'ordinador de puzle-15 y atros puzles d'eslizar.
L'obchectivo de Taquin ye mover as fichas a os suyos puestos correspondients, indicaus por numeros u por partes d'una bonica imachen.
zh_TW: >-Taquin 是電腦版的 15 塊或其他數目棋子的滑動益智遊戲。
Taquin 的目標是將棋子移動以讓它們到達自己的位置,可能是數字的順序,或是組成一幅大型影像。
lt: >-Taquin yra 15-galvosūkio ir kitų tempimo galvosūkių kompiuterinė versija.
Taquin tikslas yra perkelti koklius taip, kad kiekvienas atsidurtų savo vietoje, nurodytoje skaičiais arba didesnio paveikslėlio dalimis.
pl: >-Taquin to komputerowa wersja 15-częściowych przesuwanych puzzli.
Taquin polega na przesuwaniu poszczególnych elementów tak, aby każdy z nich znalazł się na właściwym miejscu, według numeru lub obrazka.
lv: >-Taquin ir datora variants 15-mīklai un citām slidināšanas spēlēm.
Taquin mērķis ir pārvietot kauliņus, lai tie sasniegtu savu vietu, vai nu tie ir numuri, vai daļa no lielāka attēla.
el: >-Το Taquin (ο κατεργάρης) είναι μια έκδοση για υπολογιστή του γρίφου-15 και άλλων συρόμενων γρίφων.
Ο σκοπός του Taquin είναι να μετακινηθούν τα πλακίδια έτσι ώστε να φτάσουν στις θέσεις τους, που δείχνονται είτε με αριθμούς, ή με τμήματα μιας μεγάλης εικόνας.
cs: >-Taquin je počítačová verze posuvného hlavolamu s 15 nebo i jiným počtem dílů.
Cílem hlavolamu Taquin je přesunout díly na jejich správná místa, která jsou daná buď číslem nebo částmi velkého obrázku.
eo: >-La celo de Takvino estas movi kahelojn, por ke ili alveni al siaj ĝustaj lokoj, kiuj estas aŭ nombre indikitaj, aŭ kun partoj de granda bildo.
pt: >-O Taquin é uma versão para computador de vários jogos de deslizar peças.
O objetivo do Taquin é mover as peças para que cheguem aos seus lugares, sejam eles indicados por números ou como partes de uma grande imagem.
gl: >-Taquin é unha versión de computador do quebracabezas 15 e outros quebracabezas de desprazamento.
O obxectivo de Taquin é mover teselas para que alcancen os seus lugares, ou indicados por números ou con partes dunha imaxe máis grande.
es: >-Taquin es una versión de ordenador de puzle-15 y otros puzles de deslizar.
El objetivo de Taquin es mover las fichas a sus lugares correspondientes, indicados por números o por partes de una bonita imagen.
id: >-Taquin adalah versi komputer dari puzzle geser 15-pecahan dan lainnya.
Tujuan Taquin adalah menggeser ubin-ubin sehingga menempati tempat yang tepat, apakah itu angka-angka atau bagian-bagian dari sebuah gambar.
eu: >-Taquin 15-puzzlearen eta lerratzeko beste puzzle batzuen bertsio konputerizatu bat da.
Taquin-en helburua lauzak lekuz aldatzea da bakoitza dagokion lekura eramanez, irudi handi baten zati gisa edo zenbaki gisa adierazita.
vi: >-Taquin là phiên bản chạy trên máy tính của trò chơi ghép hình 15-puzzle và các kiểu di chuyển miếng ghép khác.
Các đối tượng của Taquin là di chuyển các miếng ghép sao cho chúng nằm ở đúng chỗ, hoặc là được chỉ thị bằng số, hoặc là các phần nhỏ của một bức ảnh lớn.
zh_HK: >-Taquin 是電腦版的 15 塊或其他數目棋子的滑動益智遊戲。
Taquin 的目標是將棋子移動以讓它們到達自己的位置,可能是數字的順序,或是組成一幅大型影像。
ru: >-Taquin — компьютерная версия игры в пятнашки и других механических головоломок.
Цель игры — передвинуть фишки так, чтобы они заняли свои места, сложив последовательность чисел или целое изображение.
oc: >-Taquin es una version informatizada del taquin e d’autres copacaps del genre.
L’objectiu de Taquin es de desplaçar las pèças per qu’atenhan lor posicion corrècta, endevinabla siá per un nombre, siá pels tròces d’un polit imatge.
da: >-Taquin er en computerudgave af 15-spillet og andre brikflyttespil.
Målet med Taquin er at flytte brikker, så de når deres pladser angivet enten ved tal eller dele af et stort billede.
it: >-Taquin è la versione per computer del classico gioco del 15 e di altri puzzle simili.
L'obiettivo di Taquin è quello di spostare le tessere in modo tale che raggiungano la loro designata posizione, indicata da numeri o da parti di un'immagine.
bg: >-„Пет6найсе“ е версия на популярната игра с 15 плъзгащи се блокчета
Целта е да подредите плочките като ги плъзгате и те да се подредят последователно или като част от картинка.
fur: >-Taquin al è la version par computer dal classic zûc dal 15 e di altris puzzle simii.
L'obietîf di Taquin al è chel di spostâ lis tessaris in mût che si placin te lôr posizion juste, indicade da numars o di parts di une figure
de: >-Taquin ist eine Version für Rechner des 15-teiligen Puzzles und anderer Schiebepuzzle.
Das Ziel von Taquin ist es, Kacheln so zu verschieben, dass sie ihren Zielort erreichen. Der Zielort ist entweder über Zahlen oder mit Ausschnitten eines großen Bildes markiert.
pt_BR: >-Taquin é uma versão de computador do quebra-cabeça de 15 peças e outros quebra-cabeças deslizantes.
O objetivo do Taquin é mover as peças de forma que elas alcancem seus devidos lugares, indicados com números ou com partes de uma imagem legal.
ko: >-타킨은 컴퓨터 버전의 15-퍼즐 및 기타 타일 밀기 퍼즐입니다.
타킨의 목표는 타일을 움직여서 자기 위치에 놓는 것입니다. 숫자로 표시된 위치에 놓거나, 전체 그림을 맞추는 방식으로 놓습니다.
sr@latin: >-Peckalo je računarsko izdanje 15-slagalica i drugih kliznih slagalica.
Predmet Peckala je premeštanje pločica tako da stignu do svojih mesta, bilo naznačenih brojevima, ili delovima velike slike.
fi: >-Taquin on tietokoneversio 15-pelistä ja muista liu'utuksella ratkaistavista pulmapeleistä.
Tavoite Taquinissa on siirtää laatat oikeille kohdilleen siten, että ne muodostavat numerojatkumon tai kuvan.
bs: >-Peckalo je računarsko izdanje 15-slagalica i drugih kliznih slagalica.
Predmet Peckala je premještanje pločica tako da stignu do svojih mjesta, bilo naznačenih brojevima, ili dijelovima velike slike.
ProjectGroup: GNOME ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+ and CC-BY-SA-3.0 and CC-BY-SA-4.0 Categories: - Game - LogicGame Keywords: he: - לוח - תצרף - פאזל sk: - puzzle - hlavolam sl: - sestavljanka C: - puzzle fr: - puzzle - ' pousse-pousse' - ' taquin' sr: - слагалица uk: - головоломка nb: - puslespill ca: - trencaclosques sv: - pussel pa: - ਬੁਝਾਰਤ hu: - puzzle - kirakó - fejtörő an: - puzle - chuego zh_TW: - puzzle - 益智遊戲 lt: - galvosūkis lv: - puzle - mīkla pl: - puzzle - puzle el: - γρίφος - puzzle cs: - posuvné - posuvná - puzzle - hlavolam - skládačka eo: - puzlo pt: - puzzle - jogo gl: - quebracabezas es: - puzle - juego id: - puzzle eu: - puzzlea vi: - puzzle - ghép - ghep - xếp - hình - xep - hinh ru: - головоломка - пятнашки zh_HK: - puzzle - 益智遊戲 tr: - bulmaca - yapboz oc: - puzzle - ' Buta-buta' - ' taquin' da: - spil - opgave - tænkespil - puslespil it: - puzzle - rompicapo bg: - петнадесет - загадка - плочки - 15 - 16 - puzzle fur: - puzzle - gredei de: - Puzzle pt_BR: - quebra-cabeça - puzzle ko: - puzzle - 퍼즐 sr@latin: - slagalica fi: - puzzle - pulma bs: - slagalica Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Taquin Icon: cached: - name: gnome-taquin_gnome-taquin.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gnome-taquin_gnome-taquin.png width: 128 height: 128 Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/taquin.desktop/D600147A43B2599A4EE5B8DC09EB128B/screenshots/image-1_624x405.png width: 624 height: 405 - url: org/gnome/taquin.desktop/D600147A43B2599A4EE5B8DC09EB128B/screenshots/image-1_224x145.png width: 224 height: 145 source-image: url: org/gnome/taquin.desktop/D600147A43B2599A4EE5B8DC09EB128B/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 700 height: 455 --- Type: desktop-application ID: CMake.desktop Package: cmake-qt-gui Name: C: CMake Summary: C: Cross-platform buildsystem Description: de: >-CMake wird dazu benutzt, den Ablauf beim Kompilieren von Software zu steuern, indem einfache Plattform- und Compiler-abhängige Konfigurationsdateien verwendet werden. CMake erzeugt originale Makefiles und Workspaces (Arbeitsordner), die in der Compiler-Umgebung Ihrer Wahl verwendet werden können.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
pt_BR: >-CMake é usado para controlar o processo de compilação de software usando arquivos de configuração simples e independentes de compilador e plataforma. CMake gera "makefiles" nativos e "workspaces" que podem ser usados no ambiente de compilação de sua escolha.
Este pacote fornece a GUI baseada em Qt4 para o CMake. A configuração do projeto pode ser especificada interativamente. Instruções resumidas são fornecidas no rodapé da janela quando o programa está em execução. O principal arquivo executável para esta GUI é o "cmake-gui".
uk: >-CMake дозволяє керувати процесом збірки ПЗ за допомогою конфігураційних файлів з простим форматом, однаковим для усіх платформ та компіляторів. CMake генерує файли Makefile, що підходять для поточної системи.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
C: >-CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
en: >-CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
en_CA: >-CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
gl: >-O CMake emprégase para controlar o proceso de compilación de software empregando ficheiros de configuración sinxelos independentes da plataforma e do compilador. O CMake xera ficheiros makefile e espazos de traballo nativos que se poden empregar no ambiente de compilación que se queira.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
es: >-CMake se utiliza para controlar el proceso de compilación de software usando una plataforma sencilla y compilar archivos de configuración independientes. CMake genera archivos nativos makefiles y espacio de trabajo que pueden se pueden utilizar en el entorno de compilación de su elección.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
fr: >-CMake est utilisé pour contrôler le processus de compilation de logiciels en utilisant des fichiers de configuration simples et indépendants de la plate-forme. CMake crée des fichiers Makefile natifs et des espaces de travail qui peuvent être utilisés avec tout environnement de compilation.
Ce paquet fournit l'interface Qt4 de CMake. Les paramètres de configuration du projet peuvent être spécifiés interactivement. De brèves instructions sont fournies au bas de la fenêtre lorsqu'un programme est exécuté. Le fichier exécutable principal pour l'interface est « cmake-gui ».
ru: >-CMake позволяет управлять процессом сборки ПО с помощью конфигурационных файлов с простым форматом, одинаковых для всех платформ и компиляторов. CMake генерирует файлы Makefile подходящие для текущей системы.
Пакет предоставляет графический пользовательский интерфейс на Qt4 для Cmake. Настройки конфигурации проекта могут быть интерактивно указаны. Внизу окна указываются некоторые инструкции, когда программа запущена. Основной файл для запуска оболочки это "cmake-gui".
en_GB: >-CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
it: >-CMake è utilizzato per controllare il processo di compilazione del software usando dei semplici file di configurazione indipendenti dal compilatore e dal sistema. CMake genera makefile e workspace nativi, che possono essere utilizzati con il compilatore desiderato.
Questo pacchetto fornisce l'interfaccia basata su Qt4 di CMake. Gli ambienti di configurazione del progetto possono essere specificati interattivamente. Delle istruzioni brevi sono fornite in fondo al terminale quando il programma è in esecuzione. Il file eseguibile principale per questa interfaccia grafica è "cmake-gui".
en_AU: >-CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
Categories: - Development Icon: cached: - name: cmake-qt-gui_CMakeSetup.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: cmake-qt-gui_CMakeSetup.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-cmakecache --- Type: desktop-application ID: freedink-dfarc.desktop Package: freedink-dfarc Name: de: DFArc – Dink-Frontend pl: DFArc - Dink frontend pt_BR: DFArc - interface do Dink fi: DFArc - Dink Smallwood -pelin hallintaohjelma C: DFArc - Dink frontend vi: DFArc — giao diện Dink eo: DFArc - fasado de Dink sr: ДФАрц — Динкв челник tr: DFArc - Dink sunumu es: DFArc - cliente Dink fr: DFArc - Interface de lancement pour Dink hr: DFArc - Dink sučelje hu: DFArc - Dink előtétprogram ca: DFArc - Frontal del Dink it: DFArc - Interfaccia di Dink da: DFArc - Dinks grænseflade nl: DFArc – Dink frontend mk: DFArc - Dink насловна Summary: de: D-Mods (Dink-Module) ausführen, bearbeiten, installieren und deinstallieren pl: Uruchom, zedytuj, instaluj, usuń i spakuj D-Mod'y(Dink Modules) pt_BR: Execute, edite, instale, remova e empacote D-Mods (Módulos Dink) fi: Pelaa, muokkaa, asenna, poista ja paketoi D-Modeja (Dink-pelimoduuleita) C: Run, edit, install, remove and package D-Mods (Dink Modules) vi: Khởi chạy, chỉnh sửa, cài đặt, gỡ bỏ và đóng gói các D-Mod (mô-đun Dink) eo: Lanĉi, redakti, installi, forigi kaj enpakigi D-Mod (Modulojn Dink) sr: Покрените, уредите, инсталирајте, уклоните и запакујте Д-модове (Динкове модуле) tr: D-Modları(Dink Modülleri) çalıştır, düzenle, kur, kaldır ve derle(paketle) es: Ejecuta, edita, instala, elimina y empaqueta D-Mods (Módulos Dink) fr: Lancer, éditer, installer, supprimer et mettre en paquets des D-Mods (Dink Modules) hr: Pokreni, uredi, instaliraj, ukloni i pakiraj module hu: D-Modok (Dink modulok) futtatása, szerkesztése, telepítése, eltávolítása és csomagolása ca: Executa, edita, instal·la, esborra i empaqueta D-Mods (mòduls del Dink) it: Esegui, modifica, installa, rimuoveri e pacchettizza file D-Mod (moduli di Dink) da: Kør, redigere, installer, fjern og pak D-Mods (Dink-moduler) nl: D-Mods (Dink Modules) starten, bewerken, installeren, verwijderen en verpakken mk: Вклучувај, уреди, инсталирај, отстрани и спакувај D-Mods-а (Dink Модули) Description: de: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
C: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
en: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
en_CA: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
fr: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
en_GB: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
hu: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
it: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
da: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
en_AU: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
Categories: - Game - AdventureGame Icon: cached: - name: freedink-dfarc_dfarc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: freedink-dfarc_dfarc.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-dmod --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs Package: gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugin for GnomeVFS en: GStreamer plugin for GnomeVFS --- Type: desktop-application ID: abiword.desktop Package: abiword Name: C: AbiWord Summary: 'no': AbiWord Tekstbehandler de: AbiWord Textverarbeitung pl: Edytor tekstu AbiWord pt: AbiWord Processador de Texto C: Compose, edit, and view documents ja: AbiWord ワードプロセッサ ru: Обработка форматированных текстовых документов es: Procesador de textos Abiword fr: Traitement de texte de Gnome Office nb: AbiWord Tekstbehandling nl: AbiWord tekstverwerker nn: AbiWord Tekstbehandling Description: pl: >-AbiWord jest w pełni funkcjonalnym, wydajnym procesorem tekstu. Jest przydatny w wielu zastosowaniach związanych z przetwarzaniem tekstu, a dzięki różnym wtyczkom można rozszerzyć jego możliwości.
Pakiet zawiera wiele z dostępnych wtyczek importu/eksportu umożliwiających programowi AbiWord obsługę formatów ODT, WordPerfect i wielu innych. Zawiera wtyczki umożliwiające współpracę w czasie rzeczywistym użytkowników AbiWorda na Linuksie i Windowsie (używając TCP lub Jabber/XMPP), tłumaczenie przez WWW, obsługę słowników i wiele innych funkcji.
Dodatkowe wtyczki, które wymagają doinstalowania znacznej ilości oprogramowania, znajdują się w pakietach typu abiword-plugin-*.
de: >-AbiWord ist ein vollständiges und effizientes Textverarbeitungsprogramm. Es eignet sich für eine Vielzahl von Textverarbeitungsaufgaben und ist durch viele Plugins erweiterbar.
Dieses Paket enthält viele der verfügbaren Import- und Export- Erweiterungen, die es AbiWord ermöglichen, mit ODT, WordPerfect und anderen Formaten umzugehen. Es enthält ferner Erweiterungen, um mit anderen AbiWord-Benutzern unter Linux und Windows (über TCP oder Jabber/XMPP) direkt zusammenarbeiten zu können, zur Unterstützung von webbasierten Übersetzungen und Wörterbüchern sowie vieles mehr.
Andere Erweiterungen, die einiges an zusätzlicher Software benötigen, um zu funktionieren, finden Sie in den Paketen abiword-plugin-*.
en_CA: >-AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins.
This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats. It also includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and dictionary support, and more.
Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.
zh_CN: >-Abiword 是一款功能完善的高效文字处理软件,能胜任各种文字处理任务,并且可通过 各种插件进行扩展。
本软件包包含目前可用的多种导入/导出插件,使 AbiWord 能与 ODT、WordPerfect 及其他各种格式进行交互。本软件包中还包含有各种工具插件,使 AbiWord 用户可在 Linux 和 Windows 上(通过 TCP 或Jabber/XMPP)进行实时协作,还提供在线翻译 和字典支持等。
附加插件需要大量的额外软件,它们被封装在各个的 abiword-plugin-* 软件包中。
sk: >-AbiWord je plnohodnotná, výkonná aplikácia na spracovanie textu. Je vhodná na širokú škálu úloh spracovania textu a je možné ho rozšíriť pomocou zásuvných modulov.
Tento balík obsahuje mnohé z dostupných zásuvných modulov na import/ export, ktoré umožňujú aplikácii AbiWord pracovať s ODT, WordPerfect a ďalšími formátmi. Tiež obsahuje zásuvné moduly nástrojov, ponúka online spoluprácu s používateľmi AbiWord na Linuxe a Windows (pomocou TCP alebo Jabber/XMPP), webový preklad, podporu slovníkov a ďalšie.
Ďalšie zásuvné moduly, ktoré aby fungovali vyžadujú významné množstvo ďalšieho softvéru sa nachádzajú v rozličných balíkoch abiword-plugin-*.
sl: >-AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki.
Ta paket vključuje veliko razpoložljivih vstavkov uvoza/izvoza, ki AbiWord omogočajo sporazumevanje z ODT, WordPerfect in drugimi vrstami. Vključuje tudi vstavke orodij, ki ponujajo živo sodelovanje z uporabniki AbiWord na Linuxu in sistemu Windows (s TCP ali Jabber/XMPP), spletni prevod in podporo slovarja ter več.
Dodatni vstavki, ki za delovanje zahtevajo občutne količine dodatnih programov so v različnih paketih abiword-plugin-*.
pt_BR: >-AbiWord é uma aplicação de processamento de texto eficiente e cheia de recursos. Seu uso é adequado para uma grande variedade de tarefas de processamento de texto e ela é extensível através de uma grande variedade extensões.
Este pacote inclui várias das extensões de importar/exportar disponíveis permitindo que o AbiWord interaja com ODT, WordPerfect e outros formatos. Ele também inclui extensões de ferramentas, oferecendo colaboração em tempo real com usuário AbiWord no Linux e Windows (usando TCP ou Jabber/XMPP), tradução web e suporte a dicionário, e mais.
Extensões adicionais que requerem uma quantidade significativa de software extra para funcionarem estão em vários pacotes abiword-plugin-*.
pt: >-O AbiWord é uma aplicação de processamento de texto eficiente e completa. É adequado para um grande conjunto de tarefas de processamento de texto, e é extensível com uma variedade de plugins.
Este pacote inclui muitos dos plugins de importação/exportação disponíveis permitindo ao AbiWord interagir com ODT, WordPerfect, e outros formatos. Também inclui plugins de ferramentas, oferecendo colaboração ao vivo com utilizadores do AbiWord em Linux e Windows (usando TCP ou abber/XMPP), suporte a tradução web e dicionário, e mais.
Plugins adicionais que requerem quantidades significantes de software extra para funcionar estão nos vários pacotes abiword-plugin-*.
C: >-AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins.
This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats. It also includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and dictionary support, and more.
Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.
id: >-AbiWord adalah aplikasi pengolah kata yang efisien dan kaya fitur. Aplikasi ini cocok untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan pengolahan kata, dan dapat diperkaya dengan berbagai plugin.
This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats. It also includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and dictionary support, and more.
Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.
en: >-AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins.
This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats. It also includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and dictionary support, and more.
Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.
uk: >-Abiword — повнофункційний, ефективний застосунок для роботи з текстом. Він підходить для виконання різних завдань та розширюється різними модулями.
Пакунок включає в себе модулі для імпорту/експорту документів у різні формати: ODT, WordPerfect та інші. Також є інструменти для забезпечення колективної роботи користувачів AbiWord на Linux й Windows (TCP або Jabber/XMPP), перекладач веб-сторінок, підтримка словників тощо.
Додаткові розширення, для роботи якого потрібна велика кількість допоміжного ПЗ, знаходяться у пакунках abiword-plugin-* packages.
ru: >-AbiWord — полнофункциональный, эффективный текстовый процессор. Подходит для широкого спектра задач обработки текста и расширяется различными модулями.
Пакет включает в себя модули для импорта/экспорта документов в различные форматы: ODT, WordPerfect и другие. Также есть инструменты для обеспечения коллективной работы пользователей AbiWord на Linux и Windows (TCP или Jabber/XMPP), переводчик веб-страниц, поддержка словарей и т.д.
Дополнительные расширения, для работы которого требуется большое количество вспомогательного ПО, находятся в пакетах abiword-plugin-*.
gl: >-AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins.
Este paquete inclúe moitos dos complementos dispoñíbeis de importación e exportación que lle permiten a Abiword interactuar con formatos como ODT, WordPerfect e outros. Tamén inclúe ferramentas complementarias que permiten a colaboración ao vivo con usuarios de Abiword en Linux e Windows (usando TCP ou Jabber/XMMP), tradución web, axuda de dicionarios, e máis.
Os engadidos adicionais que requiren cantidades significativas de software adicional para funcionar atópanse nos paquetes abiword-plugin-*.
tr: >-AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins.
This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats. It also includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and dictionary support, and more.
Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.
zh_TW: >-AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins.
This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats. It also includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and dictionary support, and more.
Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.
es: >-AbiWord es una aplicación de procesado de texto eficiente y funcional. Es aconsejable para una amplia variedad de tareas de procesado de textos, y es ampliable con varios complementos.
Este paquete incluye muchos de los complementos disponibles de importación y exportación permitiendo a AbiWord interactuar con ODT, WordPerfect y otros formatos. También incluye complementos de herramientas, ofreciendo colaboración en vivo con usuarios de AbiWord en Linux y Windows (usando TCP o Jabber/XMPP), traducción web, poder usar diccionarios y mucho más.
Muchos complementos que requieren una cantidad significativa de programas adicionales para funcionar están en los paquetes abiword-plugin-*.
fi: >-AbiWord on täysipainoinen ja tehokas tekstinkäsittelyohjelma. Se soveltuu moniin erilaisiin tekstinkäsittelytöihin, ja on laajennettavissa liitännäisin.
Tämä paketti sisältää useita tuonti/vientiliitännäisiä, joiden avulla Abiwordilla voidaan käsitellä ODT-, WordPerfect- ja muita tiedostomuotoja. Se sisältää myös työkaluliitännäisiä, joilla voidaan tehdä reaaliaikaisesti yhteistyötä muiden Abiword-käyttäjien kanssa (sekä Linux että Windows) käyttäen TCP:tä tai Jabber/XMPP-yhteyskäytäntöä, käyttää WWW-pohjaisia käännös- ja sanakirjapalveluita ja paljon muuta.
Ylimääräiset liitännäiset, jotka tarvitsevat merkittäviä määriä lisäohjelmia toimiakseen, löytyvät abiword-plugin-*-paketeista.
sv: >-AbiWord är en funktionsrik, effektiv ordbehandlare. Den är lämplig för en mängd olika ordbehandlingsuppgifter och är utökningsbar med olika insticksmoduler.
Det här paketet innehåller flera av de insticksprogram för import/export som gör det möjligt för AbiWord att interagera med ODT, WordPerfect och andra format. Det innehåller också insticks-verktyg, som erbjuder direkt samarbete med andra AbiWord-användare som använder Windows eller Linux (med hjälp av TCP eller Jabber / XMPP), översättning av webbsidor och stöd för ordlistor och mycket mer.
Ytterligare insticksmoduler som kräver stora mängder av ytterligare mjukvara för att fungera finns i olika abiword-plugin-* paket.
oc: >-AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins.
This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats. It also includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and dictionary support, and more.
Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.
fr: >-AbiWord est un traitement de texte efficace et doté de beaucoup de fonctionnalités. De plus, il est possible de l'enrichir avec de nombreux greffons.
Ce paquet inclut de nombreux greffons d'import/export permettant à AbiWord d'interagir avec ODT, WordPerfect ainsi que d'autres formats. Il comprend également des greffons utilitaires permettant une communication directe avec les utilisateurs d'AbiWord sur Linux et Windows (utilisant TCP ou Jabber/XMPP), les outils de traduction web et des dictionnaires et plus encore.
Les greffons supplémentaires qui nécessitent une quantité significative d'autres logiciels pour fonctionner sont dans les différents paquets abiword-plugin-*.
en_GB: >-AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins.
This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats. It also includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and dictionary support, and more.
Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.
ja: >-AbiWord は高機能で効率的なワードプロセッサアプリケーションです。幅広い文 書の作成作業に対応し、数多くの拡張プラグインも用意されています。
このパッケージには ODT や WordPerfect など、数多くのファイル形式を AbiWord で読み込めるプラグインも収録されています。その他、ツールプラグイ ンを提供しています。他の Linux/Windows ユーザ (TCP や Jabber/XMPP などを通 じて) とAbiWord でコラボレーションできるプラグイン、ウェブの翻訳・辞書サ ポートプラグインなども収録されています。
ソフトウェアの機能拡張に必要となる大量の追加のプラグインは、いろいろな abiword-plugin-* パッケージの中に収録されています。
ko: >-AbiWord는 효율적인 다기능 문서 편집기입니다. 광범위한 문서 편집 작업에 적합하고, 여러 가지 플러그인으로 확장이 가능합니다.
이 패키지는 AbiWord에서 ODT, WordPerfect 등 다른 형식과 호환되는 들여오기/내보내기 플러그인이 포함되어 있습니다. 또 리눅스와 윈도우 사용자간의 협업을 제공하는 도구(TCP 또는 Jabber/XMPP 사용), 웹 번역, 사전 지원 등이 포함되어 있습니다.
많은 수의 추가 소프트웨어가 동작하도록 하는 추가 플러그인들은 다양한 abiword-plugin-* 패키지에 있습니다.
it: >-AbiWord è un'applicazione completa ed efficiente per l'elaborazione di testi. È adatta a una grande varietà di operazioni di elaborazione testi e può essere estesa tramite diversi plug-in.
Questo pacchetto include molti dei plugin disponibili di importazione/esportazione che permettono ad AbiWord di interagire con ODT, WordPerfect e altri formati. Include anche strumenti che offrono collaborazione simultanea con utenti di AbiWord su Linux e Windows (usando TCP o Jabber/XMPP), traduzione web, supporto per dizionario e altro ancora.
Plug-in addizionali che richiedono una quantità significativa di software aggiuntivo per funzionare possono essere trovati nei vari pacchetti abiword-plugin-*.
nl: >-AbiWord is een complete, efficiënte tekstverwerker. Het is geschikt voor een grote verscheidenheid aan tekstverwerkingstaken en is uitbreidbaar door middel van meerdere plug-ins.
Dit pakket bevat een groot deel van de import/export plug-ins waarmee AbiWord ondersteuning biedt voor ODT, WordPerfect en andere formaten. Het bevat ook andere hulpmiddelen, zoals samenwerken met AbiWordgebruikers op Linux en Windows (met TCP of Jabber/XMPP), vertaling via het internet, woordenboeken en meer.
Extra plug-ins die een grote hoeveelheid extra software nodig hebben om te functioneren, bevinden zich in de diverse abiword-plugin-* pakketten.
da: >-Abiword er et fuldt udbygget og effektivt tekstbehandlingsprogram. Det er brugbart for en masse forskellige tekstopgaver, og den kan udvides med forskellige udvidelsesmoduler.
Denne pakke indeholder mange af de tilgængelige import/eksport- udvidelsesmoduler, der tillader AbiWord at arbejde sammen med ODT, WordPerfect og andre formater. Den omfatter også værktøjer, der tilbyder levende samarbejde med AbiWord-brugere på Linux og Windows (ved brug af TCP eller Jabber/XMPP), web-oversættelse og ordbogsunderstøttelse og meget mere.
Ekstra udvidelsesmoduler, der kræver betydelige mængder af ekstra software for at fungere er i de forskellige abiword-plugin-* pakker.
en_AU: >-AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins.
This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats. It also includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and dictionary support, and more.
Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.
hu: >-Az AbiWord egy nagyon okos, hatékony szövegszerkesztő alkalmazás. Sokféle szövegszerkesztő feladatra alkalmas és számos beillesztéssel bővíthető.
E csomag sok import/export beillesztést tartalmaz, mellyel az Abiword az ODT, WordPerfect és más formátumokat kezeli. Egy olyan eszközöket tartalmazó beillesztést is, mellyel lehetséges a Linux vagy Windows alatti AbiWord-használók együttműködése (TCP vagy Jabber/XMPP felett), a webes fordítás és szótár támogatás és egyebek.
Az olyan beillesztések, melyek sok külső programot igényelnek a külön abiword-plugin-* csomagokban vannak.
Categories: - Office - WordProcessor Icon: cached: - name: abiword_abiword.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: abiword_abiword.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text - text/vnd.wap.wml - text/x-abiword - application/x-mif - application/x-abicollab - application/rtf - application/x-kword - application/wordperfect5.1 - application/x-t602 - text/abiword - application/x-abiword - application/x-palm-database - application/vnd.stardivision.writer - application/vnd.sun.xml.writer - application/vnd.wordperfect - application/x-crossmark - text/rtf - text/x-xml-abiword - text/html - text/plain - application/docbook+xml - application/wordperfect6 - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web - application/msword - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template - application/x-applix-word - application/vnd.plain - application/vnd.palm - text/richtext - application/xhtml+xml - application/x-mswrite --- Type: desktop-application ID: light-locker-settings.desktop Package: light-locker-settings Name: de: Light-Locker-Einstellungen pl: Ustawienia Light Locker pt_PT: Configurações do Light Locker pt_BR: Configurações do Light Locker sk: Nastavenia Light Locker fi: Light Locker -asetukset C: Light Locker Settings uk: Параметри Light Locker ja: Light Lockerの設定 cs: Nastavení Light Locker ru: Настройки Light Locker pt: Configurações do Light Locker tr: Hafif Kilitleyici Ayarları es: Configuración de Light Locker et: Ekraanisäästu ja lukustussätted fr: Paramètres de Light Locker de_DE: Light-Locker-Einstellungen ca: Paràmetres del Light Locker it: Impostazioni di Light Locker be: Налады замыкання nl: Instellingen voor Light Locker en_AU: Light Locker Settings Summary: de: Sitzungsperre konfigurieren pl: Konfiguruje blokowanie sesji pt_PT: Configurar o bloqueio de sessão pt_BR: Configurar o bloqueio de sessão sk: Nastavenia zamykania relácie fi: Hallitse istuntosi lukitusasetuksia C: Configure locking your session el: Διαμορφώστε το κλείδωμα της συνεδρία σας ja: セッションのロックを設定する cs: Nastavit uzamčení relace ru: Настройка блокировки экрана pt: Configurar o bloqueio de sessão tr: Oturum kilidinizi ayarlayın es: Configurar el bloqueo de la sesión et: Seadista ekraanisäästu ja lukustamist fr: Configurer le verrouillage de votre session uk: Налаштовування блокування сеансу de_DE: Sitzungsperre konfigurieren it: Configura il blocco della sessione be: Наладзіць замыканне Вашае сесіі nl: Het vergrendelen van uw sessie instellen en_AU: Configure locking your session Description: fr: >-light-locker-settings est un utilitaire de configuration simple vous permettant de configurer votre écran de veille et les paramètres de verrouillage.
C: >-light-locker-settings is a simple configuration utility that allows you to configure your screensaver and locking settings.
en: >-light-locker-settings is a simple configuration utility that allows you to configure your screensaver and locking settings.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Keywords: C: - Configuration - Screensaver - User Icon: cached: - name: light-locker-settings_preferences-desktop-screensaver.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: light-locker-settings_preferences-desktop-screensaver.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-screensaver --- Type: desktop-application ID: calibre-gui.desktop Package: calibre Name: C: calibre Summary: C: E-book library management es: aplicación para la gestión de libros electrónicos de: E-Book Bibliotheksverwaltung Description: C: >-Calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution. It includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion as well as e-book reader sync features.
Calibre is primarily an e-book cataloging program. It manages your e-book collection for you. It is designed around the concept of the logical book, i.e. a single entry in the database that may correspond to e-books in several formats. It also supports conversion from a dozen different e-book formats to LRF and EPUB. A graphical interface to the conversion software can be accessed easily by just clicking the "Convert E-books" button.
Supported input formats are: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF, TXT, PDF and LRS.
Calibre has a modular device driver design that makes adding support for different e-reader devices easy. At the moment, it has support for the SONY PRS 500/505/700 and the iPhone (with the stanza reader software). Syncing supports updating metadata on the device from metadata in the library and the creation of collections on the device based on the tags defined in the library view. If an book has more than one format available, calibre automatically chooses the best format when uploading to the device.
Calibre can automatically fetch news from a number of websites/RSS feeds, format the news into a e-book and upload to a connected device. There is support for generating LRF/EPUB e-books. The e-books include the *full* versions of the articles, not just the summaries.
Calibre has also a built-in e-book viewer that can display all the major e-book formats.
en: >-Calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution. It includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion as well as e-book reader sync features.
Calibre is primarily an e-book cataloging program. It manages your e-book collection for you. It is designed around the concept of the logical book, i.e. a single entry in the database that may correspond to e-books in several formats. It also supports conversion from a dozen different e-book formats to LRF and EPUB. A graphical interface to the conversion software can be accessed easily by just clicking the "Convert E-books" button.
Supported input formats are: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF, TXT, PDF and LRS.
Calibre has a modular device driver design that makes adding support for different e-reader devices easy. At the moment, it has support for the SONY PRS 500/505/700 and the iPhone (with the stanza reader software). Syncing supports updating metadata on the device from metadata in the library and the creation of collections on the device based on the tags defined in the library view. If an book has more than one format available, calibre automatically chooses the best format when uploading to the device.
Calibre can automatically fetch news from a number of websites/RSS feeds, format the news into a e-book and upload to a connected device. There is support for generating LRF/EPUB e-books. The e-books include the *full* versions of the articles, not just the summaries.
Calibre has also a built-in e-book viewer that can display all the major e-book formats.
Categories: - Office - Database - FileTools - Viewer Icon: cached: - name: calibre_calibre-gui.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: calibre_calibre-gui.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - calibre-gui.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - x-content/ebook-reader --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.ark.desktop Package: ark Name: sk: Ark sl: Ark sr-ijekavian: Арк C: Ark fr: Ark sr: Арк uk: Ark nb: Ark pt-BR: Ark ca: Ark sv: Ark en-GB: Ark pa: ਆਕ hu: Ark nl: Ark zh-CN: Ark lt: Ark ar: آرك pl: Ark nds: Ark sr-ijekavianlatin: Ark el: Ark ca-valencia: Ark cs: Ark ast: Ark gl: Ark pt: Ark es: Ark et: Ark ru: Ark tr: Ark zh-TW: 檔案壓縮_Ark da: Ark it: Ark bg: Ark sr-Latn: Ark de: Ark ko: Ark bs: Ark fi: Ark Summary: sk: Archivačný nástroj sl: Orodje za ravnanje z arhivi sr-ijekavian: Алатка за архивирање C: Archiving Tool fr: Outil d'archivage sr: Алатка за архивирање uk: Інструмент роботи з архівами nb: Arkiveringsverktøy pt-BR: Ferramenta de arquivamento ca: Eina d'arxivament sv: Arkiveringsverktyg en-GB: Archiving Tool pa: ਅਕਾਇਵ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਟੂਲ hu: Fájltömörítő nl: Archiefgereedschap zh-CN: 压缩工具 lt: Archyvavimo įrankis ar: أداة أرشفة pl: Narzędzie do archiwizowania nds: Archievwarktüüch sr-ijekavianlatin: Alatka za arhiviranje el: Εργαλείο αρχειοθέτησης ca-valencia: Eina d'arxivament cs: Archivační nástroj ast: Ferramienta d'archiváu gl: Ferramenta para arquivar pt: Ferramenta de Arquivo es: Herramienta de archivado et: Arhiivide haldamise rakendus ru: Архиватор файлов tr: Arşivleme Aracı zh-TW: 壓縮工具 da: Arkiveringsværktøj it: Strumento di archiviazione bg: Работа с архиви sr-Latn: Alatka za arhiviranje de: Archivprogramm ko: 압축 도구 bs: Alat za arhiviranje fi: Pakkausohjelma Description: sk: >-Ark je grafický nástroj na kompresiu a dekompresiu súborov s podporou pre mnoho formátov, vrátane tar, gzip bzip2, rar a zip, ako ako CD-ROM obrazy. Ark sa dá použiť na prehliadanie, rozbaľovanie vytváranie a úpravu archívov.
Ark je grafično orodje za stiskanje/razširjanje datotek, ki podpira večje število arhivov (med podprtimi so tudi tar, gzip, bzip2, rar in zip) kot tudi odtise CD-ROM. Ark lahko uporabite za brskanje po, razširjanje, ustvarjanje in spreminjanje arhivov.
Арк је графичка алатка за компресовање и декомпресовање фајлова. Подржава више формата, међу њима и: тар, гзип, бзип2, РАР, ЗИП, као и ЦД одразе. Може се користити за прегледање, распакивање, стварање и мењање архива.
Ark is a graphical file compression/decompression utility with support for multiple formats, including tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip, as well as CD-ROM images. Ark can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives.
Ark — програма з графічним інтерфейсом, призначена для стискання даних у архіви та видобування даних з архівів. Передбачено підтримку декількох форматів архівів, зокрема tar, gzip, bzip2, rar та zip, а також образів дисків. Ark можна використовувати для перегляду, видобування, створення та внесення змін до архівів.
Арк је графичка алатка за компресовање и декомпресовање фајлова. Подржава више формата, међу њима и: тар, гзип, бзип2, РАР, ЗИП, као и ЦД одразе. Може се користити за прегледање, распакивање, стварање и мењање архива.
Ark est un utilitaire graphique de compression/décompression de fichier prenant en charge de multiples formats, notamment tar, gzip, bzip2, rar et zip, ainsi que les images de CD-ROM. Ark peut être utilisé pour parcourir, extraire, créer et modifier des archives.
Fonctionnalités :
Ark er et verktøy med grafisk brukerflate, for komprimering/dekomprimering, med støtte for mange formater, deriblant tar, gzip, rar og zip, samt CD-ROM-bilder. Ark kan brukes til å bla i, pakke opp, opprette og endre arkiver.
O Ark é um utilitário de compressão/descompressão com o suporte a diversos formatos, incluindo tar, gzip, bzip2, rar e zip, assim como imagens de CD-ROM. O Ark pode ser usado para navegar, extrair, criar e modificar esses arquivos.
Ark är ett grafiskt verktyg för komprimering och uppackning av filer med stöd för flera format, inklusive tar, gzip, bzip2, rar och zip, samt cd-rom avbilder. Ark kan användas för att bläddra i, packa upp, skapa och ändra arkiv.
L'Ark és una utilitat gràfica de compressió/descompressió de fitxers que implementa múltiples formats, incloent-hi tar, gzip, bzip2, rar i zip, i també imatges de CD-ROM. L'Ark es pot utilitzar per explorar, extreure, crear, i modificar arxius.
Ark is a graphical file compression/decompression utility with support for multiple formats, including tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip, as well as CD-ROM images. Ark can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives.
Az Ark egy grafikus fájltömörítő és kibontó segédprogram többféle formátum támogatásával, beleértve a tar, gzip, bzip2, rar és zip formátumokat, valamint a CD-ROM képfájlokat. Az Ark használható archívumok böngészéséhez, kibontásához, létrehozásához és módosításához.
Ark is een grafisch hulpmiddel om bestanden te comprimeren/uit te pakken met ondersteuning van meerdere formaten, inclusief tar, gzip, bzip2, rar en zip, evenals cd-ROM images. Ark kan gebruikt worden om door archieven te bladeren, deze uit te pakken, te maken en te wijzigen.
Ark 是图形文件压缩和解压工具,支持多种格式,包括 tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip 以及 CD-ROM 镜像。Ark 可以用来浏览、解压、创建和修改压缩包。
آرك أداة رسوميّة لضغط وفكّ ضغط الملفات مع دعم لصيغ متعدّدة، منها tar، وgzip، وbzip2، وrar، وzip، إضافة إلى صور الأقراص الضوئيّة. يمكن استخدام آرك لتصفح، واستخراج، وإنشاء، وتعديل الأرشيفات.
Ark jest graficznym narzędziem do pakowania/rozpakowywania plików wraz z obsługą różnych formatów, włączając w to tar, gzip, bzip2, rar oraz zip, a także obrazy CD-ROM. Programu Ark można używać do przeglądania, tworzenia, zmieniania oraz wydobywania z archiwów
Ark is en graafsch Komprimeer- un Dekomprimeerwarktüüch, dat en Barg Formaten ünnerstütten deit. Dor sünd tar, gzip, bzip2, rar un zip bi, un ok CD-ROM-Afbiller. Mit Ark kannst Du Archiven dörkieken, opstellen un ännern un Dateien dor ruttrecken.
Ark je grafička alatka za kompresovanje i dekompresovanje fajlova. Podržava više formata, među njima i: tar, gzip, bzip2, RAR, ZIP, kao i CD odraze. Može se koristiti za pregledanje, raspakivanje, stvaranje i menjanje arhiva.
Το Ark είναι ένα γραφικό εργαλείο συμπίεσης/αποσυμπίεσης αρχείων με υποστήριξη για πολλούς τύπους αποθήκευσης, όπως tar, gzip, bzip2, rar και zip, καθώς επίσης και εικόνες CD-ROM. To Ark χρησιμεύει για την περιήγηση, εξαγωγή, δημιουργία και τροποποίηση αρχειοθηκών.
L'Ark és una utilitat gràfica de compressió/descompressió de fitxers que implementa múltiples formats, incloent-hi tar, gzip, bzip2, rar i zip, i també imatges de CD-ROM. L'Ark es pot utilitzar per explorar, extreure, crear, i modificar arxius.
Ark je grafický nástroj pro kompresi/dekompresi souborů s podporou formátů jako je tar, gzip, bzipě, rar a zip a obrazů disků CD-ROM. Ark lze použít k prohlížení, rozbalování a úpravám archivů.
Ark ye una utilidá gráfica de compresión/descompresión de ficheros con sofitu pa múltiples formatos, incluyendo tar, gzip, bzip2, rar y zip, amás d'imáxenes de CD-ROM. Ark pue usase pa restolar, estrayer, crear y modificar ficheros.
O Ark é um utilitário de compressão/descompressão com o suporte para diversos formatos, incluindo o 'tar', 'gzip', 'bzip2', 'rar' e 'zip', assim como imagens de CD-ROM. O Ark pode ser usado para navegar, extrair, criar e modificar esses pacotes.
Ark é unha ferramenta gráfica de compresión e descompresión de ficheiros compatíbel con múltiplos formatos, como «tar», «gzip», «bzip2», «rar» e «zip», así como imaxes de CD-ROM. Ark pode usarse para navegar, extraer, crear e modificar arquivos.
Ark es una utilidad gráfica de compresión y descompresión de archivos que permite usar diversos formatos, como tar, gzip, bzip2, rar y zip, así como imágenes de CD-ROM. Ark se puede usar para explorar, extraer, crear y modificar archivos comprimidos.
Ark on graafiline failide tihendamise ehk kokkupakkimise ja nende lahtipakkimise tööriist, mis toetab väga paljusid vorminguid, sealhulgas tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip, samuti CD-ROM-i tõmmised. Arki abil saab arhiivifaile sirvida, lahti pakkida, luua ja muuta.
Ark — графическая утилита для упаковки и распаковки файлов, поддерживающая множество форматов архивов, включая TAR, GZIP, BZip2, RAR, ZIP и образы компакт-дисков. Ark позволяет просматривать, распаковывать, создавать и редактировать архивы.
Ark; tar, gzip, bzip2, rar ve zip dosyalarının yanında CD-ROM kalıplarını da destekleyen grafiksel bir dosya sıkıştırma/açma yardımcısıdır. Ark arşivlerde gezinmek, arşiv ayıklamak, oluşturmak ve değiştirmek için kullanılabilir.
Ark 是一套圖形介面的檔案壓縮/解壓縮工具,支援多種格式,包括 tar, gzip, bzip2, rar 與 zip 等,還有 CD-ROM 映像檔等。Ark 有瀏覽、解開、建立與變更壓縮檔的功能。
Ark je grafička alatka za kompresovanje i dekompresovanje fajlova. Podržava više formata, među njima i: tar, gzip, bzip2, RAR, ZIP, kao i CD odraze. Može se koristiti za pregledanje, raspakivanje, stvaranje i menjanje arhiva.
Ark è uno strumento grafico per la compressione/decompressione dei file che supporta molti formati, tra i quali tar, gzip, bzip2, rar e zip, così come le immagini dei CD-ROM. Ark può essere utilizzato per sfogliare, estrarre, creare e modificare archivi.
Ark е графичен инструмент за архивиране/разархивиране, поддържащ множество формати, включително tar, gzip, bzip2, rar и zip, както и образи на CD-ROM. Ark може да се използва за разглеждане, извличане, създаване и променяне на архиви.
Ark er et grafisk værktøj til komprimering/dekomprimering, med understøttelse for flere formater, derunder tar, gzip, bzip2, rar og zip, såvel som cd-rom-imagefiler. Ark kan bruges til at gennemse, udtrække, oprette og redigere.
Ark ist ein grafisches Dienstprogramm zum Packen/Entpacken von Dateien mit Unterstützung für mehrere Formate wie tar, gzip, bzip2, rar, zip und auch CD-Abbilder. Mit Ark können Sie können Sie Archive durchsehen, entpacken, erstellen und bearbeiten.
Ark는 그래픽 압축 파일 관리 도구이며, tar, gzip, bzip2, rar, zip, CD-ROM 이미지를 포함한 여러 파일 형식을 지원합니다. Ark를 사용하여 압축 파일을 열고, 생성하고, 수정하고, 압축을 풀 수 있습니다.
Ark je grafički alat za kompresiju/dekompresiju s podrškom za više formata, uključujući tar, gzip, bzip2, rar i zip, kao i CD-ROM slike. Ark se može koristiti za kreiranje, izdvjanje i modifikaciju arhiva.
Ark on graafinen tiedostojen pakkaus-/purkuohjelma, joka tukee useita tiedostomuotoja kuten tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip sekä myös CD-ROM-levykuvia. Arkilla voi selata, purkaa, luoda ja muuttaa arkistoja.
Bacula is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery, and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds.
The management console allows the administrator or user to communicate with the Bacula Director.
This package provides the most advanced GUI to Bacula: the Bacula Administration Tool (BAT) console.
This GUI interface has been designed to ease restore operations as much as possible as compared to the basic text console.
en: >-Bacula is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery, and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds.
The management console allows the administrator or user to communicate with the Bacula Director.
This package provides the most advanced GUI to Bacula: the Bacula Administration Tool (BAT) console.
This GUI interface has been designed to ease restore operations as much as possible as compared to the basic text console.
Categories: - System - Utility Icon: cached: - name: bacula-console-qt_bat_icon.png width: 64 height: 64 --- Type: desktop-application ID: putty.desktop Package: putty Name: C: PuTTY SSH Client Summary: C: Connect to an SSH server with PuTTY Description: de: >-Dies ist die Unix-Portierung des populären Windows-SSH-Clients PuTTY. Sie unterstützt flexible Terminaleinrichtung, Rekonfiguration während der Sitzung mittels Strg-Rechtsklick, mehrere X11-Authentifizierungsprotokolle und weitere interessante Sachen, die von SSH im xterm nicht geboten werden.
zh_CN: >-这是 Windows 下流行的 Putty 在 Unix 上的移植版。它支持灵活 的终端设置,在会话中单击右键可重新配置,支持多个 X11 认证协议, 提供了 xterm 中的 ssh 不提供的许多特色功能。
sk: >-Toto je unixový port populárneho klienta SSH pre Windows, PuTTY. Podporuje flexibilné nastavenie terminálu, zmenu konfigurácie v priebehu relácie pomocou ctrl-kliknutia pravým tlačidlom, viacero autentifikačných protokolov pre X11 a rôzne ďalšie zaujímavé veci, ktoré neposkytuje SSH v termináli xterm.
sl: >-To je predelava Unix priljubljenega odjemalca SSH za Windows, PuTTY. Podpira prilagodljivo nastavitev terminala, ponovno nastavitev med sejo z uporabo Ctrk-desni klik, več protokolov overitve X11 in različne druge zanimive stvari, ki jih ssh v xterm ne zagotavlja.
fi: >-This is the Unix port of the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl- rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.
uk: >-Це Unix-версія популярного Windows ssh-клієнта — PuTTY. Він підтримує гнучке налаштування терміналу, зміну налаштувань на ходу, різні протоколи автентифікації X11 та інші корисні речі, які не мають аналогів у ssh, запущеному в Xterm.
C: >-This is the Unix port of the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl-rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.
en: >-This is the Unix port of the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl-rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.
en_CA: >-This is the Unix port of the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl- rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.
ru: >-This is the Unix port of the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl- rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.
fr: >-Il s'agit du portage sur Unix du célèbre client SSH Windows, PuTTY. Il prend en charge une configuration du terminal de manière souple, une reconfiguration pendant la session en utilisant Ctrl-clic droit, plusieurs protocoles d'authentification X11, et diverses autres choses intéressantes non prévues par ssh dans un xterm.
en_GB: >-This is the Unix port of the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl- rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.
it: >-Questo è il port Unix del popolare client SSH per Windows PuTTY. Gestisce la configurazione flessibile del terminale, la riconfigurazione durante la sessione usando Ctrl-clic con il tasto destro, molti protocolli di autenticazione X11 e diverse altre cose interessanti che non sono disponibili con ssh in un xterm.
nl: >-This is the Unix port of the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl- rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.
en_AU: >-This is the Unix port of the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl- rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.
Categories: - Network Keywords: C: - ssh - connect Icon: cached: - name: putty_putty.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: putty_putty.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: ettercap.desktop Package: ettercap-graphical Name: C: Ettercap Summary: C: Multipurpose Network sniffer/analyser/interceptor/logger Description: C: >-Ettercap supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even encrypted ones) and includes many feature for network and host analysis. Data injection in an established connection and filtering (substitute or drop a packet) on the fly is also possible, keeping the connection synchronized.
Many sniffing modes are implemented, for a powerful and complete sniffing suite. It is possible to sniff in four modes: IP Based, MAC Based, ARP Based (full-duplex) and PublicARP Based (half-duplex). Ettercap also has the ability to detect a switched LAN, and to use OS fingerprints (active or passive) to find the geometry of the LAN.
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0 Categories: - Network Keywords: C: - ettercap,ettercap-pkexec Url: homepage: http://ettercap.github.io/ettercap/ Icon: cached: - name: ettercap-graphical_ettercap.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ettercap-graphical_ettercap.png width: 128 height: 128 Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-1_1248x676.png width: 1248 height: 676 - url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-1_752x407.png width: 752 height: 407 - url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-1_624x338.png width: 624 height: 338 - url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-1_224x121.png width: 224 height: 121 source-image: url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1366 height: 741 - thumbnails: - url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-2_1248x676.png width: 1248 height: 676 - url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-2_752x407.png width: 752 height: 407 - url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-2_624x338.png width: 624 height: 338 - url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-2_224x121.png width: 224 height: 121 source-image: url: e/et/ettercap.desktop/06509EA15369974EF7E1D51000EF2249/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1366 height: 741 --- Type: desktop-application ID: muse.desktop Package: muse Name: C: MusE Summary: C: Midi Music Editor Description: pl: >-MusE to sekwenser audio/MIDI z możliwością nagrywania i edycji. Niektóre z możliwości programu:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
de: >-MusE ist ein MIDI/Audio-Sequenzer mit Aufnahme- und Bearbeitungsmöglichkeiten. Einige besondere Leistungsmerkmale sind:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
pt_BR: >-MusE é um sequenciador de MIDI/áudio com capacidades de gravação e edição. Alguns destaques:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
sl: >-MuSE je sekvenčnik MIDI/zvoka z zmožnostma snemanja in urejanja. Nekatere od zmožnosti so:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
ja: >-MusE は MIDI/オーディオシーケンサであり、録音および編集機能を有します。 機能一覧:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
uk: >-MusE — це MIDI/аудіо секвенсер з можливостями запису та редагування. Основні можливості:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
C: >-MusE is a MIDI/audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. Some Highlights:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
pt: >-MusE é um sequenciador de MIDI/áudio com capacidades de gravação e edição. Alguns destaques:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
en: >-MusE is a MIDI/audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. Some Highlights:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
en_CA: >-MusE is a MIDI/audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. Some Highlights:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
ru: >-MusE — это MIDI/аудио секвенсор с возможностями записи и редактирования. Некоторые возможности:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
gl: >-MusE is a MIDI/audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. Some Highlights:
* Importación e exportación de ficheiros midi estándar (smf). * Organiza as cancións e pistas e partes que poden ser organizadas co editor de partes. * Editores de MIDI: pianola, percusión, lista, controlador. * Editor de partituras con saída para a impresora en postscript de alta calidade. * Tempo real: edición mentres se toca. * Número ilimitado de editores abertos. * Desfacer/Refacer ilimitados. * Tempo real e gravación en pasos. * Varios dispositivos MIDI. * Ficheiros de proxecto en XML. * Os ficheiros de proxecto conteñen o estado completo do aplicativo (datos da sesión). * Cortar/Apegar, Arrastrar/Soltar entre aplicativos.
fr: >-MusE est un séquenceur audio/MIDI permettant l'enregistrement et l'édition. Quelques points forts :
* Import/export de fichiers midi standard (smf). * Organise des chansons en pistes et parties (que vous pouvez gérer avec l'éditeur de parties). * Éditeurs MIDI : Pianoroll, percussions, liste, contrôleur. * Éditeur de partitions avec une qualité d'impression postscript élevée. * Temps réel : édition lors de la lecture. * Nombre illimité d'éditeurs pouvant être ouverts simultanément. * Nombre illimité de « annuler/refaire ». * Enregistrement en temps réel et pas à pas. * Plusieurs périphériques MIDI. * Nombre illimité de pistes. * Synchro pour périphériques externes : MTC/MMC, horloge Midi, Maître/Esclave. * Pistes audio, hôte LADSPA pour les effets master. * Multi-fils. * Utilise les périphériques MIDI bruts. * Fichier projet au format XML. * Le dossier de projet contient l'état complet de l'application (données de session). * Couper/coller glisser/déposer étendus à toute l'application.
en_GB: >-MusE is a MIDI/audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. Some Highlights:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
it: >-MusE è un sequencer MIDI/audio con funzionalità di registrazione e modifica. Caratteristiche principali:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
da: >-MusE er en MIDI/audio-sequencer med optage- og redigeringsegenskaber. Nogle fremhævede egenskaber:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
en_AU: >-MusE is a MIDI/audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. Some Highlights:
* Standard midifile (smf) import-/export. * Organizes songs in tracks and parts which you can arrange with the part editor. * MIDI editors: pianoroll, drum, list, controller. * Score editor with high quality postscript printer output. * Realtime: editing while playing. * Unlimited number of open editors. * Unlimited undo/redo. * Realtime and step-recording. * Multiple MIDI devices. * Unlimited number of tracks. * Sync to external devices: MTC/MMC, Midi Clock, Master/Slave. * Audio tracks, LADSPA host for master effects. * Multithreaded. * Uses raw MIDI devices. * XML project file. * Project file contains complete app state (session data). * Application spanning Cut/Paste Drag/Drop.
Categories: - Sequencer - Midi - Audio - AudioVideo Icon: cached: - name: muse_muse_icon.png width: 64 height: 64 Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-muse - audio/midi - application/xml --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set en: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set --- Type: desktop-application ID: milkytracker.desktop Package: milkytracker Name: C: MilkyTracker Summary: C: Fasttracker 2 Clone Description: de: >-Dieses Programm ist ein Editor für »gespurte« Musik, das sind relativ zu den Noten in der Tonhöhe verschobene Aufnahmen von Instrumenten.
Es kann folgende Modulformate laden: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI und X.
In folgende Formate kann exportiert werden: XM, MOD und WAV.
Unterstützte Sample- und Instrumentenformate: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
pt_BR: >-Este é um editor de músicas "tracked", i.e., amostras de áudio de instrumentos que foram modificadas através de efeitos ("pitch shifted") de acordo com os dados da nota.
Ele pode carregar os seguintes formatos de módulos: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI e X.
É possível exportar para os formatos: XM, MOD e WAV.
Formatos de instrumentos e amostras para os quais há suporte: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
sk: >-Toto je editor hudobných „stôp”, teda zvukových vzoriek rôznych nástrojov, ktoré sa menia podľa zadaných nôt.
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Supported sample and instrument formats: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
sl: >-To je urejevalnik za glasbo s "sledmi", na primer zvočnimi vzorci višine inštrumentov, ki so zamaknjeni glede na podatke not.
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Podprte vrste vzorcev in inštrumentov: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
pt: >-Este é um editor de música "monitorizada", ou seja, amostras de áudio de instrumentos com variação de afinação de acordo com os dados da nota.
Pode carregar os seguintes formatos modulares: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, e X.
É possível exportar para os seguintes formatos: XM, MOD, e WAV.
Formatos de amostras e instrumentos suportados: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
C: >-This is an editor for "tracked" music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note data.
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Supported sample and instrument formats: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
en: >-This is an editor for "tracked" music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note data.
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Supported sample and instrument formats: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
ru: >-This is an editor for "tracked" music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note data.
Может загружать следующие mod-форматы: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI и X.
Экспорт возможен в форматы: XM, MOD и WAV.
Поддерживаемые форматы сэмплов и инструментов: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
ja: >-これは "tracked" された音楽、すなわち楽譜データに従いピッチがシフトされた 楽器のオーディオサンプル向けのエディタです。
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Supported sample and instrument formats: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
es: >-Este es un editor de música «en pistas», es decir, muestras de audio de instrumentos con el tono cambiado de acuerdo con la nota que se quiera obtener.
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Supported sample and instrument formats: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
fr: >-Éditeur pour la musique par pistes, c'est-à-dire des échantillons audio de sons instrumentaux adaptés aux données des notes.
Il peut charger les modules de formats suivants : 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI et X.
L'export est possible dans les formats : XM, MOD, WAV.
Formats d’échantillonnage et d'instrument pris en charge : WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
en_CA: >-This is an editor for "tracked" music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note data.
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Supported sample and instrument formats: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
en_GB: >-This is an editor for "tracked" music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note data.
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Supported sample and instrument formats: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
ko: >-이 프로그램은 악기의 오디오 샘플 핏치가 음 데이타에 따라 쉬프트되는, "tracked" 된 음악을 편집합니다,
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Supported sample and instrument formats: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
it: >-Questo programma è un editor per musica "tracked", cioè campioni audio del tono di strumenti, variato in accordo alla nota.
Può caricare i seguenti formati modulo: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI e X.
È possibile l'esportazione nei formati: XM, MOD e WAV.
Gestisce formati di campionamento e strumenti WAV, IFF/XI e PAT.
da: >-Dette er et redigeringsprogram for »tracked« musik, for eksempel lydprøver over instrumenttonelejer lagt jævnfør notedata.
Programmet kan indlæse de følgende modulformater: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI og X.
Eksport er muligt til de følgende formater: XM, MOD og WAV.
Understøttede lydprøve og instrumentformater: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
en_AU: >-This is an editor for "tracked" music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to the note data.
It can load the following module formats: 669, AMS, AMF, DBM, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GMC, GDM, IMF, IT, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI, and X.
Export is possible into the formats: XM, MOD, and WAV.
Supported sample and instrument formats: WAV, IFF/XI, PAT
Categories: - AudioVideo - Audio - Video Icon: cached: - name: milkytracker_milkytracker.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: milkytracker_milkytracker.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - audio/x-xm --- Type: desktop-application ID: xpdf.desktop Package: xpdf Name: C: xpdf Summary: C: View PDF files Description: pl: >-Program xpdf jest lekką, otwartoźródłową przeglądarką plików PDF (ang. Portable Document Format), zwanych również plikami Adobe Acrobat lub Acrobat. Pakiet zawiera samą przeglądarkę; różne narzędzia wiersza poleceń związane z plikami PDF znajdują się w pakiecie poppler-utils.
de: >-xpdf ist ein leichtgewichtiges, Open-Source-Betrachtungsprogramm für PDF- Dateien (auch als »Adobe Acrobat«- oder »Acrobat«-Dateien bezeichnet). Dieses Paket enthält nur die Client-Komponente von xpdf. Die Bereitstellung diverser PDF-Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge übernimmt jetzt das Paket poppler-utils.
pt_BR: >-xpdf é um visualizador de código aberto e leve para arquivos em formato de documento portátil (PDF) (também chamados de arquivos 'Adobe Acrobat' ou 'Acrobat'). Este é apenas o cliente visualizador xpdf; diferentes ferramentas de pdf em linha de comando são agora fornecidas através do pacote poppler-utils.
sl: >-xpdf je lahek odprtokodni pregledovalnik za datoteke PDF (imenujejo se tudi datoteke 'Adobe Acrobat' ali 'Acrobat'). To je le odjemalec pregledovalnika xpdf. Različna orodja pdf ukazne vrstice sedaj zagotavlja paket poppler-utils.
ja: >-xpdf は Portable Document Format (PDF) ファイル (別名 'Adobe Acrobat' また は 'Acrobat' ファイル) 用の軽量なオープンソースのビューアです。これは単なる xpdf ビューアクライアントです。各種コマンドライン版 pdf ツールは、現在は poppler-utils パッケージが提供します。
uk: >-xpdf — полегшена програма з відкритими сирцями для перегляду файлів у форматі PDF (Portable Document Format), що також називаються файлами „Adobe Acrobat“ або „Acrobat“. Пакунок містить лише програму перегляду „xpdf“, різноманітні інструменти командного рядка тепер містяться в пакунку „poppler-utils“.
C: >-xpdf is a light-weight open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files (also called 'Adobe Acrobat' or 'Acrobat' files). This is just the xpdf viewer client; various command-line pdf tools are now provided via the poppler-utils package.
en: >-xpdf is a light-weight open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files (also called 'Adobe Acrobat' or 'Acrobat' files). This is just the xpdf viewer client; various command-line pdf tools are now provided via the poppler-utils package.
ru: >-xpdf — легковесная программа с открытым исходным кодом для просмотра файлов в формате PDF (Portable Document Format), также называемых файлами «Adobe Acrobat» или «Acrobat». Пакет содержит только программу просмотра xpdf, различные инструменты командной строки теперь содержатся в пакете poppler-utils.
en_CA: >-xpdf is a light-weight open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files (also called 'Adobe Acrobat' or 'Acrobat' files). This is just the xpdf viewer client; various command-line pdf tools are now provided via the poppler-utils package.
fr: >-xpdf est un lecteur de fichiers PDF (« Portable Document Format », format de document portable - ils sont quelquefois appelés fichiers « Acrobat » du nom du logiciel PDF d'Adobe.) léger et open source. Il s'agit juste du client de lecture xpdf ; de nombreux outils en ligne de commande pour les PDF sont maintenant fournis dans le paquet poppler-utils.
en_GB: >-xpdf is a light-weight open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files (also called 'Adobe Acrobat' or 'Acrobat' files). This is just the xpdf viewer client; various command-line pdf tools are now provided via the poppler-utils package.
it: >-xpdf è un visualizzatore leggero e open source per file PDF (Portable Document Format, chiamati anche file "Adobe Acrobat" o "Acrobat"). Questo è solo il client xpdf per la visualizzazione, svariati strumenti a riga di comando per i pdf sono ora forniti nel pacchetto poppler-utils.
da: >-xpdf er en letvægts open source fremviser for Portable Document Format- filer (PDF). Disse kaldes undertiden også for Adobe Acrobat-filer eller Acrobat-filer. Dette er kun xpdf-fremvisningsklienten; forskellige kommandolinje pdf-værktøjer tilbydes nu via pakken poppler-utils.
en_AU: >-xpdf is a light-weight open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files (also called 'Adobe Acrobat' or 'Acrobat' files). This is just the xpdf viewer client; various command-line pdf tools are now provided via the poppler-utils package.
Categories: - Viewer - Graphics Keywords: C: - Viewer - Graphics Icon: cached: - name: xpdf_xpdf.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xpdf_xpdf.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xpdf_xpdf.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: x/xp/xpdf.desktop/FF94D6678922602CD62607B6BC94B730/icons/128x128/xpdf_xpdf.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xpdf.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/pdf --- Type: desktop-application ID: lxterminal.desktop Package: lxterminal Name: he: תכנית המסוף LXTerminal ja: LXTerminal zh_CN: LX 终端 sk: LXTerminal sl: LXTerminal fo: LXTerminal ug: LXTerminal C: LXTerminal fr: LXTerminal frp: LXTerminal bn_IN: LXTerminal lg: LXTerminal hr: LXterminal ca: LXTerminal af: LXTerminal hu: LXTerminal sv: LXTerminal nb: LXTerminal sr: ЛИкс-Терминал ur: ایل ایکس ٹرمنل nl: LXTerminal uk: LX-термінал nn: LXTerminal lt: LXTerminal ar: LXTerminal pl: LXTerminal zh_TW: LX 終端機 el: LXTerminal te: LXటెర్మినల్ cs: LXTerminal eo: LXTerminalo id: LXTerminal gl: LXTerminal es: LXTerminal et: LXTerminal eu: LXTerminala vi: LXTerminal pt: LXTerminal ru: LXTerminal es_VE: LXTerminal kk: LXTerminal ro: LXTerminal be: LXTerminal da: LXTerminal it: LXTerminal bg: LXTerminal de: LXTerminal fa: پایانه ی LX tr: LXTerminal en_GB: LXTerminal bn: LXটার্মিনাল ur_PK: ایل ایکس ٹرمنل ms: LXTerminal ko: LXTerminal sr@latin: LIks-Terminal fi: LXTerminal pt_BR: LXTerminal tt_RU: LXTerminal Summary: he: שימוש בשורת הפקודה ja: コマンド・ライン端末です zh_CN: 使用命令行 sk: Použiť príkazový riadok sl: Uporabi ukazno vrstico fo: Nýt stýriboðslinjuna ug: بۇيرۇق قۇرىنى ئىشلەت C: Use the command line fr: Utiliser la ligne de commande sr: Користите линију наредби uk: Використати командну стрічку lg: Kolera mu kiwandikiro hr: Koristi naredbeni redak ca: Utilitza la línia d'ordres af: Gebruik die opdraglyn hu: Parancssor használata sv: Använd kommandoraden nb: Bruk kommandolinjen nl: Gebruik de opdrachtregel zh_TW: 使用命令列 nn: Bruk kommandolinja lt: Naudoti komandų eilutę ar: استخدِم سطر الأوامر pl: Emulator terminala el: Χρήση γραμμής εντολών te: కమాండు లైనును వాడు cs: Používat příkazový řádek id: Gunakan perintah baris gl: Usar a liña de ordes pt: Utilizar a linha de comandos es: Utilice la línea de órdenes et: Käsurea kasutamine eu: Erabili komando-lerroa vi: Dùng dòng lệnh ro: Utilizează linia de comandă ru: Использовать командную строку es_VE: Usar la línea de comandos kk: Командалық жолды қолдану be: Эмулятар тэрмінала da: Brug kommandolinjen it: Usa la riga di comando ko: 명령 행을 사용합니다 de: Befehlszeile verwenden fa: استفاده از خط فرمان tr: Komut satırını kullan en_GB: Use the command line bn: কমান্ড লাইন ব্যবহার করা হবে pt_BR: Use a linha de comando bg: Използване на команден ред sr@latin: Koristite liniju naredbi fi: Käytä komentoriviä tt_RU: Команда юлын куллану Description: pl: >-LXTerminal jest emulatorem terminala opartym na VTE do LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment).
Obsługuje wiele kart i posiada jedynie minimalne zależności, a zatem jest całkowicie niezależny od pulpitu. W celu zmniejszenia zużycia pamięci i zwiększenia wydajności, wszystkie instancje terminala współdzielą jeden proces.
de: >-LXTerminal ist ein VTE-basierter Terminalemulator für das Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE).
Er unterstützt mehrere Karteireiter (Tabs), hat keine überflüssigen Abhängigkeiten und ist daher vollkommen unabhängig von einer Arbeitsumgebung. Alle Instanzen des Terminals teilen sich einen Prozess, um den Speicherverbrauch zu senken und die Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.
sl: >-LXTerminal je na VTE-osnovan posnemovalnik terminala za namizno okolje LXDE.
Podpira več zavihkov in ima le najmanjše odvisnosti, zato je popolnoma neodvisen od namizja. Za zmanjšanje porabe pomnilnika in povečanje hitrosti, si vsi primerki terminala delijo eno opravilo.
C: >-LXTerminal is a VTE-based terminal emulator for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE).
It supports multiple tabs and has only minimal dependencies thus being completely desktop-independent. In order to reduce memory usage and increase the performance, all instances of the terminal are sharing a single process.
en: >-LXTerminal is a VTE-based terminal emulator for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE).
It supports multiple tabs and has only minimal dependencies thus being completely desktop-independent. In order to reduce memory usage and increase the performance, all instances of the terminal are sharing a single process.
en_CA: >-LXTerminal is a VTE-based terminal emulator for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE).
It supports multiple tabs and has only minimal dependencies thus being completely desktop-independent. In order to reduce memory usage and increase the performance, all instances of the terminal are sharing a single process.
ru: >-LXTerminal — основанный на VTE эмулятор терминала для Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE).
Поддерживает вкладки и имеет лишь минимальные зависимости, поэтому является полностью независимым от окружения рабочего стола. Для уменьшения занимаемой памяти и улучшения производительности все экземпляры терминала совместно используют один процесс.
fr: >-LXTerminal est un émulateur de terminal basé sur VTE pour l'environnement de bureau X11 léger (LXDE).
Il prend en charge les onglets multiples et n'a que peu de dépendances, étant ainsi complètement indépendant de l'environnement de bureau. Afin de réduire l'utilisation de la mémoire et augmenter les performances, toutes les instances du terminal partagent un seul et même processus.
en_GB: >-LXTerminal is a VTE-based terminal emulator for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE).
It supports multiple tabs and has only minimal dependencies thus being completely desktop-independent. In order to reduce memory usage and increase the performance, all instances of the terminal are sharing a single process.
it: >-LXTerminal è un emulatore di terminale basato su VTE per LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment).
Gestisce schede multiple e ha soltanto dipendenze minimali che lo rendono completamente indipendente dal desktop. Tutte le istanze del terminale condividono un unico processo per ridurre l'uso della memoria e aumentare le prestazioni.
da: >-LXTerminal er en VTE-baseret terminalemulator for Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE).
Programmet understøtter flere faneblade og har kun minimale afhængigheder og dermed er den fuldstændig uafhængig af skrivebord. For at reducere hukommelsesforbrug og øge ydelsen, så deler alle instanser af terminalen en enkel proces.
en_AU: >-LXTerminal is a VTE-based terminal emulator for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE).
It supports multiple tabs and has only minimal dependencies thus being completely desktop-independent. In order to reduce memory usage and increase the performance, all instances of the terminal are sharing a single process.
Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - console - command line - execute Icon: cached: - name: lxterminal_lxterminal.png width: 128 height: 128 - name: lxterminal_lxterminal.png width: 64 height: 64 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Books.desktop Package: gnome-documents Name: he: ספרים ja: ブック zh_CN: 图书 sk: Knihy sl: Knjige C: Books fr: Livres sr: Књиге uk: Книги nb: Bøker ca: Llibres sv: Böcker hu: Könyvek pa: ਕਿਤਾਬਾਂ zh_TW: 書籍 ga: Leabhair lt: Knygos ar: الكتب lv: Grāmatas pl: Książki el: Βιβλία cs: Knihy eo: Libroj th: หนังสือ pt: Livros gl: Libros es: Libros id: Buku eu: Liburuak vi: Sách ro: Cărți ru: Книги tr: Kitaplar kk: Кітаптар oc: Libres da: Bøger it: Libri ko: 책 fur: Libris de: Bücher fa: کتابها pt_BR: Livros sr@latin: Knjige fi: Kirjat bs: Knjige Summary: he: יישום לניהול ספרים אלקטרוניים עבור GNOME ja: GNOME の電子書籍管理アプリケーション zh_CN: GNOME 下的一款电子书管理应用程序 sk: Aplikácia na správu elektronických kníh pre GNOME sl: Program za upravljanje z elektronskimi knjigami za namizje GNOME C: Access, manage and share books fr: Une application de gestion des livres numériques pour GNOME sr: Гномов програм за управљање ел. књигама uk: Організатор електронних книг для GNOME nb: Et program for å håndtere e-bøker for GNOME ca: Una aplicació per gestionar llibres electrònics al GNOME sv: Ett program för hantering av e-böcker för GNOME hu: Egy e-könyv kezelő alkalmazás a GNOME-hoz pa: ਗਨੋਮ ਲਈ ਈ-ਬੁੱਕ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਹੈ zh_TW: GNOME 的電子書管理員應用程式 ga: Feidhmchlár bhainisteoireacht r-leabhar do GNOME lt: El. knygų tvarkymo programa GNOME aplinkai ar: تطبيق إدارة الكتب الرقمية لجنوم lv: E-grāmatu pārvaldības lietotne GNOME vidē pl: Program do zarządzania e-bookami dla środowiska GNOME el: Εφαρμογή διαχείρισης ηλεκτρονικών βιβλίων στο GNOME cs: Aplikace pro správu elektronických knih v GNOME eo: Retlibro-administrila aplikaĵo por GNOME th: โปรแกรมจัดการอีบุ๊กสำหรับ GNOME pt: Uma aplicação de gestão de e-books para o GNOME gl: Un aplicativo para xestionar libros dixitais para GNOME es: Una aplicación para gestionar libros electrónicos para GNOME id: Aplikasi manajer e-book bagi GNOME eu: Liburu elektronikoak kudeatzeko GNOMEren aplikazio bat vi: Ứng dụng quản lý sách điện tử dành cho môi trường GNOME ro: Un gestionar de cărți electronice pentru GNOME ru: Приложение для управления электронными книгами в GNOME tr: GNOME için e-kitap yönetici uygulaması kk: GNOME үшін электрондық кітаптарды басқару қолданбасы oc: Una aplicacion de gestion dels libres numerics per GNOME da: Et program til håndtering af e-bøger i GNOME it: Una applicazione GNOME per gestire e-book ko: 그놈용 전자책 관리 프로그램 fur: Une aplicazion GNOME par ministrâ e-book de: Eine Anwendung zur E-Bücher-Verwaltung für GNOME fa: یک برنامه مدیریت کتابهای الکترونیکی برای گنوم pt_BR: Um aplicativo para gerenciamento de e-book para o GNOME sr@latin: Gnomov program za upravljanje el. knjigama fi: Kirjojen hallintasovellus Gnomelle bs: Program upravljitelj elektronskim knjigama za GNOME Description: he: >-יישום פשוט לגישה ולארגון הספרים האלקטרוניים שלך על GNOME. היישום משמש חלופה פשוטה ואלגנטית למנהל קבצים לצורך טיפול בספרים אלקטרוניים.
היישום מאפשר לך:
GNOME 下一款可访问、管理您的电子书的简洁应用。它的目标是成为一款替代文件管理器来处理电子书的优雅工具。
GNOME 上で電子書籍を楽しんだり、管理できるシンプルなアプリケーションです。シンプルさとエレガントさを特長としており、電子書籍を楽しむためにファイルマネージャーを使う必要はありません。
Jednoduchá aplikácia prostredia GNOME na prístup k vašim elektronickým knihám a ich organizáciu. Cieľom tejto aplikácie je jednoducho a elegantne nahradiť správcu súborov ako prehliadač e-kníh.
Umožňuje vám:
Enosaven program za urejanje in izmenjavo elektronskih knjig na namizju GNOME. Zamišljen je kot enostavno orodje, ki naj bi nadomestilo uporabo upravljalnika datotek za take naloge.
आपको करने देता है:
Vos permet:
A simple application to access and organize your e-books on GNOME. It is meant to be a simple and elegant replacement for using a file manager to deal with e-books.
It lets you:
Une application simple pour accéder à vos livres numériques et les organiser dans GNOME. Son but est d'être une alternative simple et élégante à l'utilisation d'un gestionnaire de fichiers pour traiter les livres numériques.
Elle vous permet de :
Једноставан програм за приступ и сређивање ел. књига на Гному. Замишљен је да буде једноставна и пригодна замена управника датотека за рад са ел. књигама.
Омогућава вам да:
Проста програма, щоб доступитись, упорядкувати ваші електронні книги в GNOME. Тобто це проста і витончена заміна файлового менеджера для роботи з електронними книгами.
Програма дозволяє:
Et enkelt program for å aksessere, organisere dine e-bøker i GNOME. Ment å være en enkel og elegant erstatning for å håndtere e-bøker med en filhåndterer.
Det lar deg:
Ett enkelt program för att komma åt och organisera dina e-böcker i GNOME. Det är avsett att vara en enkel och elegant ersättare för att hantera e-böcker med en filhanterare.
Det låter dig:
Un programa simple per accedir i organitzar els llibres electrònics al GNOME. Està pensat per a ser un substitut simple i elegant d'un gestor de fitxers per als llibres electrònics.
Us permet:
ਗਨੋਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਤੁਹਾਡੀਆਂ ਈ-ਬੁੱਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤਣ ਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੌਖੀ ਜੇਹੀ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਈ-ਬੁੱਕਾਂ ਦਾ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਨੂੰ ਸੌਖਾ ਤੇ ਸਧਾਰਨ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।
ਇਹ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਲਈ ਹੈ:
অাপনাকে অনুমতি দেয়:
Egyszerű alkalmazás e-könyvek eléréséhez és rendszerezéséhez GNOME alatt. A fájlkezelő e-könyvek kezelésére való használatának egyszerű és elegáns helyettesítésére tervezték.
Lehetővé teszi:
ଏହା ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ଅନୁମତି ଦେଇଥାଏ:
簡單的應用程式,讓您可以在 GNOME 中存取與管理您的電子書。它希望能成為以檔案管理程式處理電子書的簡單優雅替代方案。
Het laat u:
Ligeann sé duit:
Paprasta programa GNOME aplinkai el. knygų pasiekimui. Ji siekia būti paprastu ir elegantišku failų tvarkyklės pakaitalu darbui su el. knygomis.
Ji jums leidžia:
تطبيق بسيط للوصول إلى الكتب الرقمية و تنظيمها و مشاركتها في جنوم. صُمم ليكون بديلا بسيطًا و رائعًا عن مدير الملفات للتعامل مع الكتب الرقمية.
يتيح لك:
Prosty program umożliwiający czytanie i organizowanie e-booków w środowisku GNOME. Został on zaprojektowany jako prosty i elegancki interfejs do zarządzania e-bookami, zastępujący w tym celu menedżer plików.
Program umożliwia:
Vienkārša lietotne e-grāmatu piekļūšanai, organizēšanai un koplietošanai GNOME vidē. Tā ir paredzēta kā datņu pārvaldnieka aizvietotājs darbam ar e-grāmatām.
Tās jums ļauj:
இதைக் கொண்டு நீங்கள் செய்யக்கூடியவை:
ఇది మిమ్మల్ని:
Μια απλή εφαρμογή για να έχετε πρόσβαση, να οργανώσετε τα ηλεκτρονικά σας βιβλία στο GNOME. Προορίζεται να είναι απλή και κομψή με σκοπό να αντικαταστήσει την διαχείριση των ηλεκτρονικών σας βιβλίων από τον διαχειριστή αρχείων.
Σας επιτρέπει να:
Jednoduchá aplikace, kterou můžete používat pro přístup ke svým elektronickým knihám v GNOME a jejich roztřídění. Je zamýšlena jako snadná a elegantní náhrada za používání správce souborů k zacházení s e-knihami.
Můžete v ní dělat následující věci:
โปรแกรมอย่างง่ายสำหรับเข้าถึงและจัดระเบียบอีบุ๊กของคุณใน GNOME เป็นโปรแกรมเรียบหรูที่ใช้แทนโปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้มในการจัดการกับอีบุ๊ก
Aplikasi sederhana untuk mengakses dan mengelola e-book Anda pada GNOME. Ini dimaksudkan sebagai pengganti yang sederhana dan elegan dari manajer berkas untuk berurusan dengan e-book.
Ini memungkinkan Anda:
O aplicație simplă care vă permite să accesați, organizați și să partajați cărțile electronice în mediul GNOME. Se dorește a fi un înlocuitor simplu și elegant pentru utilizarea unui gestionar de fișiere în lucrul cu cărțile electronice. Oferă integrare cloud perfectă prin Conturi Online GNOME.
Vă oferă posibilitatea să:
Una sencilla aplicación para acceder y organizar sus libros electrónicos en GNOME. Está pensada para ser un reemplazo sencillo elegante del uso de un gestor de archivos para gestionar sus libros electrónicos.
Le permite:
Un aplicativo sinxelo para acceder, organizar e compartir os seus documentos en GNOME. Está pensado para que sexa unha alternativa simple e elegante ao uso do explorador de ficheiros para xestionar os seus libros dixitais.
Zure liburu elektronikoa GNOMEn atzitu eta antolatzeko aplikazio xume bat: hau da, liburu elektronikoekin aritzeko fitxategi-kudeatzaile baten ordezko xume eta dotore bat.
Honakoak eskaintzen dizkizu:
Đây là ứng dụng đơn giản để truy cập, tổ chức sách điện tử của bạn trên môi trường GNOME. Điều đó có nghĩa là nó phù hợp để thay thế cho bộ quản lý tập tin khi dùng với sách điện tử.
Nó giúp bạn:
Простое приложение для управления электронными книгами в GNOME. Это приложение предоставляет простую и элегантную замену файловому менеджеру при работе с электронными книгами.
GNOME üzerinde belgelerinize erişmek, onları düzenlemek için basit bir uygulama. E-kitaplarınızı düzenlemek için dosya yöneticisinin yerini alabilecek basit ve şık bir çözüm olarak geliştirildi.
Şunları yapmanıza olanak tanır:
GNOME ішінде электрондық кітаптарыңызға қатынау және оларды реттеу үшін арналған қарапайым қолданба. Ол эл. кітаптармен жұмысы үшін файлдар басқарушысын алмастыратын қарапайым әрі элегантты шешім ретінде ұсынылады.
Uma aplicação simples para aceder, organizar e partilhar os seus e-books no GNOME. Tem por objetivo ser uma forma simples e elegante de substituir a utilização de um gestor de ficheiros para gerir e-books.
Una aplicacion simpla per accedir a vòstres libres numerics e los organizar dins GNOME. Sa tòca es d'èsser una alternativa simpla e eleganta a l'utilizacion d'un gestionari de fichièrs per tractar los libres numerics.
Vos permet de :
Et simpelt program til at tilgå og organisere dine e-bøger i GNOME. Det er påtænkt at være en simpel og elegant erstatning for at bruge et filhåndteringsprogram til at håndtere e-bøger.
Den lader dig:
ই আপোনাক অনুমতি দিয়ে:
Una semplice applicazione per accedere, organizzare e condividere su GNOME i propri e-book. È pensata per essere un'alternativa semplice ed elegante all'utilizzo di un file manager nella gestione dei documenti.
Permette di:
Une semplice aplicazion par acedi, organizâ e condividi su GNOME i propris e-book. A je pensade par jessi une alternative semplice e elegant a un file manager te gjestion dai documents.
A permet di:
그놈에서 전자책을 살펴보고 관리하는 간단한 프로그램입니다. 전자책을 다루려 파일 관리자를 사용할 때 간단하고 매력적인 대안 프로그램임을 의미합니다.
이 프로그램에는 다음 기능이 있습니다:
Eine einfache Anwendung, um Ihre E-Bücher in GNOME zu betrachten und zu organisieren. Mit dieser Anwendung soll ein einfacher und eleganter Ersatz für eine Dateiverwaltung bereitgestellt werden, um mit E-Büchern zu arbeiten.
Sie ermöglicht Ihnen:
یک برنامه ساده برای دسترسی و مدیریت کتابهای الکترونیکی در گنوم. این برنامه سعی میکند نسبت به یک برنامه مدیریت پرونده سادهتر و بهتر برای کتابهای الکترونیکی عمل کند.
به شما اجازه میدهد:
Um aplicativo simples para acessar, organizar e compartilhar seus e-books no GNOME. Ele foi feito para servir como uma substituição simples e elegante de gerenciador de arquivos para lidar com e-books.
Ele permite que você:
Праграма дазваляе:
ಇದು ನಿಮಗೆ:
Чрез него можете да:
See võimaldab sul:
Jednostavan program za pristup i sređivanje el. knjiga na Gnomu. Zamišljen je da bude jednostavna i prigodna zamena upravnika datoteka za rad sa el. knjigama.
Omogućava vam da:
Yksinkertainen Gnome-sovellus kirjojen käyttöä, organisointia ja jakamista varten. Sen on tarkoitus korvata tiedostonhallinta kirjoihin liittyvässä käytössä. Saumattoman pilvi-integraation tarjoaa Gnomen verkkotilit.
Sen avulla voit:
तुम्हाला खालील पुरवेल:
Jednostavan program za pristup i organizacijuvaših elektronskih knjiga na GNOME.Namijenjeno je da bude jednostavna i elegantna zamjena za korištenje upravitelja datoteka za rad sa elektronskim knjigama.
To vam omogućuje :
GNOME ରେ ଦଲିଲ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରିବା, ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥା କରିବା ଏବଂ ସହଭାଗ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଏକ ସରଳ ପ୍ରୟୋଗ। ଏହା ଅର୍ଥ ହେଉଛି ଫାଇଲ ପରିଚାଳକ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରି ଏକ ସରଳ ଏବଂ ସହଜ ସୁନ୍ଦର ବିକଳ୍ପ। ଅଖଣ୍ଡ କ୍ଲାଉଡ ସୁବିଧାକୁ GNOME ଅନଲାଇନ ଖାତା ସହାୟତାରେ ପ୍ରଦାନ କରାଯାଇଥାଏ।
ଏହା ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ଅନୁମତି ଦେଇଥାଏ:
GNOME 下一款可访问、管理以及分享文档的简洁应用。它的目标是成为一款替代文件管理器来处理文档的优雅工具。通过 GNOME 在线帐号,提供了无缝云集成功能。
GNOME 上で、ドキュメントの参照、整理、共有を行うシンプルなアプリケーションです。ファイルマネージャーを使う必要はなく、無駄のない洗練されたドキュメント管理ができます。GNOME オンラインアカウントを通じて、クラウドとシームレスに連携して利用できます。
יישום פשוט למטרות גישה, ארגון ושיתוף המסמכים שלך עם GNOME. היישום משמש כחלופה פשוטה ואלגנטית למנהל הקבצים לצורך טיפול במסמכים. שילוב שקוף בשירותי ענן מוצע באמצעות חשבונות מקוונים ב־GNOME.
היישום מאפשר לך:
Enosaven program za urejanje in izmenjavo dokumentov na namizju GNOME. Zamišljen je kot enostavno orodje, ki naj bi nadomestilo uporabo upravljalnika datotek za take naloge. Program podpira tudi enostavno objavljanje datotek v oblak preko spletnih računov GNOME:
गनोम पर अपने दस्तावेज़ साझा करने के लिए एक सरल अनुप्रयोग जिससे पहुँच, संगठित और साझा किया जा सके. इसे सरल और सुंदर दस्तावेज़ के साथ डील करने के लिए फ़ाइल मैनेजर का उपयोग करना है. निर्बाध क्लॉउड एकीकरण गनोम ऑनलाइन खाता के द्वारा पेश किया गया है.
आपको करने देता है:
Jednoduchá aplikácia prostredia GNOME na prístup k vašim dokumentom, ich organizáciu a zdieľanie. Mala by byť jednoduchou a pohodlnou náhradou pôvodného prehliadania dokumentov za pomoci správcu súborov. Prepojenie s cloudom je zabezpečené pomocou Účtov služieb prostredia GNOME (GOA).
Umožňuje vám:
A simple application to access, organize and share your documents on GNOME. It is meant to be a simple and elegant replacement for using a file manager to deal with documents. Seamless cloud integration is offered through GNOME Online Accounts.
It lets you:
Une application simple pour accéder, organiser et partager vos documents dans GNOME. Son but est d'être une alternative simple et élégante à l'utilisation d'un gestionnaire de fichiers pour traiter les documents. Une intégration homogène au nuage est possible via les comptes en ligne de GNOME.
Elle vous permet de :
Једноставан програм за приступ, сређивање и дељење докумената на Гному. Замишљен је да буде једноставна и пригодна замена коришћењу управника датотека за руковање документима. Слично облачно обједињавање се нуди у Гномовим налозима на мрежи.
Омогућава вам да:
Проста програма, щоб доступитись, упорядкувати і оприлюднити ваші документи в GNOME. Тобто це проста і витончена заміна файлового менеджера для роботи з документами. Також доступна інтеграція з інтернетними службами через мережеві облікові записи у GNOME.
Програма дозволяє:
Et enkelt program for å aksessere, organisere og dele dine dokumenter i GNOME. Ment å være en enkel og elegant erstatning for å håndtere dokumenter med en filhåndterer. Sømløs integrasjon med skytjenester gis via «Kontoer på nettet» i GNOME.
Det lar deg:
Просто приложение для получения доступа, управления и публикации документов в GNOME. Это приложение упрощает работу с документами, по сравнению с обычным файловым менеджером. Бесшовная интеграция с облачными службами осуществляется через сетевые учётные записи GNOME.
Ett enkelt program för att komma åt, organisera och dela dina dokument i GNOME. Det är avsett att vara en enkel och elegant ersättare för att hantera dokument med en filhanterare. Sömlös molnintegration erbjuds genom GNOME Nätkonton.
Det låter dig:
Un programa simple per accedir, organitzar i compartir els documents al GNOME. Està pensat per a ser un substitut simple i elegant del gestor de fitxers per gestionar els documents. S'integra transparentment amb el núvol mitjançant els comptes en línia del GNOME.
Vos permet:
ਗਨੋਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ (ਡੌਕੂਮੈਂਟ) ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤਣ, ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਕਰਨ ਤੇ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੌਖੀ ਜੇਹੀ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ ਦਾ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਦੀ ਬਜਾਏ ਸੌਖਾ ਤੇ ਸਧਾਰਨ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ। ਗਨੋਮ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਖਾਤਿਆਂ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਕਲਾਉਡ ਜੋੜ ਨੂੰ ਵੀ ਸੌਖਾ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।
ਇਹ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਲਈ ਹੈ:
GNOME এ অাপনার নথিগুলি অ্যাক্সেস, সংগঠিত এবং ভাগ করার এক অ্যাপ্লিকেশন। নথি নিয়ে কাজ করতে ফাইল ম্যানেজারের ব্যবহার করার থেকে এর ব্যবহার অনেক বেশি সহজ এবং কার্যকর। GNOME অনলাইন অ্যাকাউন্টের মাধ্যমে ঝামেলামুক্ত ভাবে ক্লাউড একত্রিকরণ প্রদান করা হয়।
অাপনাকে অনুমতি দেয়:
Egyszerű alkalmazás dokumentumok eléréséhez, rendszerezéséhez és megosztásához GNOME alatt. A fájlkezelő dokumentumok kezelésére való használatának egyszerű és elegáns helyettesítésére tervezték. A GNOME Online fiókok használatával sima felhőintegráció érhető el.
Lehetővé teszi:
Un programa simple per accedir, organitzar i compartir els documents al GNOME. Està pensat per a ser un substitut simple i elegant del gestor de fitxers per gestionar els documents. S'integra transparentment amb el núvol mitjançant els comptes en línia del GNOME.
Us permet:
簡單的應用程式,讓您可以在 GNOME 中存取、管理與分享您的文件。它希望能成為以檔案管理員處理文件的優雅替代方案。透過 GNOME 線上帳號提供無縫的雲端整合。
Een eenvoudige toepassing om uw documenten op Gnome te benaderen, beheren en delen. Het is bedoeld als eenvoudige en elegante vervanging van een bestandsbeheerprogramma om documenten te beheren. Via Gnome Online Accounts wordt een naadloze integratie met de cloud geboden.
Het laat u:
Ligeann sé duit:
Paprasta programa GNOME aplinkai dokumentų pasiekimui, tvarkymui ir dalinimuisi jais. Ji siekia būti paprastu ir elegantišku failų tvarkyklės pakaitalu darbui su dokumentais. Nerūpestinga integracija su debesų kompiuterija siūloma per GNOME internetines paskyras.
Ji jums leidžia:
تطبيق بسيط للوصول إلى المستندات و تنظيمها و مشاركتها في جنوم. صُمم ليكون بديلا بسيطًا و رائعًا عن مدير الملفات للتعامل مع المستندات. يتوفر تكامل سلل مع الخدمات السحابية عبر حسابات الإنترنت في جنوم.
يتيح لك:
Vienkārša lietotne, kas noder dokumentu piekļūšanai, organizēšanai un koplietošanai GNOME vidē. Tā ir paredzēta kā datņu pārvaldnieka aizvietotājs darbam ar dokumentiem. Integrāciju ar mākoņpakalpojumiem nodrošina caur GNOME tiešsaistes kontiem.
Tās jums ļauj:
GNOME ত আপোনাৰ দস্তাবেজসমূহ অভিগম, সংঘঠিত আৰু অংশীদাৰী কৰিবলৈ এটা সাধাৰণ এপ্লিকেচন। ই দস্তাবেজসমূহ ব্যৱস্থাপনা কৰিবলৈ এটা ফাইল ব্যৱস্থাপকৰ এটা সহজ আৰু সুবিন্যস্ত প্ৰতিস্থাপন। GNOME অনলাইন একাওন্টসমূহৰ সহায়ত সন্ধিহীন cloud অনুকলন প্ৰদান কৰা হয়।
ই আপোনাক অনুমতি দিয়ে:
GNOME இல் உங்கள் ஆவணங்களை அணுகவும் ஒழுங்கமைக்கவும் பகிரவும் உதவும் ஒரு எளிய பயன்பாடு. இது ஆவணங்களைக் கையாள கோப்பு நிர்வாகியைப் பயன்படுத்துவதற்கு பதிலாக உருவாக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு எளியதும் அற்புதமானதுமான ஒரு கருவி. GNOME ஆன்லைன் கணக்குகளுடன் சிக்கலற்ற ஒத்திசைவு வசதியையும் இது வழங்குகிறது.
இதைக் கொண்டு நீங்கள் செய்யக்கூடியவை:
గ్నోమ్ పై ఉన్న మీ పత్రాలను ప్రాప్యించుటకు, నిర్వహించుటకు మరియు పంచుకొనుటకు రూపొందించిన ఒక సరళ అనువర్తనం. దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకం ఉపయోగించకుండానే తేలికగా, అందమైన ఈ అనువర్తనంతో నిర్వహించుకోవచ్చు. గ్నోమ్ జాల ఖాతాలతో క్లౌడ్ ఏకీకరణ కూడా సాధ్యం.
ఇది మిమ్మల్ని:
Μια απλή εφαρμογή για να έχετε πρόσβαση, να οργανώσετε και να μοιραστείτε τα έγγραφα σας στο GNOME. Προορίζεται να είναι απλή και κομψή με σκοπό να αντικαταστήσει την διαχείριση των εγγράφων σας από τον διαχειριστή αρχείων. Προσφέρεται και η ενσωμάτωση με υπηρεσίες cloud μέσω των διαδικτυακών λογαριασμών του GNOME.
Σας επιτρέπει να:
Jednoduchá aplikace, kterou můžete používat pro přístup, uspořádávání a sdílení svých dokumentů v GNOME. Je zamýšlena jako snadná a elegantní náhrada za používání správce souborů k zacházení s dokumenty. Díky účtům on-line v GNOME umí bez problémů fungovat i s cloudem.
Můžete v ní dělat následující věci:
Aplikasi sederhana untuk mengakses, menata, dan berbagi dokumen Anda pada GNOME. Ini dimaksudkan sebagai pengganti yang sederhana dan elegan dari manajer berkas untuk berurusan dengan dokumen. Integrasi dengan cloud yang mulus ditawarkan melalui Akun Daring GNOME.
Ini memungkinkan Anda:
โปรแกรมอย่างง่ายสำหรับเข้าถึง จัดระเบียบ และแบ่งปันเอกสารของคุณใน GNOME เป็นโปรแกรมที่เรียบง่ายและงดงามที่ใช้แทนเครื่องมือจัดการแฟ้มในการจัดการกับเอกสาร มีการเชื่อมรวมกับคลาวด์อย่างแนบเนียนผ่านโปรแกรมบัญชีออนไลน์ของ GNOME
Un aplicativo sinxelo para acceder, organizar e compartir os seus documentos en GNOME. Está pensado para que sexa unha alternativa simple e elegante ao uso do explorador de ficheiros para xestionar os seus documentos. Conta con integración coa nube mediante Conta en liña de GNOME.
Uma aplicação simples para aceder, organizar e partilhar os seus documentos no GNOME. Tem por objetivo ser uma forma simples e elegante de substituir a utilização de um gestor de ficheiros para gerir documentos. A integração com a nuvem é garantida através das Contas online do GNOME.
Una sencilla aplicación para acceder, organizar y compartir sus documentos en GNOME. Está pensada para ser un reemplazo sencillo elegante del uso de un gestor de archivos para gestionar sus documentos. Se integra perfectamente con la nube mediante las cuentas en línea de GNOME.
Le permite:
Lihtne rakendus GNOMEs dokumentide avamiseks, haldamiseks ning jagamiseks. See on lihtne ja elegantne asendus failihalduri kasutamisele dokumentide haldamiseks. GNOME veebikontode kaudu on sellel sujuv integratsioon pilveserveritega.
See võimaldab sul:
Zure dokumentuak GNOMEn atzitu, antolatu eta partekatzeko aplikazio xume bat: hau da, dokumentuekin aritzeko fitxategi-kudeatzaile baten ordezko xume eta dotore bat GNOMEren lineako kontuen (GNOME Online Accounts) bidez lainoarekin sinestezineko bateragarritasuna du.
Honakoak eskaintzen dizkizu:
Đây là ứng dụng đơn giản để truy cập, tổ chức và chia sẻ tài liệu của bạn trên môi trường GNOME. Điều đó có nghĩa là nó có thể thay thế cho bộ quản lý tập tin khi dùng tài liệu. Nó được nối thông lên mây thông qua “Tài khoản GNOME Trực tuyến”.
Nó giúp bạn:
O aplicație simplă care vă permite să accesați, organizați și să partajați documentele dumneavoastră în mediul GNOME. Se dorește a fi un înlocuitor simplu și elegant pentru un gestionar de fișiere în lucrul cu documentele. Oferă integrare cloud perfectă prin Conturi Online GNOME.
Vă oferă posibilitatea să:
Prosty program umożliwiający przeglądanie, organizowanie i współdzielenie dokumentów w środowisku GNOME. Został on zaprojektowany jako prosty i elegancki interfejs do zarządzania dokumentami, zastępujący w tym celu menedżer plików. Dzięki usłudze Kont online GNOME oferuje on integrację z chmurą.
Program umożliwia:
GNOME üzerinde belgelerinize erişmek, onları düzenlemek ve paylaşmak için basit bir uygulama. Belgelerinizi düzenlemek için dosya yöneticisinin yerini alabilecek basit ve şık bir çözüm olarak geliştirildi. GNOME Çevirimiçi Hesapları üzerinden sorunsuz bir bulut bütünleşmesi sunar.
\nŞunları yapmanıza olanak tanır:
\nGNOME ішінде құжаттарыңызға қатынау, реттеу және бөлісу үшін арналған қарапайым қолданба. Ол құжаттармен жұмысы үшін файлдар басқарушысын алмастыратын қарапайым әрі элегантты шешім ретінде ұсынылады. GNOME желілік тіркелгілері арқылы бұлттық қызметтермен жапсарсыз интеграция іске асырылады.
Una aplicacion simpla per accedir, organizar e partejar vòstres documents dins GNOME. Sa tòca es d'èsser una alternativa simpla e eleganta a l'utilizacion d'un gestionari de fichièrs per tractar los documents. Una integracion omogèna a la nívol es possibla via los comptes en linha de GNOME.
Vos permet de :
Простая праграма для чытання, упарадкавання і супольнага доступу да дакументаў для GNOME. Яна распрацавана ў якасці простай і зручнай замены файлавага кіраўніка для працы з дакументамі. Таксама даступна воблачная інтэграцыя праз модуль сеціўных контаў GNOME.
Праграма дазваляе:
GNOME ನಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ದಸ್ತಾವೇಜುಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಲುಕಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು, ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಿತವಾಗಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲು ಮತ್ತು ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ನೆರವಾಗುವ ಅನ್ವಯವಾಗಿದೆ.ಇದು ದಸ್ತಾವೇಜುಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ ವ್ಯವಹರಿಸುವಾಗ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಬಳಸಲಾಗುವ ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕಕ್ಕೆ ಸರಳವಾದ ಮತ್ತು ಸುಂದರವಾದ ಒಂದು ಬದಲಿ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯಾಗಿದೆ. ಯಾವುದೆ ಅಡೆತಡೆಗಳಿಲ್ಲದೆ ಕ್ಲೌಡ್ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಯೋಜಿಸುವಿಕೆಯನ್ನು GNOME ಆನ್ಲೈನ್ ಅಕೌಂಟ್ಸ್ ಮೂಲಕ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿರುತ್ತದೆ.
ಇದು ನಿಮಗೆ:
그놈에서 여러분의 문서에 접근하고 정리하며 공유하는 간단한 프로그램입니다. 문서를 취급하려고 파일 관리자를 사용하는 방법보다 간단하고 세련된 기능을 제공합니다. 그놈 온라인 계정을 통한 감쪽같은 클라우드 통합 기능도 있습니다.
이 프로그램에는 다음 기능이 있습니다:
Une semplice aplicazion par acedi, organizâ e condividi su GNOME i propris documents. A je pensade par jessi une alternative semplice e elegant a un file manager te gjestion dai documents. La integrazion cul cloud a je ufierte vie GNOME Online Accounts.
A permet di:
Una semplice applicazione per accedere, organizzare e condividere su GNOME i propri documenti. È pensata per essere un'alternativa semplice ed elegante all'utilizzo di un file manager nella gestione dei documenti. L'integrazione con il cloud è offerta attraverso GNOME Online Accounts.
Permette di:
Eine einfache Anwendung, um Ihre Dokumente in GNOME zu betrachten, zu organisieren und zu teilen. Mit dieser Anwendung soll ein einfacher und eleganter Ersatz für eine Dateiverwaltung bereitgestellt werden, um mit Dokumenten zu arbeiten. Eine direkte Cloud-Integration wird durch die GNOME-Online-Konten angeboten.
Sie ermöglicht Ihnen:
یک برنامه ساده برای دسترسی، مدیریت و اشتراکگذاری سندهایتان در گنوم. این برنامه سعی میکند نسبت به یک برنامه مدیریت پرونده سادهتر و بهتر برای سندها عمل کند. یکپارچهسازی با فضای ابری از طریق «حسابهای برخط گنوم» پشتیبانی میشود.
به شما اجازه میدهد:
Опростено приложение за достъп, организиране и споделяне на документите в GNOME. Предназначено е да бъде олекотен и елегантен заместник на файловия мениджър при работа с документи. Предлага постоянна интеграция с облака чрез регистрациите на GNOME.
Чрез него можете да:
簡單的應用程式,讓你可以在 GNOME 中存取、管理與分享你的文件。它希望能成為以檔案管理程式處理文件的優雅替代計劃。透過 GNOME 網上帳號提供無縫的雲端整合。
En simpel applikation til at tilgå, organisere og dele dine dokumenter i GNOME. Det er påtænkt at være en simpel og elegant erstatning for at bruge et filhåndteringsprogram til at håndtere dokumenter. Problemfri cloud-integration tilbydes gennem GNOME online-konti.
Den lader dig:
GNOME वरील दस्तऐवजांकरिता प्रवेश, आयोजन आणि एकत्रीत वापरकरिता एक सोपे ॲप्लिकेशन. फाइल व्यवस्थापकाचे दस्तऐवज हाताळणीकरिता ते सोपे आणि उत्कृष्ट अदलाबदल पर्याय आहे. GNOME ऑनलाइन अकाँट्समार्फत सिमलेस क्लाउड एकत्रीकरण पुरवले जाते.
तुम्हाला खालील पुरवेल:
Jednostavan program za pristup, sređivanje i deljenje dokumenata na Gnomu. Zamišljen je da bude jednostavna i prigodna zamena korišćenju upravnika datoteka za rukovanje dokumentima. Slično oblačno objedinjavanje se nudi u Gnomovim nalozima na mreži.
Omogućava vam da:
Um aplicativo simples para acessar, organizar e compartilhar seus documentos no GNOME. Ele foi feito para servir como uma substituição simples e elegante de gerenciador de arquivos para lidar com documentos. Integração transparente com a nuvem é oferecida por meio do aplicativo de contas on-line do GNOME.
Ele permite que você:
Yksinkertainen Gnome-sovellus asiakirjojen käyttöä, organisointia ja jakamista varten. Sen on tarkoitus korvata tiedostonhallinta asiakirjoihin liittyvässä työskentelyssä. Saumattoman pilvi-integraation tarjoaa Gnomen verkkotilit.
Sen avulla voit:
Jednostavan program za pristup,organizaciju i dijeljenje vaših dokumenata na GNOME.Namjenjeno jeda bude jednostavna i elegantna zamjena za korištenje upravitelja datoteka za rad sa dokumentima.Integracija oblaka je ponuđena kroz GNOME Online Račune.
To vam omogućuje :
Find what you're looking for on this computer by name or content.
The Desktop Search application is a show case and great application for searching for your content. You can perform powerful queries using globbing, AND/OR key words to conjugate hits and snippets are shown in the resulting hits.
This is the equivalent to Spotlight on Mac, for GNOME.
ProjectGroup: GNOME ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Utility Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Tracker Icon: cached: - name: tracker-gui_system-search.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: tracker-gui_system-search.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-search Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: t/tr/tracker-needle.desktop/694EABE7ACD558F2EF97202E8F129AAD/screenshots/image-1_624x540.png width: 624 height: 540 - url: t/tr/tracker-needle.desktop/694EABE7ACD558F2EF97202E8F129AAD/screenshots/image-1_224x193.png width: 224 height: 193 source-image: url: t/tr/tracker-needle.desktop/694EABE7ACD558F2EF97202E8F129AAD/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 707 height: 612 --- Type: desktop-application ID: tracker-preferences.desktop Package: tracker-gui Name: ca@valencia: Cerca i indexació ja: 検索とインデックス生成 zh_CN: 搜索和索引 sk: Hľadanie a indexovanie sl: Iskanje in priprava kazala C: Search and Indexing fr: Recherche et indexation sr: Претрага и пописивање uk: Пошук і індексування nb: Søk og indeksering ca: Cerca i indexació sv: Sökning och indexering hu: Keresés és indexelés nl: Zoeken en indexeren zh_TW: 搜尋與索引 be@latin: Pošuk i indeksavańnie lt: Paieška ir indeksavimas ar: البحث والفهرسة lv: Meklēšana un indeksēšana pl: Wyszukiwanie i indeksowanie el: Αναζήτηση και ευρετηριοποίηση cs: Hledání a indexování id: Pencarian dan Pengindeksan th: การค้นหาและการทำดัชนี gl: Busca e indexación pt: Procura e indexação es: Búsqueda e indexado et: Otsimine ja indekseerimine eu: Bilaketa eta indexazioa ro: Căutare și indexare ru: Поиск и индексирование tr: Arama ve Dizinleme zh_HK: 搜尋與索引 da: Søgning og indeksering ko: 검색 및 인덱싱 it: Ricerca e indicizzazione de: Suche und Indizierung pt_BR: Pesquisa e indexação en_GB: Search and Indexing bg: Търсене и индексиране sr@latin: Pretraga i popisivanje fi: Haku ja indeksointi bs: Pretraga i indeksiranje Summary: ca@valencia: Configureu la indexació de fitxers del Tracker ja: Tracker でファイルのインデックス化の設定を行います zh_CN: 配置 Tracker 文件索引 sk: Konfiguruje indexovanie súborov sledovačom sl: Nastavitev priprave kazala datotek C: Configure file indexing with Tracker fr: Configurer l'indexation des fichiers avec Tracker sr: Подесите пописивање датотеке уз Трагача uk: Налаштування індексування файлів службою Tracker nb: Konfigurer filindeksering med Tracker ca: Configureu la indexació de fitxers del Tracker sv: Konfigurera filindexering med Tracker hu: A fájlindexelés beállítása nl: Bestandsindexering met Tracker instellen zh_TW: 設定 Tracker 檔案索引 be@latin: Skanfihuruj indeksavańnie fajłaŭ Trackeram lt: Konfigūruoti failų indeksavimą, atliekamą naudojant „Tracker“ programą ar: اضبط فهرسة الملفات بالمقتفي lv: Konfigurēt datņu indeksēšanu, izmantojot Tracker pl: Konfiguracja indeksowania plików za pomocą programu Tracker el: Ρύθμιση ευρετηριοποίησης αρχείου με Tracker cs: Nastavit indexování souborů prohledávačem Tracker id: Tata pengindeksan berkas dengan Tracker th: ตั้งค่าการทำดัชนีแฟ้มของ Tracker gl: Configurar a indexación de ficheiros co Tracker pt: Configurar a indexação de ficheiros com o Tracker es: Configure el indexado de archivos con Tracker et: Trackeri failide indekseerimise seadistus eu: Konfiguratu fitxategien indexazioa Tracker-ekin ro: Configurare indexare fișiere cu Tracker ru: Настройка индексирования файлов службой Tracker tr: İzleyici kullanarak dosya dizinlemeyi yapılandır zh_HK: 設定 Tracker 檔案索引 da: Indstil filindeksering med Tracker ko: 트래커 파일 인덱싱 설정 it: Configura l'indicizzazione dei file con Tracker de: Indizierungseinstellungen von Tracker einstellen pt_BR: Configure a indexação de arquivos com o Tracker en_GB: Configure file indexing with Tracker bg: Настройване на индексирането на файлове чрез Tracker sr@latin: Podesite popisivanje datoteke uz Tragača fi: Muuta Tracker-tiedostoindeksoinnin asetuksia bs: Konfigurišite indeksiranje datoteke sa Tracker-om Description: C: >-The Desktop Search application (usually separately installed) finds content which is indexed only. Using this application, you can quickly configure what data on your system you want indexed or not indexed. Not only that, you get to control how it is indexed to ensure indexing does not impede daily use of your computer.
Some of the preferences you can configure using this application include:
MPlayer plays most MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, supported by many native, XAnim, RealPlayer, and Win32 DLL codecs. It can also play VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia, and DivX movies.
Another big feature of MPlayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, DirectFB, but also SDL.
This package includes the GUI variant of MPlayer.
en: >-MPlayer plays most MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, supported by many native, XAnim, RealPlayer, and Win32 DLL codecs. It can also play VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia, and DivX movies.
Another big feature of MPlayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, DirectFB, but also SDL.
This package includes the GUI variant of MPlayer.
Categories: - AudioVideo - Audio - Video - Player - TV Keywords: C: - Player - Capture - Audio - Music - Song - Video - Movie - Film - Clip - DVD - VCD - CD - Disc - DVB - TV de: - Player - Wiedergabe - Capture - Mitschnitt - Audio - Musik - Lied - Video - Film - Clip - DVD - VCD - CD - Disc - Disk - DVB - TV Icon: cached: - name: mplayer-gui_mplayer.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: mplayer-gui_mplayer.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - audio/x-ms-wma - x-content/video-dvd - video/x-flv - video/ogg - video/vnd.rn-realvideo - application/vnd.adobe.flash.movie - video/3gpp2 - video/mpeg - video/x-ms-wmv - audio/x-ms-asx - video/vnd.mpegurl - audio/x-musepack - x-content/audio-cdda - audio/x-m4b - application/x-cue - video/x-theora+ogg - audio/x-mpegurl - audio/x-wavpack - audio/aac - application/smil - video/x-ogm+ogg - application/x-netshow-channel - video/x-msvideo - video/x-nsv - audio/flac - video/dv - audio/ac3 - x-content/video-vcd - x-content/video-svcd - audio/x-scpls - audio/mpeg - audio/AMR - application/x-shockwave-flash - application/ogg - video/quicktime - audio/basic - audio/mp2 - audio/x-voc - audio/mp4 - audio/x-flac+ogg - video/webm - application/x-cd-image - audio/AMR-WB - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio - audio/x-wav - audio/x-aiff - video/3gpp - application/ram - audio/x-adpcm - application/mxf - video/mp4 - video/x-ms-asf - audio/x-vorbis+ogg - audio/ogg - audio/x-ape - video/x-flic - video/mp2t - video/x-matroska - application/vnd.rn-realmedia - audio/x-matroska - audio/x-flac - x-content/audio-dvd --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Maps.desktop Package: gnome-maps Name: ca@valencia: Mapes he: מפות ja: 地図 sk: Mapy sl: Zemljevidi zh_HK: 地圖 zh_CN: 地图 C: Maps fr: Cartes sr: Карте uk: Карти nb: Kart tg: Харитаҳо ca: Mapes af: Padkaart hu: Térképek pa: ਨਕਸ਼ਾ ne: 'मानचित्र:' sv: Kartor an: Mapas nl: Gnome Kaarten ga: Léarscáileanna lt: Žemėlapiai ar: الخرائط as: মানচিত্ৰ lv: Kartes el: Χάρτες te: పటాలు cs: Mapy eo: Mapoj gl: Mapas pt: Mapas es: Mapas et: Kaardid eu: Mapak ro: Hărți id: Peta pt_BR: Mapas kk: Карталар oc: Mapas kn: ಮ್ಯಾಪ್ಸ್ it: Mappe ko: 지도 fur: Mapis de: Karten fa: نقشهها da: Kort en_GB: Maps pl: Mapy ml: ഭൂപടങ്ങള് is: Landakort tr: Haritalar sr@latin: Karte bs: Karte fi: Kartat ru: Карты zh_TW: 地圖 Summary: ca@valencia: Una aplicació senzilla de mapes he: יישום מפות פשוט ja: シンプルな地図アプリケーション sk: Jednoduchá aplikácia na prezeranie máp sl: Enostaven program za zemljevide zh_HK: 簡單的地圖應用程式 zh_CN: 一款简单的地图应用程序 C: A simple maps application fr: Une application cartographique simple sr: Једноставан програм за карте uk: Проста програма для роботи з картами nb: Et enkelt kartprogram tg: Барномаи оддии харитаҳо ca: Una aplicació senzilla de mapes af: '''n Eenvoudige padkaart-toepassing' hu: Egyszerű térképalkalmazás pa: ਸੌਖੀ ਨਕਸ਼ਾ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ne: सहज मानचित्र अनुप्रयोग sv: Ett enkelt kartprogram an: Una aplicación simpla de mapas nl: Een eenvoudige kaartentoepassing ga: Feidhmchlár simplí léarscáileanna lt: Paprasta žemėlapių programa ar: تطبيق خرائط بسيط as: এটা সাধাৰণ মানচিত্ৰ এপ্লিকেচন lv: Vienkārša karšu lietotnes el: Μια απλή εφαρμογή χαρτών te: ఒక సరళ పటముల అనువర్తనం cs: Jednoduchá mapová aplikace eo: Simpla mapa aplikaĵo gl: Un aplicativo sinxelo de mapas pt: Uma aplicação simples para visualização de mapas es: Una sencilla aplicación de mapas et: Lihtne kaardirakendus eu: Mapen aplikazio xume bat ro: O simplă aplicație cu hărți id: Aplikasi peta sederhana pt_BR: Um simples aplicativo de mapas kk: Қарапайым карталар қолданбасы oc: Una aplicacion cartografica simpla kn: ಒಂದು ಸರಳ ನಕ್ಷೆಗಳ ಅನ್ವಯ it: Una semplice applicazione per le mappe ko: 간단한 지도 프로그램 fur: Une semplice aplicazion par lis mapis de: Eine einfache Karten-Anwendung fa: یک برنامه ساده نقشه da: Et simpelt kortprogram en_GB: A simple maps application pl: Prosty program do wyświetlania map ml: ലളിതമായ ഒരു ഭൂപട പ്രയോഗം is: Einfalt landakortaforrit tr: Basit bir harita uygulaması sr@latin: Jednostavan program za karte bs: Jednostavan program karti fi: Yksinkertainen karttasovellus ru: Простое приложение для карт zh_TW: 簡單的地圖應用程式 Description: he: >-מפות נותן לך גישה מהירה למפות על פני כל העולם. הוא מאפשר לך למצוא במהירות את המקום שאתה מחפש באמצעות חיפוש עיר או רחוב, או לאתר מקום לפגישת חבר.
מפות משתמש במסד הנתונים השיתופי OpenStreetMap, שנוצר על ידי מאות אלפי אנשים על פני כדור הארץ.
ניתן לחפש גם מקום מסוים, כמו „בית קפה ליד הרחוב הראשי, ירושלים” או „מלון קרוב לאוניברסיטה, תל אביב”.
zh_CN: >-地图应用帮您快速访问世界各地的地图。允许您快速定位到城市、街道或约会地点。
地图应用使用了 OpenStreetMap 数据库,该数据库由全球成千上万的人们协同制作。
你甚至可以搜索特定类型的位置,比如“Pubs near Main Street, Boston”或“Hotels near Alexanderplatz, Berlin”。
ja: >-世界中あらゆる場所の地図に簡単にアクセスできます。都市や住所を検索して、お探しの場所をさっと見つけられ、待ち合わせ場所もすぐに特定できます。
この地図アプリは、OpenStreetMap データベースを利用しています。このデータベースは、世界中の膨大な人々が協力して作成しています。
特定のタイプにより検索することができます。場所の特定の種類による検索。例:“Pubs near Main Street, Boston“ あるいは “Hotel near Alexanderplatz, Berlin“
sk: >-Aplikácia Mapy vám poskytuje rýchly prístup k mapám celého sveta. Umožňuje vám rýchlo nájsť miesto, ktoré hľadáte zadaním vyhľadávaného mesta alebo ulice, prípadne zistiť polohu, kde sa máte stretnúť s priateľom.
Aplikácia Mapy používa databázu OpenStreetMap, na ktorej spolupracujú stovky tisícov ľudí na celej zemeguli.
Môžete vyhľadať špecifické typy umiestnení, napríklad „Hostince neďaleko Hlavnej ulice, Boston“ alebo „Ubytovňa neďaleko Alexanderplatzu, Berlin“.
sl: >-Program omogoča hiter dostop do zemljevidov sveta. Omogoča hitro iskanje mest in ulic, različnih javnih prostorov, ki jih je nujno treba obiskati, ali mesta zmenka s prijatelji.
Program uporablja podatkovno zbirko OpenStreetMap database, ki jo ustvarja stotisoče posameznikov na vseh koncih sveta.
ca@valencia: >-El Mapes vos dóna un accés ràpid a mapes d'arreu del món. Vos permet trobar ràpidament el lloc que esteu cercant tant si és una ciutat com un carrer, o ubicar un lloc per trobar-vos amb una amistat.
El Mapes empra la base de dades col·laborativa de l'OpenStreetMap, creat per centenars de milers de persones d'arreu del món.
També podeu cercar per tipus d'ubicacions en concret, com ara «Bars a prop de la plaça Catalunya, Barcelona» o «Hotels a prop d'Alexanderplatz, Berlín».
C: >-Maps gives you quick access to maps all across the world. It allows you to quickly find the place you’re looking for by searching for a city or street, or locate a place to meet a friend.
Maps uses the collaborative OpenStreetMap database, made by hundreds of thousands of people across the globe.
You can even search for specific types of locations, such as “Pubs near Main Street, Boston” or “Hotels near Alexanderplatz, Berlin”.
fr: >-L'application Cartes vous donne un accès rapide à des cartes du monde entier. Elle permet de trouver rapidement un emplacement en recherchant par ville ou par rue, ou de situer un endroit de recontre avec un ami.
Les cartes utilisent la base de données collaborative OpenStreetMap, à laquelle contribuent des centaines de milliers de personnes dans le monde entier.
Vous pouvez même chercher des lieux spécifiques, comme « Restaurants à côté de la Cathédrale de Strasbourg » ou « Hôtels à côté d'Alexanderplatz à Berlin ».
sr: >-Овај програм вам даје брз приступ картама широм света. Омогућава вам да брзо и лако пронађете место које тражите тражећи град или улицу, или да одредите место за сусрет са другарима.
Овај програм користи сарадничку базу података „OpenStreetMap“, коју стварају стотине хиљада људи широм света.
Можете чак и да потражите нека посебна места, као што су „Градски паркови у Јагодини“ или „Хотели у центру Пирота“.
uk: >-Карти надають швидкий доступ до карт по всьому світу. Вони дозволяють швидко знайти місце, яке ви шукаєте, через пошук міста, вулиці, ба визначити місце для зустрічі з друзями.
Карти використовують колективну базу даних OpenStreetMap, яку роблять тисячі осіб по всій планеті.
Можете навіть шукати спеціальні місця, як-от «Паби біля головної вулиці, Бостон» або «Готелі біля Алексендріївської площі, Берлін».
nb: >-Kart gir deg rask tilgang til kart for hele verden. Det lar deg raskt finne stedet du leter etter ved å søke etter en by eller en gate, eller finne et sted å møte en venn.
Kart bruker OpenStreetMap-databasen som er laget av hundretusener av mennesker fra hele verden.
Du kan også søke etter en bestemt type sted, som f.eks. «Pub nær Main Street, Boston» eller «Hoteller nær Alexanderplatz, Berlin».
sv: >-Kartor ger dig snabb tillgång till kartor över hela världen. Det låter dig hitta platsen du letar efter genom att söka efter en stad eller gata eller finna ett ställe att möta en vän på.
Kartor använder kartdatabasen OpenStreetMap, skapad genom samarbete av flera hundratusentals personer över hela världen.
Du kan till och med söka efter specifika platser såsom ”Pub nära Drottninggatan, Stockholm” eller ”Hotell vid Alexanderplatz, Berlin”.
ca: >-Els Mapes us dóna un accés ràpid a mapes d'arreu del món. Us permet trobar ràpidament el lloc que esteu cercant tant si és una ciutat com un carrer, o ubicar un lloc per trobar-vos amb una amistat.
El Mapes empra la base de dades col·laborativa de l'OpenStreetMap, creat per centenars de milers de persones d'arreu del món.
També podeu cercar per tipus d'ubicacions en concret, com ara «Bars a prop de la plaça Catalunya, Barcelona» o «Hotels a prop d'Alexanderplatz, Berlín».
pa: >-ਨਕਸ਼ਾ (ਮੈਪਸ) ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਭਰ ਦੇ ਨਕਸ਼ੇ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਕਰਵਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਤੁਰੰਤ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਜਾਂ ਸੜਕਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਂ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਥਾਂ ਲੱਭਣ ਲਈ ਜਾਂ ਮਿੱਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲਣ ਲਈ ਥਾਂ ਪੱਕਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਮੱਦਦ ਕਰਦੀ ਹੈ।
ਨਕਸ਼ਾ (ਮੈਪਸ) ਸਾਂਝਾ OpenStreetMap ਡਾਟਾਬੇਸ ਵਰਤਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਨੂੰ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਭਰ ਦੇ ਲੱਖਾਂ-ਕਰੋੜਾਂ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਵਲੋਂ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।
ਤੁਸੀਂ ਟਿਕਾਣਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਖਾਸ ਕਿਸਮ ਲਈ ਵੀ ਖੋਜ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ "ਮੇਨ ਸਟਰੀਟ, ਬੋਸਟਨ ਨੇੜੇ ਪੱਬ" ਜਾਂ "ਅਲੈਗਜੈਂਡਰਪਲੇਟਜ਼, ਬਰਲਿਨ ਨੇੜੇ ਹੋਟਲ"।
hu: >-A Térképek gyors hozzáférést ad térképekhez az egész világról. Lehetővé teszi a keresett hely gyors megtalálását település vagy utca keresésével, vagy megtalálni egy a helyet, ahol ismerőseivel találkozhat.
A Térképek az együttműködésen alapuló OpenStreetMap adatbázist használja, amelyet több százezer ember készít a világ minden részén.
Adott típusú helyeket is kereshet, úgymint „Kocsmák a bostoni sétálóutca közelében” vagy „Szállodák a berlini Alexanderplatz közelében”.
af: >-Padkaart gee vinnige toegang tot padkaarte van regoor die wêreld. Dit laat mens toe om vinnig 'n gewenste plek te vind deur te soek vir 'n stad of 'n straat, of om 'n ontmoetingspunt op te spoor.
Padkaart gebruik die gesamentlike OpenStreetMap-databasis, geskep deur honderde duisende mense regoor die wêreld.
an: >-Mapas te ofreix un acceso rapido a mapas de tot o mundo. Te permite trobar puestos rapidament mirando por ciudat u por carrera, u mirar un puesto ta trobar-te con un amigo.
Os mapas fan servir a base de datos colaborativa OpenStreetMap, feita por cients de mils de personas de tot o mundo.
Tamién puede buscar por tipos d'ubicacions especificos como “Tabiernas amán d'o Paseyo d'a Independencia, Zaragoza”u “Hotels amán d'a Plaza d'o Torico, Teruel”.
nl: >-Gnome Kaarten geeft u snelle toegang tot kaarten over de hele wereld. U kunt snel de plaats waarnaar u op zoek bent vinden door te zoeken naar een stad of de straat, of de plek opzoeken om een vriend te ontmoeten.
Gnome Kaarten gebruikt de gemeenschappelijk opgebouwde OpenStreetMap-database, gemaakt door honderdduizenden mensen over de hele wereld.
U kunt zelfs naar specifieke soorten locaties zoeken, zoals "Pubs in de buurt van Main Street, Boston" of "WiFi-toegang in de buurt van Alexanderplatz, Berlijn"
lt: >-Žemėlapiai leidžia jums lengvai pasiekti pasaulio žemėlapius. Ši programa leidžia greitai rasti ieškomą vietą naudojant paiešką pagal miestą ar gatvę bei rasti vietą susitikimui su draugu.
Žemėlapiai naudoja OpenStreetMap duomenų bazę, kurią sukūrė tūkstančiai žmonių iš viso pasaulio.
Taip pat galite ieškoti specifinių vietų, tokių kaip „Barai šalia Gedimino prospekto, Vilnius“ arba „Viešbučiai šalia Basanavičiaus gatvės, Palanga“
lv: >-Kartes dod iespēju ātri piekļūt kartēm visā pasaulē. Tās ļauj ātri atrast kādu vietu, meklējot pilsētu vai ielu, vai atrast vietu, kur sastapt draugus.
Kartes izmanto kolektīvi veidoto OpenStreetMap datubāzi, ko veidojuši tūkstošiem cilvēku visā pasaulē.
Varat pat meklēt noteikta veida vietas, piemēram “Krogi pie gaismas ielas”, vai “Autostāvvieta Ādaži”
as: >-মানচিত্ৰই আপোনাক বিশ্বৰ সকলো মানচিত্ৰলৈ এটা দ্ৰুত অভিগম প্ৰদান কৰে। ই আপোনাক এটা নগৰ অথবা বাটৰ বাবে সন্ধান কৰি আপুনি বিচৰা স্থান দ্ৰুতভাৱে সন্ধান কৰাৰ অনুমতি দিয়ে, অথবা এজন বন্ধুক লগ ধৰিবলৈ এটা স্থান অৱস্থিত কৰাৰ সুবিধা দিয়ে।
মানচিত্ৰই সংযোগি OpenStreetMap ডাটাবেইচ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে, যাক বিশ্বৰ বিভিন্ন প্ৰান্তৰ লোকে সৃষ্টি কৰিছে।
আপুনি বিশেষ ধৰণৰ স্থান, যেনে “Pubs near Main Street, Boston“ অথবা “Hotels near Alexanderplatz, Berlin“ ৰ বাবে সন্ধান কৰিব পাৰিব।
te: >-పటాలు మీకు ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా ఉన్న పటాలకు శీఘ్రంగా ప్రాప్యతను కల్పిస్తుంది. ఒక నగరం లేదా వీధి, లేదా ఒక స్నేహితుడు కలుసుకునే ప్రదేశాన్ని ప్రవేశపెట్టి వెదకడం ద్వారా మీరు వెతుకుతున్న ప్రదేశాన్ని త్వరగా కనుగొనడంలో సహకరిస్తుంది.
పటాలు ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా వేలమంది వ్యక్తుల సహకారంతో తయారుచేయబడిన ఓపెన్స్ట్రీట్మ్యాప్ డేటాబేసును వినియోగిస్తుంది.
el: >-Η εφαρμογή Χάρτες σας παρέχει μια γρήγορη πρόσβαση σε χάρτες από όλο τον κόσμο. Σας επιτρέπει να βρείτε γρήγορα μια τοποθεσία αναζητώντας είτε μια πόλη είτε μια οδό, ή μπορείτε να εντοπίσετε μια τοποθεσία για να συναντήσετε ένα φίλο.
Η εφαρμογή Χάρτες, χρησιμοποιεί την βάση δεδομένων OpenStreetMap, που έχει φτιαχτεί από χιλιάδες άτομα σε όλο τον κόσμο.
Μπορείτε ακόμη και να κάνετε αναζήτηση για καθορισμένους τύπους τοποθεσιών, όπως “Λέσχες κοντά στην Σταδίου, Αθήνα” ή “Ξενοδοχεία κοντά στην Ομόνοια, Αθήνα”.
tg: >-Харитаҳо барои шумо ба тамоми ҳаритаҳои ҷаҳон имкони дастраси зуд медиҳад. Ин барнома ба шумо инчунин имкон медиҳад, ки тавонед шаҳр ё кӯчаи мехостагиро ёфт кунед ё барои бо дӯстон фохӯрдан маконро муайян кунед.
Харитаҳо пойгоҳи иттилоотии OpenStreetMap-ро, ки бо миллионҳо одам аз тамоми ҷаҳон ташкил шудааст, истифода мебарад.
Шумо ҳатто метавонед навъи маконҳои махсусро, монанди “Қаҳвахонаҳо дар назди хиёбони Рудакӣ” ё “Меҳмонхонаҳо дар назди хиёбони Рудакӣ, Душанбе” ҷустуҷӯ кунед.
id: >-Peta memberi Anda akses cepat ke peta di seluruh penjuru dunia. Ini memungkinkan Anda secara cepat menemukan tempat yang Anda cari dengan mencari suatu kota atau jalan, atau menemukan tempat untuk bertemu dengan teman.
Peta memakai basis data kolaboratif OpenStreetMap, yang dibuat oleh ratusan ribu orang di seluruh dunia.
Anda bahkan dapat mencari lokasi dengan tipe tertentu, seperti misalnya "Pub dekat Main Street, Boston" atau "Hotel dekat Alexanderplatz, Berlin".
eo: >-Mapoj donas al vi rapidan aliron al mapoj de la tuta mondo. Ĝi ebligas vin rapide trovi la lokon, kiun vi serĉas, serĉante urbon aŭ straton, aŭ trovi lokon por renkonti amikon.
Mapoj uzas la kunlaboran datumbazon OpenStreetMap, farita de centoj da miloj da personoj tra la tuta mondo.
Vi eĉ povas serĉi specifajn specojn de lokoj, kiel ekzemple “Trinkejo proksime al Main Street, Bostono” aŭ “Hotelo proksime al Alexanderplatz, Berlin”.
cs: >-Aplikace Mapy vám poskytuje rychlý přístup k mapám celého světa. Díky ní můžete rychle najít místo, které hledáte, ať už podle názvu města nebo ulice, nebo určit místo pro setkání s přáteli.
Mapy využívají databázi OpenStreetMap, která vzniká díky spolupráci stovek tisíců lidů z celého světa.
Můžete také hledat určité typy míst, jako „restaurace poblíž ulice Kobližná, Brno“ nebo „hotely poblíž Alexanderplatz, Berlín“.
gl: >-Mapas dálle acceso a mapas de todo o mundo. Permítelle buscar de forma rápida o lugar que está buscando por cidade ou rúa, ou localizar un lugar para encontrarse con un amigo.
Mapa usa a base de datos colaborativa de OpenStreetMap, feita por centos de persoas por todo o mundo.
Incluso pode buscar por tipos de localizacións específicos como «Bares cerca de Rúa Nova, Compostela» ou «Puntos WiFi cerca de Praza de Galiza, Vilagarcía»
es: >-Mapas le ofrece un acceso rápido a mapas de todo el mundo. Le permite encontrar lugares rápidamente buscando por ciudad o por calle, o buscar un lugar para encontrarse con un amigo.
Mapas usa la base de datos colaborativa OpenStreetMap, hecha por cientos de miles de personas de todo el mundo.
También puede buscar por tipos de ubicaciones específicos como «Bares cerca de la Gran Vía, Madrid» u «Hoteles cerca de la Plaza Mayor, Madrid».
et: >-Kaardid kasutavad ühistööna valminud OpenStreetMap andmebaasi, millele on kaasa aidanud tuhanded inimesed üle maailma.
eu: >-Mapek mundu osoan zeharreko mapetarako atzipen azkarra eskaintzen dizu. Bilatzen ari zaren lekua modu azkar batean aurkitzen lagunduko dizu kalearen edo herriaren izena bilatuz, edo bilatu leku bat lagunekin aurkitzeko.
Mapak auzolanean eraikitako OpenStreetMap datu-basea darabil, mundu osoan zehar ehun eta milaka pertsonen artean sortutakoa
Bilatu kokaleku mota zehatz bat, adibidez 'Diru-truke bulegoa, Bilbo' edo 'Hotelak kale nagusia, Bilbo'
pt: >-O Mapas dá-lhe acesso a mapas de todo o mundo. Permite que encontre rapidamente o local que procura, procurando por uma cidade ou rua, ou localizando um sítio para um encontro com um amigo.
A aplicação Mapas utiliza a base de dados colaborativa OpenStreetMap, construída por centenas de milhares de pessoas por todo o globo.
Procure por país, região, cidade ou rua.Procure por tipos de localizações específicas, tais como “Bares perto da Rua Augusta, Lisboa” ou “Hoteis perto de Alexanderplatz, Berlin”.
pl: >-Mapy zapewniają szybki dostęp do map całego świata oraz umożliwiają szybkie wyszukiwanie miejsc według miast i ulic. Pomogą również ustalić miejsce spotkania z przyjaciółmi.
Mapy udostępniane są przez projekt OpenStreetMap, który jest tworzony przez setki tysięcy ludzi z całego świata.
Można nawet wyszukiwać konkretne rodzaje miejsc, takie jak „Puby w pobliżu ulicy Marszałkowskiej, Warszawa” lub „Hotspot Wi-Fi na Rynku, Wrocław”.
tr: >-Haritalar, tüm dünya çapındaki haritalara hızla erişmenizi sağlar. Şehir ya da sokak araması yoluyla, aramakta olduğunuz yeri hızla bulmanıza veya arkadaşınızla buluşacağınız yeri belirlemenize olanak tanır.
Haritalar dünya çapında yüzbinlerce insan tarafından hazırlanan OpenStreetMap ile ortak veritabanını kullanır.
Hatta "Kızılay, Ankara yakınındaki Lokantalar" ya da "Ulus, Ankara yakınındaki Oteller" gibi belirli türde yerleri bile arayabilirsiniz.
kk: >-Карталар қолданбасы сізге дүниежүзі карталарына жылдам қатынауды мүмкін қылады. Оның көмегімен керек болған орынды оның орналасқан қаласын не көшесін енгізу арқылы табуға, немесе доспен кездесу үшін орынды табуға болады.
Карталар қолданбасы қауымдастық ұсынатын OpenStreetMap дерекқорын қолданады, оны дүниежүзінің әр жеріндегі мыңдаған адамдар жасайды.
Сонымен қатар, орналасулардың нақты түрлерін де іздеуге болады, мысалы "Гостиницы Астаны возле Байтерека" немесе "Hotels near Gorky Park, Almaty" (қазақша іздеу әлі мүмкін емес).
ro: >-Hărți vă oferă acces rapid la toate hărțile din lume. Permite găsirea unei locații prin simpla căutare a unei străzi sau oraș, sau localizarea unui punct de întâlnire cu un prieten.
Aplicația Hărți folosește baza de date OpenStreetMap, în regim de colaborare, dezvoltată de către mii de persoane de pe tot globul.
Se pot efectua căutări după criterii specifice, precum „Gara Lipscani, București” sau „Acces Wi-Fi lângă Dumbrava, Sibiu”.
oc: >-L'aplicacion Mapas vos dona un accès rapid a de mapas del monde entièr. Permet de trobar rapidament un emplaçament en recercant per vila o per carrièra, o de situar un endrech de recontre amb un amic.
Las mapas utilizan la banca de donadas collaborativa OpenStreetMap, a la quala contribuisson de centenats de milierats de personas dins lo monde entièr.
Podètz quitament cercar de luòcs especifics, coma « Restaurants al costat de la Catedrala d'Estrasborg » o « Ostalariás al costa d'Alexanderplatz a Berlin ».
is: >-Landakortaforritið gefur aðgang að landakortum hvaðanæva úr heiminum. Það hjálpar þér að finna staði, til dæmis með því að leita að götu eða bæ, nú eða með því að skoða kort til að finna góðan stað til að hitta vinina.
Landakortaforritið notar OpenStreetMap gagnagrunninn, sem er samvinnuverkefni hundruða þúsunda manna víðsvegar um heiminn.
Þú getur líka leitað að sérstökum tegundum staðsetninga, eins og “Pöbbar nálægt Main Street, Boston”, "Myndbandaleigur á Selfossi" eða “Hótel nálægt Alexanderplatz, Berlín”.
ko: >-지도로 전 세계 모든 지도에 빠르게 접근할 수 있습니다. 도시, 거리, 친구를 만날 여러분이 찾는 장소를 빠르게 찾을 수 있습니다.
지도는 전세계 수많은 사람이 함께 만든 OpenStreenMap 데이터베이스를 사용합니다.
"보스턴 번화가 근처의 술집" 또는 "베를린 알렉산더플라츠 근처의 호텔"과 같은 지정된 형식의 위치도 검색할 수 있습니다.
it: >-Mappe fornisce un rapido accesso alla cartografia mondiale. Consente di trovare velocemente i luoghi utilizzando la ricerca per città o per indirizzo e di trovare i luoghi in cui incontrare i propri amici.
Mappe usa il database OpenStreetMap creato dalla collaborazione di centinaia di migliaia di persone da ogni parte del mondo.
È possibile cercare posti specifici, tipo «Pub vicino a Via del Corso, Roma» o «Hotel vicino a Piazza del Duomo, Milano»."
ml: >-ഭൂപടങ്ങള് താങ്കള്ക്കു ലോകത്തിലെ എല്ലായിടത്തെയും ഭൂപടങ്ങളിലേക്കു പ്രവേശനം നല്കുന്നു. ഇത് താങ്കള് അന്വേഷിക്കുന്ന സ്ഥലം നഗരമോ തെരുവൊ തിരയുന്നതിലൂടെ പെട്ടന്നു തന്നെ കണ്ടുപിടിക്കാന് അല്ലെങ്കില് സുഹൃത്തിനെ കാണുവാന് ഒരു സ്ഥലം കണ്ടുപിടിക്കാന് സഹായിക്കുന്നു.
ഭൂപടങ്ങള് സഹകരണപരമായ OpenStreetMap ന്റെ ശേഖരിച്ചു് വചിട്ടുള്ള വിവരങ്ങളും വസ്തുതകളും ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്, ലോകത്തിലെ എല്ലായിടത്തിലേയും നൂറുകണക്കിനു ആളുകള് ചേര്ന്നുണ്ടക്കിയതാണത്.
de: >-»Karten« gibt Ihnen einen schnellen Zugang zu Karten aus der ganzen Welt. Es erlaubt Ihnen, Orte schnell zu finden, indem Sie eine Stadt oder eine Straße suchen, oder einen Ort zu finden, um einen Freund zu treffen.
»Karten« nutzt die gemeinschaftliche OpenStreetMap-Datenbank, die von hunderttausenden Menschen aus der ganzen Welt erstellt worden ist.
Suchen Sie nach bestimmten Arten von Orten, wie »Kneipen in der Nähe von Main Street, Boston« oder »Hotels in der Nähe vom Alexanderplatz, Berlin«.
fa: >-«نقشهها» به شما دسترسی سریع به نقشهها در تمام دنیا را میدهد. این برنامه شما را قادر میسازد با جستوجو برای یک شهر یا خیابان، مکانی را که به دنبالش میگردید بیابید یا مکانی را برای ملاقات با یک دوست مشخّص کنید.
نقشهها از بانکاطلاعاتی مشارکتی OpenStreetMap استفاده میکند، که توسط صدها و هزاران نفر در سراسر دنیا درست شده است.
شما حتی میتوانید نوع خاصی از مکانها را جستوجو کنید، مثل «Pubs near Main Street, Boston» یا «WiFi Access near Alexanderplatz, Berlin»
fur: >-Mapis a ti da un acès veloç a lis mapis ator pal mont. A ti permet di cjatâ di corse il puest che ti interesse cirint citât o vie, o cirî un puest dulà cjatâsi cuntun ami.
Mapis al dopre il database colaboratîf OpenStreetMap, fat da centenârs di miârs di personis ator pal mont.
Tu puedis ancje cirî par specifics gjenars di puescj, come "Pubs near Main Street, Boston" o "Hotels near Alexanderplatz, Berlin”.
pt_BR: >-O Mapas oferece a você acesso rápido a mapas ao redor de todo o mundo. Permite que você localize rapidamente o local que deseja encontrar através da pesquisa por uma cidade ou rua e a encontrar um local para encontrar um amigo(a).
O aplicativo Mapas usa o banco de dados colaborativo do OpenStreetMap, com contribuições de centenas de milhares de pessoas ao redor do planeta.
Você também pode pesquisar por tipos específicos de locais, como "Praias perto de Fernando de Noronha" ou "Universidade perto de Alexanderplatz, Berlin".
en_GB: >-Maps uses the collaborative OpenStreetMap database, made by hundreds of thousands of people across the globe.
ru: >-Приложение «Карты» позволяет получить быстрый доступ к картам по всему миру, находить места в городах, на улицах или указывать места для встречи с друзьями.
Карты используют базу данных OpenStreetMap, созданную сотнями тысяч людей по всеми миру.
Вы также можете искать определённые места, например «Паб, Невский проспект» или «Гостиницы около Александерплац, Берлин».
da: >-Kort giver dig hurtig adgang til kort over hele verden. Det giver dig mulighed for hurtigt at finde stedet du leder efter ved at søge efter en by eller gade, eller et sted hvor du kan mødes med en ven.
Kort bruger den kollaborative OpenStreetMap-database, skabt af flere hundrede tusinde mennesker over hele verden.
Du kan endda søge efter bestemte typer af placeringer, såsom "Pubs near Main Street, Boston" eller "Hotels near Alexanderplatz, Berlin" (Dansk endnu ikke understøttet).
zh_TW: >-《地圖》讓您可以快速存取世界上的地圖。它讓您快速的找到想找的位置,只要搜尋城市或街道,也可以定位要與朋友見面的場所。
《地圖》使用共同協作的 OpenStreetMap 資料庫,由全球各地難以計數的人們共同製作。
您甚至能搜尋指定的位置類型,像是 “Pubs near Main Street, Boston“或是 “Hotels near Alexanderplatz, Berlin“
sr@latin: >-Ovaj program vam daje brz pristup kartama širom sveta. Omogućava vam da brzo i lako pronađete mesto koje tražite tražeći grad ili ulicu, ili da odredite mesto za susret sa drugarima.
Ovaj program koristi saradničku bazu podataka „OpenStreetMap“, koju stvaraju stotine hiljada ljudi širom sveta.
Možete čak i da potražite neka posebna mesta, kao što su „Gradski parkovi u Jagodini“ ili „Hoteli u centru Pirota“.
bs: >-Karte vam daju brz pristup kartama cijelog svijeta.Omogućava vam da brzo nađete mjesto koje tražite , tražeći grad ili ulicu , ili da pronađe mjesto da sretnete priajtelja.
Karte koriste kolaboraticnu OpenStreetMap bazu podataka, napravljenu od strane stotinu hiljada ljudi širom svijeta.
Možete čak tražiti određene vrste mjesta , kao što su "pubovi u blizini Main Street, Boston " ili "Hoteli u blizini Alexanderplatz u Berlinu".
fi: >-Kartat mahdollistaa maailmanlaajuisen karttatiedon käytön nopeasti. Voit paikallistaa haluamasi paikan etsimällä vaikkapa kaupunkia tai katua.
Kartat hyödyntää tuhansien ihmisten yhdessä luomaa OpenStreetMap-tietokantaa.
Voit myös etsiä tietynlaista sijaintia, kuten "Pubit lähellä Kallio, Helsinki" tai "Hotellit lähellä Berliini, Saksa".
zh_HK: >-Maps 讓你可以快速存取世界上的地圖。它讓你快速的找到想找的位置,只要搜尋城市或街道,也可以定位要與朋友見面的場所。
Maps 使用共同協作的 OpenStreetMap 資料庫,由全球各地難以計數的人們共同製作。
你甚至能搜尋指定的位置類型,像是“Pubs near Main Street, Boston“或是“Hotels near Alexanderplatz, Berlin“
Categories: - Utility Keywords: ca@valencia: - mapes he: - מפות ja: - Maps - 地図 - マップ sk: - Mapy sl: - Zemljevidi - Karte zh_HK: - Maps - 地圖 zh_CN: - Maps - 地图 C: - Maps fr: - Cartes sr: - карте - мапе uk: - Карти nb: - Kart tg: - Харитаҳо ca: - mapes af: - Maps - Padkaart - Kaart - Ligging hu: - Térképek pa: - ਨਕਸ਼ਾ ne: - मानचित्र sv: - Kartor an: - Mapas nl: - Maps - Kaarten ga: - Léarscáileanna lt: - Žemėlapiai ar: - خرائط as: - মানচিত্ৰ lv: - Kartes el: - Χάρτες - Maps te: - పటాలు cs: - mapa - mapy eo: - Mapoj gl: - Mapas pt: - Mapas es: - Mapas et: - Kaardid - Kaart eu: - Mapak ro: - Maps - Hărți - Rută - Itinerariu id: - Peta pt_BR: - Mapas kk: - Карталар oc: - Mapas kn: - ನಕ್ಷೆಗಳು it: - Mappe ko: - Maps - 지도 fur: - Mapis de: - Karten fa: - نقشه - نقشهها da: - Kort en_GB: - Maps pl: - Mapy - Położenie - Geografia - GPS ml: - Maps is: - Landakort tr: - Haritalar sr@latin: - karte - mape bs: - Karte fi: - Maps - Kartta - Kartat - Reitit - Reitti ru: - Карты zh_TW: - Maps - 地圖 Url: homepage: http://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Maps Icon: cached: - name: gnome-maps_gnome-maps.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gnome-maps_gnome-maps.png width: 128 height: 128 Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-1_1248x702.png width: 1248 height: 702 - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1248 height: 702 - thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-2_1248x702.png width: 1248 height: 702 - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-2_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-2_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-2_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1248 height: 702 - thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-3_1248x702.png width: 1248 height: 702 - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-3_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-3_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-3_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: org/gnome/Maps.desktop/45F43ADCDAC5E3BC04A37E48BF179885/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 3200 height: 1800 --- Type: desktop-application ID: gcin-tools.desktop Package: gcin Name: C: gcin Tools ja: gcin入力メソッドの設定 zh_CN: gcin 输入法设置 zh_TW: gcin 輸入法設定 Summary: C: Tools for gcin input method ja: gcin zh_CN: gcin 设置工具 zh_TW: gcin 設定工具 Description: de: >-gcin is a GTK+ based input method which focused mainly on Traditional Chinese. However, it is also very useful for Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
uk: >-„gcin“ є заснованим на GTK+ методом введення, який сфокусований головним чином на традиційній китайській. Проте також дуже корисний для спрощеної китайської, японської та багатьох інших мов.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
C: >-gcin is a GTK+ based input method which focused mainly on Traditional Chinese. However, it is also very useful for Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
en: >-gcin is a GTK+ based input method which focused mainly on Traditional Chinese. However, it is also very useful for Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
en_CA: >-gcin is a GTK+ based input method which focused mainly on Traditional Chinese. However, it is also very useful for Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
ru: >-gcin is a GTK+ based input method which focused mainly on Traditional Chinese. However, it is also very useful for Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
zh_TW: >-gcin 是一套為正體中文使用者設計,以 GTK+ 為基礎的輸入法框架,對於簡體中文、日文或其 他的語言輸入,也相當的方便實用。
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
fr: >-gcin est une méthode de saisie basée sur GTK+ qui est portée principalement sur le chinois traditionnel. Cependant, elle est également très utile pour le chinois simplifié, le japonais, et de nombreuses autres langues.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
en_GB: >-gcin is a GTK+ based input method which focused mainly on Traditional Chinese. However, it is also very useful for Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
it: >-gcin è un metodo di input basato su GTK+ che si focalizza principalmente sul cinese tradizionale. Tuttavia, è molto utile anche per il cinese semplificato, il giapponese e molte altre lingue.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
en_AU: >-gcin is a GTK+ based input method which focused mainly on Traditional Chinese. However, it is also very useful for Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages.
To use gcin, the correspondence immodule packages also need to be installed. They are:
* gcin-gtk2-immodule for GTK2 * gcin-gtk3-immodule for GTK3 * gcin-qt4-immodule for Qt4 * gcin-qt5-immodule for Qt5
Categories: - Settings Keywords: C: - input - ime - gcin - keyboard Icon: cached: - name: gcin_gcin.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: gcin --- Type: desktop-application ID: ubiquity-kdeui.desktop Package: ubiquity-frontend-kde Name: C: Install RELEASE Summary: C: Install this system permanently to your hard disk Description: fr: >-Ce paquet fournit une interface utilisateur KDE pour l'installateur du live CD Ubiquity.
ru: >-Этот пакет содержит KDE-интерфейс для Ubiquity (программы для установки системы с live CD).
C: >-This package provides a KDE-based user interface frontend for the Ubiquity live CD installer.
de: >-Dieses Paket stellt eine KDE-basierte Benutzeroberfläche für das Ubiquity- Live-CD-Installationsprogramm bereit.
en: >-This package provides a KDE-based user interface frontend for the Ubiquity live CD installer.
gl: >-Este paquete fornece gráficos da interface de usuario baseada en KDE para o instalador desde CD ao vivo Ubiquity.
Categories: - System Keywords: C: - ubiquity Icon: cached: - name: ubiquity-frontend-kde_ubiquity-kde.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ubiquity-frontend-kde_ubiquity-kde.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: lshw-gtk.desktop Package: lshw-gtk Name: C: Hardware Lister es: Listar equipamiento Summary: C: Provides information on hardware ca: Proveeix informació sobre el maquinari es: Ofrece información sobre el equipamiento instalado Description: pl: >-Niewielkie narzędzie do udzielenia szczegółowych informacji o konfiguracji sprzętowej komputera. Umożliwia tworzenie sprawozdania z dokładnej konfiguracji pamięci, wersji oprogramowania, konfiguracji płyty głównej, wersji procesora oraz jego szybkości, konfiguracji pamięci podręcznej, szybkości magistrali, itp. na systemach x86 zdolnych do współpracy z DMI, na niektórych komputerach PowerPC (znane jako PowerMac G4) oraz AMD64.
Pakiet dostarcza lshw-gtk (wersja GTK+).
de: >-Ein kleines Werkzeug, das detaillierte Informationen über die Hardwarekonfiguration des Rechners liefert. Es kann die exakte Speicherkonfiguration, Firmware-Version, Mainboardkonfiguration, CPU- Version und -Taktung, Cachekonfiguration, Busgeschwindigkeit, usw. auf DMI-fähigen x86-Systemen, einigen PowerPCs (PowerMac G4 funktioniert auch) und AMD64 anzeigen.
Dieses Paket enthält die GTK+-Version »lshw-gtk«.
zh_CN: >-一个提供关于本机硬件配置的详细信息的小工具。它可以确切报告内存配置、 固件版本、主板配置、CPU 版本和速度、缓存配置和总线速度等信息。适用 范围包括带有 DMI 功能的 x86 系统、某些 PowerPC 的机器(已知 PowerMac G4 可用)和 AMD64 的机器等。
这个软件包提供了基于 GTK+ 的图形界面支持。
pt_BR: >-Uma pequena ferramenta para fornecer informações detalhadas da configuração de hardware da máquina. Pode relatar a configuração exata de memória, versão de firmware, configuração de placa-mãe, versão e velocidade de CPU, configuração de cache, velocidade de barramento, etc. em sistemas x86 com suporte a DMI, em algumas máquinas PowerPC (sabe-se que funciona com o PowerMac G4) e em máquinas AMD64.
Este pacote fornece o lshw-gtk (a versão GTK+)
sl: >-Majhno orodje, ki zagotavlja podrobne podatke o nastavitvah strojne opreme za napravo. Poroča lahko natančno nastavitev pomnilnika, različico programske strojne opreme, nastavitev matične plošče, različico in hitrost CPE, nastavitev predpomnilnika, hitrost vodil, itd. na DMI-zmožnih sistemih x86, na nekaterih napravah PowerPC (PowerMac G4 deluje) in AMD64.
Ta paket vsebuje lshw-gtk (različica GTK+)
pt: >-Uma pequena ferramenta para fornecer informação detalhada da configuração de hardware da máquina. Pode indicar a configuração exacta da memória, versão de firmware, configuração da motherboard, versão e velocidade de CPU, configuração de cache, velocidade de bus, etc. em sistemas x86 capazes de DMI, em algumas máquinas PowerPC (sabe-se que funciona no PowerMac G4) e AMD64.
Este pacote fornece o lshw-gtk (a versão GTK+)
C: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
uk: >-Маленька утиліта, яка надає інформацію про апаратне забезпечення комп'ютера. Наприклад, про: оперативну пам'ять, версію мікропрограмного забезпечення, конфігурацію об'єднувальної плати, центральний процесор, частоту системної шини, тощо, на DMI-сумісних x86 системах, на деяких PowerPC машинах (PowerMac G4 точно підтримується) та AMD64
Цей пакунок надає lshw-gtk (версія GTK+).
en: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
ru: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
Этот пакет содержит lshw-gtk (версию для GTK+)
ja: >-マシンのハードウェア構成に関する詳細情報を提供する小さなツールです。DMI を 利用可能な x86 システム、いくつかの PowerPC マシン (PowerMac G4 は動作確認 済) や AMD64 マシン上で、正確なメモリの構成、ファームウェアバージョン、マ ザーボードの構成、CPU バージョンおよび動作速度、キャッシュの構成、バス速度 などを報告できます。
本パッケージは、(GTK+ 版の) lshw-gtk を提供します。
es: >-Una pequeña herramienta que proporciona información detallada de la configuración de hardware del equipo. Informa de la configuración exacta de la memoria, la versión de firmware, la configuración de la placa base, la versión y la velocidad del procesador, la configuración de la caché, la velocidad del bus, etc. en sistemas x86 con soporte DMI, en algunos equipos PowerPC (se sabe que con PowerMac G4 sí funciona) y en AMD64.
Este paquete provee lshw-gtk (la versión GTK+)
fr: >-Petit outil qui fournit des informations détaillées sur la configuration matérielle de la machine. Il peut rapporter la configuration exacte de la mémoire, la version du micrologiciel, la configuration de la carte-mère, la version et la vitesse du processeur, la configuration du cache, la vitesse du bus, etc, sur des systèmes x86 compatibles avec DMI, sur certaines machines PowerPC (le PowerMac G4 est connu pour fonctionner) et AMD64.
Ce paquet fournit lshw-gtk (la version GTK+).
en_CA: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
en_GB: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
it: >-Un piccolo strumento per fornire informazioni dettagliate sulla configurazione hardware della macchina. Può riportare l'esatta configurazione della memoria, la versione del firmware, la configurazione della scheda madre, la versione e la velocità della CPU, la configurazione della cache, la velocità del bus, ecc. su sistemi x86 con capacità DMI, su alcune macchine PowerPC (è noto che funziona per PowerMac) e su AMD64.
Questo pacchetto fornisce lshw-gtk (versione GTK+).
da: >-Et lille værktøj til at tilbyde detaljerede information om konfigurationen for maskinel på maskinen. Værktøjet kan rapporter præcis hukommelseskonfiguration, firmwareversion, bundkortkonfiguration, CPU- version og hastighed, konfiguration for mellemlager, bus-hastighed etc. på DMI-kapable x86-systemer, på nogle PowerPC-maskiner (PowerMac G4 vides at virke) og AMD64.
Denne pakke tilbyder lshw-gtk (GTK+-versionen).
en_AU: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: lshw-gtk_lshw-gtk.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: lshw-gtk_lshw-gtk.png width: 128 height: 128